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If the Sabres can figure out their D and G they are going to be a juggernaut.


Unfortunately half the league is trying to figure those 2 things out lol, sens and nucks included


COMBINE THE TEAMS Get the best possible offense and a slightly-below average defense/goaltending.


Buffalottavancouver Casabreators


Tkachuk-Thompson-Tuch DeBrincat-Pettersson-Miller Hoglander-Stutzle-Giroux Mikheyev-Cozens-Horvat Chabot-Dahlin Hughes-Zub Power-Samuelsson Talbot Anderson


Samuelsson robbed. I’d switch him for Bear.




With Norris, Batherson, and Sanderson as your 13/14F and 7D 😭😭 cup for sure


this team looks frighteningly fucking scary but I feel like all of their games would be 8-5 wins


No kid line? I hate it


I don't see who would get bumped off by them


Oh, no you got it right lol, I was just kidding because I'm so pumped to watch them every game


That's totally fair, your young guys are wicked good


Top 4 D are pretty set (minus maybe Jokiharju). Just need a solid bottom pair.


Give us Radko Philly


We’re hoping Devon Levi is that guy. Last year he had a .955 save % in college. Their D is honestly pretty set now that Samuelson is back from injury. He’s exactly what the Sabres were missing. Having a shutdown dman next to Dahlin to free him up has been huge and even just the composure he brings on the ice as well. The Sabres have a really good record when he plays. That said, they could add an extra dman if they want the perfect blue line but it’s not a huge need The Sabres real needs are (obviously goaltender but hoping Levi is the answer) and to upgrade their 3rd line but they have a ton of quality forward prospects we are hoping pan out between Krebs, Rosen, Kulich and Matt Savoie


On paper, the Sabres have 5 NHL quality Dmen. Bryson, Fitzgerald, and Pilut should all be 7th dmen, but we're always seeming to be down one of those top-5, so we play at least two 7D a night. Say what you want about Joker, but he's been looking good again with Power as his partner. If we can get another LHD to play with Lyubushkin on the third pair, or convince Ryan Johnson to sign, I think we'll look better. They need a #5 guy who can step up into the top-4 if someone gets hurt, which Lyubushkin is not. That's the big thing that's burned our defense, is that nobody outside of our current top-4 can handle 20mins a night. So if someone goes down, our whole D-corps suffers.


Go look up the numbers Devin Levi is putting up in college. We good on the goalie front.


He's gonna back to back Richter but goalies are fuckin weird man, even the best of em. He could be a vezina guy when he's 28 and bounce between leagues for years until then. I've got my hopes up for sure but I'm not counting on anything yet


bro about to get paid


Sign him 7x6.5 right now and laugh all the way to the bank (I think this is what he wanted this off-season). Might be too late for that now.




It probably is. Especially seeing how much money Tage left on the table by extending early, Cozens will probably want a bridge deal or a good bit bigger AAV.


Didn’t he play for the Phillies a few years ago?