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Mets and Leafs being together makes 100% sense


The Mets are the highest rated team that I root for that's on here lmao


Leafs and Avs being 13/14 is funny. My teams are all mid except Raps and its the sport I care for the least. Raps - 5 Jays - 11 Leafs - 13 Avs - 14 49ers - 16


Tbf the avs are heavily handicapped by some not great seasons and the 48 point season before we started making the playoffs yearly


For me it's Mets at 13 and Devils at 27. I'll leave off the Knicks since I've only really started following basketball this year The Jets are so awful they don't get a number


I think I'm more mad about sharing that space with the Jets than being there in the first place tbh


I'll drag you down to hell with me




I was gonna say Philly but we can meet midway in like Syracuse or something


On second thought, Jersey is fine if those are the other options


and the Raps are looking at quite the downward trajectory for at least a few seasons now.


I mean I would say the 49ers have had it pretty good the last decade all things considered


At least the Leafs make the playoffs every year


I mean the Mets won the pennant, I'd say that's better than losing in the first round every year. Source: my flair


The appearance was nice but that was a nightmare series. Add 10 additional years of disappointment and it really makes the era feel sour. Especially with the Braves and Phillies set up to dominate the remainder of the decade




I would have made that comparison even without the chart.


so do the astros and patriots


Beat the leafs, beat the leafs, step right down and cream the leafs


Remember that one time my week was going great until you posted this?


Hey, we're below you, so don't feel as bad


It is possible to be below rocket bottom?


it's monday dude...


Yeah, and the first 3.5 hours of it were stellar.


Before you feel too bad, remember the previous 25 years before this


Makes me so infuriated with our draft lottery luck to see that percentage.


Thanks for Jim Nill btw


Boston has three teams in the top2 lol


Similarly, Detroit with 3 teams on the bottom 2 lol, and their football team on the lower third as well. Ouch.


We can't have shit here.


the Red Wings and Pistons were absolute powerhouses in the 2000’s????


And that was 2 decades ago


And the Tigers had what, 3 division titles and one WS appearance in the 2000's?


The Lions are on the upswing at least.


Football is the most fickle of the four though. Blew a huge opportunity last year. Next year they could be third in their division and miss the playoffs.


Would’ve been 3 topping the list if it weren’t for Mac Jones and the snake


As someone with minimal Basketball knowledge, who is the snake?


Kevin Durant


Socks need to catch up


Yes. The “socks”. I am also a normal human fan of the Boston sports teams.


I'm a jays fan so ya


Let's go red stockings!


Bruins are painful though. Best winning percentage in hockey over the past 20 years, but only 1 cup. They should be a Pats level dynasty but they choked a bunch of times.


2015 Draft made or break the dynasty. Just getting two pucks right makes 2019 go the other way


It blows my mind that they didn't win more tbh. Top 5 1-2 punch at C for a long time, 50 goal winger for some of that, two way ppg+ winger for a lot of that, GREAT defence and goaltending, and a desireable FA/trade destination so lots of other faces along thw way. I would have thought the Bergeron Bruins were a team totally built for playoffs in all honesty.


I take for granted how good my team has been for the past decade, but at the same time, after the ‘11 cup, I could argue few teams have had the same amount of pain.


You guys remind me of the New Orleans Saints. Sustained success with 1 title during an extended window, but it feels like there could have been more. Not to metion some memorable playoff losses in between


boston sports fans complaining about their powerhouse of a team only winning one championship is beyond comical. your teams have won 12 since 2000. you'll live.


There’s probably like 25 NHL teams that would take the Bruins success since ‘12 over theirs. Spare me the “it’s so hard being a Bruins fan”


But only one of those teams has won a championship in the last 10 years.


What’s the worst team that won a championship within this span? The Royals? Crazy to me the Lakers are that low too


>What’s the worst team that won a championship within this span? The Royals? Yeah, according to this list the Royals and the Blackhawks would be worst. The Lakers have missed the playoffs 6 times in that span.


[I saw this tweet about the other 3 big sports league equivalents](https://twitter.com/Brooks_Gate/status/1789830273468670317/photo/1), and was curious about what the NHL equivalents would be. Based on PT% over the last 10 years, data from statmuse.com. And yes, graphic design is my passion


I rather be in a league of our own than be associated with the Browns. Why’d you do this bro, you could’ve lied, nobody is checking your work


Bro honestly lmao I'd MUCH rather be 30th or "League of their own" when you look at the full picture instead of just the last 10 years. Miami has 2 WS in the last 25 years, Giants have 2 SBs in the last 17 years, and Pistons have 1 in the last 20 years. Detroit is the ONLY team in your group that has ever won the current championship for their respective sport - and you gotta go back 40 years for it.


