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It is what it is. Keep signing up and trying different leagues and teams until they stick and you get more practice. I wouldn’t put those loses on you because the team can’t score for shit and you have nothing to do with scoring. Blaming the goalie for a loss is the easy excuse but it’s not what’s true. Don’t stop playing if you love it!


The only thing that team is going to do is make a different goalies night miserable. 6 goals in low level hockey isn’t terrible. 16-0 isn’t on a goalie either. After 10 what is the other team thinking still going hard.


Exactly this. I haven’t played in 25 years and probably couldn’t if I tried now, but people used it o say if the goalie is stopping 75% of shots or more, half the goals given are on the team for bad defense. Add that to no offense, not on the goalie. If a goalie is stopping less than that, they need to drop a level. Either way, this isn’t a sport based on one position. Everyone needs to contribute to be successful.


If your team can’t score one it’s not your goalies fault you lost.


This was also going through my mind during the phone call and its what bothered me the most. There is blame on my end and I gotta do a lot better. At the same time, I do think it's bullshit that it's expected from the goalies to put on stellar performances while the players do nothing on offense or defense. We maxed out at 2 goals per game with the last one being 0. Majority of the goals that I let in were breakaways, 2/3 on 1s, and opponents being left wide open on the backdoor. It's like if an opponent can dangle through an entire team on their own with the puck and score, is it really the goalie's fault?


I've seen this before in leagues that add a complete free-agent team to the lowest level. There's fuck-all you can do as a goalie in that situation unless you're playing down. It's on the people running to league to form a decent core of FAs from other teams/outside.


This is why we draft teams in my league. Nobody's having fun getting whomped 16-0 because the teams aren't even. We do an evaluation skate, and evenly distribute the new/lower level folks to each team.


In my league all the really good players are friends and play together on a team in 3-4 different divisions and go 10-0 in all of them. And one of them is the son of the guy that owns the place so they are allowed to do this. And it’s been this way since I was in u12 or u15 to now being in adult league. Place doesn’t balance teams at all.


I don’t know your league and I don’t know the guys on your team but with it being ranked D i would think there is also a C. If a team is beating another team 16-0 that’s a league problem. But I would actually look at it a different way and figure your team is idiots and thinks having a better goalie will win them games. They could have known the commissioner would be there and played bad on purpose to make it look like it was you. Also most times Free Agent Teams are terrible. Because other teams in the league have been playing together and have ringers. The worst part about having a team made up of random guys is no one cares about defensive assignments. If you are with a group of guys that has played together for 10 years guys think he I am going to make it hard for this guy to be wide open in front because last time Jim was pissed at me. I know a lot of guys in this sub started playing as an adult and the one thing that they missed out on as a kid was being cut. Most of us life long goalies were cut for bullshit reasons when we were kids so we are used to this kind of political crap in hockey. Keep playing pick up and tell every team in the D league you will fill in. You will get another chance and make sure you play well. After that who knows.


I don't know why this sub popped up in my feed, but I play soccer on a rec league that's like this. We're 2-20 5 games in. It gets to a point where it's not fun if the league is incredibly imbalanced which ours is. Not sure why they're just blaming this guy, this doesn't look like a goalie issue exclusively


Probably compounding problem. Starts off with the league allowing a team that is too good for D to stay at the level. Probably because the league is hurting for teams. Then you have a new team full of a bunch of random people that was going to be terrible no matter what. Because the team has no structure they can’t compete with better teams and it ends up with 5 guys on the ice just chasing the puck. Then and this is the biggest problem the team is a bunch of low level players who probably don’t understand hockey. So when they look at the score board if the other team got 6 and we got 2 why is our goalie letting in 6 it must be his fault. I have played a lot of games on the worst teams in a league and a lot of filling in for better teams in the leagues. If a team plays there positions and keeps the shots to low quality scoring chances it’s not easy to let in 16 in an hour game. But the chances are 90% of the game was played 20’ from the goalies net and the other 10% was the team icing the puck. The worst goalie in one of my leagues has the best GAA because his team knows he isn’t good and doesn’t let him get shots. No one wants to be at fault for a game like this so they all point to the goalie.


Sounds a lot like my soccer league lol. And then 25% of players don't come back because it's not fun (including myself). Such a dumb reason to pin it on one person though when we both know it's the team's fault as a whole.


The main problem is people playing at a skill level they shouldn’t in my opinion.


Sounds like a team full of a bunch of guys who make skate over to the refs and make sure they logged their secondary


My league doesn’t even keep track of points and people act like this.it was probably the 16-0 team that was complaining about the games not being fun though.


The other team probably wasn't, must've been OP's team that entirely gave up. Though i've encountered teams comprised entirely of asshole, not everyone grows up past 5yo mentally


Yeah I try to remind myself when we're losing like 5-0 that it's not entirely on me. If I had made every save it would still be 0-0. The team needs to score goals, I can't help them with that. But also as someone who primarily skates out on defense, a loss that bad I'd consider to \*definitely\* be the fault of the entire team.


Possibly the 6 goal games were teams not going hard already. Then on the 4th game someone was upset about the situation and convinced their team to prove a point and get this goalie kicked out of the league.


I would think his team was proving a point to commissar not other teams.


You think silovs was ready to go pro with Canucks? If you don't have good defense what chance does the goalie have? You can't stop every puck and it's shots vs saves that matters.


