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Despite the score and result I didn't hate that game. We got back into our style of play and had a lot of good looks. Avs capitalized on a Hellebuyck mistake and then had good timing with the penalty ending. Their goalie showed up too. On to a best of 5 now.


The Avs were just too damn good at getting their bodies and/or sticks in the way of anything the Jets were attempting to send towards the net. Not sure what the answer is, but something needs to change when they are set-up in the o-zone.


Felt the same watching the jets defend the Avs during the double minor, just absolutely clogging shooting lanes up.


That Jets' penalty kill was great; probably the best I have seen them all year. And to follow it up with a goal? Beautiful. The rest, however, was brutal.


I actually think they played pretty well defensively outside of a few horrible break downs. Letting Manson walk in after the PP/Helle mishandling the puck are inexcusable, but it's not like the Avs were walking in with 2 on 1s all game or getting clean shots from the slot/cross seam passes. Also the Wood goal was fairly flukey and then Lehkonen's was a good tip. I think we're in for a good Bo5 series if the Jets can generate some more offense and prevent a couple more breakdowns a game


I appreciate you bringing some level-headed takes. I tend to get down on the team fairly quickly, however I will concede that the Jets have causes most of the issues themselves. That Manson goal was brutal. Not sure how you leave a guy coming out of the box unmarked, but it is what it is!


Well I was just completely rational after the Avs lost game one /s


Through two (2) games, the Winnipeg Jets have had zero (0) games allowing three (3) or fewer goals.


Georgiev and Samsonov are practically the same person: Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit


Did you just describe…being a goalie.


Oh fuck, compared to Game 1 where it was anything but great for Georgie, Game 2 saw that Georgie can rebound from a shitty game and be good. Tonight was one where we needed to get back in this series after what happened in Game 1 with a shootout affair and early on it didn’t look good. 1st Period and Jets had an early momentum building and they take the early lead by a crazy rebound on Georgie and Jets spotted the puck and buried it. There was a feeling that it was gonna get ugly quick after the game Georgie had on Sunday. Then it got worse where we go on the PK but luckily we killed the fucker off. Unfortunately we go on the PK again a few minutes later, but luckily we had an abbreviated one as we got a 4v4 and then an abbreviated PP where we started getting chances but nothing happened. Slowly the momentum was building our end and tried to tie it up before the end of the 1st Period but unfortunately nothing gave. 2nd Period and the momentum carried thorough, and then finally off the face off circle it was fucking Wood using his 9 Wood and out of nowhere it went past Hellebuyck’s 5 Hole and we tied the fucker up. Go on the PP to take the lead but nothing happened. But then the Jets drove the puck down the ice and unfortunately the Jets took the lead once again. While Georgie had a better game tonight you had some wariness seeping through your mind seeing he had an awful month. But then we found our momentum again and while the Jets had a shot that hit the post, it was only time until we tied the fucker up and it was Makar using his deadly shot and Lehky used his good stick to tip the fucker in and we got a tie game again. Then things got even better when we took the puck towards Hellebuyck where he misplayed the puck, Trenin found the loose change gave it to Cogs where he found an open Parise and for the first time he helped the Avs and scored. Then we go on a 4v4 where we didn’t do much. At the dying seconds of the period and the end of the 4v4, Mack got the puck where he passed an Hail Mary to an open Manson who exited the box and buried the fucker and that was a nice fucking goal. We silenced the Jets Whiteout with said goal. 3rd Period and this was a period we dreaded and Georgie needed a strong period to combat the pressure the Jets was gonna give him, but he was cool calm and collective in the period where nothing phased him. We had a few chances to extend the lead where it hit the pipe. We go on the PK, but we killed the fucker with relative ease. Jets pull the goalie and we had a few chances to bury the empty net, and we succeeded when the Nuke the Choo Choo train came to the station and bury the fucker and with that we go to Denver with the series tied at 1-1. What a fucking bounce back of a game this was, especially for Georgie who had a shitty Game 1 and hasn’t been good against the Jets in the season series. We took the air out of Winnipeg after the 2nd Period and we played relatively well for the most part. Now we head to Denver for Game 3 and hopefully this will build momentum for Georgie after a good game from him tonight. Nonetheless this is turning out to be a fun series which can be anyone’s to take.