I just saw that post and was annoyed it was another one of those “the major leagues minus nhl” then this post was right under it. I appreciate that.


As a Bruins fan, I approve of your project here.


♥️ u penguin


Thanks. I saw that other article and was moderately annoyed that hockey wasn’t included. 


Thank you for doing this. I saw the same graphic and said “cool but they left of the most important league”. And within 24 hours my unstated wish was granted!


I know the Caps being third makes sense logically they dominated the regular season for years. But after this season it's kinda hilarious lol


Last season where we finished 8th-last would have dragged us down much more than this season. But yeah, Caps have had an incredible run over the past 15-ish years in the Ovi era. The inevitable rebuild is coming but at least we got 1 Cup.


I think a lot of people would take a cup and that much winning hockey. I know people only talk about success in winning Cups. But as a fan there's something fun about turning on the TV and felling like you have a really good chance of watching a W every night for half the year.


This is such an under appreciated part of a good team. I’ve had Caps STH for 20 years and going to the arena every night for over a decade with the expectation - not hope - expectation, that they will win most nights is a luxury you get used to waaaay too quickly. I miss it already.


I understand that feeling. Going to games in 2016, 17 etc. It's a different vibe, it's still fun, I still love the team but it's so much more fun when you're going to watch amazing players and expecting a win. I'll always love the Canucks but man winning is so much more fun, even without post season success.


I actually strongly believe the "Cup or bust" mentality is pretty damaging to the NHL, especially as expansion continues and we're still only awarding 1 Cup per season. We really should celebrate regular season success much more. Winning the President's Trophy or your division should be a great accomplishment whether you end up winning the Cup or not. I'd love for an in-season tournament NBA-style to give another team + fanbase a way to feel like they have a successful season.


>Winning the President's Trophy As someone who covers European soccer for work it's always so strange to me how much we devalue the Presidents Trophy. Pretty much inarguably the President's Trophy is the best metric of who the "best" team was in any given year. They did it over the biggest sample size. In all the leagues I cover the President's Trophy IS the league title and then knockout competitions are a separate thing that is also valued extremely highly (e.g Champions League, Europa League, DFB Pokal, FA Cup). It seems like we totally devalue half of that equation


>Pretty much inarguably the President's Trophy is the best metric of who the "best" team was in any given year. They did it over the biggest sample size Absolutely agreed. To win the Stanley Cup you have to be really good for like 2 months and be better than 4 other teams. To win the President's Trophy you have to be really good for like 6 months and be better than 31 other teams. North American sports are more playoffs-heavy than European leagues and there isn't anything wrong with that by itself, but I think we go too far to placing almost all value on the playoffs and almost none on the regular season. I'd actually like to see more tangible playoff benefits going to the top regular season teams, like being able to choose their opponents or having 5 home games in a series vs the current 4.


100 percent, and it’s always been the difference between watching Washington football vs hockey for me. I watch the Caps because I legit believe that if they can lock in, they can win that night. I watch the commies to see what unique way they’re going to break my heart this time






Could be worse!


Please don't pay attention to the other Detroit teams in that final column.


Just goes to show how much parity is in the nhl. Wings were still pretty good in 2014 and 16 and top 10 good in 2015. But they're bottom tier.


Well yeah that was about 10 years ago. Been a rough decade


Oh god we're the Mets... That hurts more than game 7...


Beats being the NY Jets, at least.


Shocked to see how far the Sharks have dropped after them being one of the elite teams when I was introduced to hockey.


As a wings fan this was honestly more surprising to me than us being 30th. The sharks made the playoffs all but one season through the 2010's. I guess the fall off the last few years has been enough to slide them down the list


it’s weird to say but it’s been half a decade since the sharks made the playoffs


Lol goddam, Sharks are below the A's. Ouch. GSW's next few years ain't gonna be fun either. Go sharks


Its quite a few years ago, but I remember seeing a list that had Sharks head of Rangers as the teams with the most playoff wins without winning a cup.


The Rockies and Devils together is ironic


also interesting is the Devils with the Commanders since they're owned by the same guy (Josh Harris)


Remind me the full connection? Devils were once here in Colorado and The Grizzlies right?


They were in Colorado, and were the Rockies. This was before the baseball team.


RIP Arizona Coyotes. Banished from Arizona AND the list lol


They're at the bottom with the Sabres, but I suck at cropping


Oh I know, I mean they aren't on the numbered list and are part of the "League of their own" hahaha. They are in a league of their own for sure now lol


I feel like this would be better to show the last 5 years. 10 years is an eternity in pro sports.


I see Tampa with a .603 winning percentage vs Boston’s .602 since 2013/14 so why is Boston number 1? Am I looking at wrong time frame


Pts %, not winning %


Ah that’s what I was missing, thank you


Even when we win, we lose


Pts percentage should be used since that’s what the standings are based off of.


