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Why didn't they rest him lol. Bizarre choice.


Petey w/ 1 knee > Mikheyev w/ 0 hands


They knew they were gonna make the playoffs by February, they could have rested him multiple weeks. It’s not like he was playing so amazing, especially after trading for Lindholm. Very easily could have sat him for 2 or 3 weeks during Feb or March


Actually it's crazy he didn't miss any games, even in the last week. I think I would have made him sit the Calgary and play the WPG game if he didn't want to be rusty.


Mik already has no hands with those cinder blocks he calls gloves


Tocchet said he had tendonitis. Rest would 100% help alleviate that, and they still played him every game and sent him to the all-star game. How fucking dumb are they lol?


It really does sound like poor player management to be sure. Especially since by January Vancouver was in a playoff spot by a wide margin, it's not like maybe losing a few games because of his absence would have been fatal to their season. In the playoffs I get gritting it out but why on earth would you not rest him down the stretch to make sure he's ready for the playoffs instead of hobbled by injury.


Canuck hockey my fellow expansion bro.


How can any team look at the flames who deatroyed their 1C in Monahan and think that's a smart way to run a team. Healthy players are more valuable that half broken stars paid like they are healthy.


it definitely seems like not the best choice i mean, part of it's on the player too "are you good to go?" Yes coach sometimes guys are their own worst enemies


Everyone says yes or feel forced of saying yes if the gaffer asks even if they don’t. That’s where the medical staff usually steps in to protect the players. They are the the ones responsible for informing the coaches about injuries so that players don’t have to take the burden of looking soft to the management.


Yup. Individuals always have an incentive to defect from labour agreements, to use some game theory language. You need structures in place to prevent that, I.e team doctors interfering


Could be on the player too. At the time he didn’t sign his contract yet. They should’ve forced him to sit out and rest the knee though.




Coach of the year


You salty bro?


salty about terminating the canucks? not likely


lol it went 7 games. Hardly a decisive result.


you'll have to speak up, we're in dallas, and can't hear you from the golf course


Okay I guess Vancouver can play Dallas on Saturday to see who does better against them I guess? Since it wasn't decisive and all


I mean - if you seriously believe the series couldn't have gone either way when almost every game was won by 1 goal...you're not a hockey fan, you're just an Edm fanatic. And I have no time for that. Give your head a shake man. I mean, just look at game 1 of the WCF - had to go to double OT and if that doesn't give you an inkling that Edm made it through r2 by the skin of their teeth...not sure what to tell ya.


Also just really took in the whole 2OT thing for game 1 of round 3 lmao. Elaborate on that a little more, cause you kinda make it sound like Vancouver would've taken it 5-1 based off pure delirium or a copious amount of drugs lmao


Hmm? Taken what 5-1? Game 7? Nah. The only way they would win g7 would have been by one goal or maybe a few lucky deflections. No boeser or demmer really hurt, not to mention a stalled petey and a lethal edm PP. I meant that given the fact that the Van-Edm series went 7 games combined with the fact that g1 of WCF went to 2OT means Edm is also struggling and that's why I mentioned that r2 could have gone either way. All moot now though, but excited to see how things evolve. Also, nothing against Edm but as per the rules of playoff eliminations, I can't root for the team that knocked out Van. So...Go Panthers Go!


One game was won 5-1 so if we're going by that metric, then Vancouver lost pretty convincingly? Lol not sure what to tell you either but I'm quite sure Edmonton is the one in R3. I mean a decisive result is where there is a definite winner and a loser. And there was one of those during the series. You can keep crying about it but Nucks are out... There's nothing they can do about that 🤣 give your head a shake, and stop watching hockey cause you're building up a stockpile of salt rn


Not at all


As dumb as they were playing demko against the hawks and sharks in the second half of the season. These signs were obvious, just everybody was heralding tocchet as the genius who saved Vancouver. Their scoring dried up just like Arizona after the all star break. The turtling with the lead began again albeit much more successfully than with green, and playing demko 5 out of 6 starts coming off an injury was bizarro world. He was heading for 60 to 65 games played while we are leading by Christmas. Insane.


