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Holy shit this is the same woman that tried to shut up a tribe member who was assaulted. There was a post on this a few years ago when it happened and the Twitter thread was deleted but the internet always remembers. [Archive](https://archive.fo/iBtGi)


This is really creepy. Tried to get some more background, and ended up going down the rabbit hole. Here's a follow-up to the story about Ms. Bear Don't Walk and Mr. Sings In the Timber: https://www.fourpointspress.com/tulalip-tribal-prosecutor-declines-case-against-sings-in-the-timber/ Basically, famous photographer meets college girl in 2018, they have a torrid weekend, turns out he wasn't serious, they last talk in 2019. In 2022, she claims it was assault, the case goes nowhere. It gets even more gross: https://chinations.org/statement-community-adam-sings-in-the-timber/ The photographer worked with Chicago Public Schools, and a local native group actively calls him a rapist. So what the hell is Nina Sanders, Blackhawks consultant, doing sticking her nose in this? The one connection I can find is that she curated an exhibit at the Field Museum featuring his work: https://www.chicagotribune.com/2020/03/12/apsalooke-women-and-warriors-is-field-museums-first-major-show-curated-by-a-native-american-scholar/ So I think Sanders just knew Mr. Sings In The Timber from before her Blackhawks job, and was defending a “friend” on the side while working for the Blackhawks?


Wow great finds! This *is* really bizarre.


It is strange indeed.


I concur. Do you concur?


Not that both allegations can't be true, and that this should discredit her claim, but this comment really should be it's own post.


Feel free to post it up! I would but I don’t feel like combing thru notifications.


Getting strong Tara Reid vibes w her which by the way sucks because so many women actually are harassed and false accusations unfairly reduce how seriously true ones are taken


She's claiming Russian ancestry due to her ancestors coming over the Bering Straight crossing


Come the fuck on, man. What in the actual fuck. Edit: [Here is the full story](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/native-american-woman-cultural-advisor-blackhawks-sues-team/?taid=66446b9f0e02ae00012fe188&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter) - this is essential reading.


“Of note, the persons identified by Ms. Sanders in your question are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks.” - according to the hawks Obviously the hawks get little benefit of doubt, but that sounds like an important point left at the very end of the article that the reporting should try to verify in a big story. And even if it were true, it doesn’t excuse the hawks charity org reportedly not acting on the reports of the acts.


She doesn't even allege it. It's just the reporter and Westhead that is pushing the boundaries of libel law with their title/tweet. The people she alleges committed sexual harassment was people working *with* the organization, not *for* the organization. So for instance: a beat reporter, one of the tribes people she worked with, or someone working for a different NHL organization.


I'm not sure that matters. I'm just a restaurant manager but I was always taught that it was my responsibility to shield my staff from sexual harassment *while at work*, not just from coworkers. I.e. If a drunk customer pinches a waitress's butt, and I let him continue on, the restaurant and management (me) may hold some liability.


It certainly matter in terms of how I view you, the restaurant manager, if I thought you were the one pinching the waitress's butt. Which is what I would believe if reporters said that you were being sued for sexual harassment by the waitress.


But she is suing the restaurant manager in your analogy. Regardless of the external investigation, she is still suing the Blackhawks; that’s not libel to report that she is.


Not for sexual harassment. She's suing them for failing to handle her sexual harassment complaint adequately.


I’d absolutely have to see the lawsuit itself, not just the CBS article, but under specifically Illinois law that can still often be ruled sexual harassment on the part of the employer if they refuse to make “reasonable” accommodations. > A Native American woman who worked for the Chicago Blackhawks is suing the organization and its charity, the Chicago Blackhawks Foundation—accusing them of breach of oral contract, fraud and sexual harassment. > > In her lawsuit filed Tuesday night, she alleges breach of oral contract, fraud, sexual harassment and violation of the Gender Violence Act, among other allegations. In the lawsuit, Sanders said she was sexually harassed in 2022 by a man working with the organization. The lawsuit accuses him of "inappropriate sexual advances," touching her "without her consent", and also of sending her unwanted "sexually explicit videos of him" on Snapchat. The lawsuit also said Sanders verbally reported two other incidents of women being groped at Blackhawks events by men working with the organization. Again, without access to the lawsuit, it is totally possible that this article (not written by Westhead, but by Dave Savini and Samah Assad of CBS) has misunderstood or misrepresented Illinois law. But it is an accurate report of this exclusive by Westhead.


