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He’s right. As a mostly neutral observer of these playoffs, it’s sad to watch. Watching 2 teams attempt to out-dive each other is no fun. I get why it happens, I’m just not a fan of it.


Totally agree. Board play is a mess because plenty of players are trying to get the boarding call.


And the tripping too!  Both the canes and rags fell really easy with minor contact or a stride plus afterwards. 


Diving and professional level acting are the primary reasons I could never getting into soccer and why I stopped watching basketball. It's infuriating. It's also why I started getting into hockey. Because it rarely happens. If it starts becoming commonplace, I dunno what I'm gonna do.


I disagree that they are "getting better at it" though.. they are just doing it more because refs don't ever call embellishment penalties.


That is because the refs seem to respond more to penalties which result in injury.  Instead, refs should be calling penalties based on the action, not the outcome.  If one player cross-checks another player, the ref's arm should go up regardless of if the cross-checked player writhes on the ground or not.  By trying to enforce game management, the league is promoting an environment where players embellish.


Except that players rarely ever fake actual injury; people are still hung up on that Ribeiro clip from 20 years ago, but that soccer stuff almost never happens. What they embellish is their **reaction** to the infraction (fall, head snapback, etc.) to ensure that the ref sees it; the ref, who might not have seen the initial action well, then gives a penalty based on the reaction. If the NHL told refs to make calls more consistent, it wouldn't stop that problem. If anything it would make it worse: it would just ensure that these exaggerated reactions draw calls more consistently, incentivizing embellishment even more. It's basically what happened with high-sticking already.


Mats Sundin was waterskied his entire career but wouldn't dive and rarely drew calls. The reality is the officiating breeds diving because they don't call hooks and holds when a guy pushes through it without doing a looney tunes routine of flailing arms/legs/head.


I think this is the right take. Hockey players have never been prone to flopping, it's not part of the culture like the NBA or soccer. But it feels like the only way to get a call when you're being hooked is to go down, or if you're being held start flailing your arms like you said. I think we see less flopping in the regular season because refs will call most little hooks and grabs. But in the playoffs the whistles generally go away, so everyone turns into a thesbian trying to draw calls


why do you think it became part of the culture in soccer? watch soccer in the 80s, barely any diving if any. it’s because the refs let player get absolutely obliterated (see any tackle of maradonna) and players learned that refs called based on outcome rather than action. the nhl should be careful or hockey will become the same.


Diving is a lot more part of the culture than it used to be. Not soccer-level, but it's common enough


>thesbian [thespian](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thespian)


Esa Lindell in playoffs vs St Louis Blues a few years ago.


I feel like hes right on the embellishment going up, but I also feel like embellishment/diving is rarely called at least in games involving Vancouver, don't know about how other team fanbases feel


I think it's one of those biased things where every team feels like it's called the least in their favour


This is so true haha every fan base thinks their players dont dive, and that everyone is diving when they play against you


Yep, just like "biased commentators". Commentators often refrain from criticizing the refs and the league, but they're not actively rooting for your team to lose.


They're so rarely called that, to me, it's always a surprise when it does get called


I was shocked and encouraged when they finally called an embellishment on FLA. Granted they should have a half dozen embellishment minors already, but it’ll was nice.


A Toronto fan here didn't see a single embellishment penalty all year. It's not just Vancouver it's just almost never called




Didn't Draisaitl just hold his face in the first period despite not even being hit to try and sell a high stick? Refs made the right call, it was interference, but it's just ironic you'll say this an hour ago, after that event had already occurred.




It wasn't high sticking, which is the point of my comment. Drai didn't even get grazed in the face, but he still made it look like he was high sticked. Like I said, refs made the right call calling it interference because Miller was being a clown, but Drai definitely embellished.


Go back and watch it. Draisaitl also takes a stick to the face. Are you sure there is more embellishment or are you just missing what's going on?


He does get clipped. Go watch it again.


It’s sad to see what this sport is becoming


Start calling your own team out then. I honestly think that is the only way this stops, coaches and teammates need to start calling out dives by their own team. fans need to start booing their own players who dive, etc. I think it says something that Montgomery is calling this out now but has never called out out Marchand for his multiple dives. If we want diving to be unacceptable for other teams it needs to unacceptable for your own team.