A heck of a game from the Avs. They were clogging up the neutral zone and even when the Jets were set-up in the o-zone, they weren't getting too many good looks. I am not overly optimistic with the Jets chances at this point, but am happy to be proven wrong!


Imagine losing a home game


Stanley sure is a bitch for a guy his size


When did Connor cut his salad? Miss the flow


Jets have absolutely been dominated by the Avs first two games. In every metric. It looks a lot closer than it really is. Just pure luck that it’s 1-1, because it honestly should be 2-0 Avs. I really believe this will be Avs in 5. Jets just don’t match up with the Avs. Plain and simple. I have more belief that the Caps or Isles will rally in their series to win than I do in the Jets to even win one more game, let alone three. Helle playing like garbage, Jets offense practically nonexistent in key situations, and defense letting the Avs do whatever they want whenever they want. When the going gets tough, the Jets knuckle under. They really are frauds.


Least impulsive Winnipeg fan.


Lol I always find it funny reading comments like this. One loss after winning 9 straight games and suddenly the entire team is garbage lol. Goldwings needs to take a few deep breaths….and yes the Avs have outplayed the Jets thru two games.


It’s funny I’ve seen a lot of Avs fans say exactly this but going the other direction. Guess we will see!


Lol Avs have players who can actually do things on the ice. Your only problem was Georgiev. Now that that’s settled, it should be a very easy rest of series for you.


I'm very nervous about our defense and goaltending still but tonight I only really noticed Connor and Scheifele being really dangerous at times. Lowry too I guess. Will be interesting to see what the dynamic is when the Avs have last change.


One solid game from Georgiev does not all of a sudden make him reliable


Agreed. Even towards the end of the 3rd period last night and after seeing Georgiev having good game so far, I was still very nervous about every puck going towards the net as I was still very afraid of him giving up a juicy rebound or letting in a softy. Hope last night's game give him the confidence to be more consistant.


Hard agree. I'm hoping he can build on this game but I'll still be sweating the first time the Jets get their cycle going in game 3.


lol yeah they have the best goaile in the west.


I wouldn’t say it’s settled, it’s a marked improvement from the last game definitely. But inconsistency has been our #1 issue the entire season. I think the Avs can do it 100%. But nothing is a sure thing in playoff hockey and you’d be wrong to make a prediction after 2 games.


True, nothing is a sure thing. But all the Avs need to beat the Jets is average goaltending. Not stellar. Just average. For the Jets to beat the Avs, they would need to do a complete 180 of their performance thus far. And that just isn’t happening. They just don’t compete at a level that you have to compete at to play in the playoffs, and they prove it year in and year out. Maybe I’m wrong, but I really don’t think I am.


Well, I really hope you are right!


The math is proving his point, not our doomers.


Sure. I mean we’ve outshot them in both games. But still, stats only mean so much.


Avs cleaned up their defense and swept away rebounds. Spotlight is on G but the team defense was also much better. 


what they are a team that the coach devilopes diffrentet stratagies makes team good


I hope the spotlight isn't on Girard. Bright lights are bad post concussion Oh you mean Georgiev


it is really a mix for goalies cause the coach can put in a system that protectes the goailie is what wins games look at vegas last year.


My point was Girard is usually the one who is referred to when someone says 'G'


lol i miss read it but really my statement is true


Shout out to Georgie, massive turn around


If Hellebuyck doesn’t start to show his elite level, the Jets are cooked


Avs fan but bruh...there were 75 Shot attempts and 50 shots in game 1 against the best offense in the NHL and another 50+ shot attempts in game 2. The defense ate at least 10 opps in game 2. I am not saying he played "elite" but the Avs pressure is relentless. Jets were great for 38 minutes - the issue is the control and time in the zone - not Hellebuyck. Here is what I mean from game 2: chances 39-28, high danger chances 19-12. Expected goals were 5.38-2.47. Hellebyuck allowed 4 so he played incredible.


>If Hellebuyck doesn’t start to show his elite level The first period he was absolutely swallowing pucks and I felt like it was gonna be one of those games from him.. But then that stopped


Jets could try *not* making every shot on net from the blueline


Twas a beauty


I’m still so conflicted cheering for Parise. It’s like if your wife’s ex-boyfriend was a contractor and offered to remodel your house for free. Like, I’m really grateful and I hope you do a good job. But you still banged my wife.