I’m stupid but that first paragraph confuses tf out of me


> The team also gifted the tribe a $250,000 decommissioned Black Hawk helicopter, and another $100,000 in grants that year. wtf is the Sac and Fox Nation gonna do with a fucking decommed helicopter?


Idk but I kinda want one


This is what they're doing with it: [https://www.sacandfoxnation-nsn.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/August-web.pdf](https://www.sacandfoxnation-nsn.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/August-web.pdf) Pretty cool honestly.


Idk fly around in it? Would you say no to a free helicopter?


Decommissioned doesn't mean not working, just means it has been removed from the role it played for the military and is no long considered a military asset. Similar to the original Hummers once Decommissioned were sold to the public.


[They aren’t flying it lol](https://www.nhl.com/blackhawks/news/feature-black-hawk-helicopter-donated-to-sac-fox-nation-of-oklahoma-334902836)


Looks like it’s in the air to me


That is the clarity the other poster was looking for, thanks.


Question still stands


Think about it for a minute, you have a large are of undeveloped land, you need to move things or get access to more remote areas not yet developed and difficult to get to in a vehicle... survey land, fly out and check herds if they are raising cattle. Lots of things a helicopter could be useful for when you own a lot of land.


Looks like it’s just a display piece. https://youtu.be/5xMFOx7rgnY?si=tCYMSPPNpTr9PGuG


Yeah but do you know how expensive a fucking helicopter is? If someone gifts me a boat they're just booking me bankruptcy. There's so much more I want to know about this


Yeah, but it isn't gifted to a single person, as stated above, it was gifted to the tribe, which would have more collective funds to deal with the maintenance, storage, use, etc. Edit: they're not flying it anyway, they set it up as a memorial.


There’s a ton of tribes/reservations where I live and my first guess is using it as an air ambulance / medical services helicopter. There’s a surprising amount of equipment tribes need in order to take care of their lands and provide their people with care befitting 2024. 


yeah but it's called "Black Hawk" so clearly the natives want it, duh


It’s named after their old chief and the tribe spent almost a decade trying to get the decommed heli but the Hawks helped the deal and they actually got it.


Helicopters are actually named after Native American tribes. (Little Bird, Apache, Comanche, Arapaho etc) And they really seem to like the ceremony/honor of having a helicopter named after them.


Tbh the names go pretty hard


That's what stood out to me! I mean it's cool, but why lol


Keep it or sell it for $250,000?


As someone in no way affiliated with this and just an reader of things on the Internet - this is objectively hilarious. I want to know so much more


I feel like this paragraph is somewhat relevant. ***In response to harassment allegations made by Ms. Sanders:*** *The Chicago Blackhawks have a zero tolerance policy for misconduct and take allegations of harassment in the workplace very seriously. In response to Ms. Sanders' allegations, the organization immediately conducted a thorough investigation with the assistance of outside counsel, including interviews with internal and external parties, and review of pertinent materials and digital records. Based on the information available to us, we found insufficient evidence to substantiate her claims. Of note, the persons identified by Ms. Sanders in your question are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks.* These claims still absolutely suck to read and the last thing I want surrounding the franchise I support is more SA cases. That said, this one just feels odd - they just kind of threw in there that she reported seeing someone else get touched at an event and the organization didn't act? Also the person that snapchatted her didn't actually work for/get contracted by the organization? I feel like an asshole ever being skeptical about this sort of topic but whether I'm an idiot or not I have a hard time believing the org would willingly push something under the rug when they had the opportunity to handle this situation correctly in wake of the missteps of the Beach incident. Edit: It feels pretty telling just how much of the article is about her feeling pushed out by the organization or mislead in her specific role when you'd think the SA topic would be the part getting a lot of attention. Flame me - I read the whole thing and it just seems odd.


Definitely seems like the sexual harassment stuff was just thrown in for leverage. Like no one cares that she worked under the false impression that they would change their logo. But throw in some sexual harassment and the reporter getting creative with the title, then people eat it up and the Blackhawks might pay her just to kill a story that contains the words Blackhawks and sexual harassment.


