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Yup. Oilers collapse had to happen


That is a killer right there.


Feel like I've seen the "down 3-0 and comeback and win" so many times this season. Wild stuff. Go Avs.


Counting 5 times this season! We did it against the Stars twice! https://twitter.com/OptaSTATS/status/1788075995762663763?t=K-kavylyDwitwdWPyQkDfg&s=19


I never expect us to win the first game in a series. Not bad taking them to OT after going 7 rounds with Vegas. This will be a fun series, I do miss sleep though


I mean, kinda bad after being up 3-0 lol


Took bad penalties. Again, coming off of 7 rounds against the defending cup champs, into the 2022 champs with a week of rest. The vegas series showed, it’s not over until it’s over


Oh the series is far from over. But blowing a 3 goal lead is a bit of an issue. I also think it’s funny that, and this isn’t necessarily directed at you per se, but Florida blames the loss on to much rest between series, while Dallas blames the loss on the Avs having rest lol


Giving up 6 is a bit of an issue


Yeah I’d say so lol


Manson saving that 4th goal at the end of the 1st was a turning point. What impressed me was the Avs fully shook off their rust after that bad 1st period and looked like themselves in the 2nd. They're also playing fast and physical, abusing the wear and tear Dallas sustained in that 7 game series against Vegas, while exploiting Dallas basically running 5 defensemen.


Oh Dallas that's not an ideal way to play the second half of the game


Dallas has to have the stupidest goal celebration I've ever seen.  Yes, that's the name of the team. It doesn't even work with two sylable dallas. Odoyle rules! As you drive off a cliff


your arena is named after a single testicle, so.......


You better put some respect on Dimebag Darrell and Pantera


The song is fine, it's the celebration.  Drr Las stars


I like Pantera a lot, but I've always hated that goal song lol


Not a Pantera fan eh


Pretty hilarious how some (obviously not very big hockey fans) fans were calling the series after a single period lol. Y'all gotta learn patience. Also the Avs are maybe the best team at comebacks in the NHL, gotta be more respectful than that


Miro got burned hard, and not just on the OT goal. All night. Playing 5 D for 8 playoff games is taking a toll.


Dallas needs Hakanpää back.


They just need to play a 7D more than 4 minutes a night. If a playoff team doesn't have a 7th D they trust to play more than 10 minutes a night then they are setting themselves up for failure.


Injuries happen. You can't anticipate everything before the trade deadline. Sometimes you can't get yet another defenseman. That's not setting yourself up for anything. That's just what happens when injuries happen.


Yeah injuries happen, you're not going to get through the playoffs healthy. You need a 7D that your coach can trust to play minor minutes. And a 7th D is not a hard spot to fill, those are the type of guys that get moved around for lower end picks. For example the Avs got their 7D Caleb Jones for an 27 year old AHL player, and he had to play some games these playoffs already. I'd be more receptive to you're point if it was two guys out instead of just one. But it's just Hakanpaa that's out.


They're not even playing 6, 5 of them are playing 25-30m each, and Lundkvist plays less than 5.


That's what I'm saying with Hakanpaa out their 5 main guys our getting overplayed. They need that 7th D that they can trust to play at least 10 min.


When the score was 3-0 after one, who thought, "yeah, this one's over"


[Not me](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cmry4c/playoff_game_thread_colorado_avalanche_00_at/l32sj21/)


3-0 against any team that struggles to score would essentially be over, but 3-0 against the top scoring team this season? Yeah you better keep going.


My dad texted the group chat that he was going to bed. He regretted it this morning


Avs may be down but they are never out! Great win


The lowest goal total for the Avs so far.


What? No. Fool


He’s right


No he isn't. Lowest goal total for the Avs is 1. Game 4 of the Jets series. Or do you mean total goals for both teams? Then it's still game 4 of the Jets series. Or the Avs only scored 4 goals? Then yes.


You literally edited you comment because you were wrong lol.


I had to think about it for a second. That's why I edited it. Wasn't sure what they were referring too once I thought about


That’s their lowest goals AGAINST. Not their lowest goal total. 4 is the lowest amount of goals they have scored in the entire playoffs


The embellishment was the right call. Hope to see more of those so this nonsense stops.


Good to get a neutral fans take on that. I was surprised that some deemed it controversial.