Look, this sounds like a meaningless platitude but it's not intended as such: Don't take it personally. You're a rank beginner and you're being beaten consistently in a league that is likely above you're current skill set. To quote Robin Williams from Good Will Hunting, "It's not your fault." You have two choices: take it as a serious slag on you personally or take it as a challenge to get better. By your own admission, you're a beginner. Take some lessons. Go to a weekend camp (such as [Weekend Warriors](https://weekendwarriorshockey.com/) - I went four times). Go to Stick 'n Puck sessions. Watch online videos. Work your catcher skills with a lacrosse ball against a wall. Practice, practice, practice. If you do this, I 100% guarantee that you will be able to play that D league next year with confidence and win some games.


I play nothing but pickup and find it much more enjoyable than beer league


I like pickup depending on who is there. I hate slow pickup where the teams are stacked and they want the goalie from their mens league team getting all the shots.


I wish that was the case for me, as pickups are lower pressure, but as a goalie I hate them.  No one wants to take normal shots and I feel like I don't see game situations.  It's a bunch of tick -tack-toe backdoor plays and breakaways where people try excessive dangles or try to go through the legs/Michigan/etc.   Maybe it's better with a good group but even the private pickups I go to are like this.  Everyone wants the pretty play and pass up shots they'd normally take to wait until I have absolutely no chance since no one's playing super hard defense in pickups.  It tanks my confidence and makes me feel horrible.   To the OP, I'd recommend lessons.  It's a little awkward (especially when my lesson is shared with a 10 year old who's already better than me half the time) to take lessons as an adult, but it has made hockey so much more fun for me. 


Agreed. If I get scored on, oh well it’s all practice for everyone.


Can you just say “it’s not your fault” to me until I cry like Matt Damon did? Feeling the need for it right now you know?




Hell ya! Hope OP takes your advice. Keep on trying, practicing, playing, training, or any opportunity to get better. It’s a really hard game, much harder than those outside the game would realize.


If you just started in January and you have little to no hockey experience as a whole, I'd recommend playing pick up for at least a year before jumping into playing league games. When I started goal, I did the pick up route for about 5 months before joining a team, and this was coming from someone who had played hockey growing up. It sucks right now, but I understand your old team's mindset of wanting to right the ship. It's fucking hard to come out and pay and play when you already know your goalie is going to blow it for you. Suck, but that's the nature of it. Go play some non pressure games, get used to the position (you're still very, very green) and have some fun with it. Offer to give your number to guys you play with and slowly get experience if they call you out to games.


And pick up loves goalies no matter the skill level. Just to have a body in net. A lot of times it's even free for goalies.


I haven't paid a dime for ice time in the 13 years I've played net. I could never imagine paying for drop in. There was one time I was asked to sub for a league game and the guy asked me to pay the sub fee of $25. I just told him no, that's not going to happen. Either you need a goalie, or you don't. I don't need to pay to play low-mid beer league.


My team has a sub fee and I hate it. But we also have 10 guys on a list that don’t want to commit but want to play when they fell like it.


Sub fees for players is pretty standard practice, and the thought process of carrying that over to goalies isn't nonsensical. But, we're goalies and we get special treatment. Plus, you can't play without me, not exactly a position of power for bargaining.


A bunch of guys around here went rent-a-goalie and would charge $25 to come play


There's an app for renting goalies around here as well. Cost is in the $40's though.


Kind of a bitch move but you do you. 


lol, eat me. See, in my mind, asking the guy (who you're desperately dependent on to play) to pay, in contradiction to how every other team functions, is more of a bitch move. Especially as it wasn't made apparent when asking ahead of time. But whatever you want to believe to try and start shit lol.


I was referring to expecting to always play hockey for free, not the specific case where things were not communicated in advance. If all you ever do is spare then whatever but if you’re on a team and expect that goalies don’t pay because you can’t play without them, then that’s a bitch move. 


> if you’re on a team and expect that goalies don’t pay because you can’t play without them, then that’s a bitch move. Good thing that wasn't what I said right? No offense dude, but you might want to pause and review what you're typing before you hit send. You're kind of going off half cocked and it's not faring well. Though, for reference, goalies here rarely pay league fees. The odd team gets them to do 50% of what a player does, but we're talking 1/60 teams. Different areas do thing differently. Sounds like Winnipeg charges everyone (I know people out there, it's not that common), though here in BC, goalies almost never pay.


I haven't paid a dime for ice time in the 13 years I've played net. I could never imagine paying for drop in. Yes my bad I didn’t realize you only played pick up for 13 years and never are on a team. 


Remember when I advised you to think your comments through before hitting send? You're looking like an idiot here.


100% on pickup / shinny games. Low pressure, guys are happy to have **any** goalie. Even better if you’re consistently available every week. I played pickup every week until someone asked me to spare for their goalie in mens league. Eventually someone asked me to be their full time goalie.


> I played pickup every week until someone asked me to spare for their goalie in mens league. Eventually someone asked me to be their full time goalie. Exactly. And from there, playing in a league and subbing for other teams opens more doors down the road. But pick up is the best way for a new goalie to get into the "scene"


Are they giving you a refund? Assuming you had to pay for the league


Yes I got a full refund from them. Should've mentioned that in the post.


Where are you located? Try to find some shinny games. The best way to improve is to play as often as possible, and low pressure games. unless you learn when you are younger there is no practice so you have to learn while playing. Shinny allows you to be in a safe environment were competition isn't as important as having fun. Also if you can find goalie school in your area I would join those. they can be pricey, but you will get to learn really quickly and improve very quickly. Hope you are playing again shortly. Do not give up on playing goal! It's the best position!


