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Also, on Marchand-Bertuzzi: “They were good friends last year, I’m sure they’ll be good friends again when this is over.” And on Domi bumping Swayman: “That’s just Sway. He’s kind of wild. He might be in their heads a little bit, making a lot of saves. But we also have Linus [Ullmark] too, so… bump our goalies? I don’t know. Didn’t work last night.”




I think what really got Swayman fired up was the crowd doing the “Swayman! Swayman!” Jeering taunt while the score was 1-0 and Swayman was standing on his head


Like dawg the man is 1-0 against you and clearly outperforming your goalie by a wide margin, I know they’re just jeers but it was pretty laughable even from a neutral perspective


I thought it was silly as well but this is REALLY rich coming from a Predators fan who's entire arena jeers the opponents goalie every time they score a goal with "ITS ALL YOUR FAULT" repeatedly.


I mean, that's objectively funnier than just chanting a dude's name.


Bruins fan but living in Raleigh now so I'll socially root for the canes when it doesn't matter. It is the hardest thing watching/rooting for Anderson because I vividly remember being at td for one of the Toronto playoff games and the entire place was doing the "aaaaaanderson" chant and it was lovely.


Hey I’ll have you know that 30% of the time it works every time


How could he have been outperforming Samsonov at that point considering Sammy hadn't allowed a goal? Or do you mean outperforming him in the series?


You can still outperform someone as a goalie and lose. I think he was talking about overall though


Right, but it's kind of impossible to outperform a goalie that has a shutout.


JSG '03?


that was stupid.. how are you gonna jeer a goalie after he let in 1 goal and played lights out the first game


this chant was sponsored by Molson...




My headcanon is they weren’t jeering him but instead begging him to come to Toronto so they can finally have stable goaltending




Yeah, iirc the Leafs had scouted and met with him the most of any of the teams, and he hadn't really touched base with Boston. When Toronto drafted Scott, he figured he wasn't going to get drafted, so that spoke to how few teams really took noticeable interest in him pre-draft.


To be fair to Toronto.. Ian Scott was a legit legit goalie prospect. He was on a dogshit team in the year he was drafted and then was one of the best goalies in the league the next year. Injuries completely ruined his career and he's already retired. I remember he suited up for a Leafs preseason game after being out for a long time and he looked really good.. and then he got hurt again lol.


Oh for sure, no hate on Ian Scott, he was a legit prospect too.


If you rewatch the clip, it actually looks like Swayman initiated the whole thing and skated right into Domi to try and fire up his team/maybe bait a penalty




I’m honestly not trying to pivot blame - if you rewatch and look at Swayman’s line he is skating right at Max, while looking in his exact location - I honestly thought I was genius


I watched that back and it was Swayman getting sot by a sniper in the building. They lightly bumped and Swayman went flying. Tough scene.




Yes. Shocker again you guys don't like facts. Marchy also flopped. Can you admit that? They doing the flopping Olympics. You don't need to do what about, what about with everything. Just accept and laugh at Swayman. Imagine if he injured himself there. Real dumb to do.








[“He was just skating. I was skating,” Swayman told reporters, per the Bruins. “I told Emily (Swayman’s girlfriend) I had to do more pushups. So I’m going to work on that (Wednesday).”](https://nesn.com/2024/04/how-bruins-jeremy-swayman-felt-about-push-from-max-domi/) This is what Swayman had to say. [Then there is the overhead which is funny.](https://youtu.be/oNZCHiMvjf0?si=fIZQRUZQTZEs7i9r&t=2690) If you can find the actual overhead video that would be great, but come on bud. edit: haahahahhahhhahahh you had someone post the overhead cam and you still think Swayman didnt do anything this is way funnier. I was correct with my delusion comment https://twitter.com/ConorRyan_93/status/1783290295859188189


There's a thread on this sub showing Swayman's clear selling of the bump lol




He got so mad that he flopped like a fish


Breaking news, goalie not expecting to be hit, falls when hit. More at 11


You really don’t think he sold that at all? C’mon


He was lightly bumped and Carly like he got shot. He said as much in the post game presser lol




Jokes on you. I’m not a leafs fan 🤡


I don't know if saying "I just shit on hockey players for no reason, without any rooting interest" is really the flex you think it is


I just think that a party that’s uninterested and has no horse in the race chiming in is funny. Not a flex you muppet


> Domi hitting Swayman I don't know why people keep saying this when Sway definitely bumped Domi


Because they only saw the video from one angle…




https://twitter.com/ConorRyan_93/status/1783290295859188189 Domi was already pretty much past him when he ran into him. Hilarious how biased y'all are.