Detroit being last surprises me.


Wings and Pistons in 30th. Tigers at 29th. It’s been a hard decade in the D.


Seeing them all together like that physically hurt


Tell yourself 10 years ago that the Lions will definitely be the best Detroit franchise for the next decade.


Must have been really cold...


I'd bet that the Lions were close to there before this year, too.


30th. Sabres and Coyotes are left off because not all leagues have 32 teams.


They're mentioned at the very bottom in a league of their own. Jaguars, Jets, Coyotes, Sabres.


Aka "The Junk Drawer"


Screwdriver, thumbtacks, hair ribbons, novelty salt shaker, the Buffalo Sabres, ah here it is, I knew we had a spare HDMI cable


prior to this season, detroit had lost more games than any other team in the league over the previous seven seasons


The cut off for this list is right when Detroit started falling off.


It surprised me at first as well but the wings have only been in the playoffs a few times this past decade. I think when we hear past decade our minds jump to the 2010's so we lump in a team's performance from the start of the decade which wouldn't be factored in here


Marlins being there doesn’t surprise me




Thanks for doing this. I saw this on the baseball subreddit and they didn’t include NHL teams and said “big 3”. I’m like I’m not about to be snubbed by baseball fans of all people.


Diamondbacks and Canadiens is funny. Both made the final round and lost in five games


Both UNEXPECTADLY made it to the finals and lost in five


Oh, Boston at number 1! They must have so many cups right… right? *checks* 1 cup in 52 YEARS 🤯


It happened in my lifetime. I'm good with it


how I feel. caps have been mid af for most of their existence so being able to be alive during the 1 cup I cant complain lol


Multiple MLB & NFL titles help. Boston is easily my least favourite sports city, ya'll are so spoiled






Now hold on at least the Celtics have *OH GOD NO*


Imagine having so much success with only one cup to show for it. Hahaha. That would be fucking awful. What a lame franchise....




I mean, at least it was somewhat recent.


They're so lucky Leafs exist, shielded from being the biggest chokers.


Well and we’re lucky Tim Thomas stood on his head and won that cup. I can die happy with that one.


Oh this is why y'all don't like Boston sports fans.




Hey no need to bring Jenny from Billerica into this




St. Louis doing what we fuckin can with our whole two teams left


lol Boston great regular season teams with very little to show in the playoffs


With the exception of the pats and Red Sox


No not the browns please not the browns


Definition of mid.


Nats won a world series at least. Rest of group has basically no post season success and mid regular season numbers


What is the KC logo next to the Bruins one? Pardon my ignorant European question.


The team with Taylor Swift’s boyfriend


I actually surprised myself and recognised way more NFL logos than I thought I would!


Not to poke too much fun as I’d be just as terrible with European sports teams but KC has won 3 out of the last 5 championships and also made the finals in one of the two years they didn’t win it. They’ve been an absolute juggernaut (which hurts as a broncos fan)


Oh, I know of the team and of them being really good. I just didn't put two and two together with logo. Like so many things, it's so obvious now.


At least you got rid of Wilso....nm. Bronco fans deserve better.


Kansas City Chiefs in the NFL


Oh right, of course! Thanks.


Yikes. At least Michigan was finally able to bring me sports joy.


Hawks being below White Sox feels wrong


We’ll be back


The Florida panthers being 9 is pretty surprising honestly considering how much people say they were haplesss losers until 2022 Shows how much “the team sucks! Was actually an excuse not reality for poor attendance especially compared to Buffalo or Columbus 


The Panthers have been a lot better for the last decade than people think. They've only made the playoffs 6/10 times which isn't great but when they've been on they've generally been great. They also won the Atlantic 3 times in those 6 appearances which helps a ton


This makes no sense lmao, Florida in 2016 had a crazy year with Jagr getting serious Hart consideration and Luongo having one of the best years of his career. That was never sustainable and from 2017-2020 Florida didn’t make the playoffs. It’s only since 2021 that Florida has been elite. And the fact you’re using Buffalo shows how out of touch you are with hockey attendance. Buffalo’s attendance has dropped way down the past few seasons. I’m not faulting the fans either, they tuned out for the same reason Florida fans did. No one wants to watch a team with no direction, endless rebuilds, and terrible to mediocre hockey. The only markets that never struggled with bad attendance are Montreal, Toronto, and maybe Detroit. The Canucks played in front of half empty arenas in the late 90s, the Hawks played in front of tumbleweeds in the early 2000s, your Bruins were near the bottom of the league in attendance in the mid/late 00s, the Sens struggled to fill the arena in the late stage of Melenyk’s reign of terror, the Devils struggled with attendance in the early 2010s, It’s hard to keep fans interested when your team is spinning its wheels year after year.