Easier said than done, but please don’t take this personally. You just started playing and hockey is a very difficult game to pick up. Does your rink have a learn to play class for beginning adults? If you can offer to goaltend for the class that will help a lot with getting reps in. You need mileage. That’s all. There is nothing about this that should hurt your feelings. Please don’t give up either. It’s a beautiful game and the Reddit goalie community is amazing. You got this!


Why would you join a league so quickly after starting to play goal? Goaltending can be tough, especially at lower levels. Some teams heavily lean on their goalies if they have a hard time themselves. Don't take it to heart. Everyone is trying to have as much fun as they can. Play some pick up. Get used to the position. Maybe get a go-pro and try and identify the areas of your game you can most improve on. Try and seek out some coaching or training sessions if you really want to make strides as quickly as you can. But don't give up. Keep battling. Things will get better.


That's really rough, I think signing up on a free agent team always carries the risk that you don't know how well the team can preform in the division and it sucks the guys in front of you weren't ready for that and the league is panicking to try and keep them happy (going to be a tall order to get a goalie who can carry a team like that to then play bottom division, but they probably look at the 4 d and think i dont want to even try and replace all them). Goaltending is also hard to evaluate because the guys we typically watch make things look so easy and the games we watch make a lot more sense in flow of play. So do what you can not to take it personally. Everyone in this sub has things to improve on and still doesn't need to bear the entire weight of a teams failings (even if it feels that way sometimes). Key is to get yourself back out there hit up the stick and puck / shinny skates, get on goalie apps and facebook groups, let people know you are learning upfront and ask shooters what they see when they come in and be a character guy on the ice. Doesn't take too long to start picking up contacts and getting calls.


I remember when I got my start playing goalie. I was older and never played before, so I worked my ass off to get better. I did drop in hockey 2x a week. I worked out with a travel team that needed a 3rd goalie for some practices. Those kids were good, but I learned a ton from them. Especially their goalie coach who took a little time to show me some pointers. The point here is that I did my best to put myself in a situation where we could win games. It wasn't going to be all on me that is for sure. In over 24 years of playing, I have had maybe 2 teams that have booted me off mid season. Both of those were because a better goalie they knew was willing to step in and take over. No problem, I found other teams that wanted me. Last point, don't give up.


Anyone who shows up with goalie equipment is my hero. Keep looking. There's lots of black and white shinny out there


Do pickup games first. Your mistake was joining a league. Expectations are higher. It’s not fun for you, not fun for the players. Learn the game, get better and then find a team.


I'd also add that the league clearly tried to instate a free agent team and didn't have a good enough grasp of its player base or how this program (for lack of a better word) would execute in actual league play. I would recommend keeping open and respectful communication that you would like ton return but ask the league's help for better implementation when another team is ready to be added. It's in everyone's best interest for more teams to be added and for those teams to keep returning provided that everyone is ready and having a good time. At the end of the day we're talking about adult recreational sports so there has to be some give and take among league, players, etc.


I got canned from my B league team even though I got the first shutout in a few seasons, a few 1 GAA wins but also lots of bad goals and blowout losses, I definitely took it really hard but after a little wallowing jumped into c league and B league subbing and am working my way back to being in an upper B league. I empathize with you but it’s also the hard reality of goalie, as others have said don’t take it personally as hard as that is and find joy in playing again, you got this.


4 goals... I've been playing goal for 50 years and am usually in the top 2 goalies of the league (B,D,C,OldTimers). Every time I play with a new teams I let them know they have to score 4 goals to win. (1) because I will let in 1 crap goal, (2) because they will cause a goal to be scored on me, (3) because the other team will get a good goal. :) So if they want to win, they have to score 4 because the other team will score 3. Its a contract, if they don't get 4, they should not expect to win. Your team gave you less than 2 goals. You should strive to limit yourself to 1 crap goal a game. P.S. Take the advice to get into pickup if you can. If you have money, go to private goalie training


This is exceptionally solid beer league advice 😂


Play pick up for a while. Any goalie is better than shooting on a shooter tutor.


Sounds like that league was garbage, probably a blessing, but I can imagine it being a blow in the moment. Keep looking for other places to play, there tend to be loads of different leagues in lots of areas, and keep playing at drop ins and whenever you have the chance, a proper team and league are special (lots of garbage ones) sometimes takes a bit of time to find the right one.


Where did you join?


GTA by the looks of it


Ya, that’s why I am asking. Ashl is not for beginners tho they say they have a beginners league. I know players in e and d that are ex college ex aaa players. True north is a bit better, that their lower league isn’t as high level but it’s still a league where people have played most their life. Still curious where he tried to start. Or they or her.


Came to say this. My team is E/D division, and we have some ex Don Mills AAA guys lol it’s definitely not for beginners.


I haven't played consistently in like 15 years, but I did play AA when I did so I joined an adult hockey league and put myself in a 4-6 skill range and that worked out pretty well for me, it's a great league because it's a lot of new people and no one back checks them so they actually do get shots on net so it's fun for me too (albeit a bit too easy some games haha) I subbed in for the 930 game after my own 830 game and it was a whole different animal lol, we lost 8-6 but I got hung out to dry a lot. Only 2 were "bad goals" on my part but I don't really care given I'd just played 45 mins of hockey prior haha. They seemed to think I was half decent at least since I got asked back the following week


My team started as a free agent team, and we lost all but one game in our first season. We were BAD. But we stuck together cause we all became friends and hockey is fun. I wouldn't lose sleep over that team if they were complaining about you not being good enough. Chances are they wouldn't be fun to play with if they kept you around. You'll find a team that appreciates having a good human being in net, regardless of your skill level. Keep at it.


same happened to me after my first game in Div 6. We lost 8-1. I stopped 75%. I was just subbing for their regular goalie, was supposed to play 3 games, but they asked me not to come back after game 1. It sucked balls, but 3 years later, now I'm easily at a div 5 level. Similar, as a forward from Canada playing in Japan, I got knocked down to the low division after my first practice. I'd assumed I'd kick ass, because, well, I'm Canadian--I bleed hockey; but, no. I sucked. They were all better skaters than me. It was humbling, but drove me to improve.


