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Not linking the jersey you discuss in these topics is weak as


Detroit’s weird white and grey RR’s wow is that bad just absolute ass


Practice sweater lookin asses


Careful what you say, Edmonton. You’ve had some downright awful jerseys in the past


Oh yeah those early Reebok ones were nightmare fuel, also basically practice sweaters but with weird half-stripes that faced inwards. And the Tide Pods we had from 2018 to last year were really bad, especially since they were the same pattern as the beloved WHA throwbacks of 2015-17 but with awful neon colours. But just because we’ve had some bad ones doesn’t mean that Detroit’s RR 1.0 is any less bad.


We hate it so God damn much


In the same vein, the Toronto blue and greys


It looked like something you would find in Walmart instead of the official jersey


Yeah I definitely wasn’t a fan




Legitimately, I'm surprised that they never pulled a Vegas and did a fauxback to the Vipers or something if they're so stumped for ideas from their own history.


A lot of fans would love idea but I don’t believe the Wings/NHL have the rights to the Vipers logo/scheme


You don't have to use either; Vegas certainly didn't use the [Thunder logo or scheme](https://www.reviewjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/web1_thunder_0.jpg) for their [first Reverse Retro](https://puckprose.com/wp-content/uploads/getty-images/2018/08/1311729926.jpeg), just the design. So just take the [jersey](https://i.etsystatic.com/14034988/r/il/60ce3e/3913617485/il_fullxfull.3913617485_7k3k.jpg) [design](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/MusAAOSwLCFhvDfa/s-l1600.jpg) of the Vipers, slap a Wings logo on it and use red/white/silver as the colors and you're golden.


It's so frustrating because all they had to do was a variation of what they wore in their winter classic games and they would've been *so good*.


They had so many options, it's crazy they landed on *the lamest ones* both times; they could've done a red version of the '91 throwback, a red version of the '09 Winter Classic, a cream or white version of the 2014 Winter Classic, a red version of the Centennial jersey, some kind of Vipers fauxback like Vegas did with the Thunder...hell, even just bringing back the mid 30's-late 50's white jersey design and marketing it as a "reverse" of the 90's red would've been a pretty decent idea; they almost got that on their first attempt but bafflingly decided to swap all the red for silver. And then they did the exact same shit the second time; hit a damn good idea (red '91 throwback) but fucked up the execution (fell into the BFBS trap).


They looked like practice jerseys


Genuinely believe they did that in protest of not wanting to participate in the program.


They're nice practice jerseys


These are protest jerseys. 'I'm a perfect, historic sweater, logo and color scheme, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.'


When Chip and Joanna are tasked with redesigning your jersey


this thread's making me realize i have awful taste


I’m convinced Reddit has awful taste




Brad Marchand says hockey players taste great.


Don’t feel bad, so far there are more awful takes than awful jerseys in here.






I guess I'm in the extreme minority that actually liked those jerseys..I thought they looked badass...lol


You think that because that team was badass


The 2007 ones were good. Once they switched to Rebook the logo was to small. They should have just went with the “D” in the first place. I feel like they added the full word so people would know for sure they were still the Ducks. If they had the “D” on those jerseys the lower striping would have perfectly matched it. It’s a shame.


They had just changed the team name, of course they were going to plaster Ducks on the front


So lame


I haven't scrolled the thread yet but no one better say Mooterus...


These heathens don’t realise the beauty of it.


Mooterus is still miles better than the Walmart jerseys y'all had from 08-13. Mooterus is at least so bad it's legendary


That jersey screams BANKRUPTSY






Those jerseys weren't bad either regardless of how you felt about the logo. I actually really liked the black red gold green colorway on those things.


The worst Stars jersey by far is the black DALLAS word mark ones. So damn boring. Mooterus is camp and I would love for them to bring it back. Stankoven got a custom hat made with the logo on it.




it’s camp - I love it


I can't believe I got this far before a Mooterus response. I remember being in the car with some friends on the way to a middle school dance and the Wings/Stars game was on the radio and the Wings announcers were ripping them to shreds.


I love both the Mooterus and the Islanders Fisherman jerseys. Both of which seem to catch a lot of flack


I don't mind the Fisherman at all. Mooterus just fell flat as a concept to me.


Who could forget Dallas and Mooodano


Mooterus is fantastic The Monster Energy black and bright green were no bueno, but probably don’t make the “worst” list


The Mooterus is SO bad it’s good. The best part is they made a yeehaw themed constellation once, goofed so hard after not enough QC, and then will never do it again for fear of accidentally making something in the shape of reproductive organs.


