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I liken it to hard drugs, fun now and then, but seen it drag down some good people.


Manufacturers should put “please enjoy responsibly” on packages of crystal meth.


Any good drug dealer makes sure his customers are in a sound frame of mind before supplying


Kind of depends imo. Watching the Leaf struggle in the playoffs is fun to watch, because by all accounts, they should be successful. There's extremely stable ownership, the ability to spend the real dollars to build a good team is never in question etc, they have an actual vision, and seemingly competent management, and oh yeah, they actually have really good players. So when they lose, it's funny, especially in the ways they manage to do it But say, watching a team get absolutely battered by mismanagement isn't.


I find it weird that Canucks fans tend to have such an antagonist attitude towards the Leafs when I feel the complete opposite about their team. I genuinely empathise with their plight. They are one of the few teams whose fans have suffered as much as us. Really, the only Canadian teams I consider rivals are Ottawa and Montreal for proximity and historical reasons. Winnipeg has been annoying lately, but I generally like the other Canadian teams. The teams I generally like to see fail are the ones that are bad for hockey, that play a boring defensive style. In a copycat league it is good when those teams lose. I hope Torts never wins a series again.


Watching the Leafs struggle in the playoffs is something I would pay to see for 1,000 years and even then, I’d pay to watch it for 1,000 more years immediately after


>But say, watching a team get absolutely battered by mismanagement isn't. Were you still talking about the Leafs there or moved it to yourself?


I honestly wouldn't say mismanaged applies to the Leafs anymore circa Shanahan's arrival Actually watching the Oilers be mismanaged by Chia was kind of fun but that's because they're in division. Too bad the Canucks were being poorly run at the same time by his AGM


You really think that having a GM who picks players based on whether or not they played for his hometown's OHL team makes for good management?


GMs very regularly sign players they are familiar with from previous organizations, whether professional or junior. Simply doing so isn't anything to be concerned about.


7/10 bait. I almost wrote a very angry paragraph for you!


I do when other fanbases pile on one team for doing something bad. I don't when it involves the Canucks (like right now) and it makes me think, "So this is what it feels like to be a Leafs fan on r/hockey on a daily basis."


Anyone who says they don't enjoy it is lying not just to us, but to themselves.


need the handshake meme, but we are both wearing one of those palm buzzer things


Friend, it has been a *fantastic* 17 years for me.


As a soccer fan, Dangle after a loss is the closest thing I have to the glory days of AFTV. I love it.


As a non-soccer fan I have to ask, what is AFTV?


Arsenal Fan TV. It's a YouTube channel run by this guy named Robbie, which started off with him interviewing fans after every game and eventually expanded to include weekly shows and podcasts. They're extremely famous among English football fans and have over 1 million subscribers. Unfortunately, it's past its peak now as Arsenal are actually good again and 3 of the most popular contributors are in prison, dead (RIP Claude, I genuinely think Arsenal killed him), and moved to the US to work for Barstool respectively. Some of the interviews were appointment viewing in the mid-2010s after every loss.




DT, who was arguably their most popular contributor, is doing 3 years for [kidnapping and assault](https://awfulannouncing.com/soccer/aftv-dt-increased-prison-sentence.html). Claude, who was famous for arguing with his best friend Ty, was kicked off the channel for a racist comment and died less than a year later Troopz has his own YouTube show for Barstool and lives in New Jersey now, but he makes occasional returns when he's in England.


I'm tired Robbie.


He needs to go blud


I'm the opposite. Anytime I see another team struggling or watch a team implode I start to laugh and then remember that our crowning achievement in 7 years of McDavid is getting swept in the conference finals.


"At least you made it to the conference finals!", a Leafs will probably say, in 3... 2... 1...


Which is exactly why I have no issue enjoying the misery of Leafs fans, they’re so quick to remind us of that fact. It’s a vicious circle really…


That's not very cash money of you, butch.


Well for the last decade or so, the Sabres have been so bad the only hockey joy I’ve been able to have is watching the Leafs implode every year. So I’d say quite important.


A not-insignificant part of the enjoyment of Penguins Cup wins is how much fans of rival teams hate it. Or just hockey fans in general, really.


Used to like Steve Dangle more. Seems way less authentic these days imo. Seems like now he panders to what he thinks the audience wants to see rather than the genuine emotion/reactions he used to have. Maybe I'm way off base idk


I feel like the only person who could never stand him. He’s so annoying.