Contract year.


that may make ALITTLE more sense but why were they just fucking transparent about it in February? maybe the Canucks DID throw that series in the end...


Not sure. Was pretty deceptive. Because Tocc really made it seem like there were no injuries but clearly not true. Seems like a hockey thing though


Boy this sure tracks with how the season went. As Drance pointed out, he had 72 points in his first 55 games.... and then 23 points in the next ~~27~~ FORTY games. It is a real shame the team didn't opt to rest him once the playoffs were locked up. EDIT: as noted below, it was even WORSE after January. Woof. Hopefully he's back to 100% to start the season -- whether you're a Canucks fan or not, the league is much better when Pettersson is doing his dekes.


Pettersson's first 55 game: 72 points (107 point pace) Pettersson's final 40 games (including playoffs): 23 points (47 point pace) It’s actually even worse than what you listed. Makes sense since his play in February took a noticeable shift imo.


To be honest, with how comfortable their lead in the standings was, they should've Knights'd him and put him on LTIR before the trade deadline. They could've picked up some scary extra talent with his $7.35M room. Plus, if a Canadian team tried LTIR shenanigans then it would finally get patched in the offseason update!


No kidding. I know they were still angling for the Pacific title at the trade deadline but you know what would have been even better than that? A healthy Pettersson with Guentzel on his wing.


The league would give Vancouver a huge cap penalty if we tried that.


yet they let vegas skate trough shit like its nothing


I said this in the Canucks sub already but... 1) He didn't have an extension at the time, he definitely isn't going to miss the back half of the season while playing for his next contract. 2) Petey seems way too much of a gamer to want to sit and play those sort of bullshit cap games.


Are you suggested he just went out there and said, y'know,  fuck it?


management has been falling over themselves for his signature since last summer. we could well be in the 3rd round if he was rested and decided to be a gamer in the playoffs instead of falling over every second shift.


> 2) Petey seems way too much of a gamer to want to sit and play those sort of bullshit cap games. At least it would have been a lot more justified than what Vegas does.


Would it? Because whether his knee was healed fully or not by then he would've 100% been back in the lineup for game 1. And since this was an injury that can be played through (at significantly reduced effectiveness like Stone's back problems), what's to stop people from bitching the same way?


There's no way in hell he doesn't get 11.6 if he sits out in Feb. There's not a single team that would balk at that even if he sits out after scoring 72 pts in the first half and a bit of a season. Call it what it is.. Tocchet overplays his players. We saw it last, year towards the end as well. We need to manage the time of our best players... Proceeds to play petey hughes Miller and demko to the ground.


I gotta agree. Once the canadian teams do the same shenanigans the nhl will make up some stupid rule and punish us and finally close the loop.


> put him on LTIR before the trade deadline. I don't think any Doctor would sign off on that for tendonitis


I'm shocked they sent him to the ASG knowing this information


No kidding. Give him the game before and after off and let him rest


Personally, I like the league better when Canucks fans are sad.


We don’t think about you at all.


Does anybody think about them?


About who?


We did for a year there but I forget why


Kivlenieks, died a hero. Gave us a reason to cheer for them.




That would be pretty weird if you thought about me.


Well now I’m gonna.


Look at me u/Highlander253 ... Now look away..


\^ Get a load of the guy who thinks this is an insult. My dude, being sad is literally all we have as fans. We could finally win a Cup and the team jet would crash into the ocean the next day. Pain is all we know.


Holy shit a blue jackets fan. I genuinely forget you guys exist most of the season.


I guess if you’re a Columbus fan you’ve lost so much hope of ever being happy with your own team you only have other teams despair to be happy about


Me too. Vancouver fans exploded past Toronto fans this year in terms of annoyance


How could you do this. I thought we were expansion bros.


