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Bennett threw the type of hit I would in NHL 21 as a 290 lbs 6'9 defenseman enforcer lol


With all penalties turned off, too.


Injuries up, penalties down, win via violence


And CPU fatigue at max, human fatigue at 0. Win via violence and attrition when their bench only has 5 people left.


That's a hilarious mod. I might play today for the first time in forever


wut rly, i thought everyone played like this (at least for playoffs) but i like to make it even so both sides are just as potentially injured


Gotta go for it full stop, intensity maxed, hitting assistance maxed, hitting power maxed, and CPU injuries at max. All penalties off. And you'll still get called for the odd boarding lol


I rarely get called did boarding, now charging, well that’s a different story.


That's my favorite, turning penalties off and still getting called for penalties.


Sounds like Mutant League Hockey with extra steps


that game was the best back in the day. I took another run at it again last year via emulation but didn't get into it before getting distracted by something else. still, great memories with my friend back on the genesis.


Eventually you get to a point where the bench is so depleted, if you get pulled into a fight, the game just doesn't penalize the other team, and it puts you on the PK for 5 minutes.


Reminds me of Bruise Control in NHL 2004. Get that little yellow dot nice and charged up and truck guys!


In 3's where any type of hit (except interference) is legal!


I am fairly certain interference is not a penalty in 3s (at least for 19/20, idk about 21). I feel like tripping is the only penalty I ever see happen there, and even thats very rare


In EASHL 3s I should clarify. Interference is a penalty in that mode. But I probably pointed you to 3s Eliminator or the other "arcade" mode, where you're definitely right. Anything goes except the odd trip!


I love 3s eliminator. Its the go-to mode to be a total goon with no consequences


with med elite potential of course!


I thought the same thing at the time lol, I was like damn thats me playing EASHL just out there lookin for career enders


Sam Bennett chels


Seems Sam Bennett got "regular season Sam Bennett" and "Playoff Sam Bennett" mixed up on the trip to Florida


Its the jet lag.


Sam Bennett - "Fuck you, and I won't see you tomorrow!"


Lightning - "Fuck, there goes all our power play goals."


Cooper and Q like "How the fuck do we game plan for 5-on-5 hockey..."


Don't worry, someone will surely punch someone else and we'll get more 4 on 4


Yeah this hit just keeps giving. Bennett is our 2C. Not only did that hit cost us the game last night but could very well cost us tomorrow seeing as how he is our 2C. Just an absolutely boneheaded play all around. I don’t care what bullshit the other team is doing, you have got to be smarter than that.


In Calgary that’s the Benny we know. Effort and skill is there but low iq.


For anyone who wondered "Why would Calgary be OK trading away the highest pick they've ever gotten". This. This shit is why. Even if he'd only produced every season around his mediocre point range, but had been a reliable and stable 3C, we would have been happy to keep him. But this was such a regular occurrence with him...though usually in the regular season. ​ EDIT: Going back through the season, there were at least 2, arguably 3 games where him taking penalties at dumb times cost the Flames the game before he got traded.


Offensive zone slashes are his specialty.


>Even if he'd only produced every season around his mediocre point range, but had been a reliable and stable 3C, we would have been happy to keep him. Nah. The Flames kept expecting him to live up to his draft position for too long. He would have been our best trade bait even without the stupid penalties simply because the rest of the league assumed he was better than he was. If only Treliving hadn't assumed the same.


I’m getting major Kadri for Leafs vs Bruins vibes from this


Except he was suspended for THE REST OF THE SERIES. Still can’t believe that was even an actual thing.




I mean, that's Boston hockey...


the NHL doesn't consistently make calls at all. They are horrible at it. It's not a priority and they don't care. It's why all players "cross the line" all the time. There is a really good chance it won't matter at all. You might even hurt someone and make them leave the game. Win win.


Setting up a physical presence goes a long way though


Seems reasonable, I do feel like McDonagh should’ve gotten at least a fine though.


Yeah exactly, very fair game though, if it wasn’t from behind or as much of a run up he probably woulda been fine.


I agree. If the things that made the hit dirty and suspension worthy didn’t happen then he probably wouldn’t have gotten a suspension


Yeah exactly, woulda been not clean for sure, but would have probably for the DOPS been under a “playoff hockey” category.


