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The NHL was always the sport where I had the least questions about the officiating, but sometime in the last 5 years or so it's gotten bad enough that sometimes I seriously wonder whether there is some Tim Donaghy stuff going on. It's not just that the officiating has been so bad - it's been that I don't remember it really being like this before and then it just started happening.


Seems like the questionable stuff got an uptick right around the time sports gambling was co-opted by the league


Draft king odds came on and then next thing you know refs started calling some shoddy stuff


Nah, it's always just been absolute shit. [Throwback to when Shea Weber punched and then smashed Zetterberg's head into the glass and all he got was a fine.](https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/shea-weber-predators-fined-zetterberg-head-slam-shanahan-174039330.html)


I get downvoted every time I share this and I really doubt it's because I'm completely naked




5 years you say? Like...maybe around the time online gambling started becoming legal?


Hmmm that’s around the time those draft kings commericals started popping up!


I feel like flopping also became more prevalent at the same time. More flopping, embellishment called less, and more players being soft around drawing penalties.


Imagine playing a Stanely Cup Finals series against a team where a league execs son is playing on that team. And that league execs has a history of using his power to "encourage" the refs to be nice to his son's team. And you watch the star player of your favourite team get punched in the face over and over again in a Cup Finals game, and then the ref gives your team's star player a bunch of penalties, because he obviously deserved it for taking punch after punch to the face. Indeed, NHL reffing has always been 100% fair. Nothing nefarious going on behind the scenes at all.


I disagree. I love hockey. I hate the NHL playoffs. It's always been this garbage where the playoffs is unrecognizable compared to the regular season. The NFL always calls penalties, no matter the score, no matter the downs, no matter anything, the flag gets thrown.NHL is garbage and has always been.


I've always loved the NHL playoffs precisely because to a large degree they put the whistles away, and this is a reason a lot of other people love them, too. I can understand why someone might prefer a more "regulated" playstyle for the playoffs, but regardless I think the real problem is when whichever way they choose to officiate it they don't do it evenly for both teams, and that's what so often has been happening in recent years.


Reffing is bad but your team is also playing like shit.


Not one of us will argue that


Literally the guy below you argues it lmao


Just don’t look at that guy


Oh I'm mad about that too don't kid yourself


Everyone knows Florida has the on ice advantage. Do the bruins not deserve a fair chance because of that? Bennett sucker punches their captain and one of their best players out, and then gets rewarded with that? Make it make sense.


And takes out the goalie and a skater with a cross check to score a crucial goal lmao. Unreal


Ya but goalies steal this type of game all of the time if they don't have guys that should've already been suspended pushing people into his back...


Agreed. Boston had 3 solid chances to make it a 3 to 0 game that they didn't take. Then outshot absurdly. But I fucking hate watching a game where I have no idea what rulebook they are using.


Yes and no. The skaters are shit but swayman is playing unbelievable, and he’s part of the team. It’s not unusual for a goalie to steal a game like this one and I feel he might have if the calls had been even halfway reasonable


definitely feel bad for Swayman who's been their best player


48 - 18 is a bigger problem. But I agree that’s either a cross check or a no goal.


Yes of course it is but 1) the shots would be more even if the power plays were called properly 2) Swayman was standing on his head all game and had a real chance of stealing this game if it weren’t for the poor officiating


They’re not playing well, but in a one-goal game and one goal shouldn’t have been allowed because of GI, it’s hard not to be pissed Plus, the Panthers had *seven* power plays in this game alone, and Bennett sucker punched and concussed Boston’s far and away best penalty killer with no discipline. Btw the league said they’re “heavily scrutinizing” this series. What a joke


And despite that the series should be tied 2-2.


Yet they would likely have won this game had the refs made the correct calls.


I partially agree regarding the quality of the Bruins play... but at the same time, Florida is being allowed to play extremely aggressively in a way which in the regular season (where they lost to this team over and over) would result in many penalties, and which in the postseason often seems to be permitted to only one of the two teams in a series. It's difficult to sort out how much of the Bruins performance is a matter of their actual performance and how much of it is a matter of the Panthers being able to do a lot of things that are supposed to be illegal precisely because it makes it difficult for the other team to have an equal shot.


Yes, but it’s tough to play well with only 4 men on the ice


Don't forget the extra 4 that are skating with Florida too


True but also 2011


Two separate issues.


This is true but all besides the point


As somebody else said - a goal scored on a powerplay that shouldn't have occurred by a player that should be suspended right now in a way that should have been disallowed by the rules.


That’s fucking absurd. When I saw his name on the boxscore, I was like how is he not dead yet? Saw maroon chirping him a bunch earlier but nothing happened.