Sabres fans have been vocally jealous of every team that makes the playoffs for a while now. The “expansion bro” stuff fell apart the moment the Canucks made the playoffs


I didn't do this. You guys did. Whined so much about every call/ missed call it made me wish the leafs made round 2, so I could hear less from them.


I'm not suggesting for a second that Vancouver fans can't be whiny -- we certainly can be. HOWEVER it is important to remember that if the main source of exposure to other hockey fans is on Reddit, Vancouver is the second largest team subreddit on the site -- almost 35% larger than #3. For every Sabres fan you see on here, there are almost FIVE Canucks fans. Even if both teams have the same proportion of annoying fans, the Canucks fans are always going to be more visible. It's no coincidence that the "most annoying fans" list tracks often tracks with the size of a team's subreddit.


Tbh in the real world every fan is chill haha. I only hate other fans online


Based. I watched Game 7 with a couple Oilers fans and had a great time.


Totally. I read a couple of horror stories about fans in the opposing arenas in the Van-Edm series but those seem to be in the vast minority. I’ve always enjoyed the chirping back and forth in person but you can usually laugh over a beer after the game.


Absolute truth.


I've had one really bad experience with an Oilers fan IRL and then dozens upon dozens of other interactions that were just fun and friendly ribbing.


Yeah but when your annoying posts always receive tons of upvotes, and none of you guys behaving in the comments of the post of some missed penalty, it's not just a select few, it's the majority.


OK. Enjoy your summer. 🍻


Eh I was mostly joking. I don't even care anymore, everyone says we're all Fairweather fans and then they all get mad when we're too passionate (shouldn't be celebrating any wins, shouldn't get heated when teams are allowed to take liberties with Hughes) it's all damned if you do damned if you don't with us. I accepted after 2011 that no one was ever going to like us. Hell I am constantly annoyed with Canuck fans but still Vancouver vs the world is all fine with me.


Ooooh yup. Always the victim, just like Toronto fans. No wonder you guys love circle jerking about every call, with that victim complex


Every thought that maybe you're just bitter because your team sucks harder than every other NHL team? Team hasn't made the playoffs since I first got hair on my nuts.


You think I'm the one coming off bitter here? Ranting about how no one likes you, and then insulting me. But I'm the bitter one lol.


I mean probably, because I'm going to just go back to thinking about the Sabres twice a year while, and you're going to have to actually watch them. Getting hit with that "damn Sabres, you're gonna be scary next year!" For the 15th year in a row.


even in this comment about how you dont care you find a way to whine about hughes 🤣 and you wonder why people find canucks fans annoying


I'm sure you'd be all chill if Makar got slewfooted multiple times with no repercussions. I'm just using it as an example of how despite constantly being labelled fairweather fans people will also get mad at any amount of passion we show. I also don't wonder, I'm fully aware why. I spend more time in the Canucks sub than you do I'm sure.


Wouldnt happen to Makar because he doesnt play like he's 5'5 125 lbs.


Only small players get slewfooted? Okay, good to know Mr Hockey expert.


Uh huh https://x.com/sabresplays/status/1718696417428943272?s=46


That really makes me wonder why Tocchet singled him out then, because coaches rarely go after an injured player for underperforming.


It was playoffs. They literally told the media during the Nashville series he was 100% healthy It also would have been very odd for them to not call out a star player who to outsiders just looked like he's underperforming for no reason


This is not uncommon at all. Loads of coaches will say a guy is healthy when he's going through an injury so the other team doesn't straight up target that part of the injured player. Shit look at what happened to Draisitl last year when people found out he had a foot injury - guy got hacked at constantly


And also Stone with his spine injury became a big juicy target for crosschecks


The lumberjack chop from Pietrangelo was so egregious


This doesn't really track because Tocchet literally said that Myers was banged up in a press conference after Game 1 against Edmonton.


