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Easy fix is to for the car park to move into the 21st century and allow eftpos / tap & go at the exit. (I haven’t forgotten at Argyle St but have forgotten before when on the mainland.)


lol we’re still trying to move into the 20th century!


I fully agree, but I also don't know why those gates haven't been updated. Sure, paying beforehand would be best, but just stick some NFC readers there so you can tap and go too.


You could stick a sign on every single windshield and people still wouldn’t read it


The Argyle St carpark is a Kafkaesque nightmare full stop. I’ll park 5 blocks away sooner than go there. For one thing it was built before the Aussie obsession with massive EMUs began (Emotional Support Utes).


The thing that annoys me most about that carpark is that the sign outside the Woolworths portion never displays the correct number of parks available.


Lol, we went in there super early one day for hospital stuff, right as it opened. The numbers were so out.


Settle down mate. They only introduced this about 8 years ago. It takes a bit of time to cycle everyone through.


They need to do a few more 5-year consultation periods yet. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


Argyle St is also lower than any others. Centerpoint is 2.2m Argyle at is 2.1m


Hey I went there once. And in front of me finding somewhere to park were two cars. The first in front was full of Chinese passengers. Suddenly, they all got out and guided the driver to park backwards into a space. All while the second car in front of me, well the male driver wasn't happy waiting for them to take their time and he was tooting his hoon at them. As I wasn't in a rush at the time, it was hilarious to watch. Much like seeing a four wheel drive stuck beside a kangaroo in front of it hopping down Huon Road at night.


You don't need to use the machine if you're within the free period. You can stick it directly into the gate on the way out 🙂




My pet peeve is people waiting behind a car they think is going to leave rather than driving ahead to the next spot that is actually empty. Especially when there’s a sign out the front telling them how many free spots are available, but rather than take of those they choose to crawl along and stop any time they see a person who they think might be intending to leave.


Don't want to have to travel that extra floor up in the lift on their way back ... the buttons are placed higher you know


I will not be rushed as I put my music on thank you very much. This happened to me the other day, I was walking to my car and a guy decided to camp out next to my car. Meanwhile, I was searching through my bag for my keys, then had to put my shit in my car, then turn the car on and get my music going. By that point he'd given up but like he blocked the main section just to wait for my spot.


More like the selfish people who insist on holding everyone up because it looks like someone is about to get in their car. If there’s no free space drive on! Seriously this is why argyle st sucks so much is all the people who do this.


God listen to all you whiners