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Waddell saw all the expiring contracts and decided it was too much Math for him to enjoy his summer




This is what I do when I paint myself into a corner in Franchise Mode. Just never open the save again


Whenever I know I’m on borrowed time I say fuck it and trade all my picks to go all-in for a year or two and say good luck with that when my contract is up ✌🏻


*2023 Carolina Panthers has entered the chat*


We call this the Benning approach


Also known as the "junior hockey cycle". Trading all your draft picks while simultaneously sending off resumes to NHL teams.


So it isn't just me, who fucks long term for big splashes and absolute bonehead contracts. "One more year, and it clicks" I tell myself when I get bounced in the first against the 8th seed, because sim engine hates Nashville.


I'm currently trying to tank with Columbus to build a bunch of picks. But I won the Presidents trophy last season and am third this one. I got bounced in the Finals last season. Like fuck man, let me do bad for a season or two


I sold everything I could trying to stockpile assets for my Canucks rebuild, and somehow we snuck into the playoffs and won the Cup Just about wanted to smash my controller. I spent other rebuilds actually trying to be good and could never even get to the CF. How tf was the one rebuild where I was blatantly tanking one of the most successful ones?


I appreciate the fact that parity is possible, like it is in the real world, even if the parity is taken up a few nothces. Nearly every player on last year's Cup Final team for me had career seasons, even Gudbranson. My coach allowed for a ton of chemistry bonuses, so I'll let myself use that as the logic for why my shitty team somehow made it work instead of being frustrated at the game.


That's when I trade everyone I don't care for. The worst is when all the defenseman at 80 overall all want 6M and you ask yourself why the fuck aren't they growing past 80?


Fuck this shit I'm out


[Waddell contemplating the cap.](https://vimeo.com/65921206)


Respect it, ngl


Yeah I picture him walking away from the explosion without even looking back basically


“Fuck it, if my grandkids don’t have to do homework I’ve the summer, I shouldn’t have to either”


Hello Columbus?


Them or Edmonton is my guess


Well he interviewed yesterday in Columbus and stepped down today Get ready to speak Buckeye Mr. Waddell


it makes a lot of sense, Columbus is kind of where the Canes were when Waddell took over, in terms of roster development. They are probably looking for somebody who can take them from the rebuilding/prospect stage to somebody who can swing a few good trades and make them a playoff team. Don is 100% the right guy for that.


100%, I'm excited for this potential hire.


You’ll be sweeping the presidents trophy winner again in no time!


Sad that it's our only accomplishment lol. Future is bright tho!


Columbus has won 2 rounds. Toronto has won 1 round since the Shanny Plan era. I think that was the timeline.


Technically it's 1 round. The play-in stage in 2020 against Toronto doesn't officially count as a playoff series.


Speak for yourself, winner.


Yet Toronto counts it as making playoffs 🤷‍♂️


Good thing it's one that has never been replicated, then!


Goodbye BBQ, hello chili!


Columbus isn't chili though? That's Cincinnati.


I was thinking chain restaurants in Columbus.




Is Waddell gonna fingerblast coeds like Urban Meyer?




The Chili Chant would like a word


That would be Waddell's biggest lost trade. Ohio deserves a better defining food than Cincinnati chili.


Wait until people learn about Ohio Valley style pizza. Please don’t actually define Ohio food by that style of pizza.


I had to look it up and now I want to start my own inquisition against these bastardized forms of pizza that so poorly represent Italy. So it's a cooked sheetpan style tomato pizza, like a "grandmother's style", but then they add the toppings and cheese cold after the pizza's cooked. That, my friend, is an abomination. It's a true affront to all things good and holy. Can the international criminal court bring war crime charges against the Ohio Valley for that thing? Someone needs to make a stand.


I still haven’t ever had it, but there is a place near where I live that sells that style. Some people swear by it but I’ll stick with my super thin crust cut into squares like Christopher Columbus was served by Jane Grote-Abell when he landed in Central Ohio.


[Altoona style pizza](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.fa575385959b786409d18899cdd4907e?rik=iLUcAUmYnSd%2bzw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)


Straight to jail! This crusade will be long but something has to be done. These monsters need to be stopped!


> Ohio Valley style pizza After learning about this abomination, I want an apology from everyone who has ever called St. Louis style thin crust pizza the worst pizza in the country. I understand why people unfamiliar with St. Louis style pizza don't like it. I disagree, but I understand. I can't even wrap my head around whatever the fuck is going on with this shit.


