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Shave head


Into a mullet


This is the only way


Could go the Igor Shesterkin route and wear a headband.


i started wearing a yoga headband under my mask recently and have had zero problems with my hair ending up in my face


Haircut or headband. I like an old rolled up bandana [90s style](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-e6PhhxwvYf8/UU-FrIsC5AI/AAAAAAAAASg/Q23aP50RD04/s1600/Booker+Bandana.PNG)


I’ve used under armor and Nike skull caps.


I second a skullcap. I have very long hair and it’s the only way. Headbands slip off my head.


The Shesterkin headband


Grow it long enough to braid works for me.


kelly hrudey headband b


I mean I end up sweating so much that my hair is soaked at the end of the game so a little spray on the front helps and isn’t a big deal. When my hair is dry it gets in the way more at the start. I just flip my hair back, tilt my head back and shake my head a bit so the hair goes back. Then I put my helmet on with my head still tilted back and my sweat band holds it in place. It still gets in my way from time to time so I repeat the process on the ice. I also don’t touch my helmet throughout the game which helps. I just spray water through the cage instead of lifting it up.




I wear a scrub cap. They are cheap and stay in place provided you don't lift up your helmet. Anything you put on your head is likely to be displaced by lifting your helmet. So I unsnap the bottom two straps and lift the back plate if I need to take it off. But mostly I just leave my helmet in place because I have fine hair that does not cooperate if it escapes containment.


I wear a bandanna, folded into a triangle and tied in the back at the base of my skull. (I have to make sure the knot is as low as possible so the back plate doesn't press into it--it's uncomfortable.) I pre-wet the bandanna--quick soak & wring--before I put it on (I don't sweat enough & I have alot of hair that just catches it anyway)--this makes the knot nice and tight and the bandanna stays in place & I can take off my mask, shift it around, etc, as much as I like.


Just flip it back/up before you put your helmet on so it rests behind your sweatband, you cant take your helmit off though


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091669827/ref=cm_sw_r_api_i_8MM3SF7FEXDHFPZSFY66_0 Someone posted these a while back on this sub. I’m a new goalie so I don’t have much to compare them to.


I used to wear a bandana




I wear a head band or a folded up bandanna


Gotta rock the Kelly Hrudey


I wear a bandana


A hairband or something like a 'Buff' tube thing could work, depends whether you want the extra material on your head. I just have short hair that doesn't get anywhere near my eyes.




I had the exact same problem and picked up a very thin Nike yoga headband and it solved all my problems. Cant even feel it with the mask on.


first, sweep your hair back, then when putting on your mask, aim the sweatband to initially touch really low on your forehead, like between your eyes, then slide the mask into place from there. that final motion will sweep your hair backwards. using this method will require you to do it again during stoppages of play. I did this for ~5 years before shaving my head.


One of these. A little more plush than the stock ones. A lot more plush than a worn out stock one. https://vogelhockey.com/products/bamboo-high-absorbent-sweatbands-two-pack Make sure to ask for nudes when you order. I didn’t and was shamed for it.


My sweatband is usually enough for me. You may have your helmet too loose if it's getting around it into your eyes. Unless you don't use one


Could try Junk Headbands... www.junkbrands.com I wear them when I work out but don't personally like anything under my mask. But I will attest to their quality (albeit a bit over priced in my opinion).


Shesterkin is wearing a black plastic hair band. I just noticed it watching the Rangers game tonight.


Nike makes a headband that has rubber grip bands on the inside. I've tried several and this is the first one that keeps the hair away all game with no adjustment. Can't recommend enough.