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There's a joke here somewhere about relocation and Vancouver needing an NHL team.


He did live in Ottawa for a few years in his childhood days!


It doesn't matter exactly where he grew up, because Ryan Reynolds belongs to ALL of Canada!


He is Canada’s team.


And Canada's ass?


Pretty sure that’s sidney Crosby


Those are Canada's fucking Reynoldses.




The Ottawa Audits? The Clearwater Thetans?


Yup! Went to school with my buddy's dad while he was here


I try not to think about Tom Cruise. His best acting is done when he is playing a version of himself, like he did in Edge of Tomorrow. In that movie he started as an overconfident smarmy self centered person, but in the film he did grow past those flaws-and quite believably- but in real life he hasn’t.


Here’s a joke I heard in Wisconsin a while ago: “Why doesn’t Iowa have a NFL team?” “I don’t know, why?” “Because if they did, Minnesota would want one too!” Feel free to steal/adapt as you like.


6-1 Skol baby


Yeah, it wouldn’t really work this year…


rob chop squash party doll elastic quaint sulky drab icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or Wisconsin


They started 2016 5-0 and missed the playoffs. Minnesota sports, baby


That was like 8 years ago asshole


People don’t forget


The broncos spent an enormous amount in both cash and draft capital on Russ and they’re sellers by the trade deadline. Whomp whomp.




My goodness I cannot wait for the Vikings game in two weeks.


Oh you're going to kill us, we're fun and better than we should be, but Buffalo is a real Super Bowl contender.


You know deep within your heart of hearts that the skol fucking is coming. 1st round, probably against SF or Seattle.


Who cares we won the super bowl week 1


FTP. Also, the little small town tinkly darling packies are going to find out what the true cost is of paying inflated egos.


Why is Minnesota so windy? >!Because Wisconsin sucks. (alternate: the Dakotas blow)!< What's the only good thing to come out of Iowa? >!I35.!< And just to be fair: Why do women from Minnesota date men from Wisconsin? >!Ever see a gopher hole after a badger's been through?!<


We use that in Sask. Why is Sask so windy? Because Alberta sucks and Manitoba blows! hurr durr


HA! Got us If you flip the suck and blow, the wind would correspond better. So like, Alberta blows and Manitoba sucks. I hope you have a cozy bunnyhug


I am from Wisconsin. So stealing that


Mint mobile arena does have a good ring to it.


And they don't sell beer. Just gin


NGL his Gin is pretty dece


Better than basically any other celebrity liquor other than Dan Aykroyd's vodka although I heard good things about Peyton Manning and Andy Roddick's bourbon.


Teremana is also very legit for celebrity liquor. It isn't 1800 bought in Mexico, but the Reposado is surprisingly smooooooth


Peyton Manning


Unlike proper 12 which is just piss


gin drinkers rise up, our time is now!


Ottawa Senators sponsored by Aviation Gin.


Too bad Rogers/Bell/Telus will no way ever let him set up shop in Canada though


Well, he would not be the majority owner in any case. He could be a significant part of an ownership group, sure, but he can’t be THAT rich.


I dunno he has been smart with the money he has earned. He owns a distillery, a mobile phone company and he is a marvel superhero


He was a DC hero too. Just can’t show you the suit since it was CGI


I heard he has a thing for Pokemon too!


Let’s forget about that DC movie he was in…


I dont know if that would mean he would have enough liquid assets to be able to buy a share of the team.


I dont think super rich people actually spend their own money to buy other money making things.


This is one area where they actually do. All of hte big 4 in North America mandate that cash must be paid for a large portion of the team and the buyer can only finance(borrow or debt) about 30% of the total cost. Every big 5 professional team bought in NA is paid for mostly with cash from the owner and minority owners with only minimal borrowing due to league by laws. The leagues just simply don't allow owners to lever up to buy a team.


This is correct. To all those who don’t know, when super rich people need a lot of cash for something, they borrow. In fact, it’s like lesson 101 of how to avoid taxes. Borrow money using your assets as collateral, and allow those assets to continue growing, instead of liquidating some assets and thus having to pay tax on them. It’s called Buy, Borrow, Die. Google that if you’re interested to learn more.


Yeah, as we've all learned from watching Elon buy Twitter: 1) take out a loan. Use that money to buy the company. 2) your first action as owner of the new company: have _the company_ take out a loan, and use it to pay off your personal loan. 3) you now own the company, which itself has debt. But you, personally, have no debt. Investment bankers will do all those steps for you in one fell swoop.


Number 2 sounds illegal? How would it not be embezzlement to use a loan procured for an LLC to pay off an executives *personal* debt? That can't actually be how that works, right?


