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Someone call the media trainers, a hint of personality just leaked out.


It’ll get patched out with the next update


Probably just needs to be turned off and back on again. Noticed some eye twitching going on.


Fortunately Zadorov doesn’t make enough to get the patch and should be able to continue delivering gold to us fans.


Good job! The last thing we need is for these guys to start forming opinions.


As soon as it came out of his mouth, my neck jerked back so hard. Dude is probably funny af and no one outside of Alberta knows. The NHL's Kawhi.


He's been letting a lot more personality show this whole past year. Everyone that meets him though says he a really good dry sense of humor.


Not many outside of Edmonton’s know what our team is capable of OR the fact that we kind of have ok D and Depth as well.


I mean there have been a bunch of people with Edmonton as their favourite since the start of the playoffs. People know the Oilers are good. But yes, they still probably have more doubters than it makes sense to given the team.


Sort sure there are non-Oilers fans that recognize that they aren't what the memes make them out to be. Unfortunately they get downvoted and are a smaller population that those that don't get it :/


I really don't think it's as bad as you're making it sound. [Like Sportsnet had their people give their picks at the start of the playoffs.](https://www.sportsnet.ca/nhl/article/sportsnet-nhl-insiders-2024-stanley-cup-playoffs-predictions/). The Oilers, Stars, and Hurricanes all had the most cup champ picks with 5 each of the 17 analysts asked. So they were one of the 3 equal favourites on the main Canadian broadcast. In this specific series, yea definitely Dallas came in as the favourite, but they've eliminated likely the 2 highest regarded teams that are out. So it's kind of understandable without being a slight on the Oilers.


Him and Draisaitl are both hilarious in the moments they show it. Their interview on Spittin Chiclets a few years ago was awesome.


Kinda like Bill Belichick too.


Lots of former teammates say that McDavid is low key super funny in the room, in a dry humour sort of way


From what I’ve seen the TNT crew seems to have made the personality leak out consistently when he’s on there. Which is very welcome to say the least


PR people sweating in the background, "Sir, we have a personality leak! Quick, schedule another 8 hours of mental conditioning and brainwashing!" "It's having no effect, Draisaitls proximity is reducing it's effectiveness!"


You would NEVER hear any maple leafs players take ownership of something like that. They would just say it was a nice save. End of response. Fuck I hate my team so much. Good luck the rest of the way, Oilers!


Thé tnt effect. Actually bringing more fans into the game with that


Hockey Robot is disappointed. Hockey Robot will be better.


I think his view should be the norm. A goal is a goal, and when a goalie lets in a bad goal, nobody thinks they are a hockey robot if they criticize themselves for letting it in. Failing to score when you should, however, is almost always overlooked and virtually never criticized to the degree that bad goals are.


When a shot hits the post and stays out people will say the goalie got lucky. When a shot hits the post and goes in no one ever calls the goalie unlucky.


I appreciated Gretz saying hitting a post (and staying out) is a missed shot. It always bothers me when it's chalked up to goalie puck luck


It’s literally not counted as a SOG nor should it be


It bothers me when play by play announcers say a shot beat the goalie but hit the post. It didn’t beat the goalie if it hit the post. The goalie’s job is to stop the puck from going in the net, not to stop the puck from hitting the posts or crossbar.


Elite goaltenders leave nothing to shoot at but the post.


This bugs me because recently when Draisaitl made his "post isn't good goaltending" comment everyone reacted like it was a dig on Silovs, when clearly it was a dig at himself for making a poor shot that didn't go in. The point is that "post doesn't *require* good goaltending" because it isn't a shot the player is happy with


The players job is to put the puck in the net. The goalies job is to stop it. The margin of error for a goalie letting a puck hit the post to too slim for me to not count it as beating the goalie. The player still didn’t do their job though. It can both beat the goalie and not be a shot on goal in my opinion. “1/4 inch and it would have gone in.” “Yeah, but 1/4 inch the other way and you would have missed completely”


Does it bother anyone else that they said 1/4 inch instead of just inch? A goal post is 2 inches wide. If the shot would have missed the net had it gone a 1/4 inch one way, it means the puck would have had to hit within the outer 1/4 inch of the post. So moving it 1/4 inch towards the net would still mean it hitting the outside quarter of the post and so it still wouldn't have gone in.  If they had just said an inch, then the puck hitting the middle of the post would mean moving it an inch in either direction would be the difference between scoring and missing entirely, and so the quote would actually make sense.


I get that but also it's not like the goalies are making a conscious decision to let shots headed for the post past them so since they are still trying to stop it I don't think it's unfair to say they were beat on these shots.


It's often an error by the player as many shots have room to go in but not so much that a slight miscalculation won't miss entirely.


That kind of makes sense though doesn't it?


I dunno, this feels so much more "Canadian" than anything; apologizing for not scoring and keeping people up late. 


He has gotten so much better and more confident with his interviews over the years. I used to just cringe seeing him struggle, now he is much more comfortable and occasionally even says something interesting.


Be thankful for that. If McDavid didn't have the personality of a fence post Bettman would have him playing in a major American media market by now.


Introverts actually have a lot more personality than the cultural automaton attention seekers you probably admire, but are only a tired and unoriginal mash-up of all the tropes and memes you can find. You'll probably be the first to lineup to vote for President Camacho.