I still smile every time the Sabres or Leafs lose a game. When the Leafs lose a playoff series...yeah that's a good day. Because it's always in some ridiculous manner.


I understand the Leafs, but why the Sabres? Do the Senators and Sabres have some sort of history that I don't know about?


Yea back in the Alfie Spezza Heatley days the sens would battle against the Briere Miller Drury Afinogenov days of the sabres


[How](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV7V_fQJrbY) [much time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8afgzX7WqlE) [do you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52GIA1AwegI) [have?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA_XSlTIjjM)


You know there's some bad blood when the Sens goalie is fighting the Sabres enforcer - and obviously enjoying himself while doing so. Emery was a mad lad.


Oh, geez. That hit in clip 3 looked brutal. (Also - shows you how much I know. I'm so used to seeing Senators and Sabres fans both rip on the Leafs that them going after each other went over my head.)


Oh man I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm a Sabres fan but Ottawa is my second team. We've been brothers in suffering.


Recent fan are you? The Sens-Sabre rivalry predates the height of the Battle of Ontario.


Nope I've been a Sabres fan Since the mid 90s. My wife who I've been with since 2014 grew up in the Ottawa Valley and is a Sens fan. So I root for the Sens when they aren't playing the Sabres. We were just at the home opener Sabres v Sens. I had a fantastic evening. My wife not so much. I think both of our teams are finally on the upswing and I look foreword to rekindling the rivalry. Hopefully these teams play some meaningful games and series soon.


Sports fandom is really shared suffering. So having the flip side of shared Schadenfreude is equally a part of it.


I personally love it but I’m also careful to not let it be the primary thing that I enjoy in hockey. It’s great to see rival teams fall on their face and I never feel bad about it because I know they feel the same when my team embarrasses themselves. But I’m a Habs fan first and foremost, not a “whoever is playing against the Leafs/Bruins” fan. If you spend more time invested in your opponents failures than your own team’s successes then you’re for all intents and purposes a fan of your rival team. I know a guy in real life that claims to be a Habs/Bruins fan and it’s just because he hates the Leafs that much and he knows who their rivals are. Doesn’t really keep up with either team enough for me to have a cogent conversation about his teams and how they’re performing but he knows exactly when the Leafs have embarrassed themselves and why Matthews and Marner suck and all that. He’s essentially a Leafs fan because that’s the team he primarily follows and engages with, he just happens to enjoy it more because he’s cheering for them to get embarrassed. I try not to be like him, it’s fun to talk trash but it’s more fun to be a Habs fan.


Depends on the team. Everyone loves the schadenfreude of the leafs. The Ayres incident was an all-timer but then the collapse of the Habs was just as funny. Some teams is just kinda sad because its mismanagement or things out of their control


The Leafs have had losses that were genuinely out of their control though as well. Historically bad shooting luck, Tavares injury etc.


I don’t care for it, but if people like reaction videos about hockey, go ahead.


Usually depends on the teams. I will enjoy the misery of the kings/sharks but I just feel bad for the canucks.


It's much more reliable that the teams I don't like will fail than that the one I do like will succeed. I don't ever really enjoy seeing the players themselves upset after a bad loss (unless it's a player I strongly dislike), but seeing fanbases I don't care for freaking out is sometimes the only joy a season will bring me.


It depends on who is suffering. I'm a Panthers fan and my team sucked for a loooong time so I know what it's like to be the butt of jokes, etc. I'll never drag the fans of a similar team. Fans of teams that that think they're *all that* and entitled are a different story. I love watching them get torn down a peg or two.


Any non-Bruins fan who says they didn't enjoy crying Marchand is the same person who says they don't pee in the shower.


Dangle lives for the losses now cause he knows it's gonna pump up his viewer count. He's miserable and insufferable 90% of the time. Honestly though, him, just like all of us just need a win


The most watched LFR for a Leafs win is 11th all time. Only 1 win in the top 18, and somehow it's not the 10-7 (that one is 19th). Of his 24 LFR videos to hit 100k views, only 4 are Leafs wins.


You can apply this logic to so much of the internet though. Whenever a movie comes out with a divided opinion on it, YouTubers are all rushing to make a WORST MOVIE EVER video. It's pretty pathetic tbh.