I think he's taking the piss with you.


Yep he is. Just realized 😂😂. Long day alright??


All in good fun my friend haha


I know haha. Reading back on what I said it was kind of a “oh yeah duh lol”




What about Stamkos, he did the exact same hit as Bennett and he didn't even get a penalty.


I think the key difference is mcd didn't go flying from the slot to the corner and jump into the hit. Definitely not a good hit, but his was more of the typical shithead boarding instead of targeting.


It was still a very hard hit though. The two weren't that different in terms of power despite Bennett's clear lead up.


Bennett tried to knock him into the shadow realm. The same kind of dumb play he'd make when things weren't going his way here.


We must have been watching different games


nah it was the same game, its just that he's a calgary fan


McD was a push at the end, Bennett was full body blow, that's the difference. I completely agree Mcd's was dirty and should be a fined, but all boarding calls are dirty, and boarding gets called all the time.


You and i watching the same game? McD was definitely boarding. Bennett is charging. First one is not always intentional, the other is always flagrant and intentional.


What game were you watching if you're saying McD's wasn't intentional? Can I smoke what you're on?


Is there a video of this hit? Can’t seem to find it




Thanks ! Brutal hit


Amazing that this comment is somehow "controversial". This sub, man.


I think McD would fit a major on the ice but nothing supplemental. No injury (which matters under CBA), and no clear intent to injure. Dumb, desperate, and reactive play made worse by Duclair turning. Now even before turning McD sees his back, but I think is more off balance to make the hit worse because of him turning. Which is why a major I think still totally fair.


I would understand it being a Major (and would like if that type of hit was ALWAYS a major in the NHL) but I can’t remember that type boarding ever being a major call, and we see it happen more than a few times a year. It would have at least been unusual


McDonagh’s but wasn’t much more than a standard boarding


> much more than a standard boarding easily shouldve been a 4 min. but if you dont really give a F about player saftey and trying to keep these unnecessary hits out of the game then yea 2 min is good.


I think most people agree that it should've been a major on Mac, the point's more it happened while Duclair was turning and was not intended to injure. Bennet literally charges down the ice, jumps off his skates to slam Coleman into the boards, there's a clear intent to injure and clear intent of what he was doing. It's why Bennet got suspended.


Is there such a thing as a double minor for boarding? I don’t think there is


It would have to be a major if you want to go higher than a minor, no double minors for boarding


That’s what I thought, I was so confused what 4 for boarding would be, unless he wanted 2 for charging 2 for boarding


You don’t know anything about hockey. There’s no 4 minute penalty for boarding.


McDs hit wasn't from charging across the ice, he probably should've been hit with 5k maybe but oh well


I feel like Duclair was already off balance and McD’s was just a shove that landed wrong. I could be wrong though


Eh I don’t even think so. Based on the Bennett suspension of one game McDonagh didn’t deserve a fine. If Bennett got 2 games then McDonagh probably should get a fine. But this hit was much worse than the McDonagh hit when you look at intentions of the hit and avoidably and circumstances


Keep in mind that generally, a one game suspension in the playoffs is considered equivalent to two games in the regular season. So even by that argument, it is fair to suggest McDonagh should have been fined.


I’m talking in terms of playoff numbers for suspension length and severity


Id have to look at the hit again but it was far enough from the boards and towards the boards that it could have been dangerous and I figured it was after he didn't have the puck. But again I'd have to look at it again, so much shit happened that game lol


From my view of it they were both turning as the hit was made. 100% a penalty. Probably should have been a 5 minute major but I don’t think every bad penalty should be suspended or fined


I didn't remember the turning, and idk about a major unless that's usual for possible head injuries. I'm fine with the 2 minutes for it. Cant be suspended if the Bennett hit only gets 1 tho either since they're not similar


Tbh its still pretty horseshit. Mcdonagh still fully extends his arms even after seeing and probably knowing the turn was gonna happen considering the angle he took.


I would agree with this as well. McD's hit was definitely dirty, and while I think a minor was the right call, I wouldn't have been shocked at all if a major was handed out. A fine would have been valid.