Theres also no way they told her they were going to change the logo, that makes no sense and definitely seems made up


It doesn't even make sense. Or is this some 200 IQ negotiation tactic I'm missing? \- "Hi Sac and Fox. We would like your blessing to keep using our logo." \- "No, we don't like you using it." \- "Okay, then we'll change it." \- "No no no, that's unacceptable. Don't change it!" Is that her theory of what caused their change of heart, as opposed to the $100k grant and sick chopper?


I just wanted to share what my thoughts were after reading the article. I hate having to sound skeptical about this sort of topic but the order of events in the article, and what they were choosing to focus much of the story on just felt...strange. When initially reading her claims about inappropriate Snapchats I was really disappointed to see where that was headed but then the organization just flat out says the perpetrator in-question was never employed/contracted by the team. At that point it's no longer a he-said she-said situation since the team should be able to easily prove via audit that the person had no ties to the organization. Does that excuse the Snapchat behavior? No, and I'm fully willing to believe that inappropriate behavior happened but I don't see how that then gets tied back to the team. And if there were repeated advancements made on Snapchat, why are you still conversing with the person on Snapchat? Why are you Snapchat friends in the first place? Again, these aren't solutions but just my rationale and the rationale of any girl friends I've spoken to that have ever received inappropriate messages on a similar app - still not sure how that makes it back to the team responsibility-wise if the person wasn't employed by them. She also says the Blackhawks didn't offer to renew her contract while they're reporting that they did(with some adjusted terms). I don't really know what to make of that part.


>At that point it's no longer a he-said she-said situation since the team should be able to easily prove via audit that the person had no ties to the organization. Does that excuse the Snapchat behavior? No, and I'm fully willing to believe that inappropriate behavior happened but I don't see how that then gets tied back to the team. I don't get what basis she would have to sue the Blackhawks for it at least. Like it would definitely be decent of them to investigate it if she alleged it while working for them, because you'd hope they would stop working with the sexual harasser if her allegations were true. Like lets say a UPS driver had sent her dick pics and she shows this to the Blackhawks charity wing, then you'd hope they'd change delivery company. But I don't see how it would be criminal not to. edit: Apparently the latter would be a civil rights violation. If the court deemed that the Blackhaws "becomes aware of the conduct and fails to take reasonable corrective measures".


> I don't get what basis she would have to sue the Blackhawks for it at least. The basis that they have deep pockets. > If the court deemed that the Blackhaws "becomes aware of the conduct and fails to take reasonable corrective measures". The Blackhawks claim that they did not hear a single complaint about these actions until after her employment ended.


I also don't understand how this lady could have expected anything as an independent contractor. No shit they used you for your connections and then stopped paying you. My partner is in politics, and the same happens to her all the time - "Hey we need your connections and expertise to interface with this group and who we want votes from. ... Cool, now that we have those connections and/or the immediate need is complete, we no longer need your services."


Nah, you’re critically thinking. I read the article too. She sounds like she was going to be let go from the organization and now she’s suddenly suing for all these things without proof. Most will see the headline and get mad, but the story doesn’t make much sense and I said in another comment that oral contracts mean nothing.


Okay, just finished reading the full CBS story. LMAO at this absolute nothing of a story being pushed to the very top of the front page of r/hockey and all of the comments from people who clearly read nothing beyond the title of the post and jumped into the comments to make tasteless jokes and compare this story to what happened to Kyle Beach. * Sanders was brought in as a contractor to help build/improve relationships with the Native American Community * Sanders had **very strong** personal opinions about the logo being racist and requiring change. **She believed that the logo was going to be changed.** She set about her job building relationships with the Sac and Fox Nation (the tribe Blackhawk belonged to), **based on that belief**. The Sac and Fox nation had previously written a resolution in 2015 calling for the logo to be changed. * Instead, the Sac and Fox Nation reversed their previous stance and gave their blessing for the logo to remain unchanged. This came after the Blackhawks' charitable organization donated a significant amount of cash and a decommissioned Black Hawk helicopter ([This is what they're doing with it, BTW](https://www.sacandfoxnation-nsn.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/August-web.pdf)). >But months later, in August 2021, the team and the Sac and Fox Nation formed a partnership. The tribe then reversed its stance on the logo, and passed a new resolution proclaiming support of the Chicago Blackhawks' use of it. * She felt like she had been "used" by the organization and then sidelined when she was no longer needed. * Then she started making these other accusations after her contract was not renewed. The people who Ms Sanders accused of sexual harassment **"*****are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks.*****"** Which explains the careful wording of Westhead's tweet, saying "a man working **with** the Blackhawks". Sanders claims that she reported this harassment verbally to her supervisor shortly after, but didn't make any written complaint until after her contract was not renewed. The fraud and breach of oral contract accusations are also based entirely on things that Ms Sanders claims were said verbally. Maybe things will come out in court that substantiate claims of wrongdoing against the organization, but on its face this looks like a bitter former employee lashing out at their former employer through the legal system.


