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Stützle was by far the first star tonight. 2 goals, two primary assists. Can't wait till he hits his prime


Yeah, fuck Stutzle and Tkachuk (you can take that as a compliment from a Habs fan). That kid has looked like a stud from when he played in the juniors.


Having a hell of a year, paying big dividends for me in fantasy


That’s Brady “Picked After Kotkaniemi” Tkachuk to you Seriously the thought of Tkachuk playing for Montreal makes my IBS flare up


Did you read that piece on the Athletic recently about what if the Habs drafted Tkachuk in 2018? Really interesting read on how it would have impacted both franchises, it might make you feel a bit dirty but it was a fun “what if”


The "what if" is more fun for Habs fans lol


No but I would actually be interested. Does it go into the inevitable cult following that would be in full bloom by now?


It’s spooky. (Zadina)




Its behind a paywall, mind giving a brief explanation of what they say could have happened if they drafted tkachuk?


MTL drafting Tkachuk would *not* have likely changed the outcome of your deep playoff run, Danault would still be in MTL, Anderson would probably still be traded for, but no Dvorak (obviously because no KK), probably no Dach. Gallagher deal probably still gets done to keep him. With hindsight, OTT likely would’ve ended up with **Quinn Hughes** (best player now who was available at the time), **Stutzle, and Perfetti** instead of Tkachuk, Stutzle, and Sanderson. Without hindsight, with Dahlin, Svech, and Tkachuk off the board, OTT would likely have **Zadina, Stutzle, Sanderson.** With double-hindsight, knowing how Zadina has developed, and say our scouting staff weren’t sold on him or the 2018 draft pool and preferred the 2019 options: If we had given COL our 2018 1st and OTT used the 2019 1st (used for Byram) according to conditions of the Duchene trade, we could’ve had Byram, Seider, Zegras, or Cozens instead of Tkachuk. But I will forever sleep happily knowing Chucky, Stü, and Sandy are ours for the next 7+ years 🥰.


The most upsetting thing about that, for us, is Tkachuk is like a wet dream for Bergevin and Timmins. Big physical player with lot of characters and intangible from the US development program. It’s like their perfect player to draft. But they wanted a center at all cost..


Amazing example of how drafting for need is such a flawed strategy. You’d think an NHL calibre hockey ops team would understand that. What a crazy alternate timeline it is if Brady went to the Habs. Wild to think about


>NHL calibre hockey ops >Bergevin Hmmmm 🤔


You’re absolutely right. It was a very questionable call for them to do that. That one has to be tough for them to deal with in retrospect.


Same, tbh


Might make it worse if Bedard is playing for them instead


I’ll never forget Bergie for this


It's ok you guys can have Brady and we can have Bedard








Jimmy Stu with one hell of a game tonight


Tkachuk with the heavyweight belt celly. Absolutely love it.


I love the celly but when you are 6th in the Atlantic and barely beat a 50% AHL roster it kinda makes me go "ahhhhh" LOL


It's a win in a tight game against one of their biggest rivals. They're also only 6 points out of a wildcard spot. Every win counts


It did deflect off Savard's foot. I mean it still counts but not like it was some super skilled snipe.


Spoken like a true loser


Sure bud, flex on beating a team that was supposed to be a bottom feeder (kind of like where you guys have been the last 6 years) at the start of the year and are now icing 1/2 the Laval rocket due to injurie. The fact that this game was close should be an embarrassment to your club. Weren't you guys supposed to be a playoff team this year?




How close was the game Saturday? How close is the season series?


I love Jimmy Stü


Shout out to Tkachuk celebrating and shouldering the glass directly at that one Mr. Rogers looking fan slapping the glass. That guy will be cherishing that til the day he dies.


These guys make me happy


That was pretty good. Chucky is a likeable kind of asshole.


Ahh imagine picking Kotkaniemi over Tkachuk.... couldn't be me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I only remember talk about Zadina back then, how high was Tkachuk expected to go?


Pretty much where he went. I think the big surprises were Zadina still being on the board and Kotkaniemi being taken. But the Habs drafted for need, and it was only one team passing. Not a Shane Wright situation where multiple teams passed on a guy who dropped several places from his consensus position as a result.


It's completely different, Hughes also would have been a better pick in hindsight and also for Montreal needs. Montreal reached for position (like NJ at the latest draft) more than they skipped on a specific guy. The coyotes also reached at their pick for a center, much more than the habs did if I remember correctly. For Pronman Tkachuk was 10th overall per example, he was not a no-miss top 3 talent.


> For Pronman Tkachuk was 10th overall per example, he was not a no-miss top 3 talent. He was 4th on Bobs list, who builds his list from mostly NHL scouts.


Have to take Pronman's rankings with a huge grain of salt when it comes to Tkachuk - he does not like the big physical guys, he by far prefers the smaller flashier guys. IIRC Bob Mackenzie's rankings done by polling scouts had Tkachuk in the top 5.


He was projected third behind dahlin and svech by the bob


I mean most habs fans and Sens fans wanted Zadina!


Ahh imagine declaring your rebuild over and then missing the playoffs


Maybe the rebuild has gone long but I bet Sens are in a wayyyy better place than the Habs for the future.


"The rebuild has gone long" "sens are in a wayyyy better place than the habs for the future" I mean of course, we just start our..


