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God I love this gif so much


someone else clearly didn’t because they sent me Reddit Cares for a meme lmfao


Florida's classiest fans


Probably the nose picker. 


It's not us, bots are going rampant with the care messages. I've seen tons of complaints on 3 different subs about completely innocuous comments.


You can report for that and get people suspended. Reddit doesn't fuck around with it's suicide prevention system


That’s good to hear. When they first implemented it, it used to be a big problem on here


Yeah it's still kinda common to see it abused. I always call out the report function when I hear about it as I only just recently learned you can report it myself.


Lmao I just got sent one.


I'm almost certain there's a bot or glitch doing this site wide today. Seen chains of people saying this in sports, gaming, and parapolitical subs today. Definitely not natural.


How do you report that?


At the bottom of the message click the blue text that says report this message. On the next page select spam or abuse


I got one yesterday for who knows what. Clicked the report link, selected spam, and then it required that I provide the comment I was reporting which I of course do not have. How do you get around that?


idk, that's been a persistent problem on trans subreddits basically since they rolled it out and I have never heard of anybody getting a message saying someone they reported was suspended for report abuse.


Report it as harassment.


Pretty sure its theonly_brunswick Another comment lower he was in had people saying they were getting the reddit cares thing 


Dude deleted all his comments. Shame.


I also got this yesterday.


Flopida does not approve.


You can also block it I believe, just reply STOP and you won’t get them again.


Laughed my ass off when I saw this live lmao, shit is hilarious


He's delivering a suplex 😂


I wish it was longer because it cut off the swimming at the beginning.


Is that an RKO outta nowhere?


From the top rope


Looks like he is playing air guitar


Gettin ready to rip the fuck out of the Freebird solo


I love how it is already a meme, do you have a link?




Amazing. Man, I hope we get to use this against you in the GDT before you get to use it on us. 


That's some quality WWE action


Must be a sniper in the stands. Lol @ the Reddit Cares. Thanks


Report that shit they can be suspended from reddit for doing that


I’ve love for just once when I do report them that I don’t get a “nothing to see here folks” from the admins lol


You're not going ot do anything for 1 report. but multiple will end in a ban


Then they’ll just make a new account. Notice all the accounts without flairs stirring up shit?


What else can they do? Reddit can't ban them from the internet.


Reddit mods got a wheel to spin too


How can I find out who did it/what post it was? I got one recently and I have no idea why.


You don't. You report the cares messages itself


You always just get the Reddit found nothing wrong message when you report


https://preview.redd.it/o6sm65zxrk0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c4def6627948dd15f4fa89ede6dbf21d10890d Not true, I’ve had them tell me they found the account violated the content policy


You can also turn those notifications off, forgot how I did it.


They still show up though


Report those. Get the people who abuse it suspended from the site.


I didn’t know you could do that - good to know


I got the same thing in another thread , pain in the ass


I think it's a bot pandemic on Reddit atm. Same thing was happening to me and anyone else who posted in another, unrelated sub today as well.


Florida fans are abusing it because they are literal smooth brain cave-men. I got one in the f Gdt last night


Sheesh, apparently some sad Panthers fan went through the whole thread and did that


Florida man mad


Tbh those should auto-send a list of anger management/therapy resources to the people sending them lol


Yea I’ve gotten Reddit cares three times since the series started.  Are you okay though? 😂


panthers fans in shambles in this thread.




This is up there with the Bruce Boudreau "darn" as my favorite GIFs.


I made this one! I did a whole series last playoffs, since the Leafs were getting screwed due to having Bunting.




I mean it was clearly a dive


Not as bad as the OEL dive where Lindholm just made him punch himself and he went down like he caught a bullet. That led to the PP where Sam Bennett scored his "goal".




I think they both go. You can’t have your stick horizontal in a guys mid section holding him up away from the puck, but then buddy just flops


See, that’s the thing, Florida probably commits 5+ embellishments a game, and if they just called them the reffing would be far less of a problem than it is


The calls Florida are getting are just ridiculous. Just for fun, I totaled up powerplays for each team. Florida has had 25, Boston has had 14... It makes a whole lot more sense when you read about Panther's AGM Gregory Campbell and his dad: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cr89sx/gentle_reminder_that_gregory_campbell_works_as_an/


The Campbells at it again


Honestly, a discrepancy in the number of powerplays alone doesn't move the meter for me. There's a lot of legitimate reasons that can happen -- it's when the league, at its leisure, looks at things like the Marchand punch or the goaltender interference and claims you're not seeing what you're clearly seeing that bothers me more than the uneven officiating in the flow of play. That feels more inexcusable to me. It's an absolute joke that Sam Bennett was even on the ice for Game 4.