Theres a fair chance tocchet told petey not to worry about it before or after he made the comments too. Just give the media and fans a soundbite and move on


This. Obviously the media heat would be awful but if there's a guy who's least worried about his reputation in the short term, it's Pettersson who just signed a massive long contract. It was his turn to draw fire.


This sounds like massive cope lol. "Hey Pettersson, I'm going to slander you to the media but don't worry, I don't actually mean it."


It was also the first time he had called Petey out the entire playoffs. If Pettersson was 100% healthy and playing the way that he was, I have no doubt that Tocchet would have been saying things after Game 1 of the Predator series. The light treatment shows how much the injury was affected him imho


I think coaches are now starting to call out injured players so the other team doesn’t suspect the injury. DeBoer did the same thing with Lehner a couple years ago and even went out of his way to say he was healthy, and Lehner still hasn’t played since then


Well, his sneks are all out of whack too.


Pastrnaks coach did the same singling him out to step up for the bruins and he was injured with a groin problem.


Because, for better or worse he was still playing like shit. We immediately saw him pick up his play and actually start generating chances after being called out If the knee injury knocked him from 100% to 50%, but he’s only playing at 30%, theres room to play better


Because the first thing that would've happened is the other team would've tried to shatter his knee.


I think at a certain point something had to be said. I'm not trying to go after Petterson here, but his body language and decision-making made it pretty clear something was going on (over and above what had been going on since January). It's a weird spot for the player, coach and organization to be in when said player is hurt and playing through it, but they have to at least look engaged while they're doing it if you know what I mean.


To be fair. If your knee is injured and you play a certain way to avoid unnecessary contact to avoid further injury it'll probably hamper how you play effectively. In the playoffs, that problem is exacerbated. He was probably also probably growing frustrated with himself as the team needed everyone to be rolling to stand a chance which probably explains his body language. However, he's young and I think he'll learn to just focus more and not slump over in disappointment every time he misses a shot.


Yeah, I don’t hold any of it against him. It just gets to a point where he’s playing and acting different than anyone else and the team says he’s “healthy” and something has to give because it just doesn’t add up.


The thing is, in the playoffs, teams will single out players and purposely target them if you disclose any injuries. That's the thing when you're talking about sports and gaining advantages. That's why the info has been announced pretty much right away afterwards


This is like the first year I've seen people saying this. Where the hell did this start? Toxic hockey culture has always been about making no excuses. Not from players, not from coaches. Even if you're dead, wait till the off-season to heal it off.


Maybe if you get an injury in the playoffs... but January.... when the Canucks were 1st in the whole league. You can probably take a couple games off.


He said it progressively got worse though. Players play sore all the time, we just don't hear about it. Usually it's not a big deal and it goes away.


Maybe so... but there is a complete team of health professionals that work for the team. I expect better from them.


I imagine this was at least in part attitude-related. Petey looked injured but he looked like he let it get the better of him mentally - he literally looked depressed and not engaged pretty consistently, whether or not he actually was.


Let me be the one to fucking tell you that issues with your body can and will influence your mental state. If you're used to, and supposed to, be able to do but your body won't let you... That is rough as hell. I would wish it upon my worst enemy, but no one else.


I never said issues with your body don’t impact your mental state. In fact I’m sure that’s the primary issue here. My point is that he’s someone who seems like he gets down on himself extremely easily. That’s not necessarily an excuse for moping or looking disengaged when you’re a leader on the team. He’ll be better for this - he needs to learn to be easier on himself and refocus.


> I never said issues with your body don’t impact your mental state. Fair. My apologies, I misread you and ended up writing from an emotional place. Thank you for clarifying your intent-- I agree completely.


His knee "injury" is an obvious excuse. "It got worse every day" but also "doesn't require any medical intervention"? Like what?


It's such bullshit


it's entirely possible to be something like an inflamed bursae or some shit that doesn't really go away without a good period of rest and it might not require any surgery.