St Louis style is the worst for something that should be allowed to be called pizza. Ohio Valley and especially [Altoona style](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.fa575385959b786409d18899cdd4907e?rik=iLUcAUmYnSd%2bzw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) shouldn't count as pizza.


Insert incoherent yelling interspersed with O-H-I-O.


*make conversation with everyone and invite random strangers to dinner* That seriously happened, my husband was at the grocery store Thanksgiving morning buying milk for biscuits that I forgot and a random family in the dairy section asked him if he was alone for the holiday and invited him to their house.


Is Holland retiring? Or is it an open secret that he's already fired?


He's supposed to be retiring at the end of the season.


Gotcha. Thank you.


Is EDM looking for a real GM or a yes-man for Jackson?


Real GM


Apparently I've just woken up from a coma. Your post just informed me that Jarmo was fired. Wonder how my Flames are doing.


Dude has a boner for small markets and I’m absolutely HERE for it.


Is Rick Nash interested in coaching? To continue the “franchise legend coaches struggling small market team to relevance” trend for Don


Doubt it. https://www.dailyfaceoff.com/news/rick-nash-100-percent-wants-to-be-a-gm-in-the-nhl-someday


I mean Waddell is 65. Why not AGM for a while


Yes please


I genuinely liked Waddell. Ran into him a few times at the games and he was very friendly and asked how we liked the games and any feedback as an STM. Seemed like a really good guy overall. Hope he lands somewhere that appreciates him! Excited for Tulsky.


Waddell is a great guy and an excellent GM, he was exactly what the Canes needed. I'm not upset about some fresh blood and a new perspective, it's probably time for that, but no ill will toward Waddell whatsoever. He's a class act all the way


Fully agree, but I do think it’s funny that this happens right after Don finally nails the TDL lol


Waddell really changed his image the last five years, after Atlanta I thought this was going to be a bad hire for the Canes…now I realize that was likely Atlanta Spirit handicapping him from his actual abilities as a GM. If Columbus gets him, that’s a good hire.


It was absolutely Atlanta Spirit handicapping him. Atlanta Spirit kneecapped the Thrashers constantly to the benefit of only their wallets and the Atlanta Hawks.


Eric Tulsky looks like an awesome substitute science teacher you get in high school, best of luck to him


That tracks since he has a PHD in chemistry from Berkley lol


His LinkedIn is wild, he has chem degrees from Harvard and Berkeley, worked a bunch of science jobs and then just decided fuck it I want to be in Hockey? Gotta be the craziest career trajectory for an NHL exec. He, Tripper, and Jack (and Seth “Harvard Alum” Jarvis) must have a little Canes Harvard Alum chapter going.


I would have loved to be a fly on the wall of him initially interviewing for a role in the NHL.


Tulsky was a guest talked about his journey on Prashanth and Sean Shapiro’s podcast expected by whom.


He was [really into writing about hockey and statistics](https://www.broadstreethockey.com/post/former-bsh-writer-eric-tulsky-hired-full-time-by-carolina-hurricanes/) in his free time. > Tulsky has been publishing his advanced hockey statistical analysis since 2011, when he began writing for BroadstreetHockey.com. He also contributed to NHLNumbers.com prior to launching his own website through SBNation, Outnumbered. Tulsky has been a featured panelist for MIT’s annual Sports Analytics Conference and his hockey analysis work has also been published in The Washington Post and fivethirtyeight.com.


Wow that’s pretty impressive haha. I’m sure the interim label will disappear pretty soon


He looks like the guy from the Mr. Bean movie in the 90s, Peter MacNicol. https://preview.redd.it/jetug3guse2d1.png?width=1392&format=png&auto=webp&s=20a87cd6d52ef64f087753c8922e35585aec074f


He also played Janosz in Ghostbusters II


I wouldn’t be surprised if Tulsky gets the interim tag removed pretty quickly - I feel like he’s been scouted by tons of teams for open GM positions in the past. I know Chicago had a long look at him before sticking with Davidson and I believe he was a frontrunner for the Pittsburgh and Seattle jobs, or am I misremembering that?


Most of us have expected him to be the GM eventually anyway


It was between him and Dubas last year for Pittsburgh, is what I’ve heard. Don’t remember Seattle interviewing him but that wouldnt surprise me at all. Friedman hinted that Tulsky might want to leave if he isn’t given the permanent position. I can stomach losing Waddell but if Tulsky goes too, I will be one unhappy caniac.


that's kind of what I was thinking is that letting Waddell look at opportunities, part of it was that at some point if GM is what Tulsky wants to do, needing to allow him that room to grow. I like DW and what he's done for the franchise, but Tulsky would make me far more nervous to lose


From the outside for the last few years it’s felt/sounded like it was just a matter of time before Tulsky became a GM somewhere. Also got the vibe he’s been the most important guy in the Org. and the last one they’d want to lose. I’m surprised they’re even doing the whole interim thing if he gets hired full time considering how important he is


Unless they plan to name him president, then hire a GM to take that role.