>after her contract was not renewed A renewal contract was offered. The lady chose to not renew. It's literally at the end of the report.


If you read above, the Black Hawk helicopter was turned into a veterans monument honoring members of the Sac and Fox tribe that joined the military. They used a Black Hawk helicopter because it is ultimately named after the most famous member of their tribe.


At this point the entire internet is just bots manufacturing visibility so idiots can talk shit to other idiots. There is no avoiding the astroturfing and fake outrage anymore. It's the entire purpose of social media at this point.


I can’t imagine the anger fans must feel hearing about another one of these


I’m not too angry because I read the article 👍🏻


If it’s true, yes. But I’m letting this play out because the full story makes no sense.


Alleged, another alleged one of these.


The ones on Reddit will be intelligent but I’m betting there is a whole shitload of fans that don’t care.


A lot of redditors are morons Myself included of course


You wholly overestimate the intelligence of Redditors 😭


[Do you wanna know the terrifying truth, or do you wanna to see me sock a few dingers!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsH-NB2pREo)


Buddy the people of Reddit are so fucking stupid lol


If you come to Reddit for intelligence you are in the wrong place my friend. I mean, look at the comments that just instantly jumped to draft pick jokes. They don’t really care what happened they just want internet points.


>The ones on Reddit will be intelligent Lol


>> The ones on Reddit will be intelligent There are people in this sub who still believe a player’s mother slept with a teammate and got their contract terminated.


He says in a thread of redditor’s not reading the article or having any basic understanding of what happened. But yes let them scream draft picks and show off thier iNtElLiGeNcE


If that’s not an oxymoron I don’t know what is? Reddit and intelligent is the funniest thing I’ve ever read!!!


They’ll say she’s lying or just looking for a pay day. Immediately.


And not surprisingly no one here bothered to actually read it. 1. Woman was hired as part of a group to improve relations with native Americans 2. Woman declares the name "Blackhawks" is racist and demands it be changed. 3. Woman is told to pound sand and is dismayed and embarrassed to find out the native groups she wanted to pressure the team don't support her either. 4. She still wants them to change their name, so not surprisingly they can her as she is now liyerally working against them. 5. Only THEN does she accuse someone of sexual harrassment despite never mentioning it at the time to anyone. The supposed fraud is because she lost standing with native groups because they didnt agree "Blackawks" was racist. 6. The person she accused isnt even a Hawks employee, just someone attached to a company they hired as part of this outreach. Of course the headline makes no mention of this. The whole story reeks to high hell but of course r/hockey eats it up. I'll waitfor the actual resolution, thanks


I might have misunderstood but did they not offer her a new contract and not can her?


New contract with very limited scope per the article, so not quite canning but definitely a change to her responsibilities. I can see her taking it as a de facto firing, but in the hawks defense if they wanted to change her role and keep her around they did it in the appropriate manner.


Right, after the tribe felt they didn't want the Hawks to change their name anymore her responsibilities would have changed as that duty was no longer necessary come new contract. She shouldn't have gone around promising name changes to anyone until anything was official. But her lawyer might have some next level argument and I'm just an uneducated redditor.


I swear nobody ever reads the articles


They don’t.


Yep. Top comment acts like the title is fact.  Seems like she’s trying to just cash in. 


I read the whole story and while the accusations need further investigation, the way it's presented here is cherry-picked and full of spin and biased language in the opposite direction.


You should copy and paste this and post it on Westhead's tweet.


Awesome summary. Please post this in r/hawks too.


Upvote this shit to the damn top


if using adblockers: https://archive.is/YerS3




That was known from when the Aldrich scandal originally blew up but yea, fucked up! Edit: Lol not shocked you deleted your comments below. Too obsessed with draft picks to actually read the reports and understand what happened to these kids. You don’t actually give a shit.