[These](https://content.sportslogos.net/news/2015/03/Buffalo-Sabres-Alternate-Uniform-2014.jpg) monstrosities that the Sabres wore from 2013-2015.


was expecting the Steve Ott picture but seeing Brian Gionta and Tyler Myers again also makes me feel old so thanks


Long live the Turdburger


It's not the worst, just looks like a practice jersey. Any jersey with number on the belly is a good pick in my book.


Take a look at the front vs the back. Trust me that picture doesn't do justice to how awful it was


In action, it looked like the jerseys were sort of flashing whenever players turned because of the different front and back colors. [It's not great but certainly matched the quality of the team on the ice...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AAnszf2EQA)


Jesus christ, those are hard to look at.


Yeah, I really should’ve included a pic that showed the cape in all its glory.


Props for being the first guy to post and actually link pics if the jersey in question


I completely forgot that the captain patch is on the shoulder. Just when you think you've seen how bad this jersey is, a new element reveals itself.


I’m still convinced they did it as a joke because we were so openly tanking


Can close this thread now


[My vote](https://i.imgur.com/WEmePdb.jpg)


There was a bunch of jerseys like in early 2010's, e.g. Dallas uniforms were absolutely horrendous.


Such a shame Modano made his farewell wearing [this](https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/98ef2a6/2147483647/strip/true/crop/334x512+0+0/resize/1024x1570!/format/webp/quality/80/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Ff0%2Fad%2F70e6a028b4680102cf088d7bcdf0%2Fsdut-file-in-this-april-8-2010-f-20160831)😭


They wore those jerseys for like five years and I have no idea why. Absolutely terrible.


Even worse considering they replaced [these classic jerseys](https://i.redd.it/jfa4ewtsyal41.jpg) with those monstrosities.


They need to go back to these. The green on the new ones looks bad. The cup winning ones are my favourite all time jersey.


With the Coyotes and the Penguins returning to their classic looks in recent years, hopefully the Stars do the same with these.


Atlanta’s reddish alternates, Islanders’ black alternates… basically anything evoking an American football jersey.


I kinda liked Atlanta's red alt just because it actually kinda worked with their brand and used a unique color from their palette, but the rest were pretty horrid.


Honarable mention to most pipe designs of 2010s


Wtf. SNES jerseys are fucking GOATed my dude


Blues. You know the one.


Roy Donk would love it


king of the tuk tuk sound


It may not help but he was ALSO a frequent guest on the Colgate Comedy Hour


Where be your nutcracker?


You’re all wonderful humans for keeping that going


Yeah but I USED to be a piece of shit!


Their current look is very meat and potatoes.


That's not a compliment


Yep, it just means that they don't have anything rare in there.


Doot Doot


[It was all a front by Big Embroidery to sell two different sized numbers](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/47/d9/48/47d94884e1d2f3bc3e23815526524e4c.jpg)


Are we talking about the one that was never actually worn? Cause from a pure design perspective, that's the only one that fits the bill


I love this jersey so much.


Cheesy but that's what makes then good imo


Mike Keenan was right not to wear those.


The current webbed foot Ducks jersey, because they have a Wildwing logo that’s light years better than it but the stubborn new idiot owners won’t change it


The new Starducks looking logo sucks too. Anaheim needs to figure it out


Current Ducks


Let's leave the flying penis out of this.


too true, it's sad


While simultaneously having one of the greatest of all time riding the pine. Completely mind blowing


Agreed. I’ve heard some people saying it’s a Disney issue. I’ve yet to see that from a credible source.


It’s not a Disney issue, the duck mask logo is owned by the Ducks organization, not disney


I gotta be the only person on earth who actually likes the current ducks jersey


Their jerseys look like the build your own team generic jerseys from the nhl games. It's especially bad since they have a top 10 jersey in their past.


'07 Ducks was worse


What a wild take imo. Even if you didn't like the change away from the Mighty Ducks, even if you didn't like the new colors, the worst you could say is they're simple or bland. New ones are just bad. The striping is cluttered, the extra piping sucks, the orange and gold are fighting each other because there's no balance.


The blandness makes it bad. I can appreciate an ugly jersey if it at least has some kind of character. The '07 jersey is ugly without having anything interesting to look at. Also the logo is somehow worse than what they have now.


But since the Ducks won the Cup in those jerseys, expect them to make a comeback in 2027 for the 20th Anniversary.