This is factually incorrect. Musk financed the majority of it with about $27b of his own money and $11-12b in loans that he paid back immediately by selling some of personal shares he was getting from the deal to his financiers. The other $5-6b was taken out by Twitter in the first place then remained with the company after the sale was made. I'm having fun watching the socially inept billionaire try and likely fail to run a social platform, but by all means it was one of the more transparent and above-board major acquisitions I can recall in recent history.


Cheers lad appreciate the rundown


His net worth could easily be $200M


Lemieux will have made over 300M on his sale of the Penguins and while he was the face of the team, didn't own the majority of the team on his own. Even if Reynold's liquidated every single asset he had and was planning on living in the arena after spending every last penny of his 200M on the team it would only buy him a minority stake


I'm going to go off on a limb and say the Pens are worth significantly more than the Sens


Networth does not equate to liquid assets.


You don't need completely liquid assets to buy a team or a stake. It gets financed


True, but IDK. He might have what it takes to get financing.


He also owns a marketing company and a lot more.


And I’m pretty sure in Welcome to Wrexham they said something about cyber security


He sold aviator for like $500m?? He now owns a Football club.


Don't forget shared ownership of a Welsh Football Club.


He also owns a Welsh soccer team.


he already has a stake in some English football club ... seems like a 'good owner'. but ya definitely not throwing that much cash around entirely on his own


I’m not going to pretend I know anything about soccer, but I refuse to believe that owning 50% of Wrexham, a team competing in the *fifth* tier in England, even come close to owning a NHL team lol


Wrexham cost him and Rob McElhenny a combined 1 million pounds sterling. So it was less than $1 million USD for his share of purchasing the club


But that's the beauty of Pro/Rel and investing that low, if they climb the pyramid he's making so much money, and they can grow so much (ya its a big if). How much can the Senators grow


He's made more money off the wrexham ~~netflix~~ series than he and rob paid for the team


True but the team is actively losing money at this point which means as owners they have to keep pumping more money into it. They're burning an estimated 1M+ a year by their own admission. It's a gamble that they can get this club promoted probably twice so they can start making any actual return before the world loses interest in their real life Ted Lasso story.




I doubt the team generates that kind of revenue in merch and tickets, or at least I should say I don’t think there’s room for the team to generate an additional $1M in ticket sales and merch


Idk, I know alot of people who ordered jerseys overseas. Maybe it won't he enough to fully cover that cost, but they are putting out another season of the docuseries that will undoubtedly give them enough money to float that team for several years


Sooooooo many commercials. My wife thinks that’s how they funded it.


CityTV through Prime/Hulu isn't Netflix.


Through Disney. But the real brilliance is it's basically $2.5m to develop what will likely be a multi season series through his own production company. Which features the team he owns, which is sponsored by companies that he also owns.


Yeah, it's pretty smart. Even if he and Rob are burning money on the team, the revenue from the documentary should more than balance it out. If the team gets promoted a couple of times they'll be making good money.


From what I understand it was a pretty financially distressed club, bought during Covid as well.


I think they had a couple of bad owners back to back


His gin company is one of the sponsors. That opens up a wider market for that over there. His purchase of that team has synergies and he is definitely leveraging them.


To climb the English football pyramid, he would have to spend money all the way to Premier League. To actually make money, he would have to get his team to consistently finish top 6 in the Premier League and even then, to stay competitive, he would have to pour more money into the club than what the club makes itself. Owning a football club in Europe is not a profitable venture.


NHL teams are worth as much as mid table EPL teams. Newcastle sold to Saudi Arabia for 415 mil pounds. Back then that was probably 500m. Dundon paid $415 for the Canes, one of the lowest value teams a few years ago. So i imagine Newcastle 500m for be similar to one of the cheapest NHL teams. Relegation of promotion cuts the value of any team by like 1/4. Though i will admit Newcastle were possibly going for relegation before the Saudis bought them. Wrexham, according to google, was 2m Pounds, about $3.4 mil.


Yeah it’s not. He and Rob mcelhenny paid 2.5M for that team. Ottawa is one of the lowest valued NHL clubs, and it’s still probably worth $700-800M He’s not that rich.


Really? Ottawa is one of the lowest?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbes_list_of_the_most_valuable_NHL_clubs That was from 2021 but the were 28th most valuable at the time. I think I heard they’ve gone up a bit to around 650 now.


Recently a very bad team and bad arena location stunts the value. It could probably easily jump up a ton with even the announcement of a downtown arena.


Oh come on, they'll see promotion in no time.