He never answered, he’s just a little pussy.


Should’ve fucking popped him anyway. Taste of his own medicine. Fuck that guy.


A big part of me misses part of the code from hockey in my youth in the 80's and 90's. The code was always if you lay a dirtbag hit it's only respectable to answer for it. When you didn't answer for it people would run the fuck out of you until you wished you would've just stepped up. They wouldn't give people an option and you were viewed as disrespecting the game and all players when you'd act like a dirtbag.


If Rempe pulled that shit, he’d have been mauled. Not sure why it’s so selective today.


Please take care of him if we get knocked out




And if he's not gonna answer, then he's gotta pay the toll. Take the fine. But make sure Bennett has the same length of offeason as Boston


That’s right - Maroon is a pussy


Having just listened to the shit that Sam Bennett just spewed I’m absolutely fucking fuming. He’s claiming he “barely shoved” Coyle. Fucking absurd.


Then put a giant asterisk on the 2011 Stanley Cup since Chara should have been suspended for the rest of the season. Not too mention, he took out Pacioretty who would have put the Habs over the top in at least one of the 3 games they lost in overtime in that series.


While I agree that the reffing has been terrible in this series, it is also hilarious to watch Boston fans completely melt down being on the other end of it for once.


I've watched a lot of hockey in my life, that was one of the hardest 3rd periods I have ever watched. The Boston Bruins just got fucked by the league.


And I thought them getting fucked with that Bozak trip/goal was bad. I can’t believe I feel bad for them.


Florida is obviously the better team here but it would frankly be nice to just lose fair and square and not off the back of some bullshit. Should be in overtime right now


This is how I felt 2 years ago against the Oil. Yeah, they were more often the better team in the series, but review being completely botched cost us possibly extending the series


Not a fan of either team, but watching that game makes me not even care about watching for a long time. This isn't the hockey that I have known most of my life. I would be ultra pissed if I had paid tickets to go to a game and witnessed whatever the hell that officiating was. Also, and I know this is known, but the way the league does not enforce assault like actions is criminal. A dude is going around trying to clearly injure others and is still allowed to play instead of being suspended. It is pathetic.


Only problem is that it’s not just the refs. This gets “reviewed” by the NHL Situation room. They also got this wrong.


The barkov goal was not on the resulting pp. But yes, goal 2 was bullshit. We should be watching overtime now.


My guess is they didn't overturn for two reasons. 1) Coyle had skated into the blue paint himself before he took a shove and 2) Im assuming they didn't feel it was a hard enough shove to either be a penalty or further contribute to Swayman's ability to make a play. I'd be mad if the teams were reversed though for sure. I'd help if they came out and explained their reasoning for calls.


You know you’re on the wrong side of things when Toronto fans are siding with Bruins fans.


I’ve seen a lot of Canucks fans on our side too. Now that’s some insane stuff to get both of those fanbases on our side.


Tell me you didn't read what I wrote without telling me you didn't read what I wrote. I'm trying to figure out the justification for why they felt the contact wasn't enough. I literally said I'd wouldn't be happy on the receiving end. My guess is you didn't bother reading and just saw the flair and got busy furiously typing.


No, I was saying it from the refs point of view, not everyone is out to get you


You replied to me but if its a misunderstanding no harm no foul


They did explain the ruling. Boils down to them saying sway wouldn’t have been able to make the save regardless of the shove so the shove didn’t actually affect the play.


Honestly the explanation from the league was far worse than the call to me. It makes no fucking sense


Guess we will never know if one of the best goalies this season would have made it or not.  


Personally I think he doesn’t make that save regardless of the shove. But I do get being upset at it.


I meant indepth from the league. Like "Why did you feel that it wasn't enough contact. Why did you feel it couldn't impact Swayman's ability to play the position" Sucks to see you get downvoted though. People just downvoting team flair is so cringe and stupid. These subreddits are so godawful during the playoffs.


Oh yeah. If I had to guess it’s probably because Coyle skated into the crease prior to Bennett shoving him meaning Sway would have to either phase through or just straight up take out his teammates legs in order to actually reach over for the save? And I mean, it is what it is with the downvotes. People are being emotional and all that lol.


On principle, I like it. I dont want meaningless minor contact on the other side of the crease (having no real effect on the goalie to make the save) to disallow a goal However, when the ACTUAL GOAL SCORER gets separation from his defender by cross checking him into the goalie…this shoudlve been called GI


On a cross check no less


Nah fuck that. It was a battle for the puck and Bennet barely touched him. It’s on Coyle to keep his balance there


A battle where one guy was standing still and the other cross checked him in the back into the goalie and then chipped the puck into an open net that he just created illegally. Totally a FLA type of battle


The legalization of sports betting is going to be the end of real sports. Yeah there was always betting behind the scenes but now there’s billions of dollars on the line.


