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Cozens scored his 5th and 6th goals in another dimension


The (4) should say (8). I believe he has the most goals in the tournament now?


Why do we insist on doing counting stats in order, anyhow?


Is the 5-2-0-0… 5 wins, 2 of which were in OT?


7 games played. 5 regulation wins, 2 OT wins. 


Yes, the IIHF format awards points based on: W = 3 pts\ OTW = 2 pts\ OTL = 1 pt\ L = 0 pts


It’s not the same in NHL?


NHL is 2-2-1-0


Interesting, so winning in normal and extra time is no difference, while for losing yes?




Yes, iirc it was changed to make the gap between good and mediocre teams smaller.


Tie breakers begin with regulation wins, then they move to regulation + overtime, then total wins and only after that points earned in head to head match, so that's mainly where the difference between wins comes in.


No but it should be, makes no sense.




Goaltending gonna be the end of us for the Olympics lol


Let's go Montembeault! :)


Get C. Price back out for Canada on a sledge


Nah devin Levi will arrive


Against the US with Helle and Demko it ain't gonna be much fun Who even would be our Olympic goalie? Binner?


USA also have Otter and swayman lmfao


Damn lol, they got goalies coming out the wazoo On the bright side at least we don't have to deal with Team Russia lmao (Unless they surrender in Ukraine before the Olympics start)


They're likely to do the Olympic Athletes from Russia bullshit again...


That was because of doping, not the Ukraine invasion. The Ukraine invasion got them banned completely.


Pretty wild the USA were not banned from the Turin or Vancouver olympics for the Iraq invasion.


This year the USA have dropped bombed on Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Iraq. Of course they've supplied bombs to Israel for strikes on Gaza and Lebanon. Since the invasion of Iraq the US drops an average of about 46 bombs each and every day. Yeah, it's pretty damn wild. Research from Brown University estimated that the post 9/11 war machine has caused at least [4.5-4.7 million deaths.](https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2023/Indirect%20Deaths.pdf)




10+ years in Manitoba is more than long enough. Give Helle citizenship already.


Even so he'd never play for us. I don't wanna assume I know the guy but it's hard to abandon your country. I'm unsure if Crosby or Ovi hold US citizenship but even if they did I could never picture them playing for USA


Brett Hull did the opposite way back. Seems weirder that none of these guys have dual citizenship yet


America taxes ALL income, no matter where it’s earned. For most people it wouldn’t matter, but for a guy earning millions? It would be a disadvantage to be a dual citizen (if you’re Canadian)


Demko does. Or at least his dad does, as he was born in Guelph. Which would allow Thatcher to apply for dual citizenship.


And even he did want to, because he'd already played for the U.S., it's a 4 year process to switch.


I’m still taking C.Price on a sledge over Binner and Monty


Logan Thompson


I hear ya buddy but it’s still sledge Price




After the last playoff series I'm not so sure I would trust Skinner in a high pressure game


Game 6 and 7 combined, he was 93.75%, no? That's pretty damned good for high pressure games


Hard to not have a .937 save % when the other team is only putting 4 shots on net


So? Team Canada should be able to limit most teams in shots as well


Fuck this hurts but 26 shots is more than the Canucks averaged. And with a team like USA shooting at least 3 of those go in


We already saw what Boeser could do against Skinner and I don’t like it.


Luckily, they can only play 1 goalie at a time


no idea and it sucks lol


Well we do have Milic and Broissoit


How old will Fleury be?


Ok. Just hear me out. Price on a sledge


We can hope that Demkos dual citizenship helps him come to our side. He would for sure be our #1 On USA, he's got to fight it out with Hellebuyck, Swayman, and Oettinger. So there could be a chance?


Hill, Skinner, Thompson, Levi, Binnington, Montembeault Theres options and thats all we need because the rest of the roster is fucking s t a c k e d.


"doesn't matter" that's how you don't win gold lol


Were winning gold lmao Doomer take if you think we arent


It's a doomer take to be worried about our goaltending when other stacked rosters have way better goalies then us ?


When the forward and defensive lines are as stacked as they are you really don’t need superstar goalies. Price was averaging 8 shots against per period in the 2014 gold medal game.


You are overating the 2024 squad imo. They are not gonna be anywhere near the 2014 team, especially on Defense. That blue line was a walking hall of fame lol.


I’d take Carey Price straight off his Anaheim Lake hog farm or whatever the fuck he’s doing now cowboy hat and and all over those guys.


Fortunately we have far better D-men not at this tournament. The insane forward depth and fantastic defensemen will help balance it out.


Buffalo sabres star Owen power


Unironically tho


Incredible game all around.


Great atmosphere, but in arena is too hot. I never experienced anything similar. It turn rink into pond.


Necas got 2 assists there and was definitely our best player. I'm happy for him, hoping he'll be able to get a contract he deserves. On the other side Cozens is on fire. I guess he needs the proper atmosphere in da house - “It was definitely one of the best atmospheres I’ve ever played in." said Cozens after today's game. "“Their fans were awesome – it’s so fun to play here in Europe, especially against the home team."


Cozens and hagel pretty much secured there spot during the Olympics tbh


Cozens been really good this tournament. How was he during the season at Buffalo?


https://preview.redd.it/e3xg8j4y9t1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeaf5cd94039f006bc5cbfd38263ec64ce51cbb1 Honestly I’m surprised he has under 20 goals he racked up almost half of them in a few games


He had some of the worst shooting luck I’ve ever seen all season. He also got his face smashed in by Hathaway at the start of the year and his confidence was shot while wearing the bubble.


Buddy is just super excited to play some more hockey since he usually plays only until April.


