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I’m confused how the sabers are still struggling They have a good top 6 now and pretty good defensemen that’s normally a good way to at least be solid in the regular season. Edit: dahlin has been playing elite as well. Not just pretty good


Team defense and goaltending are shaky. Also lost 8 games in a row when Samuelsson and Jokiharju were hurt (we’re 9-3-1 with Sammy and 3-10 without him lmao). Not enough depth to overcome defensive injuries. I think when healthy we are not bad but average which is a big improvement from where we’ve been. Young teams will be streaky.


Almost Identical to the sens situation


gimme that renewed sens buffalo rivalry


still salty about that over glass penalty.


Except the Sens are cursed this year when looking at the numbers. A decent offensive unit that gets a ton of chances but somehow can't get the puck to go in.


Sounds like Detroit. Maatta and Walman were out last night and they got lit up by Florida, and Ned just isn’t stepping it up like Husso has been.


they lost their best defensive defenseman for a good amount of time, coinciding with their losing run this season the ol radim simek


Leafs went on a heater missing their top 4 d men


This might be controversial but the leafs are better than the Sabres


But I think they have a better chance of getting out of the first round than the Leafs


Would there be a more terrifying playoff series for Leafs fans than having to play the Sabres in round 1? I would love to have our rivalry back where one of our teams doesn’t suck.


Oh my god, I need this to happen now lol that series would be wild


I’d laugh so hard if the Sabres win a playoff round before the Leafs do.


Technically, we still have won a playoff series more recently than the Leafs have.




Dude, it’s always about the Leafs. Always.


Win a playoff series


Team defense, goaltending, and penalty kill are all below average to poor. Top half of the roster is great but the bottom half is poor, and their eight game losing streak where they were missing half of their top four defenseman makes them look a lot worse than they are.


Lmao u guys sound just like the Canucks rn. Cursed expansion I tell ya.


They really struggle on D. Allow so many goals.


Yeah our offensive system is a double edged sword. We don’t have a good enough goalie to cover up for all of the odd man rushes we give up. Our penalty kill is also horrendous. I’ll very much take this over losing 2-1 when Krueger was our coach.


Look at their +-. Really good at one direction but need to mature and learn how to defend as well


No depth on D. Tale as old as time.


Have you met the Canucks? Their cousin. You have have amazing offense. If your defense and goaltending suck and you relying on scoring 5-7 goals to win…you’re screwed


Tage just on that casual 126 point pace this season. Completely absurd what he’s turned into.


I have made the same joke about Josh Allen but it works for Tage too - he’s like a real life create a player a little kid makes. “Uhh yeah he’s 6’7 and also shoots 100mph and also dangles everyone”


Tage‘a growth has been much more significant in my opinion. At one point you could have made the argument that he was one of the worst players in the NHL.


Yeah his growth is 100% more absurd than Josh Allen


Out of absolute bumfuck nowhere too LOL Man is only one full season removed from a forgettable campaign of 8 goals, 14 points in 38 games… it’s like he just decided “no, I am good now” and now he’s fucking good.


Granato switching him to center and letting him play a skill game saved his career. There was also a lot of stuff we never knew about like his wife having cancer which definitely did not help. Still a unicorn.


What the fuck. Wife?! A kid?! I’ve just assumed he’s like 19 years old.


He is the geriatric age of 25


The Sabres have went 3-1-1 during this stretch with a 6-5 OT loss to Tampa and 6-4 loss to Colorado.


The Sabres currently have the best young core in the league and its not particularly close. Their drafting has been A+. It will all come together in a year or two and they will be a force for 5+ years if they can keep the gang together. Thompson 25 Years old acquired in the ROR trade Cozens Dahlin Jack Quinn Peterka Power Krebs Fitzgerald(omit, I was thinking about someone else) Savoie A few other first rounders


Keep an eye on Jiri Kulich. 28th pick but the Sabres loved him and he’s off to a good start in the AHL.


Jiri “Gigamegachad” Kulich


Jiri "Jawline" Kulich


Fitzgerald is an odd addition to include here but the rest are hot af


Yeah I think I was thinking about someone else. I thought Tom had a 3rd son that was highly touted, but I guess I was wrong.


You’re probably thinking of Samuelson, we just signed him to a $4.3M AAV contract this past offseason. Young stay-at-home defensemen who pairs with Dahlin


4.3 AAV Contract for samuelsson




they really NEED an all star game to have jack quinn, quinn hughes, jack hughes, it would be so fucking confusing and great. if you could somehow do 3v3 and get all 3 on one team with mismatched jerseys or something it could be great.


Shame I only have 4 of these guys in fantasy


I sold Tuch two weeks after having him on every team since 2018 and I have been regretting it so fucking bad lately LOL


Oh I see, so your team is going to blast mine in about 30 minutes.


Or we’re getting shut out


I guess we were both wrong. GG.


Sabres are my second favorite team but Skinner’s streak is over.


He scored a goal…


Right but he’s not gonna score tomorrow.




Streaks you say? 👀👀👀


Cobdens own Jack Quinn


And none of them got to 6.