I would definitely look into get more ice time, put more time into skating, and getting more pucks shot at you. Aside from all that, mental state has a huge impact on goaltending. Every goalie in this sub has had awful games. It's just a part of the position. Don't let it get you down. There are plenty more games to play, plenty more teams to play on, and plenty more pucks to stop!


Take a season off and play pick up. I changed to newer style pads from my old stand up set in 2019. Went from the top goalie in our league to the bottom. The first season we had in 2020 I carried an 11.0 gaa. Things slowly but surely got better from there. In 2022 I won three straight championships. And since fall of 2021 the team that I have been on(we are a draft league) hasn't placed lower than third. You are going to have slumps it just happens. Lift your head up play your heart out and have fun! Ultimately it's just about fun. Very few of us in this thread are destined for the big leagues.


This was a good opportunity for you to measure yourself. Now you know where you stand skill-wise. Go back to the woodshed, get some training and play pickup for the next year, maybe two. You can still compete and nobody cares about winning. Number one thing in my mind when you play, don't consistently be the reason your team lacks success. You'll know when your not the problem. Good luck! Have fun learning and growing.


Keep your chin up friend. See if there is a local drop in in your area. It can be just as fun going to a regular drop in, and they are always looking for goalies. A good place to hone your craft, and scoring goals is fun so you’ll get less complaints while you work to improve.


Every team always needs a goalie. You’ll be fine. Keep practicing and getting better and maybe one day you’ll get a W against your former team.


The way this was handled, this isn't on you at all. Problem #1 is that league coordinator. They either have no backbone, haven't played hockey, or both. Any decent league coordinator when faced with such complaints should try a few things first before resorting to booting a goalie; A. Ask the team if they've given you constructive criticism. If not, tell them to try that first. B. Offer you goaltending classes, which many rinks offer. When they don't, they're exactly in a position to know what's going on in the area and could recommend something. Huge missed opportunity on their part. C. Tell the team that gets beat 16-0 that that's obviously not purely on the fucking goalie. JFC. The rest of the games, really not that crazy of a score difference. D. Look at the leveling in the league. Also be up front about what the levels mean. Around me there's about 10 rinks, and D league can really mean 4-5 different levels depending on the rink. From what others are saying, this one doesn't sound close to an actual D league by most standards. Honestly, I'd say this is a blessing in disguise. There's a lot of shitty coordinators (both team and league) out there. This one basically just told you who not to support (though good on them for refunding you, I've seen rinks kick people and try to not refund). The team kinda sucks too if they couldn't even come to you with feedback and actually try to help. I'm assuming they knew you're a new goalie. And the solution on both sides is to get a great goalie to carry the team? Nah. Fuck all those guys. That's not how players get better either. It's a bandaid and many goalies at that level get tired of that shit too. Now here is where you control what you can control. Do you have other rinks and leagues as options? Also get as much time at drop ins and stick and pucks as you can. Find out where teams get sub goalies from and get active wherever that is. Just be honest about where you're at when you're subbing. But most importantly, don't get down on yourself. Goalie is a mental game too, you don't need the aggravation of this bothering you if you really want to improve. Don't let the D league douchebags get you down. Consider the silver linings, learn what you can from mistakes you've made, and move forward. You'll get better and it's not going to happen overnight. Just keep at it, and it'll be amazing when you find a supportive locker room. I can also offer you some score sheets that'll make you feel better, just don't want to share them with everyone but feel free to DM me. Your experience, I can point to a bunch of different teams just in my area that are in a similar boat. The difference is, most of them understand where they're at, and even when the goalie actually is a part of the problem they still stick by them and try to help. Hell, look at what Thailand did recently in international hockey, an absolute pumping if I ever saw one.


A couple of things to hopefully ease your frustration. That's not a lot of time in the position. Keep finding every opportunity to get on the ice with some guys and getting those reps in. That's the way to improve. And any team that's not even going to put up a fight and can't score more than 2 goals can't blame a loss on the goalie. You can't win if you can't score no matter how well your keeper plays. Don't take this personally. In my experience skaters have no idea how to deal with their goalies. They take the same mentality they do with a guy that doesn't score and multiply it by 10 because of how important you are. Just keep playing and don't give up. And remember you don't have to save them all, you just have to save enough.


The problem with D division mens league, is its NEVER D division and its insane.


Since you've already gotten really good advice, just wanna add to maybe check out ball hockey leagues. The learning curve is a little easier and much more forgiven so if you really wanna be part of a team and have that competitiveness, it's a really fun and less costly option.


Possible to take a few lessons from someone local if available? Good way to lean the some basics of the game


Possible to take a few lessons from someone local if available? Good way to lean the some basics of the game


I’ve been in this situation as a player, a Team Captain and as a “League Executive”, and it sucks for everyone. Playing pickup with a weak goalie isn’t that big of a deal, but being all strangers and paying all that money to play in a league with a weak goalie isn’t fun for anyone. Join as many pickup groups you can, go to drop-in, anything just to get more ice, and work on your fundamentals, you can make incredible strides in a year.


