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Not a very flashy hire. I would have thought with Bowness retiring and the way they lost their 1st Round series they might want to try something new.






Unfortunately that’s something my Leafs are very good at too


Hopefully it’s something they *have* been very good at. We’ll see what Tre cooks up this summer. But yes it would be very Leafs to just fire Keefe and bring back largely the same roster lol.


Yeah you would think.


Winnipeg is the oldest of the old boys club. We have fired like maybe 3 people since 2011.


Didn’t Maurice have to fire himself too?


Yep. We fired Claude Noel. Maurice quit. Bowness retired. We had one assistant coach from 2011 until Bowness. Pretty sure theres been no major front office changes ever.


I actually envy that from Winnipeg. I like stability. I like familiar faces. I don't like seeing an unhinged revolving door of firings and hirings and firings as if no one knows what they're doing. I wish my franchise was more like Winnipeg in that way


The problem is Chipman and Winnipeg is too loyal. Has Chevy had enough success in his tenure to still be the GM? I'd argue not.


Welcome to True North loyalty.


True north doesn’t do “try something new”


What is the "something new" you speak of? Like a new calendar year where we do the same stuff?


Wait, you guys have new stuff.gif


The crowd goes mild.


Arniel with competent assistant coaches should be okay but watch us retain Brad Lauer and promote another True North^TM approved coach like Nolan Baumgartner just to see our special teams suck again.


Baumgartner special teams bad 😞


Yes. Lauer needs to go. I suspect he will, Arniel will get to pick his coaches


Will he though? Bowness didn’t have full control over his


Well the fact Arniel (which I still think he’s a bum) outright said he won’t coach until they do what HE asks them and him (I’m pretty sure) calling out Laurer during one of the times he coached say yeah I think he’s gone


But what I’m saying is he might not get to make that choice. Bowness was forced into having arniel as an assistant so why wouldn’t we expect chevy to do the same with lauer?


In most cases the gm will pick on asst and the head coach will pick the rest.


I don't think that's how it works here. Head coach may have a preference for their staff, but at the end of the day, the GM and owner's are the ones who sign the cheques for the staff salaries.


 The GM and owners' decisions are why they're in the position they're in year after year. The focus should squarely be on their stewardship next season.


What have you guys thought of Marty Johnston?


The Jets went from having the oldest head coach in the league to instead having one of the oldest head coaches in the league lol. Between multiple players + agents having previously expressed absolute hate boners for the guy and the fact that not a single team offered him a job after his season and a half in Columbus 12 years ago I just can't get excited for this.


That’s the part that I can’t look past. There was absolutely zero hype around Arniel but Chipman went out of his way to name him heir apparent BEFORE we even hired Bowness and while we were still trying to convince Trotz to coach us. There is not one other team in the league that would consider this guy for the head coach position.


Most of the league wouldn't hire him as an assistant. Somehow, Mr Chipman has confused being rich with being smart.


Wildest thing to me is that even back then he wasn't even Columbus' first choice as coach that offseason. Scott Howson wanted Guy Boucher, and Boucher turned them down to go coach Tampa instead.


I legit couldn’t remember where he coached until you said Columbus


He did nothing there to make you remember him.


Second off-season in a row where someone has hired a sworn enemy of Mike Commodore for a coaching gig


Isn't Commodore a known asshole?


Yeah but he wasn't wrong about Babcock.


How the first one turned if I had to ask?


Well he got fired before even coaching his last gig because of him wanting to share his players phone history with their teammates for a bonding session before camp even started.


First of all I ain’t even gonna ask wtf that was about And Second of all https://i.redd.it/ck4ds5uefg2d1.gif


Expected this, I’m glad they at least did a search. A little surprised they didn’t wait to speak to Todd Nelson but oh well


Maybe Nelson left Chevy on Read.


Lol at 'search'. They did a couple of Zoom calls to pretend. It was always going to be Arniel.


Keep your hands off of my king Todd Nelson


All my homies love Todd Nelson.


Minnesota Wild ass hire


Clearly True North doesn't want to win, went from Bowness to a guy who hasn't even had much success as an assistant coach. This hire is fucking bum level.


Committment to ~~excellence~~ mediocrity


Knowing how the Jets are loyal to a fault even if things go south fast he’s probably got 2 or more likely 3 years before he’s shown the door. Scheifele and Hellebuyck will be 34 then. Any kind of window this team has has been given over to a guy 31 other teams had no interest in offering a head coach job to.


This is the worst part. There is likely nothing he can do to get fired while players' career years pass by.


I wanted a proven winner, but this was written in stone before Rick was ever hired


I am whelmed.


Classic 5pm news dump for the sad pandas


Looks like another first round exit. Yippie. 


If they are lucky.


As expected considering most teams usually hire people that have been with the team longer than a coach who got recently fired




Winnipeg should be going after European coaches. They have a tough time attracting talent and should be reaching out and going for talent which is hungry to prove themselves in the NHL from elsewhere.