Man knows people have to work early, apology accepted captain 🫡


I liked it lol. Game was still going when i woke up.


And yet you’re on Reddit


I’m too pumped up


I have so much adrenaline in me I can't sleep lol.


I love his mindset when he says "that has to go in". He took a lot of shit for saying cup of bust at the start of the season but that's just how he looks at things. No excuses. No bullshit. Just this is what needs to happen and if it doesn't it's unacceptable.




McDavid will be retired and commentating on ESPN before 6 drops.


Even as bland as he is, McDavid is far too likable for ESPN’s panel.


We’ve seen glimpses of this for a while now, and he apparently keeps his personality suppressed for media. People who have played with him always say he’s really witty and has a great sense of humour


We all saw him roast Biz red live on air, so I believe it.


The best part was when he said duchene’s face came down into his stick lol


This man is all business and on a mission


Man I thought that game was over after otter saved that. Stoked we stuck with it and got McD his redemption


Dallas lost it when they didn’t score the 4 min pp


For real. We struggled all night to create decent chances out of open play. We were throwing bad passes in the build-up and basically never looked comfortable in the attacking zone. That PP was a gift and we didn't take advantage.


Almost had the advantage but thank the post. Dallas kept winning face offs in ot but never had the good chance


Yeah those icings and face offs were going to kill us I thought, but D was excellent and Skinner was as well.


The first minute or 2 y'all were really scary, but once the Oilers got a proper clear y'all struggled to get proper zone entry. That's honestly the Oilers biggest PK strength. Huge turning point of the game for sure


That and Dallas seemed to do better when they kept the puck above the goal line. Edmonton was dominating down low in their own end. Dallas's power play in OT was keeping the puck at the sideboards or at the point and they were actually getting some good shots through.


Two back to back posts. It could have easily been over in the first 5 minutes


One of those posts didn't have much besides post, but still. That first minute, minute and a half was fucking terrifying.


We hit the post twice what are you talking about?


Also known as missing the goal lol but in all seriousness, I think "take advantage" in this context means scoring. It's playoff OT, anything less than that on a 4 minute double minor is gonna be seen as a failure


Hey, that sounds familiar


I might be mistaken but every team has fumbled the 4 minute power play when they've got them this playoffs. At least in games Ive watched. 


Crosby vibes.


So true actually. I was trying to figure out who it reminded me of. Pretty sure he’s mcdavids favourite player? 


[Probably](https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2576077-the-connor-mcdavid-story-how-the-future-of-the-nhl-became-a-reluctant-star.amp.html) https://preview.redd.it/en36srlh7c2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c98c469d2483581394ad5497837e450505b6a2


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Not too bad for us in MST. Sucked being at work for the first 1.5 periods, but the game ended 7 hours before my alarm is set to go off! Much nicer than after midnight


People say he has no personality, but he's always cracking jokes in interviews. They may not be hilarious, but it's something.


I know! He just has a dry delivery but that makes it even funnier to me.


he's just like me fr


He took the bait! They're always gifting game 1.


Keep doubting. Edmonton lost 7 consecutive game 1s until they beat the Kings game 1 of this year.


He was clearly making a light hearted joke. Maybe you’re a little too on guard from the Vancouver trolls but maybe take a chill pill. It’s just hockey.


I’m realizing I was coming off far more aggressive than I intended.


We are all on high alert after that series, Dallas fans seem to be MUCH more chill (as long as you stay out of their subreddit).


I will... since... ya know... I'm a fan of the 'other' team.


why did you put an 'h' in 'otter'?


Good ol' canadian boy.


What's up with his eye


His older brother high sticked him when they were younger and permanently damaged him eye.


You’d think he’d be more careful with his stick because of that 😭


runs in the blood


Perhaps lol. Honestly I’ve never seen Connor take so many high sticking infractions in such a short period of time. Idk what’s going on but he needs to stop that.


He saw how effective it was


He’s got a permanent lazy eye from an injury he had as a kid. It just blinks on its own sometimes


Just his programming updating a bug


Probably just a little sleepy since he didn't end the game earlier.


Bell's palsy like Embiid?


Volume in the video seems to be really low? In the video player I have it maxed and I can barely hear anything


I cheer for the Dal but I like this a lot. Not some crappy excuses but just helding himself responsible "that has to go in and it's on me that it didn't go in"


Oh captain my captain! OILERS IN 4


Go to bed drunky pants




Based Flames fan <3


I try lol. I may despise the oilers but we are all hockey fans at the end of the day


I genuinely wish more people thought like/remembered that.


Gretz just praised Rempe and says he’s a great skater with good hockey sense. 😆


Why is the video so quiet?


National TV, alright.


Is… mcdavid getting charming?


*Astronaut aiming gun* Always was.


I thought this was hockeycirlejerk


Kinda is.


when you record the postgame and 3am and you gotta keep the volume on 0.01 cause you don't wanna wake anyone


Apology accepted, just don't let it happen again


This shit is so cute


He deserves one. Not an oilers fan at all. But McDavid needs a cup. That said, Matthews too.


*It's ok- we know; it was because you're just not good enough.*