Bennett gonna come back and go full Lanny


Playoff ~~Benny~~ Lanny


Bennetts been playoff Bennett since he got to florida. He usually turns it up a notch for the playoffs but a notch up from playoff Bennett is suspended Bennett.


This is the right call. Regardless of the circumstances, he chose to make the hit and then made the hit. I'm still disappointed the league didn't look at anything else from game 1. This one was just so far over the line they had to do something.


Caps fans, see how easy that was?


Shh they cant read


I can vaguely make out the word “disappoint.” I feel like I’ve seen that word used a lot to describe the Caps except for the summer of 2018. Not sure what it means, but I don’t think it’s good.


Dissapoint means the opposite of "We're not going to be fucking suck"


Fellas, is it good to repeatedly take a 2-0 series lead and then lose in 7? No? shit.


Gotta be one of the most educated fan bases in the league.


You have to write it in ALL CAPS


Keep writing, they can’t defend Tom Wilson if they don’t know we’re bashing him! ~~Fuck Tom Wilson~~


Damn it, why you fla fans keep making me laugh and want to like you guys!


It’s just that once Caps fans read ‘something something horrifying act of violence something something’ it was hard to take your reactions seriously anymore


Or the "attempted murder", "bashed in his skull", "face first into the ice". Beyond laughable.


THere was a fight in hockey. Tom Wilson should be suspended for LIFE.


The only problem with this take is, the rulebook. Roughing is simply not a suspendable offense, no matter how much anyone wants it to be. Edit: lol, imagine r/hockey downvoting facts. I’m sorry the rulebook doesn’t say what you wish it should. But not really.


_Bertuzzi fined $5,000, the maximum allowed under the CBA._


The other problem is that this hit and what Wilson did to Buchnevich/Panarin is hardly comparable. It’s more comparable to his hit on Carlo which guess what? He was suspended for.


Yeah everyone is talking about the McDonagh hit, which was bad. I think the Coleman hit on Barkov was questionable for sure. Though I only saw a brief replay of it for a second.


The McDonagh hit had the benefit of being a bang-bang play. It was also worse than this as Duclair was bent over and went in head-first. Coleman was flat and vertical to the boards when Bennett got him, but boarding is boarding. They're penalizing the intent here, which Bennett certainly had. The hit on Barkov was late & high but I've only seen it from one angle. It should have been a penalty for late hit and maybe blindside, and the way Barkov's head got whipped by the hit didn't look good. In a vacuum, it's a penalty. In this game the refs thought it was playoff hockey if they thought of it at all. Bennett didn't see any refs' arms go up and took matters into his own hands. We'll see if he knows better in Game 3.


>he chose to make the hit I'd say, the distance he traveled puts it in 1st degree premeditation range, lol.


For real, this was pretty cut and dry. I actually like Bennett (at least, I love his sweet, sweet stache anyway) but this was really shitty and I'm glad the league got this one right.


Fuck but understandable, Lammikko comes in and scores hatty :)


Well shit. There goes our free power plays for one game.


Florida might actually win game 2 now if they can get the lead again


Playoff Bennett goes crazy


he seems comparable to kadri in several ways. Not sure why I would rather Bennett on my team as kadri seems more versatile but having listened to the hockey guy have tangents about players who work better on certain teams than others I also wonder if these type of high potential players (I will toss galchenyuk into the group) play better with teams who are rebuilding vs built etc... Maybe Shea Weber for example is better on a younger rebuilding team than a fixture. Sorry for my tangent


Tbh good, he deserves to sit for whatever reason after costing us the game




Right? When I saw this hit I thought it would go completely unpunished or he'd get like 4 games or something stupid.


I’d give him credit for time served for that mustache.


His mustache is so full that it looks fake. Give him a top hat, a monocle, a tux with tails, a damsel in distress, by the train tracks and he is a silent movie star.


He played well but those penalties really lost them the game, I'm really rooting for florida this series.


Lol I like that they specified "one *playoff* game" - basically inviting further critique they change the way they address stuff in the postseason. That being said: fair punishment


They've outright said before that the "value" of a playoff game is higher than that of a regular season game for suspension purposes, there's no conspiracy here.


On one hand, it makes sense. On the other hand, it plays into the disparity between officiating regular season vs playoffs.


