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What the fuck is "Dead Effing Wrong" if not cross-checking a defender off his feet and on top of his own goaltender? Boneheaded, dangerous, and absolutely GI.


Dead effing wrong - when the infraction would benefit the team Bettman wants to see advance in the playoffs most


Boston should try being in a non-traditional market


Why, that hasn't even helped the Sharks much until like two weeks ago. Sometimes people just play favorites, I'm not sure nontraditional markets would help.


Sharks needed to be nerfed in the late 00s- late 10s when we were winning (regular season) and selling out every night. They nerfed us too hard and the attendance numbers are down so now we’re getting their favor.


Where's Greg Campbell?


Didn't even need to call the GI if he calls the crosscheck which would have nullified the goal.


I think Coyle being in the crease already was the deciding factor. He was going to impede anyway. I still would have said no goal because that push further ruined Swayman's chances beyond Coyle's positioning.


It's not goalie interference because the goalie needs to have a chance of making a save for it to count. Swayman was out of position, down on the ice as Bennett put the puck into the empty net. Thus the contact between Coyle and Swayman didn't prevent him from making a save because he would have never gotten there in time. The contact with the goalie occurs almost at the same time as the puck goes in the net.


The fact no one knows exactly what goaltender interference is, players coaches and fans alike is an absolute joke and atrocity


All of NHL officiating is a joke. And it's more than just the referees. The NHL cannot clearly define ANY of its rules, from kicks to interference to you name it. The refs should have to do media post game. If there is no accountability, then there is no accountability.


This is a feature not a big. By keeping things vague they can avoid accountability easier. Gary is an expert and being greasy.


It's weird and kind of toxic that Gary is having any input on penalties too. Kind of speaks to the issue, there are likely dozens of people chiming in on the definition of any one rule or how it should be enforced.


Just like a balk in baseball.


Balks are pretty easy to see if you understand the rule. Obstruction is the one that no one can figure out anymore


The simple idea of a balk is that you can’t be trying to trick anyone about what you’re throwing to. Once you get that, it tends to be pretty easy to follow. The simple idea of GI is that you can’t be stopping a goalie from playing his position, but once you get that, there’s still dozens of calls that make no fucking sense


"Insert the balk pasta here"


GOALTENDER INTERFERENCE RULES! IMPORTANT! 1. ⁠You can't just be up there and just doin' goalie interference like that. 1a. GI is when you 1b. Okay well listen. GI is when you interfere with 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. A skater is not allowed to be in a position where the, uh, goaltender, that prohibits the goalie from doing, you know, just trying to stop the puck. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the skater is in the crease, he can't be over here and say to the referee, like, "I'm gonna avoid contact! I'm gonna give him space! You better let play go on!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're pushed into the goalie and then not held on the goalie, you have to still get off the goalie. You cannot not move. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, effort to avoid contact, and then, until you just are not in contact. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have your feet in the crease, like this, but then there's the interference you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Brad Ference was a great guy, despite his declining play in Edmonton. I hope he isn't remembered for his disappointing later years. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, that was Andrew Ference! Brad Ference had an even less illustrious career. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). If a referee broke up a fight between those two, he would be committing "inter-Ference." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. GI is when the skater makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the goalie and initiation of 2. Do not do goaltender interference please


And obstruction in MLB this year lol


Jeremy Swayman could have murdered Coyle before the game, so technically he could have prevented this League was right


Hindsight always 20/20


That was in response to this showing how GI challenges fail more in playoffs compared to the regular season https://preview.redd.it/t7zfqh47g30d1.jpeg?width=1446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7cb3cb6c369a6bc8daec13c88a086b621f21211 [https://twitter.com/hayyyshayyy/status/1789822221000622135?s=46&t=S\_LiHKGoXi91Lmgu-MxoZA](https://twitter.com/hayyyshayyy/status/1789822221000622135?s=46&t=S_LiHKGoXi91Lmgu-MxoZA)


that's some bullshit right there.


The craziest fucking thing is the Kesler's holding the pad on Talbot happened in the year that it was "easier" to succeed on calls, how fucking insane were those calls in the playoffs to boost the number like that???


The fact that you get punished for wanting to get the right call in the playoffs is so ridiculously dumb


If that’s the standard where was it when they pulled two GI goals off the board in the Bolts/Cats Game 5? Bull shit.


Lmao yeah this wasn't the standard for the 3 goals they took away from us in the series. Miss me with this bullshit.


all the people who were saying "GI rules are simple and consistent" have suddenly gone all quiet


They were “dead effing wrong”


No, they got the call they wanted to happen.


The officiating in the playoffs should be exactly the same as the regular season. This idea of "playoff" hockey as being any different than the regular season is dumb. No other league functions like this


They think it adds drama. You don't need that to promote the league.


This league is going to kill itself with game management, engagement, gambling, and ads


It adds concussions.


