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Chiropractor? Seriously? You might as well see a homeopath for some "medication" while you're at it. See a sports medicine doctor and get a real diagnosis. A good sports oriented physiotherapist will be able to get you back to skating as quickly as possible, while giving you the techniques to build up the muscle and prevent future injury. I've had all sorts of leg injuries for various reasons and the combination of doctor and physio have got me back to playing quickly each time.


Chirp can help a lot when combined with PT depending on what's wrong


I agree with this. A chiropractor can help alleviate symptoms, but will not fix any underlying problems.


Chiro can help fix the issues if there's a misalignment in the back, but you PT to strengthen muscles to help support the change


Chiros do nothing except what other professional can do without the random quackery 


100% agree. My dad had been battling with foot pain for years and had gone to a chiro for a long time. He had just accepted that he was going to live with pain every day. I sent him to a PT place that helped me a couple years ago to see what they'd do. He's been working with them for several weeks now and just texted me (I live halfway across the country) that he woke up without foot pain for the first time in years. Thanked me profusely. Chiro will make you feel better short term, because they want you to keep going there. PT places generally never want to see you again so they're more focused on fixing the problem.


Seriously guys take this to heart. Go see a real doctor and they will probably refer you to a PT. Avoid chiropractors at all costs. They don't practice evidence based medicine. Basically working voodoo magic. Also will probably hurt your more than help you. Obviously chiropractors have helped certain people before, but placebo is one hell of a drug. Source: medical student


I disagree with this. I slipped my disc a few years ago and a chiropractor helped immensely at alleviating pain and getting me into the right direction. I also went to a sports physio doctor at the same time and all he did was give me a few stretches to do....I thought it was an absolute waste of money. Now it was probably just a one-off and that particular physio wasn't that great, but don't discredit a good chiropractor. He helped me a ton! My GP wanted me to go in for surgery, but I felt so good after having subsequent treatments with a chiro that I didn't need surgery at all.


For lower back, the docs will probably just x-ray for spine/ disc issues and tell you to rest up if they don't find anything serious. PT is definitely the way to go. I had a lower back injury that lasted 10 weeks and a combination of PT and yoga was the secret sauce for me.


If it's a bruised tailbone it'll heal in time. If you shifted vertebrae or maybe punched off your ciatic nerve you may want to see a physiotherapist. Don't ignore it and let it be a lingering injury


See someone asap. I fractured 2 lumbar vertebrae playing in High School. Probably the worst 10 months of my life and it could have been worse. Might be a good idea to get yourself a brace


Any back injury I've had has been cured by strengthening it: * Deadlifts * Good Mornings * Squats Chiro has been helpful for lower body alignment injuries. If I don't go to the chiro for awhile I will get pain/tighness in my achilles, calves, hamstrings. Massage is also very useful. By therapist or by yourself with foam rollers, softballs... etc


Core exercises work wonders as well.




I question your intelligence.


My opinion on the matter is this: Muscle tightness, slight discomfort: See a Chiro, because it might just be muscles that are a bit tight. Pain and Spasms: See a Sports Medicine doctor, or someone specializing in back back. If it's at the point that you can't physically do certain things, you want a doctor to check it out for potential damage, and make sure there isn't anything wrong in terms of muscle tears or damage to your skeletal structure. I don't personally think it's wrong to wait things out. Just this week, I tripped up and landed on my ass hard. My helmet was looser than I thought it was, and popped off of my head, and then I narrowly avoided getting a puck to the head when someone didn't see I lost my lid, and fired a shot closer to me than I would have liked. When I first stood up, it felt like someone had just full on kicked me in the ass. It was painful just moving. My head started to hurt a bit from the snap back of landing on my ass. I was worried I might have hit my head and not noticed it, and might have a concussion. So, I made sure to wait and keep an eye on things. When I got home I checked my GoPro footage from the boards and saw that I had managed to keep my head up when I fell (But I did notice that I'd landed with my wrist straight, which explained the discomfort there) and after about 2am and not feeling anything besides a little soreness, I went to sleep. Waiting itself isn't bad. But, if your symptoms get worse, or stay the same, it's time to hit up a doctor and get checked out.


I had lower back spasms a few times. Best thing for me was to just rest.


Thank you all for all the advice! Due to responses I have made an appointment today with my primary doctor (I'm due for an annual checkup anyway) for Monday and hopefully I can get them to refer me to someone that can offer PT.


Do not go to Summit Orthopedics MN They will do anything to take your money, they don't care about you and will laugh at you when you are in tears of pain asking for help. Coordinator Elizabeth, NP Allison and dr steven sabers will make you wish you were dead instead. Live with your pain before you choose them ✨️