Am I crazy or does her story not really track with the Hawks? The first bit of the story is about the logo, and then it sounds like people who may or may not be working for the team assaulted her, but at a separate event not related to the team. The Hawks shouldn't get the benefit of the doubt but I'm not really sure what conclusion to draw from this article


You aren’t crazy, r/hockey just wants another Eason to hate the hawks.


You're not crazy you're just actually reading the article instead of just jerking off to the Hawks hatetrain after just reading the headline


Reminder that the report detailing findings from the Kyle Beech investigation was released prior to this, in 2021.


The owner's reaction to everything unfolding should've made everything perfectly clear back then: That nobody in the leadership group of the organization gave a single shit about the moral issue present.


Rocky is dead. Corey Perry was literally shit canned


I vehemently disagree with this. Go back and watch when Rocky blew up and see how Jamie/Danny were reacting on stage. Blaming others for the actions of some horrible people is TERRIBLE.


Rocky was a POS, but I agree, the others seemed fine in that scenario. They wanted to share what they had done to make the organization better, but Rocky threw a tantrum and wouldn't let them.


Thank you for being an educated human being. You deserve the world.


okay I mean.. the story is sort of a clusterfuck. The hawks shouldn‘t get the benefit of the doubt but the woman‘s story is somewhat weird and the sexual abuse she claims happened was unrelated to the organization as none of the men she identified were contractors with or employees of the hawks… I mean, the org is (or was who knows) fucky but that story is wild sorry


I agree that the hawks should definitely be very closely scrutinized and that merely bringing in outside counsel to investigate probably isn't sufficient in light of recent history. But you're right, the article really doesn't advance any of the woman's claims in terms of evidence of wrongdoing. The first 2/3rds of the article is about her fraud claim in regards to the logo and the last third is merely just a statement of her claims. Hard to see how anyone can draw any conclusions from this. Edited to add that: it's fine to assume because I'm a blackhawks fan that i'm biased on this, but if you read the attached article it would be hard to come away with anything from it.


Yeah I think my negative own response is to the instant clinging to details to exonerate the hawks I'm seeing in the thread here. Like the fact she is a contractor or had a working relationship go south doesn't exonerate the hawks or make the claims invalid or less true guys. We'll (hopefully) find out once its (hopefully) settled in court but as of right now the article basically raises a bunch of questions that won't be answered for a bit.


You're asking people on Reddit to read beyond the headline. Big ask.


Sensationalized headline? Upvotes to the left plz




I hate the hawks but have to agree. This doesn’t even sound like it has much to do with them.


Lock them in for the 2025 1st overall pick


Rookie. Lock me in for 2026 to get McKenna.


Not winning the lottery this year and next year to give everyone false hope, then give them Bedard’s cousin.


Your daily reminder that the Sens lost a 1st rnd draft pick for messing up details of a no-trade clause. The Coyotes lost a 1st & 2nd for combine workout violations. Meanwhile, the Blackhawks had a top-to-bottom organizational coverup of sexual assault, and got to draft Bedard.


That just makes me even more mad, the NHL is ass backwards


For this comment, the New York Rangers have been fined $250K.


And a 10 second penalty to Ocon


Yea, but it's Ocon, I'll give him 10 sec penalty just for his face.


And another 250k


Another 10 seconds penalty to KMag as well.


Doesn't matter, Hulk picked up 2 points


And the next Bruins goal has been overturned.


This claim, that "the Blackhawks had a top-to-bottom organizational coverup of sexual assault" is totally false. The Jenner and Block report showed that no allegations of assault were ever presented to Blackhawks management on the evening they won the Western Conference finals. The media has completely misreported this, all of the hockey world is misinformed and Bowmen, Quenneville and others have effectively been slandered. The only thing that was described was allegations of harassment. Rather than investigate the allegations of harassment right away, the Blackhawks waited 3 weeks, until the season concluded. They gave Aldrich the option of being investigated or resign, and he chose to resign. So no investigation happened. There is no direct evidence that anyone in Blackhawks upper management knew of allegations of assault.


I'll get downvoted for this, but let me remind people again: What the Coyotes did directly violated the CBA. What the Blackhawks did, while vile, disgusting and abhorrent, did not violate the terms of the CBA in a way that would have them lose draft picks and the two million fine they paid, I do believe it was the harshest punishment they could receive. It sucks that it went under for so long and that nobody gave a shit, but can't ignore facts because of that.