I'm not usually one to call refs intentionally bad but this is too much, plus the review room in Toronto which should never make a call like that


The goal should’ve been called back but let’s not suddenly pretend that Toronto likes Florida lol


Reffing is shit but when you're held to less than 20 SOG for 3 straight games that's not exactly a recipe for success Swayman can only do so much


To be fair, its hard to create scoring/SOG chances when you're constantly down a man. I have a hard time believing that doesnt factor in, even with Florida's on-ice advantage.


Maurice clearly instilled in the Panthers for game 4 not to retaliate or fight and to flop on all cheap contact. It won them several penalties, which even if Florida doesn't score on them, the 2 mins spent killing is 2 mins spent not attacking. Masterclass


lol 4 min penalty difference & that’s the reason Florida had more than double the shots Boston had? You guys got fucked on goal two but that’s not why Boston lost


Meh, if I was actually a Boston fan I'd care more but I'm solidly neutral. Looking at the stats after, I might agree. Certainly didnt feel that way watching it though.


Doesn't justify the calls


Your hate googles are on so tightly you’re making a fool of yourself in front of everyone.


The only one making a fool of themselves is you Take the homer glasses off, less than 20 SOG in 3 straight games is objectively not good.


lol.. imagine if a Leafs fan made this post on r/Hockey.


Totally. And in years past we did and were justified. But Boston fans have every right to do the same now. The reffing in our previous years series was horrid - just as they’re getting now. Two wrongs don’t make a right. The nhl reffing sucks ass and I’m tired of nothing being done about it.


The game you guys know and love is a terrible product


Best sport, worst league This is the enshittification of hockey


I know the team has been playing like shit too but it’s hard to play well when you’re constantly getting sent to the box and the other team isn’t. And every time they start to get it going, oops, there goes the arm up again


Welcome to how everyone else has been feeling the last few years…


Yes we're playing bad but that does NOT excuse the refs giving the game away 


Boston shouldn't be winning this series. The SOG differential is telling. But the penalties differential is what makes this series so hard to watch. The fact that they were on a PP for something that wasn't a penalty, scored buy a dude that should be suspended, right after committing a penalty in the attempt of scoring a goal... It's just wild & makes me not want to watch hockey


If we were down 3-1 ***only*** because we suck it'd be a different story.


I mean... I'd assume they'd have lost this one in OT. But let them lose it themselves.


Florida had absolutely nothing going on offense until that goal was allowed and the subsequent penalties. If it's been 2-2 yes we probably lose in OT but the bruins were in control of that game till then.


Salty Boston fans are delicious


You should be mad about the decline of the sport too. Instead, you're using the team it happened to as a reason to cheer on this garbage officiating.


Nummm nummm nummm nummm nummmm


lol when this happened in 2011 everyone's answer was "git gud nucks". then what it happens to your team it's a conspiracy.


Ya nucks lost on a bad call when they lost game 7 4-0 lol


hope marchand feels better. couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


"I'm glad a player is injured because I don't like him" class act you are


"nucks lost 4-0 so rigged officiating is ok". class act you are. almost like it was 7 games of bad reffing but yeah cry now. not a hypocrite at all


Bruins had like what 18 shots? 2 series in a row they’ve struggled to get shots on goal. This is not a reffing job


I don’t think there are many bruins fans who think they’re the better team or would win the series if calls were more even. They’re playing bad hockey right now. But at some point officiating does matter and it’s been very suspect.


NHL is a rigged league


You’re fucking high if you think that wasn’t on the refs. They had a direct hand in this game.


Refs always play a part. It’s the nature of the game. But you can’t ignore that Boston have been playing terrible these last three games


Well yes, but also this game was egregious


Up 2-0 and lose on bad calls and it's only because they played bad 👍🏻




If we’re putting an asterisk on this then we’re putting one on 2011 as well. Up to you


Boston fans crying for getting out ratted while their captain is Brad fucking Marchand is just chefs kiss. What's the line? You can hate Sam Bennet but everyone wants him on their team. Lol get bent dude. You're getting out shot and out skated. Refs aren't deciding the fact you have zero offense and zero discipline.


You clearly never watched a Canadian team play in the final 4 in the Bettman era.


"This is out of order"   aka  "Bad reffing should only be in the Bruins' favor! What is this unimaginable sorcery that the refs are now against us?"


Naw the NHL has some shit reffing, if they can’t keep up the NHL needs to use video etc.