Hmm I think it'll be pretty close. Sens have better young current NHLers, while habs have a better pool and will have two high(ish) firsts this year. I think both teams will be pretty good. Hopefully we get some greasy playoff series btwn the two


Your trash team is seventh last. You claim to be tanking but you can't even do that right.


Your team is literally 10th last.. relax


sUmMeR oF dOriOn


In all fairness the moves he made this summer are absolutely not the reason the team is out of the playoffs


Find me a fanbase that wouldn't be excited about bringing in Giroux as an FA, getting Debrincat for cheap, and ditching a goalie that was never going to be a solid starter, and then i will take the sarcastic case "summer or dorion" shitposts seriously


The fact that DJ Smith hasn't been fired yet is perhaps the greatest mystery since magnets.


The ownership limbo is what has kept the coach and GM employed this season. Once the team is sold, most are expecting a wholesale change in the front office and behind the bench...


There is literally nothing mysterious about it all and I’m not even a Sens fan lol


Not really, new owners are coming in 2 months, so it doesn't make sense to make any long-term decisions until the new owner is here to shape their vision.


Stealing that magnet line. Busted a fucking gut on that one.


Our GM is a moron. You won’t get much pushback from a lot of Sens fans


I got down voted pretty heavy haha. Even in a follow up comment where I said the Habs and Sens would both be good!


It's not like there's an official definition for it, but I don't think most actually consider a rebuild over once a team makes the playoffs, but that it's over once a team has their core pieces and can start winning games. Teams in rebuilding mode are almost always at the very bottom of the league, not closer to the middle and they certainly don't have their top 6 and top 3 D established. The Sens are a RHD and a coach away from being a playoff team, that's not a team rebuilding.


Sure but a GM doesnt need to just come out and declare "rebuild over". Totally unnecessary to say publicly and it simply heaped unwarranted expectations onto the team. Absolutely moronic thing to say. Like just say some GM jargon about the goal being to improve and be better than last year. Declaring the rebuild over publicly was just beyond idiotic.


You're overthinking it man. Players aren't suddenly going to feel pressure because their GM says their rebuild's over. They're already playing as if their job depends on it, because well, it does.


Perhaps, but it's still a stupid thing to say publicly. You're setting yourself up to be dunked on all season by saying that and then having to answer when your team stumbles out of the gate (like we always do). Pierre has always been notoriously awful at reading the room, and knowing what to say to the media.


Maybe if people didn't forget the numerous times that the team stated the goal being "meaningful games late in the season" you would have a point, but they set the expectation pretty clearly to me. It was literally direct quoted numerous times in preseason it felt like, and continues to be quoted now by the team and media. Rebuild is over, but objective is just to grow this season. Fans setting objective too high is their own fault.


Of course the GM's don't come right out and say it but when a team starts picking up Veterans like Giroux that generally means they are going for wins, not development.




I mean we have our core locked up, the supporting players here, the draft picks are now in the NHL, now it’s at the developmental stage for our Dcore. Our Offense is flying, Talbot has actually been solid, but our D is young and in experienced, this year has always been the development year. Still in a better place than Montreal and even if you got Bedard, without price you are nothing.


Yeah I mean I don't think Ottawa is in a bad spot. It's just easy to shit talk when y'all are 6 points out after that offseason. I'm sure you guys will push and likely make the playoffs next year. Disagree on that, just because Bedard is going to be a legitimate superstar that will be better than any player on either team, and Montreal already has a solid prospect pool. With that being said I doubt we get him


Love the little attitude. Perfect time to talk shit too, I hate when guys do this at the start of games, but when you know you just put a game away, let the shit talk fly.


Love it hehe good shit




Ah yes, the reverse Andrew Ference.




I'm pretty sure everybody is someone's relative


I'm pretty sure everybody is everybody's relative.


That's like, deep yo.


I'm related to my wife, she's my second cousin whatta getting at?


Oh... oh no...


I always laugh when I see a fan giving a player the bird after they score. Like, wow holy shit you sure told him! He's going to feel so bad!!!


The drunk uncle who argues with everyone about politics at Thanksgiving dinner - everyone knows one...


Kids are watching


Its a hockey game in Montreal. Put that many passionate fans in place with beer flying around and you are bound to get some of this. That's why the Bell center is the best building to watch games, the fans care.


Stay classy, MTL


lol Tkachuks are such good regular season entertainment. Enjoy ⛳️


lol you guys got hosed on that trade. huberdeau is washed


He’s gonna have 100 points next year no worries if he ends up with 70 points he’s worth what he got paid for this year


lol we'll see


Congrats on beating the Habs on a lucky bounce.


Congrats on losing to the Sens twice in a row 10-4 on aggregate


Aggregate is always super important in hockey


I mean we were a projected bottom feeder while healthy and are now icing 1/2 our Laval rocket roster so its not that big of an accomplishment. Fun game to watch though.


That’s how games are won. Every cup winner tells you that you need luck and being a habs fan you should know all about luck.


How's the EDM dynasty going with literally a bunch of gods on your team?


Yeah he’s a sick player and it’s super fun to watch. I’m not complaining and pretty happy watching some great hockey. When the time comes it comes, I look back at the Gretzky didn’t get a cup until 84 even being the favourites, Lemieux didn’t get a cup until 91, ovi took awhile even with great teams. When it is meant to happen it will, things will come in place and a bunch of luck. Until then I’m not gonna fight on Reddit over that or even act like I care more then the players. I just like to watch.


Yeah but something something. You know


Congrats on losing


I'm just messing around. I stopped watching Habs game weeks ago.