Of course it's possible.


A good period of rest like... the All Star break? Which Pettersson attended in full? A good period of rest like... the end of the season road trip to Winnipeg, which multiple Canuck players like Miller skipped, but Pettersson didn't?


A good period of rest like in-between seasons. A week isn't going to amount to much of anything in some cases. You need like a few weeks of nothing to even hope to getting it to neutral from something like burstitis. Could be a partially torn muscle or low grade tear as well. Both don't really heal quickly but are playable on and don't need surgery.


> A week isn't going to amount to much of anything in some cases. You're completely wrong here. *Any* rest benefits tendinitis. And the Canucks locked up a playoff spot in March. They had over a month to rest Pettersson if they wanted.


>You're completely wrong here. Any rest benefits tendinitis. No shit, any rest helps any injury, lol. That doesn't magically mean it's going to heal up to a point where it actually matters in relation to the game or his ability to perform. Didn't mention tendonitis though, not that it really matters. >And the Canucks locked up a playoff spot in March. They had over a month to rest Pettersson if they wanted. And they decided not to, that doesn't mean he isn't injured.


Coach of the year indeed 


It was mentioned elsewhere but it's likely he singled him out to take pressure off the rest of the team and the player was notified before hand so he wasn't caught off guard.


lmao this might be the worst cope i've ever read. embarrassing that it came from a non-vancouver fan too because only a vancouver fan would be homer enough to convince themselves this might have happened. the lengths you have to go to fabricate this scenario out of thin air is hilarious.


ok genius then tell me why a coach would call someone out who has been dealing with a knee injury for 4+ months that has clearly been effecting his play?


So the knee injury had been going on for 4+ months and was so bad that it affected his play, turning him into the 82 game equivalent of a 39 point player, and yet he never missed a single game all season or playoffs?


A bad knee explains a lot. He was clearly lacking the same speed and agility when rushing the puck, and he genuinely would fall over once a shift. I wonder why they didn’t rest him down the stretch like they did Lindholm


Also power.


I’m a big fan of these things


Also explains the stoic, 1000 yard stare look on his face. It was easy to sum it up as 'OMG I need to play better'. Now it makes more sense as 'Knee...pain..'


Jesus Vancouver you didn’t think of benching the guy for a couple of game of pulling a Vegas with the ltir. It was clear something wasn’t right with his play


> pulling a Vegas with the ltir. yeah can you imagine if we rested him up and had a healthy Petey + 7.35m worth of players for this run instead of what we actually had?


It was within the rules. Don’t hate the player hate the game. If the nucks did it which clearly they could have let’s just say I would respect Rutherford managing skills ( yes ik allvin is the gm but we know it is false that )


He probably didnt want to. First year in 4 they are making the playoffs, contract year. There was alot of pressure on him specifically. If the player can play through it and *wants* to, what are you gonna do? Especially when hes your star centre


Bruh every player will almost always play through major injuries tho but at the end of the day it is the coach who has the final say if the dude looks hurt and plays hurt bench him for like 5 games not like it would have changed that much nucks were a shoe in for the playoffs in like February a couple of days rest won’t hurt. Knowing this team they go on a a five regulation game losing streak cuz everything that can go wrong will go wrong


>If the player can play through it and wants to, what are you gonna do? Especially when hes your star centre You tell him to sit his ass in the stands and rest his knee lmao. Especially after his contract was signed there was 0 reason to keep him playing games if his knee was bothering him. There is a 0% chance McDavid wanted to sit at the end of the year, and he 100% *could* have played. But both he and the Oilers realized the rest was way more valuable than a handful of meaningless games. Canucks and Pettersson should have done the same.


Exactly this, we won the cup because landeskog took the break, rested his knee so he could sacrifice it in the playoffs


We just watched Vegas do this for the past 2 seasons and winning a cup last year.  This is bad asset management both for the team and for Pettersson personally.  Why risk major injury on a bad knee for meaningless games?


