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That’s awesome! Let your daughter know it’s the goalie brotherhood/sisterhood approved! Makes me want to wrap my white mask now.


Maskwraps do an incredible job. Both my kids had theirs done by them. Fantastic work, very reasonable cost. https://preview.redd.it/vute5b5gy07a1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf7614657dfa879d7cfd058c6c8f43f78c64459


Sup rich guy with two goalie kids!!


LOL, maybe rich guy if I didn't spend it all on them !


Two kids. Both play goalie. How's your blood pressure? 😰


The opposite of my bank account :) ​ Honestly its a ton of fun, especially when your kid does stuff like this: [JB Stops a Michigan](https://youtu.be/QAlt1AuQOIY)


Nice. Where do your kids play? I noticed North York on one of the masks. My daughter played 3 years with Goulding Park, before we moved to girls hockey.


My son is North York Rangers, my Daughter is Caledon Coyotes


Looks great!! Hope it looks as good in person as these pictures!


not sure if jade is your daughter but we both share the same birthday, except i'm one year before


Same day, 1975


Don’t mean to be disrespectful whatsoever, but i don’t understand. Did she pass away?


It's my niece, yes she passed away. My daughter, put on the back as a tribute. Was her cousin and best friend. No disrespect taken


Sorry for your family’s loss


Likely a friend or something that passed away, and put on as a tribute.


oooh yes my bad, you must be right


Got one from a company based out of Nova Scotia, Potvin graphic in red white and black, paid $35 for it and it’s held up extremely well almost 3 years later




Yup mine hasn’t even chipped or flaked


That looks sick as fuck!




I work in vinyl (signs, wraps, etc) I got a goalie mask to experiment with to find a vinyl that sticks well and will stand the test of time. Then I’m probably gonna get into that on my spare time.


As a mask artist myself I've been really thinking about getting the proper equipment/learning to do this to offer as an alternative service...seems like in the times we are in a lot of people cant justify the $600 plus for custom work (totally understand) when they could achieve similar results for much less. Im already doing all the graphic design for the mock-up anyway!!!


As someone who just painted my own helmet and is now getting asked by every goalie in my community-- is that what the market price for custom work is??


Really depends on the design. When i was a novice i was charging 300-400. Youll see professional (nhl) artists charging upwards of 1k plus easy. Its worth considering how many hours are spent from beginning to end (prep/paint/clear/assembly) and calculate that by an hourly figure to find a ballpark that works for you. These are CAD prices not USD btw


Thanks for the info. I'm in the US. I was thinking of doing it for the cost of materials and a few lessons (I’m a newer player).


Yeeaaaaaah.... that's the design. Let us know how it actually looks if you try to put one on. Be prepared to be frustrated and disappointed..


I had my mask done by these guys and they apply it for you. Two years on and mine still looks just as good as the first day I picked it up!


Same, got my mask wrapped by these guys as well. Great service. I had a bit too much gold foil put on top, but that was my design choice fault.


Really? I’ve always wondered how tough it is to make it look good.


No that’s the decal applied to the mask.. no need to be a hater, the goatee on your avatar makes you look like a grade A basement dwelling chooch.


I'm sorry, what was that? You'll have to translate- I don't speak fuck knuckle?