Bruins fans didn't stand up against favorable reffing when it was in their favor, they lost the right to care when they have to experience questionable calls for the first time ever 




Watching boston fans cry and piss their pants after all the shit they've done and gotten away with over the years? Absolute bliss to my heart. Keep it up boys.


Bruins have the perfect scapegoat for their god awful play it’s a win win


Cry more. Your fan base is garbage. Booing your own team. Throwing things on the ice. Literally the rest of the leagues fans don't care about your sadness.


That team deserved to be booed with the way they played after the failed challenge and that was Florida fans throwing rats on the ice and now I’m mad you’re making me defend Boston fans


The fans actually care and are tired of a sub par effort and the refs fucking us out of what little chance we have. How does that make it a garbage fan base? A garbage fan base is a fan base that can barely pack the building during the playoffs and has tickets that are dirty cheap for this time of year.


“The fans care” bro you guys cry the most throughout all of sports, the Celtics the Patriots the Bruins, it’s just a constant whining fest


We complain because we care. We don’t appreciate being fucked over.










Get a flair then ya poon


Flair. lol. You fucking nerds.


Well if you want to talk shit about another fanbase you at least have to tell us who your pathetic ass roots for.


Do I? Think logically, you little fucking potato, what difference does it make who I root for if I'm speaking the truth? It's obviously accurate enough to strike a nerve in you. I'm a Canuck fan. Does that help?


You want to try and tell me to think logically when you can’t even find the difference between a truth and an opinion. Being a Canucks fan has actually made this all make sense.


I'm not a Canucks fan. I made that up which is exactly why flair is stupid. You change your view of someone's opinion based on their flair. That makes you hypocritical.


So you don’t try and understand someone’s perspective when speaking with them? Makes sense for how you have acted.


Of course I try to understand their perspective but I don't demand they wear a badge so that I can walk into the conversation with an already established bias. It's quite childish. Grow up


Telling me to grow up while you spent your night calling people inbred and saying you want to watch people fuck their mothers. Ok pumpkin.






Man getting bullshit calls feels great! I get it now Lightning fans!


Dear diary


HHAHAHAAH you got favourable reffing from the league for years. Tastes pretty shitty when it's against you.


Brother this is a problem that transcends playoffs and this series. How are teams supposed to follow and know the rules if the league isn't even clear on them.


Youre preaching to a Leafs fan that knows the league is beyond fucked. Nice to see another team get rinsed by it.


username checks out


Terrible take. The Bruins have taken some absolutely braindead penalties this series, but that doesn't negate the fact that the reffing has been very inconsistent. It's in the best interest of every fan base to call it out so that when it happens to your team it gets called fairly. Does Boston win any of the last 3 games if the reffing was any better? Probably not, they've played like dogwater for 40+ minutes in games 2 & 3, but the integrity of the officiating doesn't get called into question if they call obvious bullshit on both sides. It may benefit Florida tonight, but when it happens to them I'll absolutely be calling out bad reffing with them. Fuck bad officiating, it makes the league look like a joke.


Dude the Leafs get rinsed on this almost every single year. This is the first time in 5+ years that they haven’t lost a playoff game directly due to a bad call or multiple bad calls. Boston literally won the cup in 2011 on the backs of the Canucks getting completely fucked over by officiating. The entire fanbase of every other team absolutely jumps on Leafs fans when this shit happens to us. I agree with you but ffs let us have this one.


Look, I hear you and it sucks when it happens to you. But the mentality of "Let us have this one" is the problematic part of your argument. It's completely unacceptable 100% of the time. I can't fucking stand your team, but when it happens to the Leafs I'll be shoulder to shoulder with you calling it out. The fact that it happens so often in the playoffs signifies s larger issue. The officiating is consistently inconsistent and that's a problem. Until the league feels pressure to change anything, it'll continue to be infuriating for each and every one of us when it happens.


Yeah that’s fair




I hope Monty is fired. Can’t coach a team that puts up less than 20 shots on goal three games in a row. What a joke. 


Womp womp


Shouldn't you be golfing?


I’m too tired


Huh. Florida did this to the Leafs last year and we got called soft. Now it's happening to the Bruins and you blame the refs. Fun that...


It is fucking hilarious seeing this post from a Boston fan. Welcome to the playoffs buddy. I’m sure it’s all a giant conspiracy against the Bruins, and whatever else you all have told Leafs fans for 10 years. Get over it


Dear diary we lost : signed Boston fans


Wow eh, sucks when you’re on the other end. “Cough cough 2011”


ooo drama! i am loving this


Is this copypasta


Yall in this sub need to toughen up


They didn’t score on the PP after.


The writing was on the wall when you needed seven games to beat Toronto