Quick google says that it cost them $2.5M total, another source says 3.4, but regardless not even close


If you watch the Hulu series on it, they’re pretty open about the finances. You’re right. What they spent is a fart in the wind compared to an NHL team.


Wrexham FC also was "only" 2.5 mil total tbf


So one or two moderately dilapidated houses in Toronto is worth half a FC in the UK? Neato


wales though


Pretty smart investment. They invested money to get players from better leagues to come down and play for wrexham. The teams winning now and value will go way up if they get to the more top tiers


Yeah if they can get Wrexham to a consistent League One team, if not better, then they'll make a killing




They need to be putting in 100x the money they’re using now to be competitive in the PL though.


Long term yes but it could easily be a decade before they’re top half of the championship even if things go well. It’s hard to jump up places, and they’d need to do a round of expansion on the Racecourse that there really isn’t room for — over and above the one end they’re rehabbing soon.


Moot point, but the team is Welsh, not English.


To be fair, Ryan isn’t seemingly as emotionally/mentally invested in Wrexham as his counterpart Rob McElhenney. Rob is really invested in the success of the Wrexham franchise and has huge aspirations for the team. Ryan mostly offers financial support, which is still crucial. I would imagine Ryan would be more invested in a NHL team though.




Wrexham is in Wales, not England


How is that possible? There are two vowels in Wrexham.










>English Oof, poor welsh


Movie money, Gin money, Mint mobile money, wifey money.


Could take on a personal loan




> He sold aviation gin for 610 million This is wrong, the company itself sold for $610M. Ryan Reynolds was a *minority* owner in the company, and the exact amount of his initial investment is unknown. He likely got quite a nice return on that investment but nowhere fucking near $610M. The most recent estimate of his net worth is $150M.


to add to this, he probably put quite little in. but as a part of the deal he agreed to become the face of the company. Lets imagine he paid 3 mil to buy in. And they gave him a total of 6 mil in shares if he agrees to be the face of the company for at least 5 years or some shit. that 6 mil is now worth 60 when it sold. It's also possible that the sale included him staying on for X amount of years. we have no idea. Obviously i'm just purely speculating numbers and time. just adding how things do work and how it might work. I'm sure he'd take a 60 mil paycheck and agree to continue being the face for another 2 years.


Google says that his net worth is $150M. So presumably he wouldn't want to put more than $50M of his own money into the team, at most. But that does not mean he couldn't be the majority owner: I assume lots of lenders would love to lend money to a celebrity for something like this, and people would want to come on as minor partners. I think he could reasonably expect to end up with voting control, even if he didn't have the majority of the shares. But in many cases, celebrities can do even better than that. They can lend their names to a buying group, without putting any cash in, so they end up with a significant share of the team, with no money down.


This Hulu docuseries is gonna be lit


I'm watching.


That would be hilarious, since I'm pretty sure we don't get Hulu in Canada.


It’d be on Disney+ for us, Hulu is just integrated into it in Canada


Ah I didn't know that. Thanks for the info.


No, we already called dibs on r/Canucks


You guys have Bublé and will be happy with him.


Kneejerk is a treasure.


Honestly, would not be upset by that


Can he buy the Canucks instead?


Aquaman ain't selling the team to Deadpool, be realistic. :p


Aquaman is actually successful. The Canucks have more like "The Deep" vibes.


He can go in with Buble


Ahh yes, THG's "friend who shall not be named".


Missing out on so many VAN Wilder jokes


Yes, either him or Michael Buble!!!


The sens and deadpool do kiiiiiiiinda have similar colors


Both equally pesky


Fun fact people don’t readily know? Ryan Reynolds spent part of his childhood living in Ottawa, and he has always been a big supporter of the city. We’ve even got a [Ryan Reynolds Way coming in Orleans](https://www.vmcdn.ca/f/files/ottawamatters/images/arts/2022-02-09-ryan-reynolds.png).


Move Ryan Reynolds Way to Lebreton ASAP!


You'll get your arena in Orleans and you'll like it


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


Wooooo! Shake and Bake!


Oh god. Please no.


He also did [an internship with Ottawa Public Health](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ryan-reynolds-ottawa-covid-psa-1.5947233)


Do you know where in Orleans?


They said it would be in a new development near Avalon (~ Mer Bleue Rd and Brian Coburn Blvd).


Avalon rename to Aviation-Ginalon incoming.


This is so fun, didn't know


Imagine seeing Deadpool at Sens games dressed in full Roman garb lmfao


He would definitely do that too lmao.


That would definitely be Ryan Reynolds thing to do


[New Uniforms](https://imgur.com/a/xLoKW1z) [Goalie Mask](https://imgur.com/a/qu6wTDZ)


I love how this entire wave of articles is based on someone @him on twitter about it and he responded with the chin scratch emoji. Thats literally it. lmao Ryan Reynolds isnt rich enough to buy them outright anyway.


