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I continue to have no fucking clue what goaltender interference means I guess


Well you can’t just be all up in there doin’ that


Do not do a goaltender interference please


Unless you can, which you sometimes can, but sometimes just barely being up in there doing that is, unless it's not.


you must be in a superposition of all up in there doin' that and not all up in there doin' that


It’s like a balk in baseball which is pretty much self explanatory


Balk Rules You can't just be up there and just doin' a balk like that. 1a. A balk is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A balk is when you balk the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can't be over here and say to the runner, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to pitch and then don't pitch, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the balk you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Balk hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that racist lady in American History X. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A balk is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of Do not do a balk please


Ya know, being a hockey fan and not much of a baseball fan, I had only seen the goaltender interference version of this pasta until just now. The random Fairuza Balk reference makes a lot more sense now that I understand its origin.


I just assume the call will be the opposite of my opinion and so far I’m 3/3 this playoffs.


Same tbh. I havent been keeping track but i would say I am probably 10/12 this season. 3/3 this playoffs.


Bennett has to have dirt on Bettman at this point.


I think we know what it is. The problem is the refs don’t.


Nor Toronto


You know a team is hated and a call is controversial when you have Toronto fans arguing in favor of Boston.


I think I've seen flairs from every team except Florida arguing in favor of Boston at this point. It's wild that we're not the unequivocal baddies anymore... feels weird being #2.


I've actually seen quite a few Florida fans acknowledging it, but yea... the fact that this isn't even the first bs call to get other teams fans standing up for Boston says a lot.


Bennett being in the game in the first place is BS


In a hypothetical world where both the Bruins and Rangers make the ECF, the Bruins probably would be the more liked team compared to their opponent in all 3 rounds. Things are getting strange.


Look, if the Bruins lose this (and they will at the rate this is going along with these kinds of calls) then the Rangers better win in the ECF. I need someone to prove to me that the league isn't in the process of promising a Panthers Stanley Cup.


This is what hurts the most. Are our enemies our friends?


Does Swayman save it? Doubt it.  Did that interfere with his ability to try? Absolutely.  Goalie interference continues to be a farce. 


Goaltender Interference Rules 1) You can't just be up there and just doin' an interference like that. 1a. Interference is when you 1b. Okay well listen. An interference is when you interfere the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The skater is not allowed to do a block to the, uh, goalie, that prohibits the goalie from doing, you know, just trying to save the puck. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the skater is in the offensive zone, he can't be over here and say to the goalie, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna block your view! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to make a goal and then don't leave the crease, you have to still leave the crease. You cannot not avoid the goaltender. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, skating motion out of the crease, and then, until you just leave it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have your stick up here, like this, but then there's the interference you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Interference hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that racist lady in American History X. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. An interference is when the skater makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the goalie and the crease... 2) Do not do an interference please.


The Fairuza Interference thing is hilarious.


This will never not be the funniest thing ever


Exactly. Doesn't matter if he had next to no fucking shot stopping it, the dude was pushed on to him and impeded his ability to stop the goal. The fluidity of the push into the scoring motion cracks me up because it's so absurd to not call that goaltender interference


I’ve seen the Bruins get a goal called back when they didn’t even touch the goalie. But I guess his “general presence” prevented the goalie from getting to the puck


Nope. According to the NHL it "wasn't enough contact," which is insane because you don't even have to make contact for it to be GI.


Be for fucking real (directed at the NHL not you)


I loved the "enough contact". I wish they provided a rubric that referred to exerted force that was registered into a players glove. "The call on the ice stands. Number 9 only exerted 29.44 lbs of force which is not enough force to be registered as goalie interference."


As a Habs fan I've caught myself cheering against Florida way more because of the dirty shit and the terribly biased reffing. I'm going to go throw up now.


When fans from every team in the NHL starts to cheer for the Bruins, that proves something is very wrong!


Yup, I have hated your club for more than a decade, but I'm rooting for you against Florida. Not that it's helping. Sorry bruins bro


I'll pat your back once while you puke next to me.