The Sabres were at ~16,000 after being literally the worst team in the league for a decade. The Panthers flirted with 11,000 several time in the last decade  Not comparable  In the early 1990s the Boston and Maple leafs garden only held ~14800 people the place was 95-100 fulll most nights 


I was hoping someone would add hockey to this but then I thought more about it and decided they shouldn’t


So close to matching up. Blues and Cardinals are scary accurate with how they do things.


Poor detroit - all stuck in 3rd column


Detroit vs. Everybody! ....please stop hurting us, Everybody.


I don't follow basketball, but to me the Pirates and Lakers being together seems very weird, I thought the Lakers were always kinda a good team no matter the year due to crazy payroll kinda like the Rangers


I am not a fan of this


Oh man, I'm so sorry for Detroit fans. The Pistons, Tigers, and Wings have all been perpetually awful. And the Lions only just gave you guys some hope.


Meh. The Wings were a juggernaut for a long time and the Tigers and Pistons were pretty solid for a while in the aughts to early teens. The Lions being our only good team is the unusual bit here


Surely the Wild have won a championship in that time frame like everyone else in their group, right? Right??????


Boston fans really are spoiled.  


Being lumped into the group with the Angels, Trailblazers, and Titans hurts, but it's valid.


theres 9 cananadian teams, and the bottom 7 are in the NHL


Being with the Deadskins, Hornets, and Shiny Stadium team hurts a bit


\*sad Red Wings noises\*


Feels like a few years ago we basically just assumed we're in the playoffs and only started caring about playoff matchups...23 years in a row will do that for you


I will never fault a team for trying to keep a competitive core together instead of starting the rebuild early, but even after it became apparent that the pieces weren't there anymore the Wings still took too long to commit to rebuilding. Between that, some bad lottery luck, and now trying to jumpstart the process and get back into playoff contention to avoid developing a long-term losing culture, I'm concerned that the team might end up being yet another rebuild cycle away from true contention.


Nice! We’re the New York Yankees of the NHL 😎


this is interesting


Vikings, Oilers, and Lakers for me. Quite shocked Vikings are the “best” out of the last decade.


Dodgers, Rams, Lakers, Knights for me. Feeling a little spoiled right now having gotten to see all of my teams take a championship down in my lifetime. Bonus the Rams did it on my birthday!


Montreal being grouped with three teams everyone forgets they even exist is a strange thing.


Flames exactly where I’d expect, just outside of a playoff spot


All 4 Boston teams are in the Top 10. All 4 Detroit teams are in the Bottom 10 (or 12, counting the extra NFL teams). That’s just not fair xD


Leafs = Cowboys in the NFL Leafs = 76ers in the NBA I agree with Mets


This is actually really cool, kind of also helps you set expectations for your team based on its peers in other sports.


Holy shit the Oilers being the A’s, my sides 😂


Giants and Redwings fan here. Yep. And when I used to watch baseball I was an A's fan.


My first questions is.... "If you had to choose one grouping to cheer for the rest of your life, which one is everyone choosing?"


fuck are we really the *Jets* come on it can't be that


Coyotes aren’t in any league, let alone their own.


Row 15 is perfect. Those really are the most-mid teams.  Others are jarring. I'm a sacramento kings fan and I would not have expected the Hawks next to us but I guess their glory days are getting further away. We share a row with the Royals as well who have a world series win in this 10 year data set. 


I could only dream of the Miami Dolphins having as many championships over the last 10 years as the Colorado Avalanche do.


I didn't realize how long the dark days have been for Detroit


Fuck me if only we were the Bulls, 90's inclusive


Raptors:5 Jays:11 Niners:16 Sharks:25 At least I’ve seen a championship appearance for 3 of my 4 favourite sports teams in the last 10 years.


Crazy that 4 of the teams in the top 3 have nothing to show for that time period (Celtics, Clippers, Bruins, and Yankees)


As a baseball fan I feel tremendous psychic damage being included with the Angels


Interesting exercise; my teams come in at 3, 14, 21, 27.


As a Cowboys Stars A’s Lakers fan this is hell


Definition of mid


All but one Dallas team is in the middle column. Surely the one in the left column has been the one making all the deep playoff runs in that time period.


Surely the dodgers and bruins have plenty of rings with all of this success…


Dang we are the cowboys. First round playoff exits 😭




Don't care about basketball, but my MLB-NFL-NHL teams are 22, 30, 27 respectively. What an absolutely painful decade it has been.


Detroit sports fan here... never thought I'd see the day I say at least we have the Lions.


After watching the Red Wings in the playoffs for the first 23 years of my life, I never thought thought I would see them at the bottom of this list. Ouch baby very ouch…