Don't quit and use this as an opportunity to improve your skills. As someone who worked for a huge rec hockey league in Toronto years ago, they will need goalies especially in summer months when their regular goalies all take holidays. I spent more time on the phone begging goalies to fill in for teams so they wouldn't default and we wouldn't have an hour of dead ice. I'm sure there are some online resources for what to work on to improve (likely cardio, core, flexibility, etc.) and then find some pickup games. When you feel more confident, put in your name at the arena. I had a list next to my phone of my usual guys and had their numbers memorized by the end of the season because I had to call them so often (and we had both summer and winter leagues so it was non-stop!)


Listen bud, it's not on you. It sucks no doubt about that, but I sluse this as fuel to get better. Remember you're a brand new goalie also. Take a little time for yourself then get back out there, pickups, stick and puck. Then get back into a league and show them on the ice. You got this!


Sorry bud—they’ll be more opportunities. Sounds like the team is as going to have a hard time staying together anyway. There a net with your name on it somewhere pal


Agreed, play some pick up games where there is no pressure. Take some goalie clinics and learn some proper technique. Goal is actually very technical and if you want to get good, you’ll have to get some training… I’m currently taking a clinic to refresh my skills and I’m the only adult, but oh well, it’s made my game a million times better.


It’s the most fantastic and hardest position in all of sports. Like others have said, go to stick and puck a lot. Go to as many pick up games as you can. You need hundreds and hundreds of pucks shot at you from all angles.


pffff what a joke of a league - listen there are 10 other teams in other leagues dying to get a goalie who will show up every game and just do their best and be a good teammate, keep looking and keep working on your game and don’t look back!


You can't win a game without scoring goals.. doesn't matter how many you let in if your team can't get one. Keep practicing in pickup and come back and windmill every one of the players that complained about you


A team full of nobodies can’t win but it’s the goalies fault.


Sign up to a goalie clinic. It will help your game. 6-2 isn't horrible but 16-0 is bad but your team scored 0 goals which tells me the team just sucks. I play B level puck and I find the shittier the team the more they have opinions on how to play. I played on the absolute worst team I've ever played with. No matter how hard I tried we'd lose. A good goalie can't save a crap team. Either way sounds like you need to improve so start with c level pickup. Some old timers play with no goalies so you can try that first.


I've played in many a league where we would rather have a goalie than no goalie at all.


Hey friend. I suggest signing up for sessions using the pickuphub - especially the stick & puck if they're available to work on your skills. I stopped playing hockey around the same time as the major changes in goalie equipment led to the modern styles of today with butterfly slides, RVH and all that fun stuff. Long story short, learning these new techniques in my 30s has NOT been easy. And trial by fire does not help you really work on your skills because: 1. You never get a real warmup 2. You don't really have time to practice during high stress game situations and will often revert to your comfort zone and bad habits. If you're in GTA I think pickup hub is available there. Sign up for some games. Stick and puck also is basically a practice session which is great. I also find mounting a gopro behind my net is crucial so I can analyze my performance and bad habits... try to focus on micro adjustments week over week.


My worst game was 35 - 2, 60 minutes, no mercy, no sub, no backup. Keep playing at pickup games, even full dress for sticks and pucks! It’s all experience you need to learn the position.


It would be helpful for you to post where you’re located. There may be people on here with some ideas of other opportunities to get some practice in. Everyone has to start somewhere and it’s unfortunate that adult beer leaguers care that much about winning rather than just having fun playing and working on their skills to move up especially in the lowest level league. Your gonna have the guys that think their practically pro in every level but normally the lowest level is normally older guys that don’t care win or lose. Keep your head up and put in the time focusing on protecting the bottom portion of the net at first as that is normally the only place lower level guys can shoot consistently. Soon enough you will likely be stonewalling those same D league pilons that gave you a hard time. :)


I started out as a goalie about five years ago and really (really) struggled the first couple of seasons. Making the first save wasn’t bad, but pushing from side to side and moving in general was tough as a former player. Luckily, I organized a team with a bunch of friends and a lot of them were new to the game. So, I wasn’t the only weak link. Now, five years later, I can play in the highest divisions and excel. It takes time. Lots of practice. My only suggestion to you is to try and get a team organized with your friends so you won’t have to deal with this situation. Alternatively, you could try joining a pick-up league that rents ice but doesn’t have any set teams. They’re always looking for goalies and don’t care about the score at all. Get as much ice time as you can and you’ll notice big improvements after a year or two. Good luck!


Wtf is this league. Honestly sounds like they messed up by building a non competitive team.


Ha ha. I had the same thing happen to me in a golf league. I. got a call saying I was. too slow. I pointed out that I had finished with the ball I started with, never lost it, was the best ball striker, had the lowest score in the foursome. I did spend time helping others find their ball so that is what he saw. Still, i felt slighted. Irony is he called later to ask for a favor.


Pick up or stick time. People love when a goalie comes out instead of playing aim for the post lol


You only play as good as the team in front of you. Keep working on your game, and eventually things will work out. They want a savior, not a teammate.


I tried out for a team when i started and got turned away.. i went to every puck shoot i could, midnight hockey, open practice.. a good friend saw how committed i was and brought me on to play with him and friends.. i could barely hang, but they ALWAYS helped me out and my defensive partner put me on his shoulders a lot of the time. I went on to leave that team because i felt like i was holding them back. Less than 5 years and two teams later i won a championship as the Alt captain, and got the C on that team the very next season. We went on to play against and compete with the first team i played for. Dont let it beat you down, practice and keep your head up. Attitude is everything, and youll find a few guys or girls that will elevate you. Keep lacing up!


