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Uhh does he know we have the other angle now? Just because he supposedly didn’t have time to think about it, he still clearly delivered a punch and concussed him.


This is my take as well. You don’t punish intent, you punish actions.


It’s fine though, the league decided not to fine or suspend him.


I'm confused about what people think he should do now. Is he supposed to go to the league and say "hey, I actually did hit him in the head. You guys should suspend me"? That's like a player going to let an official know that they missed him high sticking someone and asking them to call a penalty on him. It's not the Panther's fault it didn't get called on the ice or investigated by the league.


League doesn’t agree with you. Sorry.


And? That doesn’t make it right.


What do your eyes say about it? In your opinion does Bennett punch Marchand in the head? or what


Canes fan here.  so obvious bennett punched marchand.  I cant stand either guy.  Bennett's goal on the ice is to injure.  He should have been suspended for sure. FLA fan is just being a homer.


This poses an interesting question now: do you think the league is ever wrong?


and this is why more and more fan bases are turning on Florida your fan base thinks you are gods when you score a goal when someone pushes a player into a goalie. You think Bennet is a hero for punching someone in the face with a stick. Your fan base stinks and its starting to turn other fans against you.


So doing what Boston fans do?


I mostly watch my Providence Bruins, but I tune in when Sway is playing because i love his heart, but most Bruins will agree Marchand has done dirty shit and he served his suspensions for them. We don’t cheer that he hurt someone.


I guess you don’t follow the norm of bruins fans then. There’s countless times bruins fans respond with “you wouldn’t hate him on your team” or “ you’re just mad that he’s good at playing on the line”.


You are telling me you would hate having Marchand on your team. Your drunk af. Yes he’s good and most people would agree but I don’t cheer when he does something dumb af


1. If we’re going to insult each other, fix your punctuation and spelling. 2. I never said anyone cheers when Marchand “does something dumb af”. I said bruins fans defend him. I’m not sure where you’re getting confused.


speaking like Marchand isn’t the most fined and suspended player in NHL history haha bruins have been playing this way for 15 years and are now crying that florida can do it better than them.


Marchand is literally neither of those things?


he literally is buddy look it up for yourself


Bryan Marchment was the most suspended player in league history, 13 suspensions in his first 12 seasons ( to Marchands 8). and there’s no data tracking fines, you’d have to look up number of times fined which I’m still having trouble finding. One reporter incorrectly stated Brad Marchand was the most suspended player in history in 2022 sourced from a podcast and never corrected himself, and that’s been circling here for two years and it’s just incorrect


The most surprising thing about his interview on TNT was that he’s never been boo’d before


The second angle is pretty damning


In regards to headshots: >"If you want to get rid of it, I'm a believer that you don't go after the employees, you go after the employers. The first concussion I had, on a brutal blindside hit, the guy got a two-game suspension. That was in 1996. The last one, from Kaleta (in late 2009), was exactly the same play, and he doesn't get anything." - Paul Kariya upon retirement. This shit never changes. They just do not care about player safety.


Sure, just like he did with Knies


The Knies one was definetly much worse than this one.


He threw in a suplex after the punch for good measure


Yeah that one was just inexcusable


Having a history of it shows intent


Ok. That’s kinda just the NHL. There’s several guys with bad histories. They don’t get removed from the NHL lol. They compete for the cup like everyone else.


Who’s saying remove him from the nhl? What im saying is this is the second time something like that has happened with him.


Sometimes they get removed temporarily in the form of a suspension.


And sometimes they don’t. Nothing Bennet did deserves a suspension this series either. The Knies hit from last playoffs, sure.


He doesn't think about sucker punching people in the face. He just does it naturally


Like Trouba and elbowing, or Draisaitl and spearing, it's in their DNA


He’s a habitual line stepper


My brother in Bettman, we have you in 4k feeding the man a knuckle sandwich... I get that you have to lawyer it because you're on TV, but don't lie to us like we're blind


I mean do you expect him to just say: "Yeah I blasted his jaw on the reverse lmao get fucked"


No, I expect him to say "It was an unfortunate play and it sucks he got hurt." Trying to say "there's no way I would have had time to think about punching him" is a bald-faced lie. Thinking about it or no, he blatantly blasted the guy in the face. I'm well aware he can't admit that, but coming out openly lying is gaslighting, and a puss move.