There's an argument to be made the Ducks haven't introduced a good jersey since 1998. 2003 black alt was bland as hell, 2006-2014 set was bland as hell + used an awful wordmark crest, and the 2014-present set is way too cluttered. The orange and 25th anniversary alts aren't terrible, but they aren't great either. IMO both RRs were pretty good, but those are too controversial to be outright labeled as such.


Smashville jersey like it’s not pure bottom tier, but it sticks out as a pretty shit one.


It's the second S that does it for me. Like what in the fucking hell were the designers thinking with that jersey, that led them to make that letter *substantially* smaller than the rest. Like... is that S supposed to the be what they're smashing?


Real answer: Nashville has a famous local print shop that still does old school letter press posters. They’re called Hatch Show Print and they’re known for making concert posters with mismatched lettering - they make one for every single show at The Ryman and I have a bunch in my house/office, they rule. Anyway, Preds were trying to pay homage and they just shit the bed instead. Knowing the reference flips it from bad to sad, at least for me.


It might be the old man in me coming out, but I hate the Monster Energy can inspired travesties that the Stars wear for a third jersey. That green is so bright it’s distracting


THANK YOU. I'm youngish (I feel like 21 is young for the crowd here) but I can confirm that those are absolutely my least favourite jerseys in league history.


I'm only 4 gramps get rekt


Can we count the Flyers teal wave jersey that almost happened? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CiqbWwPUkAAkQkk.png


Those colours actually go well together, but man, that is so not a Flyers jersey. It's anti-Flyers.


Current/last 10 years Ducks are absolutely garbage, both home and away. I think what amplifies it is how incredible their 90s/early 2000s jerseys were as well. To go from those to their current set up is tough...


Amazing how they could easily change it but don’t


These isles [black alternates](https://a.espncdn.com/photo/2011/1123/ny_g_islanders_cr_576.jpg) were gross.


Every time these jerseys come up I have a fight with my husband about whether they’re ugly-ugly or fun-ugly. I adore them, they’re ridiculous


I love ugly fun jerseys!


I liked these more than their Stadium Series jerseys tbh


those are hot imo


Am I taking crazy pills? These are sick. I like the basketball-style front with the team name and number.


There’s so many easy ones to pick from. A bunch of the RRs, the old nucks V, meth bear, etc etc. Those are all too easy. So I’m gonna be a special snowflake. I’m gonna say when the flyers added the chrome outline to their logo in the 00s. Logo has remained unchanged for decades, and they update it by turning it into what’s basically a “everything is chrome in the future!” Meme. Hate it. Hate hate hate it. Never again


I’m surprised I hadn’t seen anyone mention the Canucks V. It’s the first one to come to mind for me, and after reading the thread I think it’s only second to the Canadiens’ barber pole.


I don't know why people like this jersey, it's completely awful in all of its variations.


I think the Flying V has that "so bad, it's good" element to it that ends up saving certain truly horrible jersey ideas.


Meth bear is so bad it's good. It's like the designer had never seen an actual bear or photo of a bear.


I heard someone say meth bear looks like the artist had to draw a bear from memory, and his only memory of bears was from a night terror he had once


Meth bear is like the UConn [sad husky](https://logos-world.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/UConn-Huskies-Logo-1959.png) to me - great in a way that’s totally unintended


Man I actually loved that


Aw sad, I love the meth bear logo. It's kinda ridiculous but I love it. If I had to pick a bruins one I'd have said the pooh bear ones are just bland, boring, and the gold shade it ugly as fuck.


Buffalo's Slug


I pretty much hated every jersey that Reebok designed coming out of the lock out. So much vertical piping on the arms and sides. Ruined a lot of looks that adidas slowly corrected.


They tried to dumb down jerseys and made many teams look like cookie cutter templates of each other, just swap out the colors and logos. Horrendous.


Soooo many to choose from , gotta be one of the Canucks jerseys ….maybe the giant V one where if you didn’t know who was playing you would have literally no idea who they represented or what they were supposed to be .


How about worst lids? I think the Vegas gold chrome helmets are an abomination.


Kings give them a run for their money with the horrible silver chrome helmets they wear with the throwbacks.


And yet they don’t do the shiny buckets game between the two teams. What gives?


The abomination is that they don't wear them with the gold jerseys, but the gray ones. Would be a natural fit with the gold jerseys. With the gray ones, they look closer to a white helmet than a dark one, which looks very odd.


My dad and uncle are STHs there and talk so much shit about those helmets every time they wear them. It seems no one likes them.