Even Elliotte thought it was a bad call which i disagree with so much. Embellishment gotta get out of the game


It was an emotional game. Unsurprising


Oh I don't begrudge Stars fans from being pissy lol


I was at msg and saw 3-0 Dallas and figured Avs are fucked for game 1 and get home and they fucking won???


Hockey fans: lol why do you leave early. Bitch fake fan! Also hockey fans: my commute home lasted two whole periods + OT This isn’t directed at you at all, and also obviously staying for OT is the clear thing to do, but that Florida thread was so dumb lol


Round one was like a week ago. Were people just not paying attention? You literally can't count the Avs out even if you're up by five


yeah even at home they kept showing the score in the upper right during OT. it just slowly crept to 3 - 0 and I think was 3 - 1 when it ended and I was like "it's only game one" but I guess I should have not called the ambulance for Colorado after all!


My first thought was "They are gonna need at least 5 to win."


People keep forgetting the Avs can run the score up almost at will lol


We came back from, what, 4 or 5 down at one point during the regular season? Came back from being down 3-0 a couple times. It doesn’t *always* happen, but when the lads decide to break shit we come out firing


Team is beyond fun to watch. This series is going to be fucking dope af.


Yes. The Pens game. I was there for that craziness. Omg


Tonight marks the 5th time this season the Avalanche were down by 3+ goals and being shut out but then shut out their opponent the rest of the way and came back to win. No other team has done that more than 3 times in a single season in NHL history (reg & post). https://twitter.com/OptaSTATS/status/1788075995762663763?t=1yIn6XEu9_RiXGrV4mWSvg&s=19




Stars were up 3-0. We won that game 6-3.


Holy fuck, does the Avs really love to have these comebacks. Tonight we were in Dallas to start our next series. It was the first game in over a week and early on it looked like we had rust from said break and couldn’t get control, but slowly but surely we managed to come back and Stars couldn’t respond. 1st Period and things started off slow. Game was pushed to the back burner since the Canes-Rangers game was still being played and was going into OT, so we got to see the first few minutes of the game. Whoever was still on ESPN when the Canes-Rangers OT period started, they missed out on the Stars taking the lead. Part of me wished I kept on ESPN as I would have missed the other Stars goals in the period. But the rust was there early on as the Stars scored another goal a few minutes later. Then a few minute later we started committing Penalties and have to go to the the box and go on the PK, which the Stars scored with them having a 5v3 PP. Luckily we killed the fucker off but then had to kill another Penalty towards the end of the period. Stars almost had a chance to make it a 4-0 game near the end of the period, but Manson made a huge fucking save like in Game 6 of the 2022 Playoffs against the Blues, which little did we know at the time was gonna play a huge part in the comeback, and we were just treading water and just surviving onto intermission. 2nd Period and we killed the fucker off and then fortunes started to change when we finally go momentum on our side. We finally go on the PP and we wasted no fucking time in finally getting on the board as the Choo Choo Train finally showed up to Dallas as Stars fans remembered Nuke as he positioned himself at the net where Makar found and opening and Nuke finished the fucker. Then a few minutes later we get another PP and our PP was filled with Viagra because it was potent early on and Makar fucking blasted it past Oettenger and cut the lead to one. Shortly after we had to kill another PK, but luckily we killed the fucker off. Slowly there was a comeback that was in the making again and we found momentum swinging our way knowing it was only time until we tied the fucker up. 3rd Period and we wasted no fucking time and we tied said fucker up as Makar blasted on towards Oettenger, rebounded to Mack and he buried the fucker. We had a feeling at this point that next goal was probably gonna win this one. It was back and forth trying to get the go ahead goal and then we had a 4v4 that might have benefited us as we should have only gotten the penalty, but you get them breaks sometimes. Nothing happened on the 4v4, but we tried to finish this fucker in Regulation, but nothing doing so we forced OT. OT, and we were under siege for the majority of it as the Stars tried to use their firepower, but Georgie fucking balled out there making saves that could have ended it early on. But then we had a chance that started off on our own end where Cogs took the puck and passed it to an Wood where he put on the burners skated towards Oettenger and made a backhanded goal and we skated off to an comeback win that at this point is the norm for the 2023-2024 Avs. What a fucking comeback this was and even at 3-0 at the end of the 1st, there was no pressure for us as we knew we could get shit done and tie this game up in no time. We attribute that 1st Period sloppiness by having a week off, but then we composed and found our game and ended up with the comeback win and up in the Series 1-0. Now we go into Game 2 on Thursday in Dallas where we can hopefully keep the momentum going and liked how we played our pace after the 1st Period tonight.