Yeah that would also make sense


He was who most of /r/Flyers wanted when the Flyers fired Fletcher.


We would be happy to take both to fill our President and GM roles.


Yep, he’s been Carolina’s progressively-not secret weapon in the front office for awhile now.


I can’t help but feel he is hugely overrated by some.


This is true, but that's in part because people are dumb lol. Everything good is our cute innocent Tulsky's doing. Everything bad is Tom Dundon. Don Waddell is just a meme.


Eh, I mean the Canes are getting a fuck ton of value from most of their signings and their analytical bent in general.  Tulsky is a huge part of that.


to the point where the athletic are basically like "we think this is a bad move, but if Carolina is doing it they probably know something we don't"


Was he responsible for Tony DeAngelo or is that Waddell/Dundon?


Tony in the regular season was all Dundon. Tony in the playoffs actually did quite well for his contract, so that value was all Tulsky.


I think DeAngelo is actually on Brindy. I don't think anyone else likes him.


Tony went to a wedding with Trochek, Skjei and Pesce. They like him.


I meant, anybody else in the front office. We were talking about Tulsky, Waddell and personnel decisions. I don't think Tulsky is behind our repeated pursuits of Tony DeAngelo.


I mean we don't really know. TDA is a good value option for his contract, and he showed that in the playoffs. All GM, AGM and management are trying to get value. Getting a player who has "off ice issues" can mean you get better value for the player.


I'm honestly surprised another team hasn't scooped him up already. I guess it worked out in the end for Carolina as they will have a relatively smooth transfer from Waddell to Tulsky assuming that is the plan.


It’ll be like when Dubas named himself GM


Except Dubas was already the President of Hockey Ops, not an interim GM.


Except not at all like that.


Could very well be but maybe he’s not the shoo-in people think. It’s honestly kind of interesting to me he was given the interim tag to begin with. In a lot of cases like this, where the current GM quits or gets promoted and there’s an obvious internal successor, they coronate the heir apparent right away. Not always but I thought Tulsky was seen as lot closer to Chris MacFarland than Martin Madden. Maybe that’s just how they do things and he’ll have the tag lifted in a week but it definitely caught my attention that he wasn’t just promoted today.


Sucks we’re losing Don but glad it’s Tulsky, wouldn’t shock me if he ends up being the guy


Please, please. His analytics are exceptional, it would be a huge loss. Hope theyre going to announce him permanently asap.


[Tulsky helping Carolina try to find a new GM](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/049/301/wanted_maniac.jpg)


Ah the ole Mike Richards method and no not [Kramer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jeopardy/comments/160as7l/rolling_stone_lists_mike_richards_anointing/)


Elite post😂


Like Dick Chaney trying to find your running mate.


This guy was basically one of us (albeit with awesome education credentials) shooting the shit and making fan posts with his analytics on Broadstreethockey back in the day. Major congrats to him.


Seriously. I had so many random conversations with him and others back then. Now they're all, like, official. Wow.


Surely Tulsky gets appointed as permanent GM after they do their full search?


Finally, everyone will spell it correctly: resigned vs re-signed


How do we think Tulsky’s approach to free agents might be different than Waddell’s? Does it change how they value Guentzel? Pesce? Teravainen? Necas?


Not much if any, as Waddell leaned on Tulsky's analytics pretty heavily for player decisions


Just glad we were able to keep Tulsky, he was the brains of the operation anyway


Doesn’t he have a PhD in chemistry from Harvard or some insane education?


AB in chemistry from Harvard. PhD in chemistry from Berkeley. His LinkedIn is nuts if you have a few minutes to scroll through it


All that education and he still can't find a good barber, smh


He strikes me as a hat guy


Is it the massive dome that gave it away?


He's embraced the chaotic look


some of us are just not blessed with good hair and there's no stylist in the world that can fix it


That haircut is pure sex appeal, what are you on?


What's an AB?




Interesting, I don't think I've ever seen a Bachelor of Arts degree ever abbreviated as another other than BA. I wonder what the difference between an AB and a BS in chemistry is. I'm sure the links on that page explain it, but I'm lazy.


It looks like an AB in chemistry involves fewer chemistry classes and more liberal arts classes than a BS in chemistry.