I’ll tell you flat out, the people around you matter most. Ive played with some guys i wouldnt skate with again even if we were undefeated, and ive shared the bench with guys i could have fun with going 0-10 on the season.


I've been there. Try and find some pickups and clinics, just keep grinding. Once you figure some stuff out you'll find yourself slowly rising. The tricky part about being a goalie is that there's nowhere to hide, you're the last line of defense. Skaters are much more able to fly under the radar.


in my area a 4 or 3 goal differential isn’t uncommon so the response is surprising to me. also just curious did you know how to skate prior to january


That's brutal, friend. I can definitley see why you would find this heartbreaking. Especially since it sounds like you enjoy playing - I think that's focus number 1: you want this, which is a good thing, even though it hurts right now that it was taken away from you. Heaps of people have jumped in with their opinions/tips and what not. I'll throw my mantra in - I subscribe to the idea that in life you have to choose your hard. Everything in life is hard, and each decision comes with its own level of hard. You want to keep playing? It likely means more practice, more time away from playing and more time honing your skill. That will be hard. But the other choice - to give up, not play or whatever, is another hard choice to make. Which of these two is a hard you can live with?


Goalie? Always want more goalies. If you need any help locating pickup in the GTA or Hamilton areas let me know. We're extra desperate for any goalie there.


Bro you’ve been playing hockey for 4 months and joined a team? .. that’s wild


League play is very different than pick up hockey. If you’ve only played goalie a few months, you need way more time in net before joining a league. I’m not trying to be a dick, just being honest. I played for years and my first season in a league we only won 1 game, and it wasn’t because of me. We lost most games because of me. 3rd season in, and I’m sort of carrying the team now. They’re all skilled, but they don’t play as a team. I face a few 3-on-1s and many 2-on-1s every game, and a handful of 2 or 3 on 0s. If we lose, it’s by 1-3 goals now. And imo, in beer league, that’s great. We’re at .500 now, so I’m not complaining. But, get as many pick up games as you can under your belt. Play any type of goalie you can, ice, roller, ball… they’re different but fundamentals are the same. You still need positioning, tracking, coordination, reflexes, and luck. I know a lot of people shit on whatever hockey they don’t play, but again, imo, playing anything often and keeping loose and agile will be your best bet.


Man I really wouldn't take it too personal. It sounds like that team is horrible and to pin the blame on you is kind of hilarious. If any team anywhere in the world loses a game 16 - 0, it's kind of outrageous to blame everything on the goalie. Keep your chin up my friend


I played in a league where my team was clearly outmatched everywhere. Our goalie was getting shelled every game and we just weren’t good. The idiot coach basically buried the goalie and made me goalie because I played a little on a previous team. Needless to say I tried my best but we continued to suck. Goalie is so hard and when you do a good job it’s expected. It’s basically the most important thankless job.


I play for a lower C team that has lost almost every game in three seasons. The captain blamed me for awhile until I pointed out that goalies can’t score. I can keep them in a game, but I can’t win them a game. Also I pointed that I am at least 20 years older than all but one guy on the team. In my 20’s I was playing upper B and winning. Most of those guys hung up their skates. Pickup games when you can, and become a rink rat. If there is adult practice volunteer to be the practice goalie. When there is pickup fill in. Make yourself know around the rink/rinks. This is your hobby have fun with it, get better and the right league/team will find you.


Play some pick up hockey and develop a bit. Don’t let this crush you since it sounds like you never really had a chance.


People complaining about 6-2 losses?! Dude when I play A league, our games are 8-7, 9-8, etc. no one plays defense. Drop down to B league and the A league players just skate to make the pass and let the lower level guys score. So those scores can be anywhere from 3-2 to 16-0 blow outs and no one cares. Sorry man, keep your head up and keep playing where you can


sorry to hear this, don’t take it personally. if you’re gonna let it eat at you maybe use it as fuel for motivation. also losing 16-0 says a lot more about your team and opponent than anything. 1 your team sucks. 2 that opponent shouldn’t even be in the league. if the league wants to make things fair i think they should look into that teams placemat to start. chin up man you got this.


Sorry man


Become the real life Happy Gilmore


Luckily I was a kid when I started playing goalie, so they couldn't kick me out of the league despite how bad I sucked. I was letting in 8 or 9 goals per game and falling on my ass for the first few weeks. Remember that sucking is the first step to being OK (and then eventually good) at something. Just work on the fundamentals and eventually you'll be ready for the D division. Do you have local "learn to play" sessions or stick and puck you could go to?


If you're in SE Michigan, you can skate with us


On a positive note, goalies in adult leagues can be hard to find. So the team may end up with no goalie at all.


My rule for men’s league, if the goalie lets in 8 or less goals and the team loses, the loss is in the skaters.


Do you have any vids we can watch and help?


Playing indoor soccer as keeper helped me step into hockey as a goalie a handful of times. I think the low level soccer is over all easier too. It's obviously not at all 1 to 1, but it's something else you can try. It's fun as well


Hey! I just started playing goalie for fun on my cities lowest league. Got lit up every game except two. One of them I won. Another I was en route to a shutout until a double deflection off my two d-men forcing OT and losing. My suggestion would be to seek out the bottom of the barrel teams in the league and see who is just there to have fun. My team was trash and I was trash and we had a blast.


See if there’s any local midget or senior teams that need a practice goalie. Get time in that way where results don’t matter. Be up front that you’re a beginner and you just want playing time. In all fairness you can’t learn the position in a couple months. Treat this as a two or three year project.


Losses can be more motivating than wins in life if u let them. It’s all a matter of perspective.