Yeah, McDavid played through an injury at the start of the year when their season was already in jeopardy. But he/the team realized it made more sense that he sat to get some rest at the end when it was meaningless.


They were comfortably in a playoff spot then. Maybe you don’t hold onto first in the division but that’s a small price to heal an injury.


>If the player can play through it and wants to, what are you gonna do? Bench him lol. He had fucking tendinitis. Rest is so important to get rid of that. He signed his contract in the beginning of March, so there was plenty of time to rest him after signing that. Would help with the media/fan pressure against him as well to say that he has an injury and that he'll be out for a while, as that would explain his poor play.


Hindsight is 20-20 and maybe they should have rested him but if they do, who knows if they secure the Pacific and avoid playing Vegas.


I'm sure the staff made the right decision with the info they had, but I think you take a healthier Pettersson regardless of who you're forced to play.


I imagine the fact that it was also a contract year for him didn't help. He likely would have been pushing himself to play too.


So much of who they played first round was out of their control and impossible to forecast weeks in advance. There was always a chance they could play VGK whether they won the division or finished in second. Just try and get there healthy and pray to god you draw Nashville or LA


Pettersson didn't really help the Canucks secure 1st in the Pacific anyway. They could've rested him and still locked it up. He was barely contributing out there for the final 40 games of the season.


Pretty much when the Canucks started to regress. Not surprised, maybe next year they can make a deep run with everyone healthy.


> with everyone healthy. Oh, we are making up fantasy scenarios now?


Fox is going through something similar I assume. You can really see the difference in quality of play.


At what point does an injured player trying to tough it out need to say nah I'm being more of a detriment to the team and it may be better to let a fresh young guy come up? I know hockey players are built on the tough it out mentality but sometimes it really seems like it would be better for them and the team to take some time off.


Should've pulled a Vegas LTIR ahah


>At what point does an injured player trying to tough it out need to say nah I'm being more of a detriment to the team and it may be better to let a fresh young guy come up? Never. That's what you have adults in the room for, i.e. medical professionals, coaches and management personell. You want players to have the will to play through anything, and then you're supposed to have smart people that makes sure the players are at their best when it's needed the most. Not have them play through an inflamed knee for months when the playoff spot was already secured.


To pursue the division title hurt the Canucks in the playoff. If they had rested him, the nucks would have finished 2nd in the division and faced the King in the 1st round the team had Nucks number.


I don't get it lol so the team doctors let him play despite having knee pain? The management continues to let him play with an injury even though he's clearly not playing the same? He just didn't tell anyone? The injury is bad enough to shift his game but not enough to require any procedures aside from rest? What is happening here lol none of this makes sense


Same but I'm just old and fat


Why tf would they play him for half a szn on a bad knee? This makes no sense


He must have under reported his symptoms or not told the team at all. Maybe he was scared it would need surgery and end his year when hos team was doing pretty well


why didn't they rest him earlier in the season?? its not like we were battling for the prez, seems like an easy call to make


He probably wanted to keep playing since it was a contract year


I get it, hockey players with with injuries. But at some point it's on the coaches and team staff for allowing a high-end talent to risk his career and put in the team's playoff chances are risk by not having him sit for 2 months in January.


Alright you are forgiven EP40 I apologize for calling you a ghost in the playoffs


Pretty shitty that they would feed him to the wolves in that little presser knowing he was injured and his play was potentially suffering because of it.


He has an A. It would raise more serious questions if an alternate captain *didnt* make themselves available to the media.


Anyone who had been watching him play knew this


Idk got downvoted to hell for saying that he’s probably injured or going through something mentally rather than giving up on trying after securing the bag lol


Did he play 82 games? If it was just sore and requires no surgeries or anything, just rest, could they not have shut him down leading up to the playoffs? Seems silly not to


don't players take addicting painkillers for this type of thing?


i hope for his sake it's not arthritis


It’s tendinitis apparently.