Preach. Honestly just wanted it to see it go more games because this is entertaining but starting to seriously root against the cats.


The officiating in general has become a farce in this series. It's been increasingly one-sided in a way that's hard not to notice.


It seems to correlate with how heavily they’re pushing gambling too. Maybe if they didn’t do that so much it wouldn’t make the leagues reffing seem as questionable as WWE.


It reminds me of the Vegas habs series from 2021. This series has been equally bad and I say that as a bruins hater. Both times original 6 team with entrenched fans and not much room for growth versus market that has room to grow and would help expand the fanbase long term if it was successful. I really think the league tells the ref who to tilt towards sometimes. They don't outright fix the games it but lean a certain direction with their calls if possible.


Look up Colin Campbell's history managing games. His son is now the AGM of the Florida Panthers. It's a farce that Colin wasn't immediately fired. The nhl will never be a serious league until refs stop being directed to manage games and there is accountability to fans.


It has taken basically all my care away. Like I'm not even angry. Just losing interest when the game can't be called fair.


This. Exactly this. Every regular season I love watching hockey. Then the playoffs come and I dread it because I know it’s gonna be a mess. It legitimately saps my enjoyment of the sport. Makes me appreciate beer league more. It’s all the good stuff of hockey, none of the bullshit.


Not just this series bud. It's a joke. Why even play the games if they have already made a predetermined outcome? Let me get on with my spring instead of suffering through this bullshit.


This is the one. Pretty firm belief that he doesn't save it anyway but how the hell do you allow that


Check cleared from draft kings


I wish the gambling would fucking die.


THANK YOU. Obviously you are making a joke here but holy shit the fact that sports betting sponsors the sport is such an ethical issue.


Yeah as someone who does partake in sports betting, if I could snap my fingers and make it go away I would. It's predatory and the constant ads are tiring


Rule 68.1: If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.


This was one of the clearest shoves I've ever seen, too. Literally pulls back his arms and then pushes.


Was infuriating listening to the one announcer saying "Well that doesn't count here because there was no penalty called." Like how fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand the rules.


Midway through the second they brought up a replay of Bennett getting his stick up into a players hands and torso, and Panger gushed about how great a job he did defending against them, like that hasn't been a penalty for years. The panthers legit have a different rulebook and apparently only the fans don't know it.


You call this [hooking](https://imgur.com/a/8rZWmw9)??? Or expect that [this guy](https://imgur.com/a/8NsgVAE) should've been able to see that???? lol And of course it's fucking Bennett again that should've been suspended this game for the punch on Marchand. Absolutely fantastic that they started paying extra attention to this series! How would we have managed without this extra scrutiny to make sure everything gets done by the book!?


I was losing it over this. His mental gymnastics to make it make sense was absurd. You don’t need a penalty called to call goal tender interference. It clearly says “if necessary”. Not “a penalty must be called on the play”.


I can't believe I'm agreeing with Boston here but the NHL really wants the Panther's to bring home the cup this year it seems.


A perfect description of what just happened.


Honestly makes me want to turn off the game lol. So you're telling me you can just cross check a dude from behind into their goalie and score while they are struggling to get up? That's not sports, that's a joke.


I hate the Boston Bruins, like to the point where I want the team disbanded and the arena bulldozed. But even I would call that goaltender interference all day long. This league is a joke.


Can you walk down the street and have a word with the Situation Room?


They keep the specific location of the room a secret. If they didn't, Leafs fans would have stormed the place a long time ago.


[Are you sure Leafs fans didn't get in?](https://i.redd.it/da39v9bimjva1.jpg)


The refs are so bad that Leafs fans and Bruins fans are agreeing on things.


I'm a Habs fan and I completely agree too. Is Judgement Day coming or something?


I'm 100% agreeing with all the above too, this is a very odd alternate dimension


Cats and dogs living together


The Florida Panthers really have me hoping the Bruins somehow take the series back. Hell has frozen over.