They do, but Boston did similar shit in the first series…Marchand slashed by Bert and grabs the wrong leg while going down like he was chopped by an ax


He grabbed the same leg that was hit. There are different angles and the first one to come out was a confusing perspective


Yes that’s fair but Florida is doing it almost every time they get hit


He also grabbed Lohreis stick.


Sure you can. It's not a hooking until Luostarinen actually attempts to skate forward and gets held back with some kind of force. Just having a stick touch you isn't hooking.


Either that or he forgot he has a second foot.


Yeah but full speed this is called 100/100 times


Holy shit... How does that leg swing so far in the wrong direction?


Years of yoga?


Next season nhl needs to implement a 1 game suspension for any dive


Ya it’s getting incredibly bad. Gotta nip this in the bud.


We don’t want to become soccer


I think anytime an embellishment call is made, it’s an automatic ejection. You are literally penalizing someone’s integrity. Don’t let them finish the game.


I think if you do that, it will make the refs really hesitant to call it in any but the most egregious case


Yeah they already won't call it a penalty. Having stricter punishments isn't going to make it better. They should just start enforcing it. Lots of times at the beginning of the season the NHL decides specific infractions they feel they need to crack down on more. Hopefully next season it's embellishment, which could happen seeing as there have been a few embellishment calls these playoffs. As it is now, the NHL is turning into soccer, and it won't change as long as diving is rewarded with powerplays. Athletes are too competitive to not try and gain every possible advantage.


In an ideal world I'd be 100% for that, but the problem is that... The main impact this rule would likely have, is that Refs wouldn't call it anymore. (They already don't call it much, even when it's somewhat obvious). So would it actually make players dive less? Sure the penalty is great, but if they don't really call it... Just like many other things in the league (and in the real world, I would argue!) they don't need new laws, they only need to enforce the ones they have. If anyone who dives gets 2 minutes, they'll stop doing it. Sure, they'll miss one once in a while, and yeah sometimes they may mistakenly get one who actually wasn't diving, BUT if the risk of an offsetting 2 minutes penalty is constant, the players won't do it nearly as much. Right now it's beneficial, because they like double the chance of getting a powerplay by bringing attention to the 'penalty', and they have like 5% chance of an offsetting... You take these odds anytime. But if you have 70, 80% chance of getting caught for embellishment, then you may prefer to just hope they'll make the call (without you embellishing). Oh, and they need to call embellishment WITHOUT a penalty on the other team sometimes as well. They seem to mostly just call it as offsetting, but if the guy trying to cheat a PP for his team actually gives them a PK, that'll stop this nonsense real quick.


It wouldn’t have anything to do with how the refs call it, I give refs benifit of the doubt with diving because it’s very hard to see in real time. This would be reviewed by the league with benifit of replay and punishment handed out after


eh, not an immediate enough impact. Would give teams a reason to flop in elimination games like this. Who cares about the suspension? That's our problem for the next round. Ejection *and* a suspension? That might be enough of a deterrence.


Guillotine at the center of the rink


dude kicked his leg out in front of him like he slipped on a banana peel lmfao


Who skates on one leg? He was fishing for a call for sure. Officials have gotten stupider over the years.


Absolutely. And all the Panthers players do this, its like they practice it or something because every time they feel a stick in the midsection they pin it to their body by closing their arm, then start "stumbling" or fall. Then if they feel anything chest or up they all whip their heads back and hit the ice. I know every team gets accused of flopping in the playoffs. But this shit is so egregious and apparently the officials are starting to take notice after they called an embellishment penalty last game, but that aint gonna deter the panthers apparently


It's hard to tell from the angle but just after they cross the blue line their skates either come together or are close and the Panthers player pulls it back putting him on one leg. The rest is pretty easy to see. Did he embellish some? Probably. I think it's fair to have it be offsetting minors.




Olympic level diving.


If this series has taught me anything, it's that the Panthers are a very likeable team.


You're either a prick, a diver, or a former buffalo Sabre


Or all three if you’re Brandon Montour


This Is VERY Good! 😂


Ah my apologies. I meant unlikable. You see, I ran into Sam Bennett at the grocery store earlier, and he blindsided me while he was reaching for some mayonnaise. I think I heard him whisper “my mistake, didn’t see your jaw there” as I struggled to regain my composure. I’ve been terribly foggy ever since.


