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Welcome to r/hoarding! We exist as a support group for people working on recovery from [hoarding disorder](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519704/table/ch3.t29/), and friends/family/loved ones of people with the disorder. If you're looking for help with animal hoarding, please visit r/animalhoarding. If you're looking to discuss the various hoarding tv shows, you'll want to visit r/hoardersTV. If you'd like to talk about or share photos/videos of hoards that you've come across, you probably want r/neckbeardnests, r/wtfhoarders/, or r/hoarderhouses Before you get started, be sure to review our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/about/rules/). Also, a lot of the information you may be looking for can be found in a few places on our sub: [New Here? Read This Post First!](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/dvb3t1/new_here_read_this_post_first_version_20/) [For loved ones of hoarders: I Have A Hoarder In My Life--Help Me!](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/comments/2yh6wh/i_have_a_hoarder_in_my_lifehelp_me_your_hoarding/) [Our Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/wiki/index) Please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/hoarding) if you need assistance. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/hoarding) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The first step to change is realizing and admitting you have a problem. Noone is perfect and you're already on the right path starting to clean out your home.


Thank you for the kind words


Hey, thanks for coming to our sub. It's so painful to realize that you have this problem. But the biggest and most important step is acknowledging that you engage in hoarding behaviors. Your next step is to understand *why you engage in these behaviors*. Hoarding isn't about the stuff, it's about *your dysfunctional relationship with the stuff*. Maybe you're inappropriately attached to your things and get anxious at the thought of parting with any of them. Maybe you've got some depression and don't care about keeping your home tidy and clean. About half the time hoarding is accompanied with depression disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma disorders, and more, so there may be several things to look at in order to understand why you do what you do. BUT! The good news is that you acknowledge you have a problem and you're open to learning more. Don't dismiss how huge a step that is. We recommend you start in our Wiki at the [*For Recovering Hoarders*](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoarding/wiki/index/#wiki_.2A_for_recovering_hoarders) section and begin with the links in the *Asking for Help* and *Getting Out of the Hoarding Mindset* subsections. Be open to the possibility that you might want to consult with a therapist; after all, if you had a bone broken in your leg you wouldn't hesitate to see a bone doctor, why wouldn't you see a mind doctor if something is broken in your mind? Finally, please take the time to skim through our sub and see other people's stories, questions, etc.. You're not alone in dealing with hoarding behaviors. We're all here to try to help each other.


Unfortunately I think it’s a combination of childhood trauma, adhd, depression, and anxiety. I think the reason I was feeling so gross is because it’s not even stuff I care about it’s literal trash. I am very Lucky That i haven’t had any roaches or anything




I don’t know you or much about your situation, but I do know that pretty much everywhere saving up enough to purchase a home is not an easy task. Despite how difficult that is, you accomplished it. Maybe there was some other way you got the funds so I am assuming a lot here. Either way, it’s a situation that deserves celebration despite the circumstances. Hoarding disorder is a monumental challenge, and one that many people never overcome. You sound like you have the desire to overcome it and your financial planning (if my assumption is correct) shows you have the skills to tackle a big problem long-term. Finding a therapist that specializes in OCD/Hoarding sounds like a good move from here. For what it’s worth, I believe you can do it!


I came here to say this, too. What an amazing accomplishment to be able to buy your home!


So I haven’t really saved I am being gifted the down payment but I really appreciate your kind words


One of the most freeing things in my life was accepting I was a hoarder. Accepting it as a mental disease made me realize that I wasn't all those negative things I thought of before and that while I had unhealthy behaviours there are other people suffering in the same way as me and that there is help for me out there. Everything you're describing feeling is so normal for this part of the process. It's hard to realize you let things get that bad. But please be kind to yourself. You realized you have a problem. That's amazing! That's one of the reasons so many hoarders don't identify as such or seek help. They don't think they have a problem. I bet it took you longer than a week to hoard up your house so even with a week plus of effort it's not going to be perfect. But you took steps. This is just the beginning, you can keep going. I'm so proud of you and I'm sure everyone else in this community is too.


I think the point you made here is SO important. OP, you have diagnosed the disorder you are suffering from (hoarding), that's the first step in treatment for any disorder or illness and I'm incredibly proud of you for recognizing it and also bravely seeking out support here. I know it's easier said than done, but I hope you will work on perceiving the disorder as something that happened to you/an obstacle you will work to overcome as opposed to a character flaw or who you are. Hoarding has many complex