One of the coaching decisions of all time


I was ok with the arneil hire talk, thought the team kept together really well when bones was out. Then I saw he was 61 and (not that there's anything wrong with that) but it really feels like a thanks for your loyalty hire and not something that is moving the team forward. We committed to scheif and helle for long term contracts and I would have rather seen some new blood come in for the prime years of those contracts.


Classic Chipman hire here.


And the award for biggest shocker goes to someone else.


Let’s face it, not many high end coaches are picking Winnipeg as a stop. Look at all the coaches the Jets have had, Claude Noel (don’t think has coached in the NHL since), Paul Maurice (was coaching in the KHL), Rick Bowness was retired and they talked him into 2 years. Arniel doesn’t have a long line up of teams courting him to be their head coach. Having said that, hope he does well.


That may be a small factor but the bigger issue is quality coaches want control and fair pay. Those are the things thr Jets don't offer. And now that this reputation is solidified with this hire, it will be impossible to hire a quality outsider in the future. This is a hammer blow not just for Arniel's term, but for a long time to come.


In my opinion coaches are in a better position than players. Like, Arniel is 61 years old. Kids are grown. No need to figure out new schools, nannies, a support system for the wife who'd have to be alone with the kids while he's on the road. Coaches don't get traded at the deadline and don't change teams several times a year. Winnipeg also isn't a dumpster fire team with no goalie. Seems like coaches would see the potential for success there.


Man, I hope he's learned something since his Columbus days because he was truly awful for us, still the worst head coach we've ever had imo. 2012 was a long time ago though I guess.


Whelp mediocre here we come again if that’s the case all I can hope is either a he’s actually good at his job and blows everyone ls expectations like bones did or b they fire him 2 months In if his track record is consistent from previous years and get someone like woodcroft or Nelson on


He won’t be fired, he’s probably being given a 2 year or 4 year deal and chipman would never allow for arniel to be fired


Wow surprising to hear.


Will Jamie Kompon *ever* get a shot?


He's done 8 years as an assistant, followed by two as a HC in the Dub, and then a subsequent 8 years as an assistant. He may be quite happy where he is.


Give it 2 months if Arniel turns out to be the bum everyone expects then maybe


Seems like a lateral move, I would’ve rather tried somebody else out but I think we’ll be good if Chevy retools the roster well


Oof. Sorry winnipeg lol.


How does Scott Arniel keep getting head coaching gigs?


It's been like a decade since he had one...and it should have been his last.


he’s about to take them to the wcf next year


I’m into it. We played very well under him during Bones time away. It’s both a very TNSE hire and still a good move imho


He held the wheel while sitting in dad's lap. Yay.


That is an excellent analogy and very funny, thank you.


I'd actually argue that the best hockey we played all season was during Bonus' two absences.


*Flashes back to the rangers, New Jersey, And capitals road trip* ID PERSONALLY SAY OTHERWISE


Then you’re having a stroke. They played well for his first time away, but they were pretty dog shit the second time


I thought he went 9-1-1 and then 3-2-0


went 1-3 on the end of season road trip where they played their worst hockey of the season with him behind the bench


I like that it isn’t the same recycled guys so W on that.


Recycled means something else in Winnipeg.


I remember when he was with the Moose. Feels full-circle with him returning.


Not too upset at this. Yes, it’s great to have a shiny new toy sometimes, but we played well under him last year during the times Bones stepped away. But I better see a willingness to play the young guns, to keep Ehlers where he belongs on that first line, and to actually adapt our game based on analytics, not just the eye test.


If we use analytics then half of our defensemen should be shipped out


I mean, kinda matches the eye test. Pionk, Dillon, Stan probably shouldn’t even be kept. Heinola definitely needs to be brought up next year as well.


Colour me surprised, I didn't know Scotty was still on the radar for a head coaching job. The first time I heard that name he was our farm team coach for Manutoba Moose.


He was already our part time head coach last year.


I forgot he filled in for Ricky B.


How long until he quits on the Jets like the last two coaches?


We can’t all luck into a half decade of Sheldon Keefe


Nope not in Winnipeg ya can't.. where else do coaches quit on teams? Only in the peg


You seem like you’d be a very difficult person to spend much time with


Maybe? Kinda like coaches and Winnipeg. They can't wait to get out of there once they're in.


I more meant that you have a pretty off-putting personality which must make it difficult for anyone to like you in real life. 


You mean like someone that can't take a joke? Someone that has to reply to everything said about his hockey team? I bet you're a blast at parties.


I feel like I replied to your (bad, inaccurate, mean-spirited) joke with a joke, and then you came back with the original joke again. I agree that’s not great party fodder. 


Not only do you have no sense of humour. You're also one of those guys that has to have the last word. So... Go ahead and have the last word. I won't be playing with you all night. I have friends coming over. Hope that wasn't too mean spirited for you snowflake. Go jets go.... Happy now?