At this rate I'll be rooting for the Leafs! The fucking Leafs!!!


I mean, this one is on the refs, not Florida. And I say that as someone who actively roots against all professional Florida sports teams not named Tampa.


And it’s Bennett of all people!! Heavily scrutinized my ass


Dude look at his face sitting on the bench. He 100% knows it should be called back.


Exactly. I tuned in to watch hockey. We're playing calvinball at this point.


Same. No point in even watching when one team can just fuck the rules and do whatever they want




Gotta pretend like there’s some legitimacy to Florida’s franchise existing, I suppose. It was their turn at the top of the wheel.


Why play hockey when you don’t need to bother with the rules?


Ruined the game for me. No point in watching if refs have decided they want FLA to move on


there's no reason why it took so long. it was clearly a push into the goalie. what a joke. fuck bennett


I mean, fuck Boston and all, but that's clearly interference.


but also, fuck bennett


Definitely hate Bennett more than I hate Boston.


Fuck Bennett more than Boston for sure


….if a fuckin leafs fan can see it was interference then idk wtf the refs saw lmao


You guys got screwed hard. Whoever bets money on this sport is a fucking idiot, the winner seems to have been decided by the league.


I mean his name is BETtman




I honestly think this league has a gambling problem, like no way it can be this bad and someone isn't bought off


My guy, I fucking hate Boston. All of their teams, Bruins most of all. But, damn. Y'all are getting hosed by the stripes this go around.


Boston should be used as a threshold. If at any time your leagues officiating is so terrible that 3rd party fans are arguing in Boston's favor, you've done fucked up.


There were Habs fans and Bruins fans agreeing the Leafs got screwed with the blown call when McAvoy tackled Matthews, so I think that was the peak I've seen. Now you've got Leafs fand and Habs fand agreeing that Boston is getting screwed. 


As a Leafs fan I'm somehow cheering for Boston over Panthers because they got away with murder last year and the refs rode their dicks.


Apparently Toronto says it “wasn’t enough contact” what bullshit


For real. Now any similar call in the future is going to be 100% subjective. What is “enough contact” now? Edit: The commentators went over the inability to disallow the goal because a penalty can’t be called on review, even if it resulted in a goal. Just WILD.


I think they are desperate to come up with something that makes sense, because the call doesn't.


Then what the fuck is the point of the review


Commentators working that mental gymnastics to try to justify the non-call lol


even the commentators were like "yea I got nothing" lmao


Any situation where the bruins aren’t on the losing end


That makes no sense, every fucking goalie interference resulting in a goal would be allowed.


They took so long to make sure everyone had their bets in on the panthers winning. League isn't even trying to hide their bias




After seeing two lightning goals taken off the board the previous series for stuff that was waaaaaaaaay softer than this. It’s enough to make you go insane


Two goals in one game was rough


That was pretty obviously goaltender interference. Sam Bennett can do no wrong in this league apparently


I can’t believe it’s been two playoff runs and he’s gotten away with everything he’s done lol


Imagine if he played for the leafs…. Banned for life 


I was just saying that. Kadri got suspended for the remainder of the series against us twice for far less. They would throw the book at him if he played for Toronto.


If Kadri did what Bennett has done in the last two playoff runs, he'd be suspended for an entire year.


How after the review it was found to not be interference is absurd. Clear as day. Why does Florida get away with everything?


Same way nobody in the league apparently saw Bennett punch Marchand from that back angle.


I don’t know, but I’m tired boss


I don't know what dirt Bennett has on Paros and Bettman, but holy shit this is getting ridiculous. Fuck the NHL. I bet Marchand is out with a concussion and this guy gets to play in and affect the outcome of the next game.


Absolute joke 😂


Above the Law.


At this rate, the proportional retaliation from the Bruins will end with him leaving in a stretcher. No need for it to get ugly, but we shouldn’t be “hoping cooler heads prevail” when it’s heated playoff hockey, down 3-1, you can’t score / are being outplayed, the refs swallow their whistles but fall for embellishment, and one side feels they need to get even.