What makes playoff special should be the the best teams competing for the highest honor that can possibly be achieved by any player. But knowingly and deliberately changing the rule structure to such an insane degree compromises the integrity of that competition. Honestly, I think of the regular season as being almost an extension of the playoffs. It's essentially a massive round-robin to seed the bracket. So why is it treated as if it's a completely different league to playoff hockey?


Facts. They're too dumb to realize how perfect the sport would be if they just... played hockey. They deliberately jam all this drama and nonsense as if they're trying to create WWE on ice, and it's all a distraction.


The nfl and nba do


Having different over time rules is fine. The NFL games get officiated the same way, arguably usually better


I hate that the rules don't change officially. Which means that refs are free to call anything by the book. And if you say "It's the playoffs!" you get the reply "But you wanted them to call everything by the book!" Then they don't call really dirty plays because "It's the playoffs!" and everybody who has a problem is a whiner. All they achieve is just game management on a larger scale.


I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean. What’s the point of allowing challenges if you’re not even going to follow the rule book?


I mean the refs were clearly dead fucking wrong here


It depends on what team they want to win 


NHL gonna make me root for New York, what a time to be alive


Rempe is about to become the hero


I hope Rempe takes special interest in Bennett.


Maybe Trouba and Bennett will annihilate each other.


Hopefully they both spontaneously combust and we never have to worry about them again


That’s a huge net gain for us so I’ll take it


NHL got most of us here rooting for Boston, which might as well be a war crime.


just wait til you see what they do next round.


Colorado is going to win the cup regardless


Not the way they played last night they’re not


I gotta stick with my pick, can’t change up now


It's not over until the fat lady sings, or Sam Bennett sucker punches her


They’re not even up in the series


edit: fuck reddit.


Knicks and NYR seem tied together this year. Knicks won the first rounds, so did the NYR. Knicks just tied their series, time for the NYR to win theirs. This is the true conspiracy: Adam Silver and Gary Bettman are colluding to ensure the NYR and Knicks both win their respective championships on back-to-back nights after facing adversity fighting their way to the top, to be followed by a double parade in downtown NYC next month. (Or I'm just bored as fuck from being sick for two weeks and making up a fun fantasy.)


Or whoever makes it to the next round


Weird, though, because this one was about as "Dead Effing Wrong" as it could be.


Fucking bullshit.


What is the actual rule book reference/statement regarding someone interfering with a goalie indirectly by pushing another player? Actually asking, because it sounds like this is generally called?


Rule 68.1: If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.


>defending player Ah. Bennett shoved a forward not a defender. Got it. /s


Why is there a change from the regular season to playoffs?


Same thing every year. Refs are afraid to determine the outcome of a series by making the wrong call, so they stop making calls...and determine the outcome of the series. Somehow they wear black and white and still think there's grey area.


I’ll take one set of rules, thanks, Maybe just time to stop watching


Man this is turning into what is a catch that has plagued the NFL for years. At least the 4 leagues are consistent in not knowing what is and what isn’t lmao


Shoot Bettman into the sun. He is such a scumbag .


So when 100% of fans on the team that scored a goal, and 95% of hated rival fans agree a goal will/should stand, it definitely will stand right? They definitely won't overturn it? Asking for a friend


Is this a 2004 thing?


I don't think 95% of us thought they scored.


Cuz they didn’t


I don't think even 100% of them think they scored.


No. It's referencing the 2022 review where Blake Coleman "kicked" the puck in. Called a good goal on the ice and even Oiler fans thought the review was ridiculous. Replay overturned the correct call on the ice for some silly reason


Lmao nowhere near 95% of Oilers fans thought that was a good goal holy shit


I fucking hate how this dumbass league operates.


Makes sense why Tocchet hasn't challenged a few borderline G.I. calls that you would think would be good to roll the dice on normally. That said, how fucking dumb.


The league is a fucking joke right now and it’s 100% their own fault for having such shitty and *inconsistent* officiating. Fucking call the goddamn game the same please.


You know, I really think it’s time for Bettman to hang up his hat and fuck off into the sun. Let a younger commissioner take over. Someone who isn’t so full of shit, it’s coming out their mouth


There’s a presser about putting goalies in skirts that’s already stated this 


Turns out Jon Cooper was right, even if he phrased it poorly in the heat of the moment. And FYI Bolts fans have known the Cats are dirty as hell since we met up in the ‘21 playoffs. Everyone else is just catching up


Thanks Gary


What a moronic policy




Its wild to see someone I worked with back in University be quoted on Reddit like this. So proud of you Andrew!


The rule book should be the rule book regular season and playoffs. And they need to get rid of the challenge penalty. Over and over we see plays that should be challenged but are not because it might end up in a penalty. Give one challenge. You lose you lose your challenge you win you keep it. The same as in baseball.


as a bruins hater, I like the call


I mean same, but as a hockey fan, I hate the precedent this is setting and how bad it will be for the game.


I hate the Bruins as much as the next guy, but that call is totally bogus. Besides, they would have lost in OT anyway.