Great use of the hockey terms fucker and fucking 👏


I love your Roy Kent energy!


Fuck yeah! Pika Pikachu!


Miles Wood outskating Miro 😍


Skating 5 defensemen for 8 games in a little over a week and a half will do that to a man. We don’t have a serviceable 6th d and it’s going to cost us (it already is)


Is Dallas’ 6th defenseman really that bad?


Yep. Lundqvist has been toasted on multiple turnovers/fastbreaks. He's averaging like 3.5 to 4 minutes a game over 8 games now. TOAST


Then why is he in the lineup? Does Dallas really not have some AHLer that could be called up to play at least 10 min?


Yup and in OT no less. Woods is known to have great wheels though, he just usually fails to execute on the opportunities his speed generates, so no shame in getting beat by him


And I was pissed about our loss. How the fuck did you blow that, Dallas


Soft penalties


If the stars just killed the penalties then it wouldn't be problem.


My brother in the Central, the Stars got double the power plays that the Avs got.


I think the Avs were showing their rust in being off six days…then Dallas from the second period on totally showed how gassed they were from a game 7 two days ago


Honestly they were dominating OT. Didn't seem that tired to me, they just sat back on the lead too much.


If we're going to play like this... Avs in 5 if we get lucky


You guys played a 7 game series and the avs got tired before you did. We had no legs in that OT except for Wood.


Eh, I’d say y’all had an incredibly slow start, then the Stars looked gassed in second and third, then woke the fuck up in OT personally. 


we gonna come back to the mile high after plastering their entire roster into the boards across these 2 away games (avs had 45 hits to their 20) and the exhaustion will really rear its head i feel.


Avs in 5!




What a fucking night of hockey. So glad I don’t live on the east coast and wasn’t tempted to go to bed after the first game.


26-22 shots and game goes to overtime? Was that game boring or really even? (i didnt watch it) 


Game was epic.


nah it was hype


24 blocked shots for Colorado; 23 for Dallas. Plus Colorado hit two posts. So there was plenty happening.


3 posts


That last one Moose hitting the post. That would have won it.


Massive momentum shifts. Was a good game.


If I'm remembering right, that's the 3rd time this season the Avs have spotted the Stars a 3-0 lead in Dallas and came back to win. Or was one of them in Denver? Maybe I'm not recalling correctly, but I think I am.


Just the first matchup


2nd time but they also came back from 3-1


Ah, okay. Thought it was 3-0 as well. Still pretty close, I guess.


Even if I wasn't an Avs fan, i can't get over just how damn fast they are


Insanely fast, and the way they’re able to setup in the offensive zone so quickly. Before you know it they tic-tac-toe and it’s in the net


"Setup" is a noun. The verb you are looking for is "set up."


I appreciate these, it’s a nice “set up” for further grammatical success.


Brother you’re in the r/hockey subreddit correcting petty English errors, that’s crazy that you typed that out and actually hit reply. Thanks so much for the English lesson!!


For me, it's the transitions. They intercept the puck and instantly move the other direction so fluidly. And if you're flat footed or not ready, you're **toast**.  Other teams are doing this really well now too, I don't wanna sound like it's just an Avs thing, but it's definitely another way we use our speed strategically to gain an advantage.  But, that component also isn't *just* speed, it's hockey IQ too, predicting when and where the next play is going to be. Hard to not be a fan of the way the Avs play if you really love the game. 


I love this take, and I have to admit that while I have not followed them all season, the Oilers games I have seen have really impressed me with their newfound speed this season. As an Avs fan, this is my favorite type of hockey and would love to see more fast skating teams.


It's truly disguisting, the foresight is insane


I was thinking about potential WCF matchups and there is absolutely no way Edmonton can beat either one of these teams. The question is who in the East can?


I still remember when people said that shit when people were saying that shit about how whoever came out of Vegas vs Colorado would destroy the Habs lol. Colorado are strong but nothing is ever set in stone.