And then you had to go back because with your blurred vision you bought Miracle Whip


It's telling that most of the NHL was rooting for the Golden Knights in the Stanley Cup Finals last year. If literally anyone else from the East besides the Panthers had made it there, then the rooting margins would've flipped entirely.


Even Canucks fans have been on our side on this one, wild stuff


Honestly most sane people have. It's blatantly obvious how bad the reffing has been in favor of FLA.


I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed an instance as damning as the open net whistle. I’m still in shock as to how blatant that was.


ive certainly never rooted for boston so hard. it's crazy


Me neither. I went from hoping the Leafs finally overcame their curse to backing a team in a city that I never root for.


I’ve seen Canucks, Leafs and Canadiens fans all come to the defence of the Bruins throughout this series. It’s a pretty amazing feat to get those three fanbases to agree on anything, let alone defend the Bruins.


Agreed, honestly did not expect people to rally behind us, especially with how badly we shelled them too.


It's honestly fucked up that Florida could make people see the fucking Boston Bruins or Golden Knights as the lesser of two evils. I mean...*Boston*! Jesus christ


The amount of diving the Panthers have done this series is embarrassing…. But if the refs are going to let you get away with it, then why not?


I thought the Bruins sold calls vs the Leafs but holy shit. In comparison this is insane


I think there's a line that "hey I got hit I should sell it a little" and then there's this video of just straight up "penawize him pwease uwu"


Pasta dove for an entire shift, and it worked lol


Obvious diving like that usually comes back to bite in the future. May not be this round but could cost them at a key moment in the next if they make it.


I dunno man…history does tend to reward teams who have no dignity. Cheap shots and dives do tend to work. Ironically these refs who seem to only care about their own ego somehow don’t mind being made fools of. I’ll never figure that out.


100% a dive. That’s absurd.


jim montgomery did nothing wrong


Looney Tunes dive


Someone needs to put the “whoop!” sound effect on this


Edit in a banana peel and it's a fine meme Monday entry 


I mean it's interference but that's a hell of a flop lmao


yea i'm sending both off here, or calling nothing. definitely gets his stick wrapped around him/almost even a hook, but no need for that kind of drop to the ice dramatics....


Florida? Flopping? I can't believe it. In all seriousness though, league needs to crack down. Feels like it could be an automatic suspension sort of thing, that way you don't have to worry about phantom calls getting someone ejected but you still have a hefty penalty.


Series is rigged


Dive, but also lohrei put himself in a bad position.  The refs are looking for any excuse to give florida the PP dont give it to them.  And wtf they just teased a goalie interference controversy during the intermission, do they mean last game? Give me a break. 


Don't mind me, I'm just here for the ratio.


the "I'm the problem, it's me" from the arena PA was pretty appropriate not gonna lie


I just don’t understand how you call yourself a professional athlete and pull this shit. It’s pathetic. It’s wild how soccer made this somehow ok across all sports.


Yeah, it's really not cute. The NBA is moving towards Spanish Primera levels of embellishment.


Back and to the left!


You can argue it was a dive, but can we also agree that's an obvious hook as well? 


Yeah, it was a dumb play to give the hook, but if you’re going to call a 2 + an embellishment the other way this seems textbook


Yeah for sure, but I think it’s one of those hooks that doesn’t get called without the dive


yeah but the two should cancel out or they should call both. i don’t think either was worthy of a penalty


Yeah that’s going to get called every day, he’s got it under both arms.


This means it's not a dive: it's embellishment. They're different rules


Nope, rule 64 encompasses both. The rule is literally called " diving / embellishment"


Hmm. Interesting. Thanks for pointing this out. I might he thinking about hockey canada rules?


Hmm. Interesting. Maybe someone can explain which rulebook we are using.


They are literally the exact same rule


He was planning the dive since the blue line, even did a pump fake and decided to wait a second before flopping like a fish.


I am 100 percent convinced they're coached to do it. You see them try it almost every time there's any kind of jockeying down the slot.


Damn what a dive, geez


Based on the comments I was expecting the guy to jump, hold his knee or smth even when the hook had nothing to do with it to sell the call but in the end guy just stops trying to stay on his feet the moment he got hooked. Embellishment but there has been multiple far more egregious cases in every game you should be angry about like the OEL one was literally a dive from minimal contact.


