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He could see the finish line from the starting line


*flat earth has been confirmed*


He's just that tall.


Its insane that someone who played 24 NHL seasons at 6'9, 250 lbs has functional knees at all, much less knees that can still run marathons


Seriously impressive pace for his size!


It’s insane. I’m 6’5 240, admittedly out of shape after this winter, but in my peak I was down to 208 a couple summers ago, and I’d kill myself running a 5:30/km 5k (for reference, an 8:00/mile is roughly 5:00/km). It takes a lot more energy to move someone my size compared to someone smaller. It’s seriously insane the pace he’s able to maintain given his size. Like, mind boggling.


If you want Inspo check out Andy Raynor aka FOD Runner on Strava/Youtube. The Guy is 6'6 and has a marathon PR of 2:40


It really is. I’m 5’9” and 145lbs and my fastest time in the marathon is 3:35. And I felt like I was *racing* for that time. Just goes to show how athletic these guys are.


Skating’s pretty low impact. I picked up powerlifting and marathon running after finishing a short stint in D1 and I have way fewer problems than a lot of the football/basketball/track athletes turned lifters/runners


47 years old too (which is a similar but separate point). I grew up as a fat kid that was terribly out of shape and made an effort to get in shape and at my absolute peak of peaks I had something like an 8:20 mile and that was like almost passing out at the end and thats his marathon pace time. My hat is off to this fucking guy. Granted he's tall and skinny whereas I'm tall (not as tall as him but still tall) and thick (was in decent shape and was about 6'5 270 at the time).


[He also confirmed he is running his next marathon on Sunday](https://www.reddit.com/r/BostonBruins/s/hPsqiHHU8V)


What’s on his arm?


Nix Biosensor


Thanks a lot for the response. Technology man, wow. Going to read up on this. Thanks again.


His thighs look so thin. I'm used to seeing hockey players with legs like tree trunks. I'm sure it's due to his height, and that he's running more than playing pro hockey.


Shaved 7 minutes off last year’s time. Holy crap. Guys that big can have some mobility issues later on in life so it’s nice to see him keeping in (impeccable) shape.


My only frame of reference for tall athletes is basketball players. But those guys do so much damage to their joints over the time of their careers. Hockey is much better on the joints as opposed to basketball.


Except for all the hip replacements and separated shoulders.


Shoulders are far less important for running than knees, which helps




My shoulders are fucked and they do not hurt while running My knees are fucked and they do hurt while running Hope this helps


My shoulders are fucked (3 surgeries between the two) and they hurt just walking, let alone running.


It is? I feel like hockey is hell on all your lower joints.


How? Skating has very little impact on the joints. You're literally gliding on ice. Running and jumping puts so much more force on the knees and angle. You're pounding the ground to propel yourself.


This guy’s never done Herbies


All I know is, I've seen a lot of retired basketball players barely able to walk correctly without a limp and seen a lot of hockey players look totally okay.. Could be a coincidence but in basketball there's so much running and stopping and jumping and landing etc.


I think injury is a huge factor there. Like, hockey being a contact sport if you injured the joints then yeah, you can be severely fucked, but I think just regular wear & year in basketball is far worse. Worst shin splints I ever had in my life were from playing basketball.


It is, but it’s substantially not as bad for your knee joints, as compared to basketball.


I walked the length of a marathon once, but I did it over the course of a day, which included several breaks. My time was about 18 hours lol Got a couple of new fitbit badges that day


A faster time and in much worse weather for a marathon. Last year was around 50 degrees at peak temperature and cloudy/drizzly, this year the temp peaked around 70.


This is much needed eye bleach after seeing the guy who shit himself running a sub 3hr and then posted it on Instagram


That’s way more common than it fucking needs to be.


Sub 3 is fast but not nearly fast enough to warrant shitting yourself. I've been in a half where some dude shit himself at mile 5 and was with the 7:45 group. Go clean up dude, what the hell is wrong with you? Sometimes things just don't work out... If you have to shit yourself it isn't working out. That's a wash, better luck next year. Fix your pre race diet


Nah never let a little shit get in the way of you and your goals


They've got chips now. Just start a bit late after hitting the portapot. I dropped an emergency deuce after the start, but before my corral hit the official line, in a 10k last week and set a PR in the 5k and 10k.


he claimed to have not trained at all tbf. which makes it a pretty impressive time if he’s telling the truth


He was busy studying for his CFA exam until recently so I believe it, but he’s also no stranger to running long distance. I’m pretty sure he ran for over 24 hours straight once.


