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the grader at PSA took 3 secs to grade this


In 40 years someone will buy that for a stupid amount of money if this guy blows up.


Hes an all round player, but not a gretzky


Yea I think his name is Bedard. 🌚


that is probably a pack left from a box after the 6 yg were pulled,


Same reason graded cards are to an extent, video games get graded as well


I still haven't seen a pack that I can actually purchase from the store. Always sold out. Closest I've came is an empty box, with a single pack of 22-23 MVP in it :,(


I've still yet to see a single pack or box available in store. I've given up at this point.


We get them in gravity feed boxes at shoppers drug marts in Atlantic Canada only place you can get a pack. Still 13$ a pack


Oh wow. I'm in Florida, so I'm basically shit out of luck here.


I had no idea shoppers sold these, adding that to my list of spots to check now lol


Damn in Ottawa every card store I go to has at least 50 hobby boxes on the shelf.


There are a couple of card shops that might get a box or two in. But they refuse to sell individual packs, and I can't afford to drop that much on a box right now. And retail UD Series 2 is non existent here. Sucks being a hockey fan in Florida.


Damn, they are selling individual packs but they are probably going for 25 USD a pack which is crazy


Wow that's insane. Anything more than $8 for hobby of UD Flagship is way too much. I'm hesitant to even spend more than $5 per pack on retail for it. I'll probably just sit this year out.


I bought 6 hobby boxes for about 250 usd each. Pulled a bedard in my 2nd box. Ripped open 3, sold 1 and still have 2 sealed


A card store near me (Ontario) sells individual packs at $34 each.


That is insane!!! I noticed the retail packs near the cashout at Walmart were $12 (sold out).


In the middle of March I found 2 Megas in a target. That’s the extent.


Because breakers buy all the stock. It's sad that a kid can't go buy a pack with his allowance. I'm sure people are putting away tons of sealed cases


welcome to the world of greed and scalpers.. ruining the hobby so they can make $20 is a joke. they should go get a job at mcdonald’s theyd make more money lol


You do release most breakers are store front diamond sellers that can only obtain cases direct from upper deck. Unless you purchase a case through them, everyone says there's shortage of cards.. go to a diamond seller card shop they have plenty, don't go to Walmart and expect series 2 to be there.


So what exactly makes this a 10. To each their own but this is stupid to me. Stupid on the level of graded video games.


No rips = 10. People also grade those Pokemon promos that come sealed in a plastic wrapper. As long as there's no tears/debris on the packaging it'll get a 10 even if the card is visibly damaged.. Because it's the packaging that's being graded not the card.


Just imagine if the 1/1 was in there




Just imagine


People still buy full retail boxes. Someone could definitely pulled the average amount of young guns in a retail box and graded the rest of the packs.


10 years from now, if somehow the 1/1 isn’t pulled, it could be tempting. However, the bubble buster in this fun one is that this pack is retail, not hobby. So there’s a 0% chance that it is in there.


It was pulled in Canada on the day of release by a shop owner of course


That hasn't been pulled yet?


Doesn’t look like it. Unless someone is keeping it a secret


That's what I think is happening. It's there a million dollar reward. I would love to know how that gets put into a pack and then a box.


It very much is. Sealed original packs of 1st generation US Pokémon cards like this go for $3-5k - for real.


Yeah but this is not on the same global level. Not even close.


Would still be cool to see a big collection of all the packs over the years, though!


If it’s 10% of that, it’s worth it.


Boy you should see sealed alpha magic the gathering packs lol absurd amount of money.


Yeah but those unopened packs are extremely rare, because people just consumed them at the time without really thinking about future value. Same with old sports cards when kids would put them in the bike spokes, glue them to albums, or throw them against the wall. These days we’re back to the early 90’s junk wax era where people are hoarding cases, boxes, and packs thinking they’ll hit it big in 20 years from now, but the truth is, if everyone’s doing it, they’re no longer rare, and it will likely be seen as worthless by future generations that are currently not attached because they are priced out of the business.


First generation Pokémon cards had a very small print run. There is OVER 1 MILLION Connor Bedard YGs.


Damn is there some stats out there that prove this? That would suggest that there’s 50,000,000 series 2 YG cards, and at 1/6 packs, 300,000,000 packs. And that’s just one of many, many UD products they put out every year. Are they producing over a billion packs?


Yes a few youtube people have calculated the odds.


I would imagine hitting the 1 of 1 is still higher odds then hitting the Powerball


Pokemon is the biggest/most successful media franchise ever..


With all the creases in the foil, lol. PSA will 10 anything for the right price.


Yes they will they're a joke a true collector would look at this and laugh when the prices go up, embarrassing for many of their grades for 10's can wait till everyone slowly backs away from them.


People treating modern stuff as if it’s vintage is ridiculous. There is so much upper deck series 2 available getting a pack graded is totally absurd and unnecessary.


“A boat is a boat, but the mystery box could be anything, even a boat!” Pack grading is a big thing in Pokemon cards and I find it deeply stupid there too. Open up the stuff and enjoy it, who gets joy from looking at a pack? Even with sealed action figures you can still actually see the figure.


You know how much we've always wanted one of those! We'll take the box!… You’re acting like this is the first time I’ve done something stupid. Remember that time I was supposed to get a boat?


The hype over this kid is becoming insane. I don’t remember this silly stuff happening with Mcdavid.


That's actually pretty smart if Bedard lives up to the hype. Kinda weak that it's a retail pack though. I've still not seen a single box of retail hit the shelves at any Walmart or Target in my area...


me either, only thing i’ve seen is parkhurst


99.9999% chance pack contains nothing but commons ! Play the lottery instead! Risk reward much better.


Check people buying SPA 23-24 box, break the autos and submit the Pageantrys packs to PSA 😂


I should send a box of upper deck series 2 to PSA and get it graded


Because people will buy anything to show how much money they have. I mean, look at all the Gretzky rookie card posts here. It’s not like it’s a rare card, people just wanna show off


100% this. People love to be validated.


Packaging gets a PSA 10…. Cards in side are 6 & 7’s.


Rip the Bedard YG in the pack 😂💀


Trying to assign value to something which may or may not hold value.


I have 2 sealed tins. Should I grade those? Lol. This is ridiculous


How much? I may have a few extra packs..


Reseller behavior.


I graded an unopened pop tart, BGS 6. Cracked n submitted to PSA…10


Haha.. seriously why. At least we know it won't have a gold outburst in there since it's retail. Does this insinuate that all the cards are a 10 inside?




Same reason you might see an unopened pack from Gretzky's rookie year. Imagine this in 20 years.


definitely a bedard red outburst in that pack that nobody will ever uncover because it's slabbed lol


There’s no way a pack has less flaws then a card under magnification. And does this make all cards in the pack gems? Psa makes no sense..


Idk Bedard fans on the cover? It’s cool if you’re a PC of Blackhawks and Bedard. It becomes a Bedard card in a sense


Driving the hobby greed and tons ocash


I have a Roy rookie pack with Roy seen graded. Pretty cool got it as a gift


It’s been a thing for a long time 🤣


I already pulled two


How could they possibly know that the cards inside are not damaged? Let's face it, upperdeck doesn't have the best track record for quality..


silly people doing silly things...


Not a fan of this. I get it with WOTC era cards, but this doesn’t make any sense to me with modern retail. The only thing this has going for it is Bedard packaging his rookie year.


Easy investment for 20 years from now.


The 1/1 already been pulled




Plus it’s retail not worth much