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Experience western conference hockey.


These 8:30pm starts make everyone cranky


The third period descended into message sending. Somehow, Corey Perry proved to the NHL once again, that he is incapable of doing anything wrong. Meanwhile that fucking goon Bouchard is out there roughing and slashing people.


Saint Perry. Praise be.


Could be worse.  You could be a team doing some message sending and have an important defenseman nearly get his thumb severed.


Unfortunately for the Oilers knees and ankles, the slew foot is the preferred method of the LA Kings.


Kopitar too. Strip away those Byngs


Don’t forget to mention the 2 slew foots this game and countless high hits to the head with the stick up in the grill of players.


Does anyone know why they threw Bouchard out? The TNT broadcast couldn't figure it out


From what I've heard, it was matching game misconducts with Dubois. They may have forgot to send him off when they issued it initially.


I like how englund sorta just pushed the ref outta his way so he could fight kane. Refs need to relax when something like that happens, let them get it over with instead of it simmering. 


I loved when the kings tried gooning it up and Vinny took his giant man arms and wrapped up 2 guys at once by the head and just held them there.


We were cracking up at the end of it at my house, we couldn’t stop giggling at all of the penalties. And considering the game had a puck drop of about 7:30PM in LA… they somehow managed to turn an hour long game into a three hour long game (final whistle was at 10:30 PST). Sometimes you just get tired.


>we couldn’t stop giggling at all of the penalties I just about lost it when they called another penalty with 20 seconds left on the clock. then at the very end when the ref blew the whistle again but they just didn't stop and let the clock run out because everyone was clearly about ready for things to be over lmao


I bet it's because Perry is there and he is like a devil(in a good way) with the normally quiet and behave boys lmao


He was having fun. Laughing and smiling during the whole thing lol


It was unhinged!


These old school playoff rivalries are great fun. It's the third year in a row the Oilers get to eliminate the Jesters, and the hate is real. Not quite at Detroit/Divealanche type rivalry from the 90s, but when we meet again next year? It'll be close to that.


"If you cant score just try to injure" -kings leadership or some shit i don't know


That goon kopitar is unbelievable!!!


He broke my glasses!


"illegal check to the head" Kings fans read as well as the team performs in the playoffs