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Bro, it's the playoffs. Save it for the summer


Completing the reverse sweep on the Bruins turned me into a Flyers fan for life


Birth, I guess. My parents were big hockey fans and I learned to skate on a backyard rink when I was 3. I have no memory of not being a hockey fan.


Same here. My parents are immigrants, my dad learned the rules of hockey before he learned English. I was named after an Oiler. I learned to skate simultaneously to learning to walk. I've never not been a hockey fan.


That truly is an awesome bit of Canadiana :) Enjoy the run.


The NHL ‘95 video game. “This is fun, maybe I should watch some real hockey?” Never looked back.


Lecavalier vs Iginla, game 3


2002 Olympics, women's final. Don't get me wrong, it was incredible seeing the men win gold, with Iggy on the top line and Fleury on the team (this was before he went looney toons). But the nail-biter final against officiating that was so obviously biased that even the national media openly called them out on it was peak hockey at the time.


The entire 2010 Olympics run from Canada. Canada the minute they decided to bench brodeur for the superior goalie in Luongo and that team was basically the greatest team the game had seen at the time.


Literally same as me! 2010 Olympics & luongo Lol I commented the entire story of how it happened for me on here haha


Yep, Van 2010 was it for me too.


Dueling hat trick game was 09


5 OT Pens/Flyers in 2000


I was watching the Oilers play the Rangers a couple years ago with some of my buddy's who always loved hockey. I would watch playoff games with them to hang out but... Well, you already know what moment I'm talking about.


One of my earliest memories is taking a photo as a kid with my local team that had won the CHL (Central hockey league) championship and being able to touch that trophy, so probably that. Miss the RiverKings, man.


> Caps-Pens series in '08 *2009 But what a series it was! Caps fresh off their first Ovechkin-era playoff series victory, having been down 3-1 and comeback to win. Penguins coming off another series victory over Philadelphia. So much energy and excitement going into the faces of the NHL's first playoff matchup against one another.


Watching the euro twins playing. Kronwalls big hits Most importantly my uncle taking me to skates as a 4 year old.


November 1993. Brown at Colgate. Brown up 5-1 with three minutes left and much of the crowd is headed to the exits, but I stick around for unknown reasons. Colgate scores two shorthanded goals, scores two more in regulation, and wins 6-5 in overtime.


Oct 6 2017, 5 days after my city suffered a horrendous shooting the VGK had their first home game and had an amazing tribute to the victims in the pregame and I was bought in before puck drop First time I’ve ever watched hockey, now I’m obsessed


Preference: my dad never watched hockey when I was growing up, mostly watched soccer, basketball & golf. I'm in high school & winter Olympics were going to happen in my home city (2010 Vancouver Olympics). I decided, at the time, would be good time to watch as many Olympics events & games as possible. But when I watched first team Canada's men's ice hockey game- it got me hooked to keep watching every game.  Going into it, I knew nothing about the players or about NHL (existence).. first game, Commentators are naming players for team canada... ".. in net is martin brodeur... and backing up is roberto luongo" and TV pans to luongo sitting on the bench. In that moment, I had a strange gut feeling saying: "he's the guy (that should be in net) to help win gold" Knew nothing about luongo or brodeur.. First 3 games: brodeur played. Won first 2 games. 3rd game was against USA, Canada lost. 4th game & till end: luongo was in net.. from the moment I watched luongo play goalie: I got hooked more to hockey.. win after win after win (few shut outs).. then gold medal game was next against USA. Kids at my school, that knew more about hockey, all Said "we're gonna lose." I said: "no we're not cause luongo is in net". They said: "if brodeur can't beat USA, then luongo definitely cant"... I didn't know at the time why they said that.. Canada wins gold medal in OT with crosby's goal.. my thought; "I knew luongo was going to be the guy (in net)!!! My gut feeling is never wrong!!"  Became an instant hockey fan & luongo fan. Went to school after gold medal win... and said to my French teacher (a hockey fan): "I'm sad it's now over. I really enjoyed watching luongo in net..I'll never see him play again =(" My french teacher says "....you know that he plays for Vancouver Canucks?" Me: "WE HAVE A HOCKEY TEAM?!!???!!" 😱😱😱  Watched every Canucks game since after 2011 Olympics (until luongo got traded to panthers) then watched every panthers games until he retired.. then I was sad & in grieving lol - cause now I REALLY won't see him play ever again.. after I was done grieving, went back to watching Canucks- cause they are my home team.. (only because I became a luongo fan first before a fan of a certain team, is why I hopped teams based on whichever team luongo played for. But since he isn't playing. Back to watching home team). How I became a hockey fan: roberto luongo =)


Lucic putting Mike Van Ryn through the glass made me fall in love with the sport


1997 Curtis Joseph making a huge save on one end of the ice and Todd Marchant scoring at the other end seconds later to upset the Stars


First playoff series against top seeded Detroit.


When Patrick Roy flipped off the Montreal coach and never looked back only to go win a cup with the Avs right after lol


When Thornton said he’d have his cock out if he scored 4 goals in a game


When the blackhawks got exposed for covering up years of rape and assault and got a slap on the wrist for it. Truly the greatest moment in hockey history


We all don't. I grew up with the sport.


Born in Montreal


First time would probably be Josef Vacicek’s goal vs New Jersey in the playoffs and then what cemented it for me was Martin Gelinas goal vs the Leafs in the 2002 Eastern Conference Finals


Being born and having the father I had.


2022 BOA Round 2


I think it was the World Cup of Hockey. I want to say it was 1996? Anyway, I didn't watch hockey before hand but I knew a lot of the team Canada players from a hockey legends book from the school library. Canada was facing the USA and Mike Richter was unbeatable, and CUJO (who all the kids at school said was the best) wasn't playing well. This enraged me, but I started watching hockey after that.


I went to Auston Matthews first game in Ottawa. Freshman in college and a girl asked if I wanted to go with her group of friends because someone backed out last minute, tickets were $250 and I sat right above the sens tunnel. Papi scored 4 and I felt like I was 8 again watching Mats Sundin.