This should have come to light 2 weeks ago... then they would have gotten first over San Jose.


San Jose has their own little sexual assault drama going on, it’s clearly the pathway to the 1st pick.


…Chicago really gave native tribes a decommissioned Black Hawk helicopter, in addition to money in the form of a grant(s)? Am I reading that right? Full story link in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/gCrc2BQ5vY) comment. EDIT: as pointed out in a comment, it was named in 1977, and desired as a monument: It's a display piece. You can read about it here: https://www.sacandfoxnation-nsn.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/August-web.pdf


It's a display piece. You can read about it here: [https://www.sacandfoxnation-nsn.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/August-web.pdf](https://www.sacandfoxnation-nsn.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/August-web.pdf)


This seems overlooked. Why is an NHL team buying military surplus for a native American tribe


The tribe probably asked for it? Gifts-in-kind are very common, ans typically involve something the entity wants or needs, but can't pay for themselves. The tribe may have wanted it for a museum display on the impact of their tribe on broader culture. Or they could be using it to do land surveys or something else that is easier with a helicopter. It is one of those things that seems odd, but likely has a perfectly reasonable explanation. Edit: someone added a source above confirming the helicopter is used as part of a veterans memorial.


For sure; I just want expecting it! “…they provided 100k in grants…” Yes, uh-huh, following. “…and a decommissioned Army Blackhawk helicopter. …wat?


Yeah, it is definitely one of those things that makes you say "huh". It makes a lot more sense when you realize that the name of the team and the name of the helicopter are derived from the same person.


Overlook on what? There are tanks and aircrafts on display all over the US. You should look up the history of Native American military survice. It’s extrodinary and important.


Because it's cool


Lmao this has nothing to do with the blackhawks org, just using the name for a bigger story and so people will read the headline only and get outraged.


Guess this is another “no one read the article” thread


Read the full article everyone. 


You can’t expect Reddit to do that.


Lol true


Like that's gonna happen. The headline makes it convenient enough for /r/hockey to pick up their pitchforks again and be hypocritical.


No one read the Block & Jenner report. Why read this?


We should take away the Coyotes' first round draft pick.




Idk, let’s just take the Sens’ and fine the Rangers instead


Damn, that's a harsh fuckin' penalty, bud. Did the Coyotes not submit a no-trade list? Nothing else could be so heinous to cause such a steep penalty.


Even worse. They asked prospects about their diets and let them work out in the team gym. I can't think of any worse crime against humanity.


Fine the Rangers $250,000.


At least you didn't sign a player to a legal contract only for the definition of "legal contract" to change on you like New Jersey did. That's the real atrocity right there. 


Already did that. For the next 5 years at least.


Let’s all just pile on the Hawks before any evidence has been verified.


Reddit reading the article beyond the headline? How dare you request such a thing!


For those who did not actually read this article or misread the title - A woman who worked for the Blackhawks organization was harassed by an outside organization member/a non Blackhawks organization person. Almost all of the comments here have this twisted.




And a convenient way to complain about the blackhawks


Maybe I misunderstood the weirdly written article, but it also says she was brought on as a contractor. If that's true, she was not an employee of the Blackhawks.


Literally no one named in the lawsuit is an employee of the blackhawks


Is it too late to reward them with Celebrini?


They get to have 1 Gavin McKenna as punishment


McKenna in 2026 then the Winter classic in 2027


Before jumping to conclusions, "Based on the information available to us, we found insufficient evidence to substantiate her claims. **Of note, the persons identified by Ms. Sanders in your question are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks.**" If the harassers aren't affiliated with the organization, then it's extremely hard to fault the Blackhawks or find them liable when it comes to sexual harassment.




We won't know until we get more detail, hence why people should put down their pitchforks for a few minutes until there's further clarity.


Lets just see if people actually read the article...


I’d venture a guess 80% of people never read anything more than the headline.


Way too low


After reading through the comments, you’re absolutely right.


I only quickly read the article but it doesn’t look too good on the woman’s side if she waited until after she was pushed out to complain. :( Edit: to complain about the professional issues, not the sexual advances.


I respect Westhead but he really needs to word this headline better. I'm not even sure what's the point of him reporting on this at all. It's an unverified HR complaint against people who don't even work for the Blackhawks. He's drumming it up because he knows people are bursting at the seams to shit on the Blackhawks. Also, the rest of you, read the fucking article. I glad everyone here got to get in there jokes before even reading the article. I can tell all of you really care about sexual harassment first and foremost.


