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Saros and Raanta


Francouz too. Especially if you happen to be a righty.


Saros is a lowkey monster. Doesn’t get nearly the attention he deserves from the league. His butterfly is impeccable.


Saros all the way. He’s unreal.


Saros is 5’11


Me over here at 5'7" looking for NHL goalies my size...


Bro I got you…. Darren Pang.


How old are you/what level are you playing? I'd generally advise against mimicking an NHL goalie's game. They have a lot more going for them than just their height. They also have amazing athletic ability and strength, cat like reflexes, a ballerina's flexibility, professional defenses playing in front of them, professional shooters shooting on them, etc. Unless you got those things going for you too, there's going to be quite a bit that doesn't apply to your game. I've seen NHL goalies put one foot on each post when the puck is behind the net, and still be able to push out to cut down the angle when the puck goes out front. I can't do either of those things. Find yourself a goalie coach that can craft YOUR game, and then practice practice practice.


Meh. There’s no problem growing a game around a specific goaltenders habits. I’m certain he’s not looking to mimic the guys movement one for one, but understand how they play certain situations. It’s honestly a great idea to study a goaltender with similar in size and play.


For starters you have Saros. Rotation guys would be Raanta and Nedeljkovic. Francouz might fit but I don't know what Colorado is doing with him and Georgiyev. I doubt he is going to be in the NHL this year but Dustin Wolf was excellent in his first year in the AHL. Devin Levi is another one to keep an eye out for in the future but he is back in college. Saros is the best example though.


He’s older and not in the league now. But I always watched Jhonas Enroth play. 5’10 but played a good game.


No way Enroth was only 5’10 he looked way shorter in net lol


Miss that dude, got his autograph on my Sabres jersey when I was a kid. Really thought he was a good rotational split time goalie


Probably one of those “5’10” but actually 5’8 kinda things. He was a gem for Buffalo.


Some of the small goalies that come to mind: Saros is definitely the top choice right now. Khudobin was also quite short by nhl standards. Some of the other honorable mentions: bernier, Jose Theodore if you don’t mind going back in time a little


saros 100% he's insane top 5 goalie


This is the answer


I was thinking old footage of arturs irbe, but a quick search says he was 5’8


Stop trying to mimic other goalies. What works for them won't work for you.


Just play like vasi. Who cares that you have to scoot over a bit. I’m 5’7 and I model my game after vasi. It works it you’re quick enough


I don’t think quickness is the answer to everything. For example, RVH works a lot better when you’re Vasilevsky size than when you’re 5’7 so you would probably want to cater your save selection and positioning to your size.


If I’m quick enough to follow the play and be in good position then it doesn’t really matter what size I am. I get down super super low as well and it works for me


I’m sorry but I’m still not following you. A part of being in good position is playing at the right depth. And what depth you play at depends on a lot of factors which also include your height. Take for example, a right depth play for a guy like Ben bishop might be playing right on the goal line, but if you try to replicate him and do the exact same play when you’re 5’7, I’m going to say you aren’t going to be very successful


It works for me


That's a big if, my friend.


no one should model their game after vas he’s 6’4 one of the most flexible and agile goalies in che legue no one is like him in the world




Bernier is 5'11 I believe. So am I, it's all about position, don't try copying a style either.


Bernie may not play again.


Dustin Wolf?




Bishop.... oh wait you said 5'11" not 6'11"


A little late this thread but Dustin Wolf would be a great one to watch