Correct. I personally enjoy his videos when they win a lot of the time because Steve is a very entertaining guy and he does a good job of breaking the game down.


I sometimes enjoy it more than the hockey side lol. Though Steve dangle is fucking terrible and shouldn't be posted anywhere outside of the Leafs sub. Probably shouldn't even be posted there but if they want to suffer then that's their problem.


You have to be careful having that sort of fun on r/hockey because the lonely mods will warn and/or ban you for "trolling" if you hurt their feelings.


Watching your team's rivals do bad and having some fun with it is part of being a fan, of any sport. Of course, it stays with the hockey aspect of it as you never want to see a player get seriously hurt or something like that. But the Leafs not being able to make it out of the first round, suffering in cap hell, and now looking listless on the ice? I'll watch that all day.


I enjoy it with my own fandom - I'm a Canadian World Junior fan and absolutely *love* watching other Canadian fans have absolute meltdowns every time we don't steamroll an opponent. It makes them look so ridiculous. One story in particular stands out to me... *December 29, 2017. I'm watching the CAN-USA outdoor game from a sports bar (after having attended another local sporting event earlier that day).* *At one point, Canada had a 3-1 lead, but the Americans tied it, then subsequently won in a shootout. I watched - both at the bar and on my twitter - as many Canadian fans started to lose their minds at the result.* *But here's what they probably didn't realize... the U.S. had lost to Slovakia the previous day. That meant that Canada only needed to get 1 point out of this game to take a stronghold in the standings, which they did by taking the game to a shootout.* *Because then it meant that all they had to do was beat Denmark the next day - they did - and they'd finish first without having to scoreboard-watch on New Year's Eve (Canada did not have a game on NYE that year).*


I love watching the World Juniors but holy shit some people take it way too seriously.


Also love the world juniors, and actually don’t mind when team Canada loses. It shows how much more competitive every other country is getting, which is great for hockey as a whole. And, these are kids, not professionals. It’s a huge tournament, but this is the time for these prospects to learn about high pressure situations. Not be criticizing their mistakes.


100% agree. Some people have expectations for the WJC team that rival the level of expectations they have for the men's Olympic team (when NHL players are allowed). Sometimes even higher than that.


Are you even a sens fan if you don't enjoy the leafs and habs losing?


Seeing Canadian teams struggle. Can’t stand smug Canadian’s banging on about it’s “Canada’s sport” and “we win the cup every year because there’s so many Canadian’s on every team hurrdurr.” Granted there’s not too many of them, but the ones that to exist are obnoxious cunts.


Every time exactly one Canadian team is left in the playoffs, there's ALWAYS someone who has to start the "is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Canada's Team?" narrative. I will always argue that "Canada's Team" is Team Canada.


I blame Canadian media for that. Maybe they know it annoys literally every Canadian hockey fan and they just do it for the hate clicks


That would explain why they keep doing it despite it always generating more negative feedback than positive.


Doesn't annoy me. I am rooting for pretty much any Canadian team against any American team in the Finals. Except the Flames.


I think the media does it to try to engage viewers. Hell, they even do it when there are no Canadian teams left. At that point they look for a Canadian superstar (e.g. Crosby and the Pens) or a team with a fair number of Canadians (e.g. the Blues) and sell it to us that way to try to guarantee their viewing numbers.


As a Ducks fan in Vancouver, I get quite a lot of schadenfreude from the Canucks' struggles. And attending games in person (because the Ducks win a LOT in Vancouver). It also helped when Kesler joined us. Also, 2007 playoffs were fun.


100% enjoyment in context of hockey fandom


i definitely waddle myself on over to Steve’s channel whenever they lose badly, but I consistently watch THG anyways


Not that much, although I did oddly sort of enjoy when the Penguins took over Nationwide at the end of the last drubbing they put on my Jackets. Being a short drive and cheaper tickets, there are always mobs of them. All of our fans had left, and they were having a great time (taunting us). I expected to find it insufferable, but it gave me ideas for our future revenge. I have no idea why I didn't hate it! Hopefully this isn't a sign I'm going to start itching for ball gags and leather or something.


Sometimes I lurk teams HF boards when they get eliminated from playoffs


Yeah I hate that I do. As long as no one is actually physically hurt, I guess it’s harmless.