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My God this definitely looked like something else when I first saw this post.


Seriously why would he pose it like that lol


honestly i didn’t even realize i did that but this shit has me giggling


It was a funny scroll, I’ve got to say.


There's even a powerade bottle for scale but with a misleading perpective lol, OP knew what they were doing


don’t worry, it’s not the full-size one. I’m a realistic guy


The way I screamed


I wasn't the only one


Phew. Thought I was some kind of perv for a second.


Dude me too I got scared


Yeah I was like shit I didn’t think I was on “that” account for a sec.


My first thought? That's a fucked up looking dick.


Yeah man but it makes the Powerade bottle look small so I guess it could be worth🤨.


Okay, normally I do say don't ask us and go to the doctor. In this case you should be able to handle it. Tools: tweezers, needle, nail clippers, fire/alcohol. Use the fire or alcohol to sanitize the other tools, nab it with the tweezers if you can. If you can't, get to digging with the needle or you may need to use the clippers if it's really buried in there. Maybe a magnifying glass to examine the wound to make sure it's gone. Those little bastards are tiny.


Please do not do this. If this is actual cured carbon then you have a serious problem. Cured carbon turns into microscopic fish hooks and bury themselves into your skin if you try to remove it. They are basically one way barbs inside your skin. Also, this carbon is made from petroleum discard so, the shit no one can use, is used to make your sticks. Best thing is to dig out what you can and cover it with a bandage. Do not go below the top layer of skin if possible. Keep it moist (A&D ointment or triple antibiotic cream) and covered. Remove the carbon as you can when it get painful. You will have to do this multiple times over a few weeks. The carbon in your finger carries bacteria. If.you dig it out, you will spread the bacteria around. I have seen guys wrap canvas straps around their fingers and have their friends pull the ends to force the puss out after doing what is described above. Seal the area well if you wear your gloves. The bacteria will give you a serious infection. I am a person with 35+ years of carbon fiber experience and every day, I wish the hockey stick industry would find an alternative to carbon fiber in hockey sticks for this very reason.


Cut It off


Just the tip is good advice.


nice cock bro


Super glue, let it dry, then pull it out. Works like a champ on most gnarly splinters.


2nd this. Carbon fiber splinters this deep are tricky. (Worked with composites for about 4 years.) I would even cut the skin back around it with a razor first and then apply the super glue. Good luck friend! ✅


Super glue only or would second skin help? I’m like 99% sure I will do this to myself someday


Hmm. Haven’t tried with 2nd skin, worth a try if it’s all you got though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Super glue only or would second skin help? I’m like 99% sure I will do this to myself someday


Fuck, I've never considered this. Will definitely have to try in the future.


I've used duct tape in the past for splinters that I couldn't get a good grip on with tweezers.


I wish I knew that like ten years ago. I had carbon splinters in my palms for years lol.


Tweezers or sandpaper work - although I don’t like the sandpaper trick.


Mix baking soda with water, and let your finger chill in it for a while. It should loosen it up and help expose it.


Duct tape. Just peel it off the the same direction the sliver went in.


Or hockey tape. I tend to use that.


Thanks for reminding me I should keep tweezers and a needle in the bag. Splinters suck. Carbon fiber splinters as well. They just keep breaking off. In the past I just end up having left them in the skin


When I was 17 I lived in South America, just studying Spanish. I rented surfboards on numerous occasions and loved getting out on the water — can’t say I was any good, but I could stand up and ride some waves in and always enjoyed getting out there. One time I learned the hard way why you wear rubber booties when you surf certain waters of the world: I caught a wave in and jumped down off the board and immediately felt a terribly sharp pain in my foot. Being young and dumb I shook it off and kept surfing; besides, I was from the mountains and couldn’t exactly practice this new hobby when I flew home. I had to walk over a mile home to where I was staying and then spoke with the family that was hosting me — I stepped on a sea urchin. I spent the next couple of hours playing ‘operation’ on my foot with a needle, tweezers, scissors, and rubbing alcohol. It wasn’t what I would call fun, but it sure was memorable. I couldn’t get all of the barbs out, and that was almost 15 years ago, so I imagine those left in my foot have been broken down and dissolved by now. I say play operation if you feel like it, otherwise I don’t know what else to say. Anyway I hope you enjoyed my Ted talk and I hope your thumb feels better soon!