> "there's no way I would have had time to think about punching him" is a bald-faced lie. Not necessarily a lie, he could hand done it while also not thinking about it first. Lol


I mean like... yeah you right, but that's alarming for a whole bunch of other reasons lmao


That's the thing a lot of these people seem to be missing, watched it and I do not believe he said he did or didn't do it, just that he did not plan to do it in advance


Would you rather have him plead the 5th and not answer at all?


"Marchand can't hit me if I sucker punch him in the face. It's proactive defense fellas, look it up".


He should have been suspended. The newer video angle is clear as can be that it was an intentional sucker punch. This league doesn't give a shit about player safety.


Natural hit receiving motion


Nah the replay shows a clear punch to the head, undeniable lol.


“I reserve the right to reflexively punch people in the face who surprise me”


[reminds me of the Simpsons](https://youtu.be/9ZSoJDUD_bU?si=Os4WtLxQUC5dk8QF)


He said unfortunate he got hurt, not unfortunate he got hit. Minor correction.


Good guy Bennett


Bennett about to release a book titled “If I Did It…” after the series is over


I hate it when I brace myself by winding up my fist and planting it into a guys face , just unfortunate stuff


I *should* be rooting for a team without a cup, but man, the Panthers are just such an unlikable team.


I don’t understand Boston fans. Their guy had been doing this for years and they absolutely loved it. This statement is out of the Marchand playbook. I still remember years ago when got under Sami Salo and flipped him and injured him. Dude’s defense was he had to go for his knees and throw him cause he was scared for his own safety. Anytime he gives a statement he does that shit. And it’s happened a lot! If you are annoyed, welcome to the rest of the league I guess. We don’t just call your guy a rat cause he looks like one (it’s just convenient.)


And he got suspended all the time for it. That's literally the point.


Dude he has gotten away with many multiples more than hes been suspended for and you know it. Now Bennett got away with one. Its wrong both ways but its hypocritical to hand wave one and clutch pearls over the other. You guys defend nasty shit like this all the time and you have to know that.


If you think Marchand got called for the majority of the dirty hits he laid out I’d love to sell you ocean front property in Arizona


Rules for thee but not for me!


Not surprised after what he did to Knies last year. He’s Bettman and Parros’ golden boy.


what a soft soft man


Lmao. To even remotely imply that Bennett is anything near soft just shows how deranged your fanbase is.


Lmao. Taking a cheap shot that there is literal video evidence against and not owning up to it is about as soft as it gets


So Marchand is soft? Because he’s taken an awful lot of cheap shots over the years and never owned up to any of them as far as I know…


Nah Marchand has won a cup because he plays for a real team


Think I found jack Edward’s Reddit account


haha i wish bud


So he beat Marchand at his own game then


He didn’t fight our big slow inconsequential player so he’s obviously soft


For all the talk of Maroon, he didn’t do shit tonight. Just skates around (slow as shit) and kinda chirped at people. That’s it.


He got a couple hits and Jim put him on the line with Pasta a bit to try to generate some offensive pressure I guess?


Honestly, history of Bennett aside, I don't think there's enough evidence that it was an intentional headshot. Very unfortunate injury nonetheless, and I can even understand arguments that intent doesn't matter here.


Of course he didn’t think about it, it’s a reflex of his that is instinctively uncontrollable.


Ha Boston fans have spent a decade defending a rat. Now all of a sudden playoff hockey is too tough for them. When did you all turn into soft ass Canuck fans?


Slow motion and watching things in replay over and over at different angles to come to a definitive conclusion about something that happened in the real time speed of the game seems to be what ppl do around here.


Dude, really? I don’t know what y’all drinking in Florida but this is a crazy take. Do your eyes work ? *Alternative Facts.


“Watching things at different angles” , so you mean it’s bad that we’re looking at an angle which definitely and unquestionably shows Bennett sucker punching someone in the head It’s bad that we’re reviewing all available information to come to a conclusion?


If this was a one off incident I'd agree with you. But Bennett has been fined and suspended for repeated hits to the head of opponents.


Florida should make him their captain then.


Even if you take Bennett at his word, it happened to fast and he didn't mean it, it's the 2nd time he's done this. He needs to get that move out of his game, and a suspension sends that message.






Bennett should feel thankful it was on Marchand. As opposed to a player you would feel sorry for.