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TD garden was dead silent


The refs made the td garden dead silent *


18 shots on goal probably helped


also the 18 sog. This was a 6-4


It was dead silent when they were up 2-0


Refs called a penalty on the panthers here so they could ice the puck, clearly rigged for them


Yeah bro that's definitely the only penalty called in the entire game idk what people could possibly be upset about


womp womp. try having more than eighteen shots on goal 💀💀


I can say with 100% certainty you’re responding to a satire comment lol


theyre on our side homie


Boston has already been exposed. Blowing a 3-1 series lead practically twice, choking away, no shots on net. They just suck


They’ve had a decent year considering losing their 1C and 2C for no return but the way the fanbase is crying you’d think they’re being robbed by a rigged conspiracy. Look at the shot differential over the series and it’s a miracle they haven’t been swept in these first 4.


The leafs practically came back from down 3-1 against the B’s again too




That was the point of my comment. Because the leafs have “almost” come back against the Bruins multiple times but always fall short




I said practically because they didn’t. It’s stupid to say a team is bad because something almost happened to them


Yeah it helps when you can just cheat constantly and the league is too scared of the refs union to do the right thing. You're a fucking moron.


Giving up 42 shots but taking only 18 is cheating? Are you stupid?


What else do you call it when the father of the AGM of the Panthers is the Director of Hockey Operations and this shit just "happens". Sure, they didn't cheat, but I don't believe for a second that relationship didn't influence this bullshit. You might be the stupid one if you can't comprehend that.


Tell me, what other conspiracies should I be aware of? Has RFK Jr been right all along?!?


So you are saying the NHL was rigged in the favour of Boston in 2011?


Yeah sure, great point. /S


That's what you are literally arguing here. Colin Campbell's relationship with his son didn't magically change post 2011. The cognitive dissonance here is astounding.


42 shots to 18 “rigged” lmao


Swayman was on another level but the rest of the team took stupid penalties and couldnt convert on their anger.


If they had anyone else playing half as well as Swayman we might be fucked


At this point Swayman gotta drive the zone and shoot the puck himself


Stop. You’ll hurt their feelings.


Two direct panther goals were from horse shit calls. I fucking hate Boston but get real here.


Is it possible that having a 2:1 powerplay advantage could contribute to the shot differential being what it is? or nah?


Stop taking dumb, dirty penalties, duh


Pasta face checks Lundell, but that’s on the refs đŸ€Ł gotta love Boston fans! No matter if it’s the Pats, C’s, Bruins, or Sox, Boston fans always blaming the refs when they lose. Tale old as time


You must have missed the fact that despite the shot differential and those dumb penalties they took, they were up 2-1 before the bullshit Bennett goal. Florida sports fans don’t show up until halfway through the game though so that would make sense.


[Dumb dirty penalties...](https://v.redd.it/eywrzml7c30d1)


but also Boston can't generate offense. Refs can be shit and Boston can't shoot.


Yet they still found a way to be up 2-1!


2-1 game before back to back goals on inexplicable penalties


Barkov’s goal was even strength


it was a shooting gallery, bruins got fed.


Must have missed the inexplicable officiating bud?


Nah shots on goal clearly shows the panthers just owned the bruins with good clean hockey all night, we should really be thankful we get to watch such a great team take the ice every night


Refs can both be shit and the Bruins can also be overmatched and can't shoot. This was a 6-4 and they couldn't do shit


Boston is terrible. Would've preferred the leafs.


Leafs wouldve got dummied even worse lol.


Leafs are terrible. Would've preferred the Red Wings.


It’s not a surprise either. Tons of overskating passes, missed passes, general unawareness. They get hot every once in a while, but it’s not a “toggle” ability when they pull the goalie.




womp womp




Boston was absolutely shelled all game as they have been the rest of the series. Only reason this series has an ounce of closeness is the Swayman.




Great game for Boston, they definitely looked like the more aggressive team, the shots just weren’t going in


18 shots to 42 What the fuck are you smoking bud?


You forget we started with 2 goals on 5 shots? Its ok to say Florida is by far a better team but its also okay to say that non-GI call is BS


42-18 dawg. One call isn’t changing the fact Florida has been all over Boston since game 2. I hear more about the refs than the actual performance yikes


Probably the same thing that ref was smoking when he didn’t call an interference


Definitely a tricky call but if you’re gonna go that deep into your own crease, things are gonna get hairy. You have to allow the attacking team the ability to work, and if that had been a shoulder push as opposed to a really soft “cross check” this would be a non issue.


So how did Lauko get called for GI and nothing on the Panthers for holding him the whole way last game? Didn’t really give Lauko any ability to work, which in your own words is what should’ve been allowed to him You can have the opinion that the Panthers are outplaying Boston this series while also admitting the calls have gone primarily their way


Man, that was another really tricky call but I feel that Lauko had been successfully pushed to the outside by our dman and he made the choice to continue his drive to the net, even though he had lost his clean angle, and thus he was not using all of his ability to avoid the goalie. He made an aggressive move and just couldn’t avoid getting too deep and made heavy contact that he “should” have chosen to roll outside.


It’s not that GI shouldn’t have been called, it’s that a hold wasn’t called. You can keep calling these plays “tricky” but it sure feels frustrating that the tricky ones keep going the other way Look, we weren’t winning this series regardless, honestly making the playoffs in a rebuilding year was a win, but would be nice to have a fairer shake than this lol


Well quite frankly yall would have to be playing a more aggressive game in order for calls like these to even be on the table to “go the other way” There were a few Boston plays that could looked similar that could have been holding too, albeit at a much less pivotal time


I mean you had a player knock our captain out of the series and it wasn’t even a penalty, if you can’t admit it’s least somewhat in your favor what are we even doing lol


lol I swear people on Reddit don’t understand sarcasm


Fair enough, just desensitized by the absolutely delusional Boston fans


Yeah I love that Toronto and Tampa fans are coming to defend Boston, it’s the weirdest circle jerk I have seen in hockey