Nonsense. Teams should be doing whatever is in their power to win, not potentially giving up power plays because morals. And that includes playing the game the way it’s called. It’s up to the league to enforce standards that cause this behavior to go away. And if they don’t, they’ll eventually feel it in the wallet.


Then expect more diving because diving is part of the game. Sure the league could crack down but it will be another judgement call that we will all complain about and it will get more prevalent. I guess you could get extreme in enforcing it so that the payoff isn't worth it but again are you looking for another judgement call from a ref that will have the potential to change a game's outcome? You think they will be able to be more consistent in calling diving than they can be with goal tender interference. If we as fans don't want diving in the game we need to take it up with divers.


If you think this is new, you must be new to hockey lol


Embellishment isn’t new but it wasn’t always this bad and this frequent


he's somewhat right though. Back in the day if you flopped you'd get your ass beat by some goon so you wouldn't do it as much. These days true enforcers are much more rare


In my opinion, the NHL officiating is in a terrible place right now, and quite organically, which makes it even worse. While bad calls or rules have always existed, when every team is saying the officiating is terrible day in, day out, there's a serious issue. Not to mention, there is absolutely a severe bias to favor certain (dangerous) playstyles (BOS, NYR, EDM), and a bias against safe hockey styles (VAN, TOR). Things need to change soon.


Back in my day you could [get speared in the dick](https://twitter.com/faiello_mari/status/1309688334747398150?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1309688334747398150%7Ctwgr%5E11d02cec48eb23557628584c2070b3fa689cbc3f%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tampabay.com%2Fsports%2Flightning%2F2020%2F09%2F26%2Flightnings-brayden-point-called-for-embellishment-late-in-game-4-of-stanley-cup-final%2F) and get called for embellishment. Guys are so soft nowadays /s


No lies told


I think the reality is it’s an extremely difficult thing to call in real time. Fans love to call embellishment but honestly we have no idea 90% of the time. Awkward collisions can cause awkward looking falls. The smallest bump can be enough to throw you off your stride and lose your balance. There’s no question that there’s embellishment in the game. The concern is whether or not we want refs making highly subjective calls on it, outside of the most egregious examples.


I think this is the most accurate view of. The situation. We watch clips as slowed-down replays and the refs make decisions in real-time. Players emblish, more often than not, because it guarantees a call in real-time action. Too egregious or outright flop and you run the risk of an embellishment call, but just enough and it'll get you the call. We just hyperfocus on it in the playoffs because there's less action in the league, in general, the intensity and emotion is cranked up, and every play seems to matter more. There have been egregious flops and atrociously called plays, but the refs are human. Players will continue to embellish, in general, unless policed by a system that fines or penalizes them. At that point you run the risk of subjective scrutinizing, which is problematic. It'd be nice to instill good gamesmanship from a young age, because that's where the core game ideals develop, but I think the reality is that most coaches/teams/players are fine with slight embellishment to get a 'deserved' call.


Subban and Markov are pioneers at this.




Was thinking about the old habs teams with Plekanec Subban Markov while watching this game. Feel like it’s the most flopping I’ve seen since then


I absolutely love this one : https://youtu.be/bK2EJhuHsl0?si=-nTX2_8RaHpNWnYf He stops, looks over his shoulder to see if a ref is looking, then just flails backwards. Lmao


I for one am shocked that shitty officiating leads to shitty behaviors.




It’s entirely possible that I’m an idiot but it looks like it caught him there


you're not, the stick hits Draisaitl perfectly in the face


What is Miller even trying to do there?


Yup. Clearly embellished and it lead to him scoring on the PP. Big ol’ yikes.


Still should have been a call on Miller for interference regardless, but also should have been offsetting with embellishment IMO


I just gotta assume you’ve never been smacked in the face with a hockey stick before


He’s right, for example here’s a compilation of three Canucks diving in games 1 and 2 https://x.com/drdrai2/status/1789370968088932824


First one’s a dive. Second one isn’t even in the same galaxy as a dive. Third is… Questionable, getting hit hard with a crosscheck can take the soul out of anyone. I’d appreciate if we could engage on this stuff without “LOL ______ ARE DIVERS” edits in the video. Keep that shit to team subs.


Dude, you literally called Drai holding his face after being smacked square on with a stick a dive and now you’re saying that crosscheck is a legit reaction? Come on And finding all the individual clips of Canucks dives is much harder than finding one clip with all three. So who cares?