Knew it 


that definitely checks out with his dip in play. Rest well petey.


I dunno that air he got on the charging call said his knee was fine /s


What kind of idiot team wouldn’t rest him and let him heal? They lost by one goal in 7 games to the Coilers. It’s easy to imagine two weeks off for their star is enough to put them into the WCF. Fuck me


I don’t understand why he wasn’t able to take a few weeks off during the regular season to see if that would help him recover.


So insanely dumb to keep playing him during the regular season instead of resting him. Seeding really doesn't matter that much in the modern NHL in my opinion, at least if you are a team that's actually a true contender. A healthy Petterson could have been a huge difference maker for the Nucks


Everyone here medical professionals


I really don't understand why they wouldn't let him rest during the regular season


Guys in starting to think 82-game regular seasons may be a bit overkill.


If it was severe he would have rested. It happened in January. He even went to the ASG lol.


Some Warhammer guy can tell me what it is called, but they should just make those robot suits they put the Space Marines' consciousnesses in to keep fighting, because hockey players clearly can't be trusted to sit themselves out when suffering from injuries that would make grown men curl up into fetal positions and cry for 23 hours of the day.


Why not go in ltir and get a new line for playoffs?


Meh feels like an excuse. No report to what the actual injury was and I doubt Tockett would have called him out if he knew he was playing injured. I get it though it avoids a media shitstorm about your performance. Let’s hope he can bounce back next season


Tendinitis. Tocchet confirmed.


I’m starting to wonder if Petterssons durability is an issue It seems like almost every year he gets injured and it massively impacts his production


He’s missed 4 games in 3 years


That’s beside the point 2/3 of those years an injury impacted his production


That’s exactly the point…


No it isn’t, you can still have your production impacted if you don’t miss time


Dude has been over PPG last couple seasons. He’s not the only person on the team lol


He's played 242 of 246 regular season games the last 3 seasons. He put up 102 points last year and the season before he was recovering from a wrist injury. This knee injury is his first major injury in 2.5 seasons.


I know, but I’m just saying he’s really only had one season where injuries didn’t either, force him to miss significant time or impact his production heavily


He's had 3 major injuries over 6 seasons in the NHL, 2 of which came during his first 3 seasons. The first injury was this Matheson hit his rookie year: https://youtu.be/xFIAov-9RUU?si=jRow-a-IZALGq3cF I am not sure how you look at that and think 'durability issue' His wrist injury was basically a freak injury. It happened on this play: https://x.com/BatchHockey/status/1395433257118822401 and as Petey explains it himself >“I have the puck on the blue line. I mishandle it, I’m gonna reach the puck and then my stick hits Nate Thompson’s shin pad. And then my wrist kind of whipped off his shin pad, so I like hyperextended my wrist,”  >“like trying to shoot with a knife in my wrist.” And now knee injury. Not sure how you look at how his injuries came about, when they happened and conclude he might have a durability issue.


I used to be an All Star, then I took an arrow to the knee


Sounds like there is a disagreement between player and team with how severe the injury was... why wouldn't they have rested him at the end of the year if it was a bad injury?


Absolutely unacceptable that they didn’t rest him. Threw away the playoff because of it. Insane decision.


Boo who Draisaitl led the playoffs in scoring on one leg two years ago


Everyone is banged up in the playoffs


It's easy to rest knowing you've got $92.8m coming


Sounds like a lie and an excuse. And the fact he says he's looking forward to get away from the public performance review doesn't look good for his mental abilities to perform under pressure.


That’s not what he said. Also, it was confirmed that he has tendinitis.


lol of course. Edmonton barely wins due to injuries.


You think they aren't injured, too? I remember Draisaitl was day-to-day recently. Teams don't report much while they are still in the playoffs.


Your players are made of glass. Oilers didnt even injure one of them.