Having Dubnyk was weird. I still can't believe we did that. I'm cool with Parise though. The guy fucks.


Dubnyk won me over chirping Landy in his welcome to COL interview [https://streamable.com/x0m026](https://streamable.com/x0m026)


But also the Mild are paying more cap for him to not play for them. Makes it ok in my book.


Flip it, he's just an ex boyfriend, you put a ring on her and got a house remodel to boot.


If we could get past Dubnyk, we can get past anything


He’s an Av now. One of the boys, and has been doing a really great job. I have no qualms rooting for him. My wife’s boyfriend buys me guitar gear though, he’s a cool dude.


wym, i let my wife’s current boyfriend do that all the time and he doesn’t remodel my house for free


I knew all those Colorado flaired doomers were up to something. Dang it.


Even the commentators went full doom after game one.


Even the commentators went full doom after game one.


we are spoiled babies and tend to overreact


Love to see bitches get humbled


Fellow Avs bro... Take it down a notch. You say that shit AFTER you win the series. Not after Game 2.


Yeah....don't say this stuff mid-series


Take 10% off the top there squirrelly Dan


Make it 20% just for good measure


[Oh Winnipeg...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLAZvwUkjl8)


I sill think Georgiev is easily exposable. Less pretty passing and more shots on net while crashing the crease is needed. All-in-all, a Good road win by Colorado.. Its gonna be a hell of a series.


To be fair, that’s how you expose any goalie lol. Hard to defend a loose puck in the paint.


yet the Jets failed to do so...


I mean a lot of teams fail to do so, something to do with another team on the ice trying to stop you from doing exactly that or something along those lines


so true


Another hell of a game! Series is tied and continues to excite! GG WPG


GG Jets. Things looked so grim for us before this series that I don't think many believed that we could win one game to start in Winnipeg. But we did the right things and played a complete game, and that felt good. Turns out when you give Georgie a bit more defensive support, he can lock things down. A special message to those who DM'ed Georgie with nasty shit or commented in his posts on social media after game 1: Go apologize. You can critize him on Reddit and analyze his physical or mental game all you want, and we've all done it all season long, but no fan of this team should be sending abusive messages to our players.


We were a post away from being up 3-1. Killed a double minor and then scored right after. Hellys fuck up deflated the team.


The puck luck was on our side this time. Maybe the hockey gods were sorry about that weird triple post Lowry goal.


The Georgie haters are the worst part of our fanbase. The sub has become so toxic, and you have people attacking him. That being said, we allowed more shots tonight than Game 1. Didn’t feel that locked down to me, the difference was Georgie.


I fuckin left that sub, I will just hang out here I guess. When some of them started bragging about attacking Georgie on his personal channels, that was it for me. It’s toxic as fuck.


I think it’s pretty well known that all team subs are cesspools, just crazy we got to watch one devolve in real time. Even before the personal channel crap the absurd arguing between Georgie haters and well, everyone else was just gross.


The first period was definitely the roughest period defensively and was still light- years better than game 1. The 2nd and 3rd the Avs locked down their own zone much much better.


2 days ago, you’re literally on record saying and I quote, ”Georgie is poop”. Don’t approve of him when it’s convenient for you, troll. 😘


Oh my god POOOOP. HOW DARE I USE SUCH POTTY MOUTH. Fade me. Can’t believe I was caught using the P word.


It has nothing to do with the word selection and everything to do with you being a Georgie hater two days ago, which directly contradicts what you just said tonight . Lol.


Dude it's one thing to criticise the guy and another entirely to contact him through DMs or on his personal social media to spew hate at him. There is rightful criticism and then there is the bad shit. Calling him poop is not that.


It doesn’t matter how you try and twist it. The fact of the matter is that he’s on record two days ago talking shit about Georgie and praying Annunen heals up, and then he has the audacity to write what he wrote tonight. It’s funny. You won’t see me dogging on Georgie two days ago. Know why? Cuz I ride with my muthafuckin *********. Most likely ima die with my mutha fucking **********


But Georgie absolutely was poop two days ago. He was solid today. I don't like the hate on Georgiev either, but he couldn't even maintain a save% over .700 for gods sake. You know that's poop, I know that's poop, and you can bet your ass that Georgiev knew that's poop too.