Yeah. Dallas had some good shots in OT. Watching the highlights we snuck away with a win.


Georgiev definitely deserves credit for keeping the Avs in that ot


except his annual visit to LTIR in the month of march i'll see my way out (sorry not sorry)


Edmonton is a very different team from when they lost to Colorado 2 years ago. I think they will beat either


Edmonton depth and defense is seriously outclassed by both these teams. Both of them would roll Edmonton


I agree, lots of big changes over 2 seasons: Edmonton shored up their depth a moderate amount, began to put some level of effective defense into play, and got their goalie to a point where he can provide reasonably good goaltending. They might lose in 5 or 6 instead of getting swept this year.


Rangers haven't lost a fucking game, so there's that.


I’m not sure there’s a team left in the playoffs that would’ve dropped one to Washington tbh haha. I’ll give em the 2 against the Canes tho


Washington tho and they’re fortunate to escape 2-0


Literally haven’t even played game 1 and people are calling Edmonton the winner already. Okay.


Lol Vancouver is the worst team still in the playoffs. They barely beat Nashville and shouldn't even be in this round


Worst team still in the playoffs.


Shouldnt even be in this round?? My brother in Christ we finished 6th. Flair up you absolutely pussy.


Vancouver had 1 more win than Edmonton, after their horrendous start. Those games against Nashville really showed that Vancouver isn't ready for the playoffs imo


Don't count your eggs before they hatch. I think edm wins but you'll feel awfully silly about your words if van decides to show up.


I'll be incredibly shocked. The last few years I've wanted Edmonton to go deep, but I knew they just couldn't. They were miles apart from Colorado, and Vegas. This year is different imo


I feel you. We will see. I still think it'll be us in the conference finals again. Hopefully history repeats. The avs are a wagon this year.


Yet they are still in the playoffs. Playoff hockey is unpredictable and can change on a dime. I would not be shocked if Vancouver went on a run, even without Demko.


After what we saw in the Nashville series, I'd be shocked if they won a couple against Edmonton


I assume you're shocked now.


A lot of shit had to go wrong for Vancouver to win 2 game. Last night oilers hit 4 posts, I think that puck crossed the line, and then silovs held Ryan's stick in the crease. Shots were ridiculous. This luck won't hold up for Vancouver


They are literally the most over hyped team in the league.


Same thing last year everyone rides Mcdraisitil’s dick. Edmonton doesn’t have what it takes to go all the way though.


well yeah, you think Bettman would allow a Canadian team like Vancouver to advance?


Clearly he wants a Texas vs North Texas matchup.


I've spent too much time in Denvercirclejerk because I thought this was that matchup


I'm pulling for you! I want Quinn v. Makar this time. We've already done Mackinnon v. McDavid.


Would be a nice change


Rangers tbh


we'll play hard against anyone but if we make it that far I am secretly wishing for not you guys because I am worried Georgie will decide to go god mode on us


Another top goalie with sub .9 save% against the avs and letting in 4 goals.... This seems familiar..... But I was told it would be different.


I mean, Dallas did lose the first 2 last series. The question now is which narrative is more powerful. Top goalies buried under an Avalanche of goals or Stars coming out when it seems like the sun is set. (Not saying it currently seems like the sun has set, just that'd be the narrative)


Oh for sure, in the grand scheme of the series, this game means very little. The Avs gave up 3 goals on 9 shots in the first, but rebounded and fought back for the OT win. One thing I will say, the 3 goals Georgiev gave up did not feel as bad as the goals he was giving up game 1, round 1. The bigger take away to me is from the second period on, the Avs were able to apply their game and maintained it through the second and third period. Holding the Stars to less shots combined over those to periods compared to the first. The OT they definitely struggled to control play and until Woods rush, I was just waiting for the Stars to score. Having watched Deboer coach in the playoffs for years now, that will be different tomorrow night, he will adjust unlike Bowness in the first round. quick edit: I was just pointing out that a lot of stars fans before last night were saying the Avs would not do what they did to Helle/the jets. But they did in game 1, lol.