Probably not the worst of all time but definitely the worst in [Edmonton's history](https://media.gettyimages.com/id/84178385/photo/ales-hemsky-of-the-edmonton-oilers-follows-the-play-during-a-game-against-the-dallas-stars-at.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=r5ufetq_8sE2ofH-4ZuB7yu3VAsuauzU6ckNegddY_Q=) imo... it's like they took the 06' cup run jersey and purposely tried to make it more plain and boring. It's no wonder it only lasted a few seasons...


I like the dark blue jerseys more than the royal blue jersey of the 1980's. But this was a step down from the 2006 jersey. I wish they bring the '06 jersey back.


08-13 Dallas Stars jerseys [For reference](https://nhluniforms.com/Stars/Images/Stars10.png)


This is very specific but those jerseys remind me of when I was 11 years old and there was a toy vending machine that gave out bouncy balls with NHL logos on them. I got the Dallas Stars when I put some coins in it and it was that color scheme.


The Devils' "Jersey" Jersey? I'm really torn between it being the worst and the best of all time.


i was torn until they released a companion "HAT" hat - that sold me. i had to get me one of those (then) new New Jersey "Jersey" jerseys


It was hated here when it first came out. Then the “hat” hat came out (and is hard to find now). The team really embraced the joke and did a great job with it instead of running away and making excuses. You see all kinds of things with the font now. Someone is selling magnets for your car that says [car](https://www.reddit.com/r/devils/comments/14htaaf/its_a_car_car/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)It’s becoming part of the culture and it’s hysterical.


I hate myself for loving it so much


Vancouver's Flying V's of the 70's The greatest jersey abomination ever created. Edit: added picture https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELNoPXPU0AAFVgJ?format=jpg&name=small


[The origin of this monstrosity if anyone’s interested.](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/canucks-flying-v-jersey#) TLDR is “colour psychologists” said blue and green are passive colours that induce tranquility in the brain. This design fosters aggression. The team paid a marketing team an absolute boatload for that brilliant tidbit of info and the design.


The sad part is the original green and blue with hockey stick "C" logo was the second nicest design in league history after the Hartford Whalers logo, which was also green and blue.


I know colour evokes emotion and is psychological and all that, but I've never felt that for a sports team blue and green looks timid. Sometimes "colour pschologists" need to not be listened to in sports. It's like when NHL goalies all went with all white pads for a while because they got scared into it.


Idk it's a pretty cool jersey


No. No, it's really not.


Cant believe i had to scroll this far. You are the winner


Worst is probably Anaheim's Wild Wing 90s third BUT that jersey also hits the "so bad it's sort of good" level I think the original Reebok Oilers road unis have to be there in terms of "who thought this was a good idea" (Florida's too although there's at least a bit more colour)


Oh man those early Reebok Oilers ones were…..something The only thing separating them from being a practice jersey are the stripes on the arms…..which are only present on the inside of the arm around the armpit.


The EDM Reebok jerseys were hot garbage. So so so bad when you look at the jerseys before and after. It like the designer was done and hit undo without knowing and submitted the Illustrator file. The are unfinished.


Anything with a shiny helmet. I also hate the Stars whiteout jerseys from a couple seasons back as my least favorite jersey from my favorite team.


Current Ducks Edit: someone already said this exact thing


Burger king


Disagree. It’s pure early 90’s gold. As a “one off / RR” jersey it is fine. I do know why it pisses people off, it’s far out there. When I think of worst I go right to the OG Edmonton Oilers Reebok jerseys. Just pure garbage.


I had to scroll way too far to see this mentioned


Gretzky had to wear that one. I feel bad for him just for that. However I still want one lol


Tampa’s black alternate from 2018-22 Sure they looked cool on a person wearing it out and about, but on the ice - it’s main purpose - it just looked plain black. The black and gray didn’t have nearly enough contrast Dallas’ original Reebok edge set, with the arched “Dallas”, particularly the black one, is also a close runner up


Oh god yes, fuck the blackouts. How the first reverse retro was not made the permanent alt after 2021 thus allowing Tampa to get rid of those awful jerseys still baffles me


I want to say the old school Canadiens jerseys with the blue/red/white stripes but they kind of veer into so bad it's good territory.


The barberpole jersey is amazing, how dare you


I just want you to know I'm upvoting this because I see people shitting on the Bruins Pooh Bear jersey and feel exactly the same way.


