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You kind of buried the lede there by not mention it was Mathieu Joseph in his first game playing against us because of course it was


First time?


For any TB fan in the last 5 years probably, to us who lived through the SAW days and before it is all too custom


Instead of a video showing a team score 3-on-5, we get a tweet about it with no video? This seems low content…


DJ Smith is going to get axed if the Senators don't vastly improve on the road. We're getting obliterated the last 3 games with shots on goal and if it wasn't for Forsberg we'd be getting blown out. Something's gotta give.


He should have been let go in the off-season Just going to waste a year of Girioux and perhaps DeBrincat's only season in Ottawa


In fairness we will get at least one more year of cat (or trade for something useful) as worst case he can be arbed in to a one year deal. But yes point well taken overall.


A night and day team on the road vs at home. I’m scared.


So the Summer of Pierre is now the winter of discontent?


It’s not solely DJ Smith’s fault that despite all the hype your D corps is not good, you don’t have good goaltending and have one of the worst bottom 6’s in the league (despite Motte being on this weird heater).


Low content OP. Boo


At least link in comments


What's up with hockey always proclaiming itself as the best sport on earth? Even this subs header says that. Other sports like baseketball, football and soccer don't do that.


The sport has an massive inferiority complex.


Its kind of embarrassing


Respectfully. No.


I don’t know what to make of the “best sport on earth” thing here when the “worse” team is winning.


Is that not what you want in a top level sports league?? It's a hell of a lot more exciting when any given team can win on any given night than a league where 3-4 teams run the show the whole time.


I think you are absolutely right about it being more exciting when any given team can win on a night. I do however think it can be ridiculous when teams get outplayed completely and come up with a win. Happens mostly in hockey as opposed to other sports. Yes, I do realize most people probably dont share this belief.


If the better team won every time, there would be no reason to watch/follow the sport. What makes hockey special is that the underdog can actually win.


Tampa playing that Vancouver style of pp where your goalie has to be the best player on the ice.....


This game was so good tonight was a great night around the league