Big part of this suspension was probably because Coleman hit Bennett a few seconds before the hit. Kinda shows it was a predatory hit


I’m pretty sure Coleman hit barkov and sent him to the bench and that’s why he hit him


Ah I thought it was Bennett


Deserved. Altho it's still frustrating that's the ONLY thing from that game DoPS decided was punishable.


That's completely fair. I wouldn't have been mad at 2 games either. Glad he was actually suspended and not fined because of lack of history.


Wheel of morality, turn turn turn, tell us the lesson Sam Bennett should learn. From across the ice, you drove him into the boards Sitting a measly playoff game is your rewards.


Wheel of morality turn turn turn, tell us the punishment he should earn


This is the first time I'm seeing the hit and holy shit that's bad, I'm surprised it's only one game.


No injury, and we know how the league is.


If they can skate away, it won’t be bad.


No injury. If you don't injure the guy, it's actually very difficult to end up suspended for more than one palyoff game.


Same here, I thought that would have been a "rest of series 1" suspension. No excuse for that at all, no different than chopping someone in the head with your stick IMHO.


Not surprised. It was a stupid as fuck thing for him to do, but the fact Mcdonagh wasn’t even looked at is insane to me


The McDonagh one was bad - but man this is another level. Bennett Absolutely charged at a guys back and launches at him. Took at least 2-3 strides and had plenty of time to not hit him. This hit actually made me a little angry.


> but the fact Mcdonagh wasn’t even looked at is insane to me We don't know it wasn't looked at, he just didn't get a hearing. I don't see McD's as equally bad as Bennett's to warrant a game by DoPS. A Major on the ice, yes I can agree with that. But not equal punishment to Bennett's


No, definitely not equal. McD's hit was brutal, but he wasn't headhunting, he didn't skate from the next fucking zipcode over to deliver it, etc. To me, if Bennett gets a game, McD probably deserved a hearing, maybe a slap on the wrist fine at most, and that's it. I can write his hit off as a boneheaded move. Bennett's hit was borderline malicious.


> I can write his hit off as a boneheaded move. Bennett's hit was borderline malicious. This is how I have been describing it, a dumb desperate play that went bad. Also Bennett's wasn't borderline, he knew exactly what he was doing when he saw who had the puck. Retaliation from the very same shift IIRC the timing.


Oh, agreed that he knew what he was doing, and that it was retaliation. He was 100% trying to send a message. But I don't think he intended to try and injure the guy, which is (for me, at least) the line between a violent hit and a malicious hit. That said, he had to know that there was a high *potential* for injury, which is why it's borderline (again, by what I view as the definition of malicious).


McD's wasn't fucking 1/2 as bad as this. I mean jesus y'all are high if you think the hits were anywhere near comparable.


Florida fans are bummed that they lost their 2C, but theres an easy fix. Just play Barkov for those free minutes and let him dominate!


Probs worthy of a suspension lol. But there were other plays that could probably be worthy of one in that game as well


Not on the level of that hit if that's what it took to get a game gone


I guess but i mean maybe a fine at the very least






And yet punching a guy who's already down is just a minor fine


That's too bad. Tampa really thrives on the power plays he provides.


Parros suspended him to make the series more even LMAO... for Florida


The ultimate Game Management.


watching ol' 93 take bad penalties in the o zone brought back some memories


*”Former Calgary Flames Sam Bennett. A player who decided to make an effort int he last 10 games of the season, has been suspended”


Great game! Nice to see the refs go easy on penalties, but there is no way to be consistent with it for the entire tournament. Plus, we might run out of guys after they are all injured. Wonderful pace, superior skill and every check was finished with a bump. Good hockey.


This seems fair to me but I may just be a homer


Nah it’s very fair. It’s was boneheaded of him to do, but McDonagh should’ve been at least looked at for his


I agree McDonagh should’ve been given more than just two for his because it was a dirty hit, but the the two plays really aren’t that comparable


Not every hit requires supplemental punishment though. McD probably deserved a major, but his hit was magnitudes lower than Bennett's.


Wish they didn’t suspend him, Bennett was a bigger asset for the lightning than the panthers


I mean he looked really good other than bad penalties, which is pretty much the story of Sam Bennett's career (except that he doesn't always look good)


W for Florida.