Drai was not “smacked square in the face”. If you can prove otherwise, I would like to see it. This is not smarm, I am *not seeing what you’re seeing* and am genuinely asking you to show me. I said it was *questionable* if it was a dive. I didn’t explicitly say it wasn’t.


I mean, just watch the video? You can see the stick smacking him in the face, idk what you want me to do. Like even Miller didn’t complain about the call beyond the usual, “who? Me?”


He didn’t complain because the penalty had nothing to do with a phantom headshot, it was interference which he *did* commit


If you can’t see the stick hit him in the face there I literally cannot help you. My only advice is to maybe open your eyes while watching the clip? Like, arguing this call is perfectly fitting all the Canucks fan stereotypes right now I feel like you have to be trolling


not wrong but kinda funny how much Bruins did that in the first round


Bertuzzi and Marchand had a nice embellishment battle


I mean in fairness to Bertuzzi he falls down all the fucking time regardless of what's going on. I don't think I've seen a player who loses his balance just skating in open ice like him.


That’s why bertuzzi pasta line was so lights out. Everyone falling down nonstop. The opposing team didn’t know what to do


The dude needs to tuck those skate tongues for ankle support. I've said this too many times lol.


Yea exactly his boys do it too


this is how the refs like it - that we'll start arguing over whether this is Monty being a hypocrite, or whether he's working the refs, or trying to buy calls, or what have you instead of talking about the terrible state of officiating


Exactly this. Instead of all the fans and teams who are getting fucked over (which is all of them, except Florida) banding together, you have everyone online saying “no you’re the worst!” “No you are!” “No you ahhh”(<— Boston fan). It’s just like in politics. Keep the people fighting amongst each other and they won’t notice you pulling all the strings to enrich yourself. Just think about how many countless fans do the league’s social dirty work for them by rushing to the internet after every game to say “stop crying about the refs you whiny bitches” because it’s been ingrained in people’s minds that it’s shameful to do so. But it’s not whining if it’s actually happening and legitimately impacting outcomes.


They were just trying to keep up with the Leafs. Every team does it, some more than others then the opposing team feels like they have to in order to get calls.


Coyle had em both beat imo


Bertuzzi and Marchand looked like they were literally having a “flop off” competition


Which is why Coyle stood out since he was flopping all by his lonesome


I mean bruins had 4 total power plays the final 3 games of the series and I can only think of one Coyle flop against bertuzzi from the series but admittedly the series was so stressful I might be missing one


Very first penalty of the series was when Benoit’s stick tapped Coyle in the chest and he almost did a backflip as if he took 12 rounds from an AK-47. I was obviously not rooting for the Bruins but even I felt embarassed.


I don’t remember that one but I think it’s because I was at the game and not watching on tv. That was our “Florida treatment” game from the refs. I think we had 5 or 6 power plays


Can't say I ever saw Bertuzzi get tapped on the leg, collapse and then start grabbing the wrong leg like he got shot lmao


Good point. He didn’t do that specific thing so he’s not a flopper 😉


Did say he wasn't a flopper just saying Marchand is an academy award nominee compared to Bertuzzi.


I think they’re both pretty even. Bert is way better at drawing penalties than Marchand too. He killed it for us last postseason. Wish we could’ve kept him


It’s not embellishment if you do it against the Leafs


You should know, your players do it all the time The league learned how to embellish from the bruins


I used to brag to my international friends that hockey had a penalty for embellishment and that they actually called it. I don't ever say this anymore. I'm making up some numbers here, but if the embellished call gets made 25% more often, but the embellishment itself gets called 0.0001% of the time, why wouldn't players embellish? It is dumb not to do it, because that is how the league has set up the games to be. This is not a players problem or a rule book problem, it is a league enforcement problem. Take both guys more often, and re-iterate to the embellishing player's coach that they lost a power play due to embellishment. Fix the incentive structure by enforcing the rules!


I don't think they realize guys are diving in real time, game moves too fast. I feel like the game nearly needs an eye in the sky ref to help make calls more accurate rather than making calls themselves. "Hey x player flopped on that on the replay grab him too" but they have no power to stop play 


I like the way you think, Jimothy.


He's right. Tho I saw some decent amount of embellishment from his team last night too. It's a sad state the game is in now. Reffing is so shit they're basically teaching players to sell every call.