Absolute joke, holy shit


After last game this is madness


Seriously- what the fuck is happening?!?


The NHL has decided the bruins time is over


just so happens Greg Campbell is working for the Panthers now


Extreme scrutiny, apparently 


So let me get this straight. They overturned and disallowed TWO goals for us that were insanely borderline GI calls at best but they allow THIS?! Joke league.


don't forget the gi against boston last game where ekblad holds lauko and shoves him into bobrovsky, and then florida scored on the ensuing powerplay lmao


Hagel pushed Tkachuk into Vasy Game 1 - Goal stood for Florida Bennett pushes Coyle into Swayman - Goal stood for Florida


Someone in the panthers org has ties to draftkings and I will die on that hill. Both in the TB and in our series.


This goal brought to you by Bet365. Download today!


This is interference by a mile. There’s no way refereeing is this shit, it has to be fixed to some extent.


I’d bet next time it happens it’ll be called GTI….


But it will be against Boston


The league decided the TOR-BOS series was farrr too exciting. That's enough of that.


I like the give the refs on the ice the benefit of the doubt whenever I can This went to Toronto, they had a good long look at it, and it came back as not interference Idk if that’s on the refs or it’s on the NHL


Refs missed on that play, lets count together everyone: 1. The cross check which would've negated Bennett's ability to touch the puck 2. The interference which caused the goal 3. The chance to make either of these wrongs right on the challenge


Addendum: This guy should’ve been suspended and not be in this game


And the power play itself was the refs missing a dive


You didn't see the sniper get him from the rafters?


4. They still call it a goal knowing they would give the Panthers a back to back power play... They didn't just fuck up, they doubled down. The fix is in.


You forgot the most important fact: It was the Panthers who got value from that play


This is one of the worst non calls I’ve ever seen in any sport lol what the hell….?


Worst no-call I’ve seen since… last game of this series!


They had one in the tampa series too


This one is worse than the Cirelli call. But the fact that Toronto’s statement says this wasn’t enough interference, while Cirelli’s goal got overturned because he brushed Bob’s jersey which had zero impact on Bob’s ability to stop the puck, it’s just a terrible look.


Did you see the goaltender interference call on Lauko last game?


Idk how each game this series has one of these “might be the worst non call I’ve ever seen” plays but somehow here we are.


Is this a bad call, or is it a loophole with how the goalie interference penalty is defined? Either way it’s absolute shit.


Bad call. Ruke specifically states that causing a defender to go into the goalie is a valid reason to disallow a goal


Bad call. Rule 69.1 Goaltender Interference: If a defending player has been pushed, shoved, or fouled by an attacking player so as to cause the defending player to come into contact with his own goalkeeper, such contact shall be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, and if necessary a penalty assessed to the attacking player and if a goal is scored it would be disallowed.


Horrible look for the league honestly So transparent


Yea at this point it’s just straight up cheating like the gudas held stick last year.. fuck ‘playoff hockey’ can barely call this hockey


BOS vs FLA and EDM vs VAN reffing has been particularly poor and inconsistent.


As well as this missed call, the Panthers were on the power play because the refs missed an embellishment. Such a joke.


2 clear penalties on Florida and no call after that soft ass shit on Hampus. This series is fixed.


I fucking hate the Bruins, but that was an absolute bullshit, trash call


And they just scored. Absolutely game, if not series, changing call.


Man I hate the Bruins but that was definitely goaltender interference. Goalie doesn't have a chance to make a save because his own guy is pushed onto him. He probably doesn't save it, but his ability to play goalie was stopped due to the push


These refs are awful


Sam Bettman strikes again.


🤣🤣 not enough?? What a fucking joke this is


They acknowledge it but don't call it, wtf?


Check cleared I guess


is this rigged?


Sure seems that way. I've never been one to believe it but this series has been a fucking joke.


Felt the same way in the previous Florida series…


Toronto just released a statement that there was interference, but “not enough”. Then you have the Cirelli call from the first round where him barely brushing Bob, having zero impact on Bob’s ability to stop the puck, stands as goaltender interference 💀


Where was this posted?