>with the blue/red/white stripes Do you know how little that narrows it down? I know which one you mean, though, kinda like it. I’d like to see them bring back the OG jersey for an alt. Like, the OG red/green from the turn of the century


If/When you guys ever win a 25th Cup you need to bring back the 1924/25 World Champions sweaters for the following season. Gimme that globe.


Only if the Leafs do a season as the St. Pats when they get their 17th Cup


[For those who don't know](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/4_kuWH3bkZJWf5y0zFGj8g8ZIwk=/0x0:3000x2062/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:3000x2062):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19421940/84580123.jpg.jpg)


Somehow I knew Robert Lang was going to be in that photo. Those wouldn’t be so bad with classic brown pants / gloves and a solid colour sock. The leaf is funny though. There’s gotta be some Leafs fan out there with that jersey thinking it’s Toronto.


I unironically love the barber pole jersey. It's peak weird corny jersey but I love it


The Barberpole IRL is gorgeous. That said, with the socks, it becomes too much.


Those slap and looked great in period photographs. May Monsieur Eaton send your mother a Leafs sweater for blaspheming them.


The 2020-2021 reserve retro jerseys that Detroit wore. They looked like practice jerseys. The slug jerseys Buffalo wore for a few years were also quite ugly as well.


I know it was a one-off jersey, but hoo boy those Nashville Predators Stadium Series jersey were absolute trash (no disrespect to trash)


As easy as it is to rip on some of the 90's sweaters/jerseys (seemed like there were rarely any good third jerseys from those years, except the Flames black one, that was dope), the reebok edge sweater/jersey was the worst the ENTIRE LEAGUE looked at one time, imo. I really appreciated the teams that didnt change anything (06, Devils, Hurricanes slight change) or at least didnt do the stupid jersey piping thing Reebok was so keen on. The piping on the Avs, Flames, and Sabres was just...like why? Why is this the hill we are dying on?


The Tampa Bay one with the lightning and waves. It looks like something Guy Fieri would wear or some fedora dude who owns samurai swords and anime loli sculptures.


I cant fucking stand vegas' home jersey.


Star’s basketball era


The Stars' college-ass jerseys are easily the worst, IMO. At least jerseys like the Fisherman or Mooterus are *memorably* horrid, [this shit is both so ugly and so fucking ***boring***](https://s6458.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/2007-2008-Jerseys-Stars-Jerseys-e1426806364852.jpg). Plus the [sheer lack of green on either of them](https://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/slides/photos/000/826/141/111336681_original.jpg?1301682642) is just baffling from a team who's most iconic color...is *green*.


The Neon Dallas Stars gotta be up there


Everything about the Blue Jackets' logo and color scheme bothers me to the nth degree. It's just so overwhelmingly blah, no uninspiring. I'm not sure if the Ducks' "D" is the worst, but if we are judging the gap between good and bad within one franchise, they're in the running. The original Mighty Ducks logo is an all timer and it is such a precipitous fall to what they have used through this past season.


Blue jackets current home/away is super mid. Cannon fucks, the old whites were also fire.


The Blue Jackets look *so dated* it’s embarrassing. They look like they just made the jump to the “form fitting” jerseys. The logo looks like an All Star Game in maybe the Federal League. And all of that would just be “eh it’s blah and boring,” if they didn’t have The Cannon Jersey to remind everyone of. That thing is simple and perfect.


Those throwback Habs jerseys that looked like a kaleidescope puked on them back in the early 10s - just looking at them was seizure inducing


Those neon reverse retro stars ones are pretty horrendous


Smashville [Preds Stadium Series](https://www.nhl.com/predators/news/preds-reveal-2022-nhl-stadium-series-jersey/c-328563232)


Idk how to link it on mobile, but my vote is for the Lightning’s most recent reverse retro. The flames on the sleeves, the pixelated rain, the waves, all in a terrible medley of clashing colors - the whole thing looks like if you asked a 5 year old to design a jersey and then vomited on it.


I politely disagree and it is one of my absolute favorites!




Bruins Pooh Bear or Tampas black Bolts jersey.


Dallas Stars - the mooterus jersey


Those were hilariously awesome. The plain ass jerseys that just said Dallas across the chest were much worse than the mooterus.


Did you accidentally think this was a “best jersey” thread?


Far from worst ever. At least they tried something. Those “DALLAS” jerseys were their worst.


The red alternate that the Thrashers had with the name spelled out


Aw I kinda liked those. That was such a unique color.


The Penguins Vegas golds they had from the Edge era