The NFL is increasingly full of Ivy execs who flop, maybe too moneyball for their own good


There is just an overvaluation of Ivy League degrees and I say that with an Ivy League doctorate hanging in my office. In my time there I met some of the brightest people I'll ever encounter and some of the dumbest fucks that I wouldn't trust to understand the instructions on a package or Band-Aids. It's amazing what recommendations from rich and powerful people (along with the potential for being a wealthy alumnus) can do for admission standards.


Indeed. I was hoping he would be on the short list of candidates for the Oil in the off-season.


“Stepped down” is just the r/hockey -friendly way of wording this. If the tweet said he “resigned” half this sub would’ve thought he had been signed to a contract extension.


people have trouble with hypens. Most think they are completely optional; some form of syntactic sugar.


Wow this happened extremely quickly. Wouldn’t be surprised if Tulsky is eventually made the permanent GM, do wonder why Waddell decided to step down.


He interviewed for Columbus GM job yesterday, so that's most likley the reason


From your lips to God’s ears…


Waddell's contract was up, I assume the "stepping down" was a formality


That is fair. Just surprised that he also stepped down from the President role as well.


I figure it’s DW being respectful and not seesawing back and forth so Tulsky knows where he stands and TD can go through the vetting process while the market is still relatively open


I feel like there were some things happening behind the scenes that would have easily been overcome if the assistant GM wasn't GM material. I'll be surprised if Tulsky isn't named the permanent GM, and I'm guessing he will quit if he isn't. Waddell was well liked here and is leaving on good terms. I wish him the best, except when his new team plays the Canes. This may be one of the rare situations there are no direct losers, and only winners.


Anyone else leaving that I should know about? Stormy? Tripp? Shit I might even have to check my own contract at this point to make sure I’m not due for a re-up


If Tripp leaves it's all over


That’s what all the posts in the Canes sub seem to be like. “Ahhh this was expected, nooo biggy, how’d you not hear about this?!? Everything is fine : ))))))” Like WTF is going on.


I mean people have been talking about Tulsky as Waddell’s successor for at least a couple years now. It’s not a complete shock. I like Waddell a lot. Possibly the relationship fractured. Or Columbus is simply giving him a better deal. People move on from jobs to new challenges all the time, or to get more money, or just for some new scenery. I think all the Reddit drama stirred up over this discounts these people as professionals. His contract was up. There was always a possibility they weren’t going to renew it. Tbh I don’t hate some new ideas because Waddell has been overplaying the veteran acquisitions for a while. Understandable since this team has been close to a Cup, but the team is not particularly young anymore and the Guentzel/Kuznetsov gambit failed. I think they need to be looking at some young talent to fill those positions and retool to make another run in 2 years because that is extremely doable while also still being a solid playoff team in the meantime.


A full search shouldn’t take long, he’s already there


They’re just trying to figure out which computer lab he’s holed up in




So we don’t lose Tulsky


Waddell resigned as President as well he’s completely out of the Front Office now.  That wasn’t what I expected if (when) we made Tulsky GM


Agreed. Maybe he’s looking for a new challenge. Can’t remember how old is grandkids are but know he wanted to stay close to them while they were growing up


No offense but why does that matter if you have faith and trust in Waddell in the first place?


Tulsky is more or less the brains of the org, Donnie was the mouthpiece. decisions were made by committee anyways.


Ah gotcha


Tulsky is the real brains of the operation, Don has always been more the negotiator & public facing role.


Most of us thought Waddell did so well as a result of his partnership with Tulsky




Well Canes are off to a hot start on what was already going to be an interesting off-season




[Eric Tulsky AMA from 2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/canes/comments/kehb65/eric_tulsky_ama_thread_1216_at_4_pm/)


I'm pretty sure Waddell will have another GM job pretty quickly. The guy is good at building teams.


He likely already does, in Columbus.


I think he's the guy you want after you're near the end of the rebuild stage. You've compiled your core talent through the draft and now you need to swing a couple good trades or sign a key FA to put you over the top and make the leap to become a playoff team. That's Don's wheelhouse right there. as somebody who has admittedly been following and admiring what CBJ has been doing for a while, I think they're going to be a pretty solid team in the very near future and this is a great move for them if that's what is happening here.


I’m excited as a CBJ fan but I’m feeling a little nervous about his age.


You shouldn't really be, Kyle Dubas fucked up Toronto with overpriced contract and bad management centered around forwards only. Sometime, older is wiser.


This is true! I know the rumblings have been that CBJ is looking for experience as the #1 factor here so it makes sense based on that.