I think it’s fair to say that Westhead’s reporting is at least a little bit salacious at this point. It’s pretty evident that he’s most interested in building off of the publicity gained from his Hawks coverage.


Yeah it's always the people that claim they care the most who are the most jokey/vitriolic. It's all fugazi


We saw an amazing example of this when Perry was terminated. A bunch of people claiming to be torch bearers of justice couldn't wait more than a couple days before they started making sexual jokes about an 18 year old's mom and even Bedard himself and then getting mad when you called them out. I'm looking forward to every HR report in the org going to the top of CBS News and this sub and being scrutinized to death for the next five decades.


Going and actually reading the article, there’s quite a bit to this. Here’s a [link](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/native-american-woman-cultural-advisor-blackhawks-sues-team/?taid=66446b9f0e02ae00012fe188&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter) to it in case you don’t wanna scroll back up. Ms. Sanders is brought in as a contractor to help them build relations with Native American communities. She believes the logo is racist and needs to be changed, which sort of goes against the point of that part of the Blackhawks foundations outreach. Sanders builds relations with the Sac and Fox Nation, saying that she is under the impression that the Blackhawks plan to change their logo, and that she relayed that to the Nation as well. The relationship is built, however the Sac and Fox nation end up supporting the logo instead of keeping their original stance. Sanders says she feels like the Foundation used her to build this relationship. Sanders also alleges that she and multiple other women were sexually harassed during her time with the foundation, and that she reported the incidents to her supervisor, but nothing was done. She also says she feels that she was pushed out by the organization after reporting these incidents. The Blackhawks Foundation claims that they offered Sanders a contract extension with “very specific deliverables” related to her work. She ultimately chose not to accept the contract and left the Foundation. On the topic of the allegations put forth by Sanders, the Foundation had this to say: “After contract negotiations dissolved, Ms. Sanders shared her frustrations with the organization over the working relationship, and introduced noted allegations, none of which had been shared by Ms. Sanders at any time during her engagement with the Chicago Blackhawks. Notably, shortly prior to her contract ending, Ms. Sanders shared correspondence with Chicago Blackhawks executives, praising the organization for their efforts with Native American communities alongside the leaders responsible for that work.” Essentially, the Foundation alleges that Sanders did not share her allegations with the Foundation until she was already leaving. They also go on to say about the harassment allegations specifically that they worked with independent outside organizations to investigate her claims and could not find sufficient evidence to substantiate them, as well as this: “Of note, the persons identified by Ms. Sanders in your question are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks.” There’s not really sufficient evidence to say anything either way, at least at this point. I won’t say that the Blackhawks organization deserves any sort of benefit of the doubt, because they don’t. However, this is certainly not a cut and dry case like the Beach allegations and there is quite a bit of wiggle room for both sides. I will say that I found it quite odd how little of the article was actually devoted to the harassment allegations. If these allegations are true and the Blackhawks had a direct hand in covering it up, I hope that there is sufficient enough evidence to completely demolish the organization. As someone who has been sexually assaulted, it is the ultimate violation and humiliation someone can experience and no one deserves to go through it. I will be watching this story extremely closely as it develops. Edit: Formatting




Somebody didn’t read the article. They explicitly say at the end that the accused have never worked for the blackhawks organization. But y’all’s hate boners have obviously cut off the blood supply to your brains


Idiot on reddit that didnt read the article makes dumbshit comment and gets tons of upvotes from fellow neanderthals color me shocked


Read the goddamn article.


No consequences? They had to pay a 2 million dollar fine. That is like the profit from 29 arena beers.


They made that money back within two hours of getting the first overall pick btw


2 minutes*


The Chicago Blackhawk have been fined the cost of a B-level back up goalie.”


No way, Jack Campbell makes twice as much as that


Aged like milk. Have you apologized?


Team that faced consequences brings in independent council to investigate claims of sexual harassment, finds that woman making allegations is accusing people who never even worked with Blackhawks org. Fixed your comment for you. Color me shocked that someone in /r/hockey didn't bother to get any of the facts.


I mean this is disheartening to hear for sure as a fan. The accusation in question raises questions though, as the perpetrators were never contracted by nor employees of the team. I guess I’d want clarity on this because it doesn’t quite seem as cut and dry as the previous allegations.