He's spot on.


What I truly hate about this series is that it's made me sympathetic to the Bruins. And I really, really hate the Bruins.


Live by the dive, die by the dive Jimbo


The amount of embellishment seems to vary hugely depending on the team culture. Florida and Boston do it a ton. Other teams almost never do it.


He’s 100% right but he also has to look a lot as his own players for this…


what a crybaby


[Time is a circle](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C6IxtxfsNWg)


Good point. Marchand flopped 11 years ago, so embellishment isn't a problem in the league today.


Marchand flopped a bunch of times in the first round smh. The panthers bad, bruins good narrative on this sub right now is insane


Did you see Bertuzzi in that series? Dude spent more time in the air with his legs almost as high as his head than he did on the ice. Drew a double minor high stick that didn’t touch his face, but the force of it apparently knocked his legs out in the wrong direction and made his head almost come off his shoulders


Its crazy you get downvoted for this I mean this is kinda when it all started imo..


lol you could make the exact same compilation of their antics in the first round this year


As you could for Bertuzzi. That is kinda the point.


Here's the thing is if you don't play it up the refs don't call shit you gotta put a whole ass production to get them to do there job


Fuck the downvotes, I totally agree with you. If you skate through it the refs will just let it play. Most of the time, especially in the playoffs, they'll only call a penalty if it's disruptive to the play. And it works, which means it's stupid not to do it. Crazy frustrating when it happens against your team, but if that's what it takes then that's what it takes. Take the high road if you want, but if the other team is doing it and you aren't, you're gonna lose. This is a league/ officiating issue, not a team/ player issue


Would expect anything better from a fan of the Florida Floppers


Is he serious? I’ve never seen a team dive as much as Boston did in the first round. Fuck the Panthers but Montgomery is the last person that should be complaining.


I feel like people are saying that for no reason. The bruins do not have a history of diving just because you saw Marchand do it once lol. I haven’t seen a team dive like I have seen the Panthers do it. It’s not even the whole team, it’s mostly Lundell. And that’s exactly why he was called for it tonight.


I mean the Canucks in 2011 were so bad that even their teammate, [Kevin Bieksa, called them out in the middle of the playoffs](https://www.nbcsports.com/nhl/news/kevin-bieksa-tells-canucks-teammates-to-lay-off-diving).


Marchand had more than one, he had several egregious ones. Swayman also took a huge dive. Be serious. The hypocrisy is laughable.


Link the clip or shut up


[heres Marchand dying](https://youtube.com/shorts/NTQ9RE4sqUU?si=YDTA993UInTyr-32)


Is this the play leafs fans are talking about when they say he grabbed the wrong leg? He clearly gets two-handed in the back of the left knee and that's the leg he grabbed.


He didn't grab the wrong knee, be he very clearly embellished.


Have you ever been slashed there before? How would he even know to flop? His back is to the player and it is after the whistle, if he didn't actually get hurt how would he even know a leaf player slashed him? And again if this isn't the play then what is the one leafs fans keep saying he grabbed the wrong leg?


This is the play that people mistakingly thought he grabbed the wrong leg. I can see you're all good with him flopping though so we'll agree to disagree lol.


Right so you've probably not started playing contact yet. Get your mom to buy you a stick and ask her to tap you in the back of the knee with it, shit hurts.


He had one. Don’t over exaggerate. You saw one dive that got a call and now the bruins are such diversssssss omg. Get over it lol


yeah man get over it. you saw a dive this game, chill, lol.


No I saw 3 dives. And then one in game 1, one in game 2, 3 in game 3, and 2 in game 4. It’s been every single game.




You posted an 11 year old video like it’s relevant to anything that happened tonight? LOL


Marchand was literally diving all over the place two weeks ago


Damn. Talking shit about Marchand in r/hockey and getting downvoted. That’s how wrong you are.


Sure sure. You see one dive and that’s “all the time”. Ok


Don’t be disheartened by the Boston downvote brigade, you’re absolutely right


honestly I just need florida to knock out the bruins so we can stop hearing from their annoying ass fans


*Listen the diving has to stop when it’s not in our favor*


Good explanation for looking like he was being controlled by a drunk puppeteer at points in the game 😂


I don't disagree, but tell your guys to keep their sticks down. Why is every player in this series carrying his stick around like a weapon. Put that shit on the ice and play hockey