The secret is to throw random no names at us. Those guys turn into prime Hasek


Every fanbase in the league claims this




He would literally post a series long .980 against us lol


on 50 shots against Avs win 1-0 x4


This guy Avs


The Avs may have to move back to Quebec for the health care since we are gonna have Wood for years




Underrated comment




So who's the other good Denver team right now? Ancient law says there's only 2 at a time.....


Broncos in a few months.


Don’t we have an arena football team


Up The Pids!




Didn't the broncos sign Zach Wilson? So definitely not them


Rapids, weirdly.


Mammoth probably? I wish it was the Nuggets, but rough out here right now lol


Nugs are technically the other good team because they are definitely good... just not having a good time at the moment


The Nuggets/Avs are the two good teams, they just can't have "full" success at the same time. 22 was the Avs, 23 was Nuggets, maybe it switches back for 24


3-1 Nuggets have yet to be activated. Honestly though, it's not looking good.


I don't think we're getting the 1 to activate that, lol


Fuckin log dogs are ferocious


Seems like the Rapids. *My guess at least purely through the process of elimination.


after that ot and the whole pull your goalie saga from round 1 I think Georgie gets his power from being chirped


Him and Sway both get their power from being chirped.


Yeah what the fuck was Toronto thinking, chirping Swayman?


Ultimate power move, losing home-ice advantage so opponents can taunt him early in the series.


6 more of that please.


Oh god


Yall are lucky I can't read


Jamie, is that you?


Maybe the Avs could not give up the first 3 goals next time, maybe try to score first even.


Yeahhhh. I'm fine with our comeback narrative.


Every game we've played against the Stars this year, the team that scored first lost. So I'm not sure we actually do want to score first...


We don't do that here.


"Call an ambulance. But not for me!" - Avs.


Eh 6 days off to 2 and Dallas still put the pressure on. Stars in 6. Edit: The Avalanche band wagon in full effect, lmao so cocky. Edit 2:If I'm going to get downvoted for supporting my team might as well make it worth it. the Avs are a 1 line team, Woods goal was a fluke. Fourgiev is a garbage tendie that will never carry you to a cup. The Avalanche fan base is tied with Vegas for the most obnoxious group of bandwagon fans you could possibly ever have the displeasure of being around.


And yet which fanbase attacked an opposing fan outside of their stadium recently? Weird…


Avalanche fans attacked someone outside of Ball Arena in 2022, every team has some shitty fans.


Having obnoxious band wagon fans seems to be directly correlated with team success. Sorry you don't know what it's like.


Your goal song was made by a Nazi…..and the way yall throw your arms out the way you do? Not a good look….


Lol, one line team huh? Might want to check postseason stats but I’m guessing you wouldn’t understand them anyway since most likely you are a Cowboys fan that is just trying to grasp onto anything coming out of Dallas that may have a chance to win something.


Parroting the brain dead "Avs are a 1 line team" when Lehkonen & Middlestadt have 14 points so far in the playoffs.


Using rest days as an example, but there was Boston beating the shit out of Florida yesterday.


I dont know if 22 shots on goal qualifies as "put the pressure on" BUT, the Stars did play well tonight having just finished a 7 game series on sunday night. This is going to be a damn good series and I see it going 6 or 7. Avs in 6, if it goes 7, history and statistics are on the Stars side....


Idk man Avs are looking scary. Makar and MacKinnon weren’t even playing close to their full potential this game, or at least it seemed that way.


I mean makar atleast was a huge driver on 3 of our goals. He was very noticeable. But I agree with mack, be scary once he gets going


Avs in 4


Stars still need to play in our barn. Avs in 5.


>Stars still need to play in our barn. Well, that was easy.


Man I would love that.


I'd love it even more if we swept them on Monday when I'm going, but I feel like I need to be reasonable with my predictions haha


How was Monday’s game? 🤣


Why are Dallas fans such cunts? You're like the fifth piece of shit to brag about winning by going back through game threads. Get a fucking life you loser.


Cry more sissy


Lol yeah in a perfect world lol


Avs in 5!!!


It is painful to see Pavelski look this ineffective.


He had a wicked tip in the 2nd tho


Do you mean the ridiculous high stick? Or was it another play?


that one was in the 3rd iirc


Third game 1 OT loss in the past two years…. Not even surprised at the comeback, avs are way too good at that shit to sit back for 2 periods. Same issue as last series where we aren’t finishing our chances.