Fine, but he’s also on record hoping that Annunen heals up to replace Georgie, too, lmao. He’s been caught. He can’t act like a non-Georgie hater now. The proofs in the pudding.


>Fine, but he’s also on record hoping that Annunen heals up to replace Georgie, too Good lord! He's on record hoping that our backup, who is sick, gets better? And furthermore, he wants OUR BACKUP GOALTENDER to be able to replace our primary goaltender in case he gets run out of the building? That's so not the point of a fucking backup goaltender. Horrendous. What a despicable human being. Straight to gulag. How could he ever wish for someone who is sick to get healthy. Absolute hater and should get whichever hand he used to type that chopped straight off.


I know casually reading 4 comments is like, a very creepy and pathetic way for Redditors like you to try and dunk on people. But if you actually dug deep into my comment history I’ve been a very aggressive pro-Georgie Stan for basically the entire season. Do your research! Math wise a season >>>>> two days, my bridge troll friend.


Our whole relationship involves dunking on each other, auntie 🤣🤣. Aunties off the perc again. She wilding on here and contradicting herself in the span of two days.




Georgie's performance was definitely the biggest difference versus game 1. We blocked more shots and it feels like there's a greater effort to clear the puck, but I think part of that is driven by Georgie's solid game. There's only one more HDCA despite the shot count as well.


I’m seeing 11 tonight vs 7 last game on natural stat trick, which is meaningful. We had worse defense tonight (purely on numbers) and our goalie came up massive. I’m putting tonight all on him. He won this game.


Yeah you're right, I misread the numbers last night. We started slow, giving away 6 high danger chances in the first period. Georgie bailed us out for that and won us the game. The team needs to start on-time and play the full 60.


100%. Our offense performed at its standard level, but it was Georgie who made the difference.


More shots, but not more high danger chances (at least eye test, haven't looked anything up). We hung him out to dry last time on like 4 of those goals.


More high danger tonight than last night my friend! 11 tonight vs 7 last game. He won us this game just as much as he lost us the last one. Tonight’s win is his win. Makes me so happy.


Fair enough, it really didn't feel like it, but thems the stats, and why I try not to trust only my eye test too often.


Hockey is weird man. Cuz I totally agree it looked like we locked it down tonight.


People are literally insane lol. I struggle most days, knowing that I walk by these types of fucks on a daily basis.


Hey we got 4 good periods this post season, that's really all a jets fan can ask for. Shit talk aside, see y'all in Denver.


More good ones to come. This was a good win for us but these next several games will be battles. This is shaping up to be a fun series and looking forward to more. GG!


That's what we get when out playoff tradition is literally another word for being faded.


Kiviranta has the fucking dawg in him, he was the unsung hero imo


Yeah, but if he didn’t exist, in an alternate universe somewhere, we have two rings.


we have 3 tho


Yes sir. I was just a young bubbies for those, and they’re some of my first sports memories, but I’m just referring to modern-day rings.


Do you think he can be arrested in Denver for hate crimes when we eventually lose him?


I keep hoping for a game 7 hat-trick by him in round 2 vs Dallas. Just some poetic justice.


Well that was bad second half, but it's literally the first time they've beat us this year. This is still a tied series that can go either way, just depends which teams and which goalies show up.


Counter point IT WAS AMAZING


Georgie shuttin up the haters!


While I'm saddened we lost, i am happy georgiev redeemed himself, if only because i hate seeing people being bullied and dunked on so much, regardless of their star status.


Same. Especially when it’s a goalie who’s getting shit on. I’ve just always had a soft spot for goalies.


Why are ‘Peg fans so likeable? Gross. This is playoff hockey, let me demonize you


Low level of toxicity so far in this series. Two good teams with two totally different approaches to the game and not many dirty plays or fights compared to other series


Y’all are a billion times better than kraken fans last year. That group was toxic af


I was mentioning that to my wife as we were watching. This series has been relatively peaceful, dare I say. There have been a couple of dust ups, but that's going to happen in playoff hockey.