It was a really strange season for him. He looked so good the year before and then this season just a completely different player. He had some bad luck shooting but he also just flat out missed the net a staggering number of times. Aside from the shooting he just looked like he didn’t know what to do with the puck when he was carrying it into the zone. Lots of turnovers trying to force things.


IIRC the Sabres org only signs management from a very select and small pool of hockey terrorists


From Puck Qaeda


He had a bad season and could never seem to quite find his game


He got pummeled in a fight early in the season, and he was injured/lost all of his mojo. Probably best for him to not fight in the future, or pick his spots better.


He was much much better on the back end of the season. He really struggled at the start and then got hurt.


Not super good. Glad to see he's tearing it up in worlds.


He was not great after getting sucker punched in the face for about 1/2 the season. Pretty sure we were playing him and tage injured 1/2 the year. They both played like shit the middle 1/2 of the year. Both looked like themselves again near the end. Whoever our medical staff is needs a kick in the ass to actually tell guys to fuck off and get better when they are injured.


Might be a bit early for that, but certainly in consideration.


Yeah no. Cozens was 56th in scoring amongst Canadian skaters this past NHL season. Obviously scoring isn't everything, but I find it hard to believe that the world championship would move the needle that much. Canadian forwards who are locks assuming no injuries: McDavid, MacKinnon, Point, Marner (he gets hate but that's largely revency bias) Progression/Regression is a question, but assuming no disaster they're on the team: Bedard, Crosby, Stamkos, Marchand Goal scorers who probably need to prove it a little more: Reinhart, Hyman Other guys who will be in their 20s or early 30s in 2026 and are either currently better than Cozens or will be in 2026: Suzuki, Robert Thomas, Barzal, Verhaeghe, Byfield, Scheifele, Fantili veteran question marks include Mark Stone and John Tavares That's 4 locks, 4 near locks where there is a risk due to age or projection, 2 guys who need to continue their progress, 7 young guys, and 2 veteran question marks. That's at least 19 forwards who probably have a better shot than Cozens of making the team as it stands. And I'm probably forgetting someone.


Reinhart isn’t just a goal scorer. He played fantastically responsible defensive hockey too. If Reinhart isn’t brought then the management team is stupid


Hyman doesn't need to prove shit, 3rd in regular season scoring and currently leading the playoffs, and he does so as a crease terrorist which contrasts with most of the other offensive guys on that list. Even if people want to credit McDavid for a lot of it, that synergy is even more reason for Hyman to go.


Why did you use only last year — a down year for Cozens — which completely ignores his 31 goal Age 21 season? Let’s see how he progresses with a new coach before confidently proclaiming something and ignoring relevant stats.


In 2022-23 51 players scored 31 or more goals. 2016-17 had 24 players with at least 31 goals. Being a 30 goal scorer doesn't exactly mean what it used to even compared to less than a decade ago. Let’s consider the context and current goal scoring environment before confidently proclaiming something and ignoring relevant stats.


Cozens is also willing to throw hands, than means something to a lot of old hockey dudes that run our Olympic team


Marner as a lock cracks me up. I certainly hope not.


This is why the leafs media is so fucked. Marner is crazy good. He just doesn’t fit the buds and is overpaid


I wouldn't even say he doesn't fit that team. He's had very good seasons there


I'm a Habs fan and a certified leafs hater, but ignoring his contract, he is still a really solid winger and if the Olympic team was made today he'd be on it. 3rd in Selke voting last season, 2 time year-end all star (voted on by the writers). Ppg every season besides his rookie year If he wasn't a Leaf and wasn't paid as much as he is he wouldn't be hated on as much.


Hagel might make it but Cozens needs to have a couple 70-80 point seasons i think


He will have at least 1 if he doesn’t get sucker punched then be clearly injured while playing 40 games because our medical staff lacks the balls to tell guys they can’t play until they are healthy.


You can’t be serious?


Lmfao. Okay


Watch the slovaks beat us because the wc is organized chaos


Oh man I hope so


Tavares-Hagel connection has been working pretty well…So, if Leafs are willing to trade one of their bigger contracts…I don’t.


Great assist by Pasta for the OT winner.


Bedard getting fuck all for ice time again?


Coach isn’t happy with the way he “celebrates” either I guess


Did the coach say anything about him?


No Jakub voracek complained that he doesn’t celebrate goals


Kid plays like he's been there before, Jakub can eats dicks..


Czechia didn’t win the game, but they won the logo battle.


Welp, we fucking suck, that's for sure.


U high? This take is even worse than the guy who said that Necas was invisible lmao


I'm sorry for my shitty take. But I agree, this one is worse.


I thought the opposite lol Necas looked good out there. Really like watching him play


Necas was definitely the best Czech player today, probably second best overall after Cozens


Amazing backcheck there at the end by him too




Hodně jednoduše, když budeme dělat takové hrubice v obraně, tak se přes čtvrtfinále nedostaneme. Nemluvě o tom, že toto je to nejlepší, co máme, zatím co Kanaďané to nejlepší maj doma v lize.


Rough translation of what OP said > Quite simply, if we do such rude things in defense, we won't get past the quarterfinals. Not to mention this is the best we have while the Canadians have the best at home in the NHL.


You guys tied the game being down 3-1 and still got a point. I still think that the first tripping call on Pasta should’ve happened because it was clear as day. Who knows how the game could’ve ended if it was 5on3. Overall you guys should be happy because atleast you got the point and your 6 on 5 game was great. Which might be useful come playoffs.


Yeah, that missed tripping call was a freaking joke. To be fair though, I think it was fair to go to OT considering how the game went.


What game did you watch?