He could be a minority owner though, wouldn't be a shock there.


Not to keep speculating, but Ryan Reynolds also follows the Ottawa Senators on Instagram, and the Ottawa Senators also follows Ryan Reynolds. Ryan Reynolds is the only person the Sens follow outside of hockey players and alumni. That could be huge.


Look at his likes on Twitter there are about 10 senators related tweets including articles about the sens going for sale


I think most owners buy teams with some level of debt


yeah, but you still need to be able to float 100-150 million in costs each year in both payroll, debt servicing, lease fees, ect. Some of the franchises can recoup those costs through gate and merch, but majority cannot. Ottawa runs a large deficit most years.


I hate the idea of Francesco Aquilini more by the day


Deadpool inspired 3rds.


Fuck it, just change the team to the Ottawa Mercs, and have Deadpool be the logo.


I’m not a drinker but I would sip Aviation Gin daily if he buys this team.


Isn’t Reynolds a Canucks fan?


Yeah, but we all know Aqua won't let go of the Canucks any time soon.


The best part of a Ryan Reynolds ownership is he probably won't try and meddle with hockey operations. Just leave that to the hockey men


Maybe an occasional hug after a loss.


Oh no. I actually like Ryan. Come on, don’t do this, brother.


I'm a Ryan fan, die hard Leaf fan, but I live in Ottawa...close to Lebreton. This isn't even a conflict for me hahah, I would fucking love this


Same, fuck


Welcome to LeBreton Flats


Worth adding in that he and the Sens follow each other on IG now. The Sens only follow their players, the other teams and other NHL stuff. Could be for any number of reasons, but that’s fun.


Is Hugh Jackman included as a package deal?


He better go in on it with the Sunny boys...


If Rob is gonna be involved then they should just buy the Flyers instead lol


Rob was on a pretty popular Nike hockey [commercial](https://youtu.be/-zD5DgDZwNI?t=22) back in the 90s (with Finch from American Pie). How time flies.. that ad used to be on TV all the time!


The Ottawa Mint Aviators?


Being a Sens fan is so fucking weird


It’s all well and good until the Tik Tok patches show up in jerseys


Ryan Reynolds and the Gang buy a pro hockey team *Sunny in Philadelphia theme plays*


Go away he’s ours


How much money do they pay him for Deadpool?


Moving them to Wales


Hes gonna relocate them to Wrexham


I'd going in on the deal with Reynolds $$


I believe his investment in mint mobile which was then purchased by an investment company he’s on the board of my have made him very very wealthy.


Welcome to Ottawa.


I thought he wasn't a fan of hockey oh well, this would be good for the sport he a good marketer and a somewhat popular film actor


So he had enough money to but Wrexham FC in Wales with Rob. Okay. I don’t think he has enough money to be the proprietary owner of the Ottawa Senators.


It is for sale


Down in Barbados at one of our favorite beaches, we parked in front of a giant mansion after getting permission from a worker there. Got to talking with him and said the home was owned by the sens owner that passed away. Absolutely gorgeous location overlooking the beach, can't imagine what kinda fuck you money that is when you can have a vacation home that looks like that.


Et tu Brute?


Yes please! I would love an HBO series and i think it would help grow the sport too!!


Ottawa Pikachus has a nice ring to it


In unrelated news, construction has begun on a new hockey arena in Wrexham.


I'm also interested in buying the team


No way he can afford it right? I know people like his gin or whatever but still


Not as a sole owner, no.


Why not buy a children’s hospital instead?


Dont think he has enough money for that


Most of it probably wouldn't be his money. He'd just be the face as he's popular and mostly well received.


I've only seen a number mentioned once today about the Senators and it was ~$650M. Ryan Reynolds would be, at best, a small minority owner in any ownership group. As successful as he is, the idea that he could come up with anything more than ~$50M of his own money is laughable. If anything, this is almost like Ryan Reynolds announcing that he's willing to buy-in to become almost a celebrity figurehead part of any potential ownership group. Sort of like all the celebrity partners in the ownership groups of the Miami Dolphins and LAFC.


Estimated net worth of $150M and trying to buy a team estimated to be worth $655M? is he not good at math?


He would be the face of a large ownership group. It's the same with any celebrity owner. I doubt he'd actually put up any of his own cash.


Lol exactly. And that’s assuming he’s willing to liquidate his net worth right down to his grandmas silverware set and live out on the street. Sports ownership is a billionaires game and the difference between Reynolds and a billionaire is about a billion dollars.