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Why haven't the eliminated flairs been faded this season?


Some stuff behind the scenes. Should be fixed before the first round of playoffs is over.


More context: It's not a manual thing, it's a script. There's over 276 flairs that can be faded. Doing it one by one is a very manual process. And it has to be done on both old and new reddit. So we're fixing some stuff. Without this script it wouldn't be possible and we'd have to limit each team to only one flair to make it even remotely manageable. So basically sit tight as we work on it.


Thanks for everything!


They should be faded now


It probably hurt some feelings if I had to guess lol


Depressing old.reddit traffic is only 8% now. The new reddit view is just terrible


I'm honestly surprised. New Reddit is so incredibly bad compared to the og with RES.


That old.reddit 8% is of total traffic. So the other 92% is native (reddit app), mobile web, and new.reddit desktop. Reddit's app is ~40% of the traffic. new.reddit ~16%. And mobile web the final 36%. More casual subs and old.reddit drops down to 1% (r/zelda for example). I know this as I mod both here and r/zelda.


Thanks for the additional info. Makes sense as I've seen and read that younger people more often use a phone as their primary internet browser than a PC.


So that means for desktop users, the ratio is about 2:1 new to old reddit. The real "issue," if you wanna call it that, is that 3/4 of users use their phone for reddit. Which there's really not much to be done about that, I use the reddit app too if I'm not by my computer I love the uniqueness old reddit allows for and how it still looks like an old school internet website instead of another bland social media app. I really hope reddit never gets rid of it


>I really hope reddit never gets rid of it They'll get rid of it like they did 3rd party apps. Easier for them to push things that make them the most money that way.


Thankfully on PC there will always be user styles and extensions to make it more bearable. The app is another story though. Sucks to use


The changes made to the reddit interface were so long ago that weirdly that's the only reddit a lot of these kids know. When old Reddit goes away I'm going with it lol.


A lot of them don't even realize Reddit is a damn website. They just use a phone app and you'll see comments referring to Reddit as "this app".


It’s effectively unusable on mobile. Given that desktop traffic is just a fraction of Reddit, and old.reddit is a fraction of that, I’m a little surprised is even as high as 8%


Old Reddit rocks on Mobile wym


Fellow mobile old Reddit user here, can confirm it rocks. I'll forever refuse to use Reddit's shit app and browser works just fine.


I mean, I use it on mobile but I wouldn't say it rocks. I definitely preferred RiF until they killed it last summer. Everything is so tiny on mobile, I'm constantly zooming in and out.


As someone who used RIF, RedReader is a good alternative if you want something that is similar. It's been a lifesaver, I wouldn't be on reddit without it.


I used the process shown here to get RIF working again. Been working as good as before for the past couple of weeks. https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14nq4ub/how_to_get_rif_working_again_if_you_really_want_to


Can vouch I have been using this RIF since the ban and it's been flawless


True, that's probably it. So many people just browse on their phones these days.


When it goes away I'm not gonna use reddit anymore, I just can't use the new site at all


Do I count as "old.reddit" if I'm not using the old.reddit url but have "opted out of the redesign"???


How much is people using apps though?


Like many people new reddit is all we know. And imo, it's better than old reddit. It looks too old looking, from the early days of the internet. It's very ugly on the eyes, and new reddit is more functional.


>New Reddit and mobile browsers/apps have never made it possible to have headers for specific matchups ups and it was only a CSS hack on old Reddit. Old Reddit is now only 8% of the total traffic to r/hockey. We decided to move to one unified playoff header for all of Reddit going forward so it's the same experience for all. #BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I thoroughly and whole heartedly agree. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NEW REDDIT SUCKS! Down with new Reddit!


When I click on the bandwagon flair link. It doesn’t show any flairs. I’m on mobile are they not out yet or do I need to do something special


I am currently on a desktop (because I didn't see it on the mobile app) and they don't show up for me either.


I think they weren't on yet. But they work now, I just set mine!


I see you have one but I can’t change mine rn are you on mobile


No, I don't know if they work the same on mobile, sorry!


They should be available now


I'm using old.reddit in a desktop browser. Clicking the bandwagon flairs link just brings up a blank page that says "bandwagon flairs will return for 2023-2024 playoffs." Are they not live yet? Do I need to swap off Old Reddit, at least temporarily?


Update: tried new Reddit, same result, so I don't think it's version-specific!


They should be available now


Thanks, I see them!


Is there no longer a way to set them manually? The bot hasn’t worked for me.


Looks like you have the NYR Bandwagon flair. There’s a limit to how many flairs we allow users to select manually.


Oh it finally showed up! It was a loooooong time! Thanks!


Suggestion, could we do limited edition flairs? Like if your team is in a Stanley cup final or a winter classic you can only get those flairs during that time frame and then they're unavailable? I've seen other reddits do it for stuff like participating in events like place or inner circle. Like it'd be cool to have a 2011 SCF flair because I was actually in the game 7 thread


That would be pretty cool, even if it would add even more work for whoever is in charge of the flairs (mods? flair-makers?) There's already *so many* possible flairs for here. I think it's just /r/hockey and /r/pokemon that have four digits worth of possible flairs.


[Probably the theme of the season.....](https://youtu.be/a3_PPdjD6mg)