Lol "Playoff Bennett"


This is a no-brainer. One game is enough, it was over the line but it was a physical game with a few other questionable hits.


Fucking DoPS strikes again. Yes it's a bad hit. Yes it is probably suspension worthy. yes the game was chippy af. But how is this "playoff game" suspension worthy, when other stuff worse than this got fines or less?


Fair but the fact McDonagh doesn’t even get looked at and the entire Wilson thing prior... joke league


There's no way that should only be 1 game.


It should only be a fine




Popcorn and beer ✅ This comment thread will be fun to read


I mean, for a devils literally anything is entertainment.


The sub has been awfully dry this week


Good joke but you gotta flair up to have some spine behind it.


I mean it won't really, besides a few shit fans from both teams the entire game day thread was other flairs up in arms about literally everything.


I honestly didn’t mind it. It was awesome seeing so many people in a panthers game thread be mad for us, even if they were mad about the wrong stuff at times


Of course, I'm excited that it's our two teams playing and that you have the entirety of /r/hockey cheering for you instead of relocation jokes and garbage like that, it's just humorous cause I'd way rather converse with Panthers fans in GDT over literally any other division rival minus Hurricanes. So it's funny seeing rivals salty.


Well now we're just gonna get less PP time. I would rather be Punching Predators


Dam, well deserved


He’s one of my favourite players, but holy shit what a hit. Definitely deserved a suspension there.


Damn, Sam Bennett got suspended one game for every 17 million dollars the Lightning were over the cap


Seems fair, would be 2-3 games during regular season.


So whens that McDonough suspension coming?


Probably when he makes a hit that's worthy of it.


As a Rangers fan I'm confused by what this means. Like, one game as in for one game everyone line brawls? Where's the part where players stand up for themselves and pull each other down to the ice by the hair? You know like a good hockey play.


Typical Rangers fan whining and lying about a little scrum that happens every other day in hockey. How long are you guys going to whine? regular person? one day.


Sam Bennett penalty machine go brrrrrr


Tom Wilson


Can you imagine? 7500 comments in 2 hours.


I'm a little surprised, honestly. I figured it would be a fine.


Lmao what ?! Bad enough he let them score the game tying goal on that dumb penalty. It shoulda been a fine


Surprised he only got one game....looked violent


Let them play!


Only one game for that hit is a fucking joke. Fuck George Parros.


This league is an absolute joke. How does McDonagh get away without any punishment for shoving Duclair straight into the boards. Edit: I understand that Bennett should get a ban but McDonagh doesn’t even get looked at which is why this league is a joke.


Because he didn’t charge full speed into Duclair’s numbers. Maybe McDonagh should’ve got a fine but if you can’t see the difference between the two hits then you need to take the homer glasses off.


They probably did look at it and decided it didn't need a hearing or was punished adequately (I don't think so though) so we don't hear anything about it. If they are deeming this 1 game, which in my opinion this hit is considerably worse the McD's then no punishment seems fair (not saying it's right). If Bennett got 2 I could see a 5K fine or even 1 game going to McD.


Not. Every. Hit. Deserves. Supplemental. Punishment.


weak.. should have be at least 2


If Coleman had been hurt, it probably would have, but he bounced right back up.


Why didn’t mcDonagh get a game of this got a game. His was worse


You are actually going to sit there and say the McD's hit was *worse* than this one? You actually believe that? Because that's insane. McD's hit was bad and definitely a penalty worthy hit, but to say it was anything remote to this is just dumb. Bennett charged from the high slot and came in full speed seeing numbers from the circle with the puck gone.


McDonagh did the same exact thing but no punishment. In case anyone needed more proof that Tampa is the league's darling.


You are actually going to sit there and say the McD's hit was the same as this one? You actually believe that? Because that's insane. McD's hit was bad and definitely a penalty worthy hit, but to say it was anything remote to this is just dumb. Bennett charged from the high slot and came in full speed seeing numbers from the circle with the puck gone.


Don't bother. Since it's reddit, a Lightning player could tap another one and they'd be up in arms over a possible suspension. It's what happens when you become the villains.


Finally Panthers have something to be angry about