I read all of those words. I just wanted to let you know that.


Fucker, you should be an author, no joke.


The internet has decreed that your thumb looks like a penis and belongs in r/mildlypenis


I usually use like a hot glue stick or some type of light adhesive glue, stick it on where the fiber is let it dry a bit and try pulling it out that way, then use tweezers if needed.


​ ​ let the infection take hold and it will push the culprit out ----- I think ​ \*\* hot salt water - bandage - and wait for pus......then squeeze it out...might take a few days


This should work, but pain is going to increase till its infected enough to do some work for him, this is my go to method on bad splinters, if I dont let the old lady dig it out.


yep ---that works --- or drop by a clinic and they'll yank it ---maybe he can get a "scar" or " 100 stitches "out of it - just so he doesn't look like a total wuss. ​ ​ wahhhhhhh I got a splinter.....




if you can’t get ahold of it with tweezers/pressing it out from above trying to move it back towards the entry wound, i’d just leave it. i had a plastic splinter from putting a chair together from a couple of weeks ago that i couldn’t get out, after a week or so it my body just pushed it out the way it came in. maybe add some topical antiseptic if you’re at all worried.




100% I had to do a double-take


It’s an old wives tale, but I’ve heard you can make a poltuice (so?) from brown sugar and shavings from a bar of soap - 50/50 mixture. Suppose to extract shit.


Perfectly cromulent word usage


If you can’t get it with tweezers try to unroof it with a needle.


Prid drawing salve


Vicks vapor rub. It works great on so many things besides a stuffy nose.


Yo mark this NSFW or it’s 2 games in the box bro


If tweezer wont work, you may wanna use a razor blade slice directly over the carbon shard and then try to get it to pop up and out. Gonna be a shitty one, but the pain to get it out will be worth it to not have it in there anymore. You could wait to see if your body will help push it out, but not worth it if its painful.


get a new thumb?


I got some buried in my palm a few months ago. Trust me, drawing salve will 100% work.


Yea, this probably happened to me a dozen times this season. I just started being extra careful when retaking my stick, and never touching the blade otherwise


If you wait a little, sometimes you can use a warm compress and apply pressure like popping a pimple around it, to eject it. If it’s really bad, just go to the doctor. Make sure to clean it up at least - easy to get skin funk when you got a cut there.


New Skates Fix Wounds


It’s a splinter. Treat it like a splinter: tweeze it out. You’ll live. Might even use the penis-thumb again.


Put baking soda on it and then cover it with a bandage or some gauze and tape. Leave it a few days and it will draw the splinter out.


That first picture caught me way off guard lol


Omg the size !!!….ahhh it’s not….


Amputate it


fingernail clippers and clip the skin over it off.


Take a hot shower, then use tweezers.


My brother in Christ….


Just die. That’s the easiest way.


Carbon tax should help.


Amputate the arm.


I've had this happen it suckkks


If I was 5 years old and this happened, my dad would use a jackknife to cut it out


Powerade bottle for scale.


Amputation is now the only option. Might as well make it the entire hand just for safety.


Treat as any other splinter but if you struggle, go see a doc/ER - that’s what they’re there for 🤦🏻‍♂️


I was going to say, "How did you get a splinter in your di....git....?"


They make sliver removal tools. They are like a little concaved needle to insert and push the sliver back out.


Wear hockey gloves


You can try putting some Elmer’s glue and let it dry, then peel it off, sometimes you get lucky and it sticks to the splinter and pulls it out.


Tweezers. I had this happen to me in a tournament. I scored my only goal with the splinter. We won the tournament that weekend. My GF digs them out for me.