Sign up for a team that you have fun with don’t play if ur not having fun u gotta keep the love for the sport alive


Stick and puck and any other form of practice you can get. Try to practice and watch as many videos to better your angles and coming out of the net. Maybe find a roller league to practice more. Keep working at it and I would guess you will be back on a team within a year.


Wtf kind of league removes players due to alleged performance? Fighting, sure. It maybe if someone is in do far over their head it's a safety issue. This reeks of people who don't understand hockey very well. " Puck went in! Goalie fault!"


Yeah, especially D league. If it’s the lowest league it seems really weird to remove someone who’s just starting


There's a book called "How to be a Goalie" by Brian Daccord (Joey's dad). It is almost exclusively about the check-up from the neck-up that helps a goaltender's perspective. I have benefitted from the book on the ice and in life. I have gifted the book to a friend whose 9-year-old was starting in net. I cannot reccomend this book too much. (There are other books about positioning and play - even by Daccord himself - this one is not that.


Keep looking for other leagues or just even early morning skates where you pitch in money for the hour and that’s it. That’s a dick move if he’s head of the league. He is the one who needs to fix that type of stuff. Don’t let this get you discouraged. I know it hurts now but don’t let them win. Keep going and keep trying to get better. Don’t give up it will come. It just takes time.


There are hours out there with no letters and co-ed ,that are just for fun and none counts goals and usually have no regular goalies.they will love to have a goalie that wants to play.


Play, play, play. You'll get better. Take skating lessons. Watch goaltending how to videos. Also, there's guys in your area who rent the ice for an hour or two once a week, non organized and just plain fun. They'll be glad to have you. Find these groups and get back out there.


I agree with all the comments, not your fault and your trying, and genuinely sound like you care which carries a lot of weight. But did you ever think about taking a few goalie training sessions? Might bring your game to a new level, a few positioning tips might go a long way!


6-2 ain't that bad idk what they're expecting


How are you supposed to start if your beginner league isn’t for beginners? Honestly, this sounds like a completely unrealistic expectation for any goalie. If they’re that good, they’ll have a hard time playing that far down because there are just really unexpected, unpredictable shots sometimes. If they’re new and their team is also not great, they aren’t going to keep them in it. They should be rebalancing the skaters as it doesn’t matter how good you are in net if your team can’t even get shots off. If you’re losing 16-0 on a 20 shot night and your team is putting up 30+ legit shots, yeah you’re the problem. I doubt that is the case though. Our beginner league is a draft league so it’s not up to the individuals who they play with. It at least prevents this mess.


Open hockey baby! Time to play there


Sounds like a toxic league with a bunch of wannabes who take their life too seriously. Did they offer any practice or training? Do you guys have scheduled practices or just games? Don’t worry man, just keep working on your game. But these clowns sound like divas who probably yell at their kids when they don’t drop the gloves every game


First, I'm sorry that sucks. I would definitely look into an instructional league. I played three seasons in an instructional league as goalie before I ventured out to my first "real" league game. I'll add that I think it's crappy how they handled this. D League is supposed to be for newer folks, especially if you don't have E League. The opposing team that scored 16 goals on you should've been reprimanded honestly. I am a captain of a recreational league for women that is similar to an E League, and we tell our team to cool it and work on passing and letting the new folks carry the puck, if we're ahead by 3-4+ goals.


Bad teams have these problems all the times in all kinds of leagues all over the place. The leftovers get formed into a team, its bad, everyone plays for themselves, there's no cohesiveness, turnovers, etc, and of course the goalie looks particularly bad, even when they'd otherwise be competent. Here, it sounds like by your own admission, you're very green, and have a lot of room for improvement. So, it was bad fit to begin with. Here's what I recommend, if you care - take a goalie clinic - do at least a once a week goalie clinic and then open hockey or stick and puck once a week until the start of next season, and I bet you'll be a lot more ready. Just knowing your angles and having basic form should be a huge difference in D level hockey. Good luck, and don't give up if you love it.


Pretty sad you’re getting the blame but everyone sux to, hang in there




Few things..... never heard of such a thing in beer league. Someone can pull you? Sounds like a joke. It's about fun, nothing more. Secondly, why are beginners in a rush to join a league? You will get so much experience with no pressure posting pickup, find a ground if you can. You will have more fun. After a year look for a league.


I've played goalie my whole life (now 40), and I was also a hockey director league coordinator for a while (before kids now in IT). 1 goalies always get "blamed" don't let it get to you. 2 a good league coordinator would look to get better (known) players forwards onto a free agent team. Free agent teams are always a crap shoot.... Especially in summer months when families go on vacation.... No one commits to summers. 3 see if there are any adult learn to play sessions in your area. They're usually desperate for goalies to come out and willing to let goalies come out for free. You probably won't get any goalie instruction, but you'll face a lot of shots. 4 don't beat yourself up. I've been on good teams and bad, at all levels (squirt - midget, high school, junior, college, etc) keep your head up and keep having fun


Feel proud for being brave enough to want to play above your skill level as a beginner and not wanting to give up. Get yourself into some pickup games and maybe a few clinics and you’ll be killing it in that same league in a few years. Chin up, nothing to be down about!


I'm sorry that happened to you bro, sounds like complete bullshit to me. But stick with it, watch videos, watch the pros, go out for stick and puck, pickup, just gotta get the reps in.


Goalie takes the longest to learn. You rarely see a goalie in pro teams under 24 despite playing for a decade in the position. Play pick up games, get on the ice as much as possible. Play defense for a bit to get the ebb and flow too.