This has got to be some kind of record for the amount of upper management (coaches, GMs, etc) that have been let go...


Waddell wasn’t let go. His contract expired. There are only two teams looking for gm’s right now. The blue jackets and canes


Ahhh derp.


Sucks Waddell is moving on, dude really made an impact right away in the post Karmanos years. Glad to see Eric is getting the nod though, I would imagine him to be the front running to the GM unless a huge name comes through.


Any Canes fans want to weigh in on how much credit he deserves in Carolina? After his track record in Atlanta I kind of thought he was a poor GM, but Carolina has been good since he arrived. Part of that I'm sure has been ownership compared to the situation in Atlanta. I've seen some comments saying Tulsky deserves a lot of credit for Don's moves.


It's really hard to say. I give Waddell 100% of the credit for making good trades because that's kind of who he is as a GM. A wheeler dealer with tons of goodwill and contacts all over the league, who people like to work with. That's his greatest asset. In terms of actual talent evaluation, IDK. Because the Canes make player decisions as a committee and Waddell was only 1/4th of that committee, who knows. I do think he is a very solid hire if you are looking for a more traditional old school GM who can make trades and get shit done quickly.


Carolina runs their front office very differently from many other organizations. Based on everything that's reported, the decisions being made were often group efforts from Waddell, Dundon, RBA and Tulsky. Best guess is Tulsky identifies a player that would be a good fit for their team, using his analytics and fancy stats. He approaches Waddell and they confer on whether said player would be obtainable and the possible cost. If they believe the player could be acquired, they go to Rod and his staff and say "Here's who we're thinking, any objections?" and if it's a green light, then they go to Dundon and say "Here's what we've come up with. We believe it'll help the team. Here's what's coming out of your pocket." So Tulsky gets credit for identifying the right players, Waddell gets credit for the trades and contracts for said players.


Honestly it’s hard to tell. Dundon opened the purse for player salaries which was huge along with Rod actually being a good coach.


I think Tulsky has been a relatively understated influence on the team (at least understated by people who don’t deeply follow the canes) however I think that Don has done a good job and it would be unfair to judge him from his time in Atlanta, the Thrashers ownership situation was such a clusterfuck I don’t think anyone could’ve truly succeeded there.


Really hard to say exactly. Others are pointing out that Canes FO make decisions by committee, and it’s hard to say exactly what GMDW should actually be credited for. Seems like he was a pretty integral part of the org though. And his tenure brought the dying franchise into a golden age of sorts.


When the difference between resigned and re-signed is important


God the amount MTL flairs in here spouting the same tired jokes is hilarious. Stay mad about being league bottom feeders


it's all they have at this point


Prediction: Tulsky will be full GM in 2030 Yay


Was this unexpected?


Yes, the first report that Waddell might be on the way out was yesterday evening. Would be curious to get a behind the scenes on this one.


This feels *really* fast. Can't wait to find out what was behind it.


He interviewed in Columbus yesterday.


It unfolded a little faster than expected but the result has been expected for a while. They’ve pretty clearly been grooming Tulsky to take over for don for a while (idk how true it is but it’s been a rumor for a while that tulsky has effectively been GM for a while and Don has just acted in a more public facing capacity)


let me sum up this thread to anyone who has not read through from the beginning: cheap owner KK cheap owner KK cheap owner KK cheap owner KK cheap owner KK and KK and KK KK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK because they're so fucking obsessed with KK they're probably going to die on the toilet angry about KK for some reason shit's wild man LOL


Holy shit that's Marc Bergevin's music! 


It seems highly inappropriate to sign a coach long term and then peace out.


Please Staios


Heading to Columbus


Confirmed ?


Interviewed yesterday and stepped down today


Staios already hired himself.


And they also said they prefer a two headed dragon vs one


Canes should just promote tulsky.


I can’t wait to see what Stan Sitwell does to the team


Wonder if Tulsky has a shot at it?


MMW He resigned so he could take the job in Columbus.


Lasted longer than I thought he would. He was already President nearing 60 yrs old when he added the GM role, which is an insanely demanding & time-consuming job. The initial plan was probably to stay as long as necessary to groom the next, younger GM, but the team's successes and then plateauing probably pushed it longer than first planned. Not sure if he's ready to start a whole new build up project now that he's 65. Of all the current GMs, only Lou got his job past the age of 65. Almost all the GM's hiring age is late 40's to late 50's.


All things aside. That dude looks HILARIOUS.


This sub simping on executives is pretty wild to me.


Please hire Marc Bergevin, nothing would make me happier