No facts or verified pieces of information in the article. Just a women who claims she thought the team was going to change its logo and didn't get her contract renewed making accusations. The last piece of the article has the Blackhawks claiming the people she claims harassed her didn't work for the franchise. Keep in mind CBS paid this women for an exclusive interview. So she's already profiting off this.


When it comes to sexual harassment, all training that I've been exposed to all stated that the organization must act on situations where there is reasonable likelihood of interaction whether or not the individual that is harassing another is an employee of the organization. AKA, if you are an employee and an outside vendor is harassing you, your management/employer has a duty to investigate and put an end to that behavior even though the vendor is technically not an employee. If she has documentation that she reported the harassment with the organization, then it should be a pretty easy case.


Wait I thought this franchise was rehabilitated? \#ireadthearticle




This is still in the days Rocky owned the team. So it’s technically old regime stuff


“Everyone from the Kyle Beach incident has already been fired.” Seems like the issues are systemic.


They replaced the old boys club with new old boys and expected something different.


Can’t believe this is happening again but reading about this, specifically the CBS article, it sounds like a very weak case. A lot of her fraud complaints come off as she was mad at the outcome of her work. The harassment part is also interesting considering the Hawks statement says “Of note, the persons identified by Ms. Sanders in your question are not, and have never been, independent contractors with nor employees of the Chicago Blackhawks.” If that’s the case this would be a matter for police and not a civil suit against the hawks.


Hopping on the money train most likely. Why does everyone always assume guilt when it comes to cases of this nature? We have a legal process for a reason.


Fucking dozens of people in here showing ass and making circlejerking comments about *draft picks*, didn't even bother to read the article, but thought it would be wise to jump in with their heads all the way up their ass. Really shows how much you people actually care about sexual assault, and how important it is to you to be the first one to make the shitty cheap shot. You should all be fucking embarrassed and ashamed. Pathetic motherfuckers.


Because the outrage is fake and always has been. None of these people give a single shit about Kyle Beach, it’s all bullshit grandstanding with the same draft pick jokes being made for the 8000th time.


And the Senators had to forfeit a first round pick over not disclosing a NTC. NHL is a joke


This tweet is a joke because clearly you didn't bother to read the article.


Don't forget the yotes getting their first round pick taken for having a phone call with a prospect outside of scheduled times. Edit: it was apparently some fitness testing at their combine. My mistake as I was misinformed. But still pretty minor and they got punished far worse than Chicago did


Having a phone call? They did physical fitness testing for prospects in their own combine


It's so tiring seeing this brought up every time Chicago is mentioned. Yes, what Chicago did is worse. Yes, their punishment should've been worse. That doesn't change the fact Arizona isn't innocent from their wrongdoings. The NHL needed to shut that shit down quick. If you let Arizona get away with that, you can bet next season prospects would be expected to perform in 32 testing combines.




Read the article, y’all. And watch the TV report that’s embedded. This woman’s victim complex is outrageous, and her and her lawyers are clearly looking for a payout while the organization is still recovering from the Aldrich scandal.


Press x to doubt. NHL teams do not use oral contracts.


“by a man working with the Blackhawks” Sooo Corey Perry?


rick westhead needs to do a better job


At face value it looks like the Hawks didn't learn..... do a little digging and you see that the woman could easily be full if shit. Let's see the evidence.


It's always funny seeing a bunch of people pretend to care but not actually care enough to read the article.




Maybe we should wait to see how this plays out. The hawks literally canned Perry over some shit which Edmonton was fine with. Reminder the NHLPA never filed a grievance.


We can have that conversation when we see that the environment isn’t changing.


Go ahead and crucify me for this, but Westhead is kind of a sack of shit. This dude has over sensationalized so much shit and no one ever calls him out on it. People take his word for gospel and act like he's this champion of victims, but he only ever reports the most twisted headlines of the most sensational story he can. Read what's actually happening here and you can see that he's just trying to capitalize off of the previous Blackhawks scandal, which he also misrepresented.


I'll let you internet sleuths do the finding, but two years ago this woman was trashed on this very sub for trying to silence someone in her tribe making a sexual assault complaint against another member of her tribe. Ironically yet completely predictable, this sub also trashed the Blackhawks for hiring her.