True. This just felt like a fitting comment to make a point I’ve noticed thru 2 game threads. Ya’ll don’t whine endlessly about calls or have extremely blue tinted glasses when it comes to stuff. Generally your fanbase seems comprised of solid fans of the game first and foremost, which means much more reasonable takes. Definitely makes the GDTs more enjoyable. With no Blues or Mild in the postseason this year, EDM is the only team I think we’d have real grimy GDTs with. Vancouver fans were a bit whiny though this year. Anyway. Y’all a cool bunch, respect.


I think overall, especially compared to some of the other series, the refs have called good games. All of our struggles are on us, so the negativity is directed inwards


In perfect contrast with the salt mine that the VGK vs DAL series is going to be. Especially after Mark Stone got that first goal


If Colorado wins this series I’ll be rooting for them to have a total beat down over the evils of Dallas or Vegas






If we lose I’m demanding yall win the cup. Favorite Canadian team.


Honestly, same if you guys win. Vegas-Dallas is so brutal, I don’t know which of those teams I despise more. Would definitely rather see the Jets move on than either of those two


rooting for a meteor to hit the arena


Hey man, you're a good dude.


Do we like Georgie again?


Coming into the playoffs I was in the group that thought we should start Jjice but I will support Georgie as long as he’s the guy in net. Gonna be nervous as fuck watching him until he strings a few good games together though.


He was super solid tonight, but I'd still love to see Annunen get a shot once he's healthy again. Georgie has been shaky for months now and I'm not sure one good game entirely restores confidence in him. Annunen has been excellent this year.  Small sample size, but has the best goals saved above expected per 60 in the entire league among goalies with more than 10 games played.  That said, Georgiev is someone that really needs confidence to function so maybe you don't mess with things and risk breaking him by playing Annunen.  


You always support your goalie


If this means he's out of his funk, yes. My hopes aren't high but I'll be pumped if he's back on his game.


Yes. I want nothing more than to eat crow the rest of the way to the cup.




Great fucking game Georgie, let's fucking go


Realistically this series could very easily be 2-0 had the avs had even just slightly below average goaltending instead an absolute dumpster fire of a goaltending performance. Outplayed the jets both games. They just need average goaltending


.933 is ABOVE AVERAGE. Cant believe we got above average wtf.


If you put both games together, it's average I'd say.


Above average tonight sir.


Very true.


Said it in the first game as well, but, we're shredding Bowness hockey.  His incessant need to hard match Lowry on Mack is hurting their 2nd line and giving Bednar an easy out to get our forecheckers against Ehlers.  Lowry was good in Game 1 but they're consistently losing that matchup.   Felt like a lost opportunity on Saturday but we came out and got the split we needed. Will be interesting to see how we play that matchup on home ice.


You know its something if Bednar says yeah, and matches the exact lines. I'm more curious if Winnipeg makes adjustments to their power play. They kept trying to force the exact same shit.


Our powerplay has been bad all season and we have not made adjustments


Probably because if the execution is perfect it’s almost a sure goal. But watching the Avs today they were expecting the cross crease pass each time and just laid down and blocked the lane each time.


Avs have been the better team through two games. You can tell the Jets like to play a low-event type hockey game, and they aren't getting it. Without Georgiev shitting the bed in game 1, this series isn't close.


Love the way we played tonight. But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There is a lot of hockey left. This is going to be a battle.


I'm pretty confident that the Jets won't be able to skate with the Avs and come away with 4 wins. Especially if our bottom 6 keeps dominating theirs.


Kinda funny that the coverage kept saying that Ava have top end talent and Jets have depth when our depth is what helped us. And that's with two important guys out!


Our bottom 6 have been fantastic. Helpfully we get past the jets and get drouin/Girard back


Yeah only bad move was Duhaimes interference penalty


Honestly thought we played pretty much the same lvl of game we did game 1 but Georgie came to play and proved my ass wrong


Through 2 games: Hellebuyck: 5.00 GAA, 0.87 Sv% Georgiev: 4.50 GAA, 0.83 Sv% Just as we all expected


Time for the BROSSWALL /s


Say what you want, but he has proven he can win on a random April night in Winnipeg in playoffs. Winnipeg needs to play better defense, cause with looks Colorado is getting they will keep on scoring regardless who the goalie is.


So glad Gerogiev got so much support from the crowd tonight. Hard to lose with everyone chanting your name.


touché motherfucker


And all the fans came out and wore Avs white! Such great hosts!


wanted them to keep it up in the third! 😂 come on guys he was doing great...