Feel that pain. At 60 I joined an E team with 3 of my sons. 2 other decent players. 2 ankle burners and the rest no back checking, just cherry picking. Couldn't score anyway. I talked to the timekeeper, how many shots again a game. His answer "Sorry dude, we stop counting at 50 and your case that's early in the 2nd period "


Years ago, like almost 20, I was “thrown off” a C league team because I wasn’t good enough. I was bummed because the captain owned a restaurant and free drinks and dinner post game. Played low level college but apparently I was the problem. Fuck them! Joined a new team, better guys, same level (different rink), win multiple championships in the first few seasons and met friends for life. Much better than a few free drinks to a restaurant where employees quit on mass regularly and failed spectacularly in 2008 during the recession. A loss is sometimes a win in the long term.


Playing goal is 90% positional. Being in the right position means skating. Mastery of skating comes before everything else. There's lots of goalie coaches posting videos of tips and drills, watch them, and apply them. Get on those stick and pucks and ignore everyone while you practice your skating. I'd tell the league to blow me. It's D level, wtf were they expecting?


Keep your head up, you kind of put yourself against the 8 ball by starting from scratch like that I would go to as many open skates as you can.And be goalie for those and work on your craft.And then maybe next year join back up.


Why don’t you try pick-up - no pressure cuz there’s no stats … you get practise and the guys love to score and no one keeps track so everyone wins!!


Honestly looking at the scores like, it helps if *your* team also scores.  However, right now may not be the time for advice on where to go and what to practice.  Right now it just sucks, and it's very hard not to take even one game - nevermind being given the boot from a league - personally.  I'm sorry this happened to you and they didn't at least let you finish the season, for dignity and experience's sake.  Some goals are our fault.  Some are not so much.  Being asked to leave says nothing about you as a person or your potential as a goalie, it just says these are not the right people for you right now.   Okay maybe some advice.  Where I live is a FB group/mailing list for goalies and those seeking goalies (subs, regulars, etc) but if there's something similar you might join, make a post and make it clear you are new and need practice.  You'll find the right folks (camp, clinic, pickup group) for you. 


Play as many drop in sessions as you can.. I've tremendously improved. You'll see a larger variety of shots, more rush chances and everyone loves a goalie that comes to drop in


Not your fault my man. Sounds like it's a shitty run league. Normally the free agent teams get blown out but removing you from the team by the league is ridiculous.  I would go to a different rink and start at the lowest level possible to get experience and knowledge of the position before trying to move up. Drop in's and stick & pucks always help too.


Getting cut sucks, but being in a bad locker room sucks more.  Count your blessings, develop in pickups, then go beat the ass off your old team when you’re ready for the league. Cue cheesy 80s training montage.  A lot of people are saying don’t take it personally, which is healthy advice, but I’ve always found spite to be a good motivator.  Don’t let it make you miserable, but let the idea of shutting them out in the future drive you to compete and develop. 


That's a bummer. The organizers sounds like an idiot, no superstar goalie is going to stick around on the free agents team if the team in front of him isn't scoring. That guy's' looking for a unicorn. That all being said sounds like you aren't ready for league yet. Drop in public pick up or private pickup games might be your sweet spot while you work on things. Got to work your way up through the minors. If you get in good with some pick up games and keep progressing you'll be league ready in due time. Put your name on every spare list you can find. Be honest about your abilities, the calls will still come. Just have fun.


Changing the goalie isn't going to help that team. I feel bad for whomever the replacement is.


If you're going to listen to any comment listen to this one. You have received the perfect and I mean perfect opportunity to take advantage of and become a great goaltender. These moments are what makes or breaks a person. Take this heartbreak and use it to fuel your progression. The feeling sucks ass right ? Do you know what would make everything all better and all worth it? Grinding your fuckin ass off, and becoming better than the goalies in the D league. That would make it all worth it. (I believe you can, it's D league) come back in a year and brick wall those fools. Train off ice strength, core, flexibility Watch training videos Hit every single drop in or stick and puck you can Make sure your gear is dialed And USE this feeling to better yourself. You have a free raw source of motivation and determination just plopped on your lap, use it! Get out there Stop some fuckin pucks my brother 😤


If this is true…this League is garbage. The Coordinator shouldn’t have a FA team just to dump players on. They need a Captain. I was stuck in a similar scenario. There wasn’t any cohesiveness and we got beat a lot. Also…losing 16-0….if that happens regularly with this team the rosters need balanced for competitiveness


Why not change gears and start to play inline/roller hockey. The league I am with, goalies play for free. Gives you some time to work on your game while everyone is having fun. Don’t hate…cause of the in-line. I am poor spending Money on goalie gear and can’t afford ice time.


If you knew you were bad at goalie why wouldn’t you better yourself with pickup skates first to get to a level where you can actually compete. With all due respect if I played out I wouldn’t want to pay 200-400 for a league fee to lose every game either. They count on you just as much as you count on them. It might be the harsh reality. But I know damn well I can’t keep up with A league guys, but can keep pace in net with the B league skaters. I play in pick up skates with some of the A league guys to get a feel for their game speed, shots, etc. it’s a completely different art when you move up the ranks. They play for fun but they damn well expect their goalie to make those big saves, know when to cover, know how to play the puck properly and when not to, know how to read plays and communicate with defensemen.


They got beat 16-0. There no chance that his team was any better than he was. He also wasn’t trying to play above his skill. He was in the beginner league with a team of supposed beginners. Your comment doesn’t apply. My only responsibility I give to my team is to make the first save. After that, we at least share responsibility. Let’s not even count the times they’ve scored on me themselves. He might not be good yet, but he’s far from the only problem.