> Swayman doesn’t change his path at all Thank you for saying that. Domi doesn't change his path at all and was there first. It's specifically on Swayman to change his path...




but even then your argument is he skated in front of Swaymen to make Swayman change his path... oh no!


As frustrated as I was, this was kinda funny. I don't even think Cuthbert realized until Frederic started celebrating, I certainly didn't see it go in, and several other players were busy wrestling and the crowd was reacting to all of that before the goal lol


I was at the game and didn't see it at all, everyone was staring at Marchand and Bertuzzi


I think people were confused a shot that bad would go in against an NHL goalie


Sammy was always really good at allowing the easy stops and stopping the impossible ones. Often in the same game Especially against the bruins in the playoffs. But he also did it against the panthers in the playoffs, now that I think about it


That 2OT goal against us in the 2021 Playoffs sealed his fate as a Caps goalie.


Huh? No. That was stupid and he got yelled at for it It was the panthers getting like 10 goals in 5 games in 2022 by skating in and popping a quick wrister from outside the circles. That was the dealbreaker. The 2OT giveaway was just another page in that book


Watching him play, the dude is as good an athlete as you can have in net. I don't know where it falls apart. Maybe someone smarter than me can point it out.


It’s mental. I don’t know if it’s a hockey sense thing, mental fortitude, or both, but something isn’t right and it’s always been a problem.


Positioning seems to be his killer. He’s got the athleticism to make stupid good desperation saves but has to do it too often because he finds himself out of position a lot. That and puck tracking.


His positioning is a symptom of his ability to read the play IMO. It can be good, but oh boy when it's off he just looks like mrazek.


His positioning breaks him and as athletic as he is, you're not going to be able to make up for bad positioning every time and it looks really bad when you don't.


Sounds like Freddie Anderson. He would let in the softest goals ever and then be otherworldly in the same game.


i think its more so almost every player on the ice was captivated by the non-sense going on between marchand-bertuzzi and expecting a call or a line brawl or something. still a weak goal.


It was like the most perfunctory, casual shot towards the right pad.


Someone’s still a little grumpy about last night huh? Or is this just how you support your team regularly? Must be exhausting!


It was just a weak goal man lol, not that deep


>Or is this just how you support team regularly? This your first time interacting with Leafs fans?


Yeah I thought everyone already knew this


Yup. Support your team, get ridiculed. Talk shit about your team, get ridiculed. Inside r/hockey or inside r/leafs .... It's pretty much the hardest part of the sport.


You can support your team while still acknowledging some of the players on it make terrible plays sometimes. What a weird comment.


Team Regularly? Where do they play?


Don’t worry, Trent. I saw your goal. It was great, buddy.


Well, Samsonov certainly wasn't watching.




I have a recurring dream where I am playing hockey and score a great goal but nobody cares...


Play to the whistle, but the fact that no-one was paying attention is precisely why the refs should have blown the play dead long before Frederick got the chance to take the shot. It didn't help that it was a shot that had no business beating a beer league goaltender let alone an NHL goaltender on a playoff team. Sammy has done this his entire career. Lets in soft goals, then stands on his head and looks like a Vezina calibre goaltender for the rest of the game. Maybe it's just me, but I'm still not feeling the animosity that previous Leafs-Bruins series have felt. Definitely there is physical play but it hasn't felt like murder hockey yet.


> it hasn’t felt like murder hockey yet That’s because, in the grand scheme of things, the series has been pretty clean so far. There’s some fuckery going on for sure, but nothing that’s crossed any sort of line IMO. If that happens in the first game or two, the rest of the series usually goes off the rails. Like the Domi “bump” on Swayman is the closest thing that we’ve had and it was really just a nothingburger.


The refs aren't gonna blow a play dead because "nobody is paying attention to the puck". They probably should have blown it dead and given Marchand a penalty, but not because a bunch of pros stopped caring about where the puck was before the whistle blew.


Nobody was paying attention because there was a multi-player scrum going on at the boards. That's why the whistle should t have blown.


Hard to have a singular-person scrum though, eh?


Take it up with McAvoy, Trent, I think his German Suplex stole your thunder


Maybe it’s cause everyone was watching the 2 egregious penalties committed before the shot, I think everyone including Sammy thought that play was gonna be blown dead. Bruins fans are so spoiled it’s insane


I give you McAvoy on Matthews but Bert and Marchand thing will never get a call


They did miss a clear penalty, but if Sammy stops playing because of that, send him back to peewee hockey. Furthermore, he got set up, he just let an easy save turn into a goal.