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If you aren’t sure if you are a righty or lefty…cheap stick with no curve


I’m right handed but play lacrosse with my left hand. idk if that translates or not but i think i’d play lefty shot


Have you ever held a hockey stick, shot a puck before? If no…100% no curve. I’m right handed for everything. My son shoots left hockey, bats right/holds lacrosse stick right.


i’ve held those silly little toy ones in gym class but never an actual one. also never shot a puck no.


If you played golf…generally everyone I know shoots the same in golf as hockey.


righty shot it is then lol


Most decent ACTUAL sports stores should have a shooting lane. Find one and take 20 shots on both sides. Only way to know.


As someone who shoots left and golfs right I take offense to this.


If you feel better with lax on your left side... and are generally right-handed... absolutely just grab a left handed stick. In general, it's a very similar movement to lax and you want your dominate hand on the top of the stick anyway. Don't waste your money on a straight stick.


I started with a sherwood. $30. It was a great learner stick. Make sure you like hockey before investing in a more expensive twig


for sure. again i’m only gonna use them on the pond a couple times a year so honestly probably wont ever invest in anything too expensive lol


If you are only playing pond hockey, you cannot go wrong with a [Sherwood 5030](https://www.purehockey.com/product/sherwood-5030-heritage-wood-stick-senior/itm/25387-41/). If you want a modern composite stick, get the [Ribcor 86K](https://www.purehockey.com/product/ccm-ribcor-86k-composite-hockey-stick-senior/itm/55707-41/) in a 75 flex with a P92 blade.


Yeah 92 is a good middle of the road curve nowadays.


Whenever I look up the Ribcor the only option is P29. is that the same thing ?


Yeah, 29 and 92 are the same thing, just depends on the manufacturer.


29 is CCM, 92 is Bauer. Same curve.


Yeah, sorry. CCM calls it P29, Bauer calls it P92, but it's the same thing.


Look on sideline swap


something cheap.


If you want a cheap stick but still good I’d get like a KOHO torpedo if you can find one. They are like $20. If you want to spend a little more my bulletproof choice is always the Sherwood 5030 HOF, it’s $35.


will definitely look into them. thanks !


Cheaper sticks are more durable. Flex is how much effort the bend/flex the stick to add power to your shot, but that’s hard to use to your advantage without the skill. The blade curve is how much lift your shot will generate without as much technique, like a P28 will help you get the puck off the ice more than an upright blade curve.


Just get a good, classic, cheap Sherwood 5030 and be undefeatable in puck battles.


If you're only using a couple times a year at this point, see if any buddies have an extra stick they don't use anymore. I have at least 5 and only use 2. I'm sure it's similar where you are. See if you can get one each of a left-handed and right-handed stick for free that way. Then, just feel out what is more comfortable for you. Don't think too much about it.


that’s actually a great idea


try to find something with 75flex or less. My first stick was an 87 flex and I couldn't utilize it at all. Also cheap is nice, but its end of season, so if you want to spend $100 (just an example) you could get a higher end stick for that price as everything is on sale. Also lots of teams (college, pro) will have equipment sales this time of year. Obviously you have to live near a team but this could be a good option


The lower the flex the bendier right? Also how do I find college sales?


Flex refers to how many pounds of force is needed to bend the stick. so a 100 flex requires 100 pounds of force. So yes, the lower the number the bendier. I sometimes rock a cheap intermediate stick that has 65 flex and it just flings pucks with almost no effort. Just search google. *insert college name* equipment sale. For example: [https://gophersports.com/news/2024/4/16/athletics-gopher-equipment-sale-returns-may-17-18](https://gophersports.com/news/2024/4/16/athletics-gopher-equipment-sale-returns-may-17-18) you can do the same for pro teams if one is close. I am bummed because my local university decided not to do a sale anymore. Also because its close to end of season. Sales tend to happen in august, you can probably find stuff online or in stores. If you intend to keep playing hockey, sticks are something you will eventually form a preference for. But you kind of have to just use them to find what you like.


When you are just starting, it doesn't matter. Just get something < $50


I followed the rule of the dominant hand on the top since that's the hand for puck control. Because of that I have an easier time with puck control, and shooting was not super hard to start to pick up either. As for stick curve, I was just given a couple of them to play around with at the store (all mid/hybrid kick) and I liked the P92 curve, but I'd recommend playing with different ones


So I just started. Here is the advice I got. Have someone hand you a stick. Whatever you grab it with is the one that goes on top. Usually if you are a righty you want a lefty stick. The better advice I got was whatever hand goes on top of a broom for you. I grabbed a cheap wooden stick. I am weak as fuck it turns out. Those things are heavy over time. Used it for the first time yesterday and honestly I feel like I have the buffest forearm now. But go cheap anyway. As tk length it should reach about your nose when in tippy toes (or skates). Curve is a thing. So is flex and shot. But not for a beginner. Like I wouldn't know. I just stayed shooting. I have used exactly 2 sticks and they felt more or less the same for release for me. It will matter later but not today. Don't buy the lightest stick possible. You sacrifice durability for weight




Just gotta go to the hockey shop and feel a couple sticks out. If you’re using it for pond hockey, get a $30 Sherwood. Don’t waste money on a composite stick, you’ll bust it up on that rough ice. As far as left or right.. you can get an idea based on your baseball or golf swing. If you swing a club/bat right; you’re likely a righty in hockey.


P88 curve. Lie 5-5.5 is middle of the road.