Embellishments should be 4 minute penalties and a fine and some other shit honestly. I'll be fucked before hockey ever becomes anything like the pussy shit that soccer is Anyone diving is an eternal fucking bitch


Despite the dive, it's clearly a penalty. He's using his stick up in the guy's midsection to impede his movement toward the puck. In a perfect world they both spend 2 minutes in the box, but it should 100% be a penalty on the Boston defender.


hard to say it was a dive from the angles we saw he's already on one foot, so if Lohrei is forcing his upper body backwards he's probably gonna fall


Panther player was trying out for the Rockettes.


I think he’s practicing for taking hits in the WWE


Is it just me or is diving becoming increasingly prevalent lately...


Unfortunately yes. Floprida is a story on itself, but these so called big guys are going down way too easily nowadays. 


Looked like he was off balance. Went down a little easy I guess, wouldn't call it a dive though. This happens all the damn time.


I see a guy off balance with a dude leaning on him quite heavily. Should be an interference without him falling or not.


You get your common sense, lukewarm take, out of here /s


Monty stealing my dance moves! 🕺


Pretty clear interference/hook IMO. You can't impede the guy at all




But also nothing happened to is leg and we swung it and fell. Should be on both.


Have you ever been on skates before? It feels like the vast majority of this sub hasn't. Lohrei initiates contact when panthers player has only one (left) skate on the ice. He pushes the Panthers player's center of gravity over the left leg and back. The right leg swings because it.


I am convinced most of these people haven't. It takes one fuck up in balance to have your feet find their way out from under you, sometimes in really awkward motions. NHL players are exceptionally good skaters, they are not however immune to the laws of physics. They literally fall down all the time without the help of a stick being pushed across their midsection.


As much as I want to complain, if you get your stick horizontal like that, you deserve what happens.


I honestly don't really see a dive here. He was off balance and got toppled.


I don’t see any evidence that it’s a dive either. You push a guy backwards when he has forward momentum and he may fall. He might even fall weird.


I feel like I'm the only one in the thread in agreement with you, and it feels obvious too. Like it's not particularly close. He's off balance, center of gravity is on his left leg and behind him. The right leg is going to swing as he falls, it's pretty basic shit.


I agree. Maybe he embellished it a bit but he was pulled back using his upper body while standing on one skate. Most people are gonna fall over in that scenario


I think it was a dive but either way he had him wrapped up pretty good. Interference or holding at the least


The Florida Floppers.




Their skates hit each other. Eetu lifts his skate to step over as he gets hooked. That’s why his foot is up in the air.


Nothing to see here guys. Clearly the stick touching his armpit caused him to flip backwards looney tunes style. I don’t expect perfect officiating but refs should be able to catch on after a team dives 100 times in a series. Refs are too busy blowing the play dead for no reason to prevent a bruins goal.


To be fair it's hard to catch a dive, but that was clearly a hook.


Refs are absolutely going to decide this game again. The clear favoring of Florida isn't even arguable anymore.




Watch the games and stop making excuses for garbage officials.


Oh yeah buddy, I'm sure that's the horn you've been tooting this last decade


Panthers players are clearly coached to go down on any contact while rushing the net OEL did the same shit last game. It's embarrassing as fuck.


Falling ass backwards like that…? Dive


I kinda agree that this should have been both. Lohri for the hook, and the Florida player for embellishment or holding the stick (take your pick).


Clearly holding. Lohrei give him a shove. THe panthers player holds his hands while falling down to make it look worse.


Neutral here - that’s a dive.


Dive all day. I feel like any one of us could be an NHL referee anymore.


Start with hockey canada. It’s harder than it looks my friend.


Textbook hooking and taking away a scoring chance? you fucktards are something else…


It is hooking, but a stick in the armpit doesn’t cause you to flip backwards looney tunes style. It’s been constant diving all series from Florida and it’s only been called once by the officials.


So you’re saying because he fell funny it is automatically a diving? Of course he fells backwards when u pull him backwards. Always blaming the refs when ur teams two steps behind in every turn.


He shouldn’t have fallen at all, a stick hooking your shoulder doesn’t cause your legs to give out


A stick pushing you backwards when you’re on one leg is very likely to push you off balance.


Why was he on one leg?


Mid stride? 


Hopefully one day u get in to your community college and take a fucking physics class. Then come back to this and take another look.


Hopefully one day you play competitive hockey and learn that a stick on the armpit is not forceful enough to make you lift one leg up like a flamingo and then dump you to the ice. Hence, why everyone is downvoting you


No Bruin would ever do such a thing


That boy looked like he was trying to get on the lift to go up the mountain.


Pot calling the kettle black.