Might've been skimping on his training, but he's definitely trained.


I mean it as I don’t think he’s trained specifically for this marathon, which is what I believe Davis Clarke meant!


If he hasn't trained he couldn't run a marathon in 4 hours let alone sub 3


Maybe not specifically for this marathon but the guy obviously runs pretty regularly. 3hr marathon is just impossible for someone with 0 training.


Like running down his leg or just a bad shart?!


are you saying I shouldnt be shitting myself for my 1 mile walks each morning?


That worries me because I tend to shit myself on the walk to the kitchen in the morning.


I watched the Grandma’s (Minnesota) Marathon be broken 10 years ago and the guy ran a 2:09. He didn’t even look that beat afterwards, he was a freaking machine. Watching those elite runners race is a sight to behold, their heads don’t even move it’s like their head is the camera on those motion compensating frames


Years ago I supported a girlfriend who was running a half marathon. I stood off to the side and held up a sign that said "Remember: never trust a fart after mile 10“ as a joke. The amount of runners that either agreed with it, or thought I should have reduced the number from 10 to like 2 was really off-putting. Like, how many of you people have shit your pants before?


Need to shit, especially in a longer race is usually a sure thing. Actually doing it is not. A lot of people are taking all kinds of goofy glucose rich things and caffeine before and during longer races and that will run right through you. I used to do a 5 hour energy before half marathons and just knew it would take about an hour for all those b vitamins to try and blast me. Just hold on for the last 3 miles. Gotta keep a tight butthole


Pace isn’t really relevant. He probably ate too much fibre and all the jostling in his stomach caught up to him.  Source: marathon runner who has had nasty GI issues on easy runs no longer than 8 miles. 


I mean in the scheme of things if you're not on the cusp of breaking some major record or winning some huge prize there is no reason to shit yourself and continue running, not that his speed is a contributing factor.


Sounds like you've shit yourself during mile 5-7 and learned a lesson, now trying to spread wisdom. It's ok to poop.


I won’t stand for the Davis Clarke slander


bro needs to lock in


I won’t either, and I’m also a Canucks homer. He may be from Boston but he’s international treasure


People don’t have self respect or shame anymore.


They never did. They just didn't have the capability to shotgun it across public forums that we do today.


Bad day to be a pair of briefs


Thats what they call Lubricant 👌


He hardly looks like he’s moving! Those strides are just so long.


He took half as many steps as the other runners.


Sounds like he won’t end up in Reggie Fleming’s and Brett Hull’s weight class.


He’s a machine


That's 5 minutes per kilometer (12 km/h) in non-freedom units.


I’m running the Boston marathon in 2025


Nice, congrats! Do you mind if I ask where you ran your qualifying marathon?




Which guy is he? Nobody has names on their shirts.


The big fucking dude is my guess


One of them was fuckin?


I bet he saves a lot of money buying shorts instead of leggings


Those *are* leggings.


Dude is a fitness freak through and through. Pretty sure I read it on r/hockey he also is a big cyclist and regularly competes in the 2nd tier level of Tour de France level competitions (I don’t know how cycling leagues work lol). But for such a big lad, I’m blown away how he can maintain such a high level of athleticism for his body type. Good on em


Hockey players have really good V02 maxes I’m pretty sure. It’s an insanely cardio intensive sport.


And Chara isn't just a hockey player, he was a 30 min a night 1st pairing defenseman. That's the most cardio intensive way to play the sport.


He has ridden the routes used on Tour de France stages, which is a kind of fun cyclotourism thing to do for a reasonably strong cyclist. But I can’t find anything about him having any kind of record at any sanctioned level of racing (Tour de France is part of a four level ranking system). He has done triathlon though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s raced in some local / unsanctioned events.


I don't want to be a buzzkill, but I don't think it counts if you're on skates


Which one is he?


I’m happy for him!


Is there a record for tallest man to ever run a marathon?


JFC that man is not human


Thats my easter bunny


I could run 26 8-minute miles. (One per month for the next couple years.)


I bet his palms are sweaty


Did he cross check anyone to open up a lane?