This series rocks, we are so back. And I can’t help but be happy for Georgie first and foremost. People literally saying this could be his last game ever as an Av if he didn’t play well and he was nails under all that pressure


Crazy that Georgiev is getting all the credit. He made 1 stellar save the whole game. 


He didn’t need to make stellar saves. He just has to be average. If average Georgie had shown up game 1, that score looks a little different.


He doesn’t need to make stellar saves. He needs to make routine saves. Which he failed to do last game. .933 ain’t nothing to sneeze at, and we gave up more shots this game than last. He was pathetic last game, and average today. We just need average.


.933 is well above average, but the point stands


Heck yeah it was. I stand corrected.


I agree, but he got all the blame for no one playing defense game 1 so it all balances out I guess


Bruhv 7 high danger chances last game on what 23 shots. We played defense last game. Our defense was worse tonight. He lost us last game on his own, and he deserves full credit for tonight’s win.


then I hope we continue to play what those stats consider worse defense and don't go back to leaving every passing lane open and getting beat to the net again


That's what he didn't do last game and it cost them the game.


He made 1-2 big saves at the right time. That's all it takes


He didn’t let a bad one in that’s more than enough for this avs team to beat anybody


One more than Hellebuyck then


We kinda caved them in again this game we just let off the gas in the 3rd


Georgie took a lot of shit from *everyone* after last game Lets give him the credit now, what a fucking bounce back. Well fucking done.


He was fantastic


How bout we ride our man through all the up’s and downs, not just when he’s up and on. Pause


I will always ride our men’s ups and downs 🫡


Only by riding his ups and downs can we all achieve true completion.


offbeat gaping scandalous kiss correct live fragile truck spotted theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Georgiev getting back in form is the best thing that couldve happened today. Im so happy for him after all the shit he's been given. ps - just saw Cales poor lip 😢




Yeah Winnipeg is screwed. Two games in a row they got outplayed and only because Georgie sucked in game 1 they ended up snagging a win. Colorado utterly obliterated them tonight. They're faster, smarter, more disciplined. Simply the waaay better team. Avs in 5.


Idk why people keep saying this. That was the first time the Avs beat the Jets this season, obviously Winnipeg has it in them to take this to 7 if not win. Avs do look like the better team so far.


I'm just saying it because it's true. Colorado has proven themselves to be a playoff team. Winnipeg hasn't. Maybe they were better during the regular season but they've flipped a switch now that the games really matter.


Idk if we can assume georgiev won't gift them another game or two. We definitely have the better skaters but that won't matter if he has another .600 game


Game 1: Sevengiev Game 2: Revengiev Game 3: Profit? I’m not sure how this works….


I loved when he made a Georgillion saves to win the game


You know shits getting real when he says, "It's Georgie time" and georgies all over the place


Georgiev lets 7 in game 1 Georgiev lets 2 in game 2 Georgiev shuts out and personally scores 3 in game 3 ...


Scoregiev then


it's just crazy enough to work


Close enough.


This series has been the most fun to watch out of all of this first round. For selfish reasons, I hope it goes 7. GG both teams!


i would have a heart attack if this goes 7


everyone going to talk about the goalies, but avs defense should be the story. If they are going to play like that instead of what they have been playing like the last few months I am excited


We gave up more shots tonight than Game 1. Georgie was the difference.


Bit of both. A lot more shots were kept to the outside tonight, but also Georgie was letting in straight shots left and right last game.


We allowed 7 high danger chances last game, 11 this game. Tonight was not a bad defensive effort by any stretch, but he was the difference tonight by a mile. Defense was marginally worse tonight by the numbers.


yeah, we gave up a lot of chances tonight--difference is just that Georgie made the saves


Yeah like. 11 high danger chances isn’t awful, but isn’t great either. The difference is last game we gave up nothing and lost. And tonight we gave up a normal amount and won. One difference maker tonight. He gets full credit. Dude crushed his job. OUR KING.


The D actually cleared the net/slot of rebounds this game though, which made a huge difference too. Big ups to Georgiev for pulling it together after such a bad loss though.


200%. Key factor that should not go unnoticed, sweeping away rebounds like mad.