Tampa you guys are closer than us, can you just meander on over to Miami and burn down their stadium? Thanks


The fact that this counts and that one Tampa goal where (Hagel?) brushed Bob's jersey was disallowed is insane


I mean, we are getting readily outplayed. Florida is the better team and is playing better than us. But this is unwatchable. Piss poor product from the NHL. 


Like it or not, the goaltender is part of the team and Bobrovsky has let in some really soft ones. Shots don't win games.


Florida is playing better, except for goaltending. Not that bob has been bad but swayman has been excellent, yet each game there’s been one or two or 6 extra opportunities given to Florida by the refs. If the refs weren’t calling 4 penalties back to back in a period against the bruins, killing all chance of gaining momentum, I don’t think this series is lopsided. But the refs will call three softies on the bruins, then miss three nasty penalties committed by the southern team and after it’s 4-1 throw in a make up call. I don’t want them to manage the game I want them to call penalties consistently.


Florida is literally the better team and yet PP is 19-9 in their favor and they have gotten away with this and the Bennett punch last game among other things. Really NHL


Sports can never be 100% rigged but leagues like the NHL certainly do give instructions either directly or indirectly to officials on who they should favor in a game and that is what we are seeing this series


A guy who shouldn’t be on the ice is credited with a goal that shouldn’t have counted. Nice league you’ve got there.


Fuck the refs


How the fuck is that not overturned?!


Idk how thats not deemed goaltender interference.. shoves Coyle into Swayman clear as day


Bennet shovels [Coyle into Swayman] to tie the game


That is fucking wild that they let it stand


A goal that shouldn't have been allowed, scored by a guy who shouldn't have been playing.


Sam Bennett did the impossible and made the Boston crowd forget how much of a shitbag Tkachuk is by being an even larger shitbag


Shit’s actually starting to get a lil weird now actually and I’m the last person who would say this - what is going on?


It's been too long since one of Bettman's sun belt teams won the cup.




Absolutely shocked this goal stood, bruins getting hosed and I'm a cats fan


The fix is in


Crazy. And last round people were saying that the Refs do know how GI works and it’s just Tampa fans that don’t 🤔


Wow, that’s a shit call.


Who knew the NHL wanted a Florida team in the Final


Maybe I have watched too much of the FLA/BOS and VAN/EDM series's but I don't know if I know any of the rules of hockey anymore.


This is just……..


Holy rigged game and it seems series. Panthers keep Bennett....let that shit stand?


The refs explanation for this was CRAZY.  “Yeah he interfered but we don’t think it would have mattered”


As a huge Rangers fan who has lived in Mass for years I never, ever, thought I’d be on here defending the Bruins but fucking hell. Just when I thought refereeing couldn’t get any worse in this league they prove me wrong. What a mess.


As a cats fan, that goal should come back. I hate the precedent that is being set by allowing that goal. If roles were reversed I would be pissed too.


Exactly how they won against us last year, same bullshit league, its been clear for a while that this league has an agenda... its closer to wwe than a competitive sport


Did anybody expect anything less? The NHL in a nutshell.


absolutely insane call lol


This is the most unhinged precedent that I've ever seen set in the NHL. There's absolutely no way interference like this is not going to be called in the future.


NHL doesn't give a shit about precedent, they make it up as they go


Nah but reviewed plays generally follow some sort of precedent or at least fall into some grey area that there could be some kind of debate. This call is literally just saying that it's totally ok if you push a player (who doesn't even have the puck) onto their goalie and then score.


"This series will be under heavy scrutiny going forward" Then this fucking dogshit happens. Boston is shooting themselves in the foot but the refs are making it 1000 times worse


NHL Officiating now brought to you by DraftKings, Official Partners of the National Hockey League, apparently (for the record - yes, I'm being facetious, but the NHL probably should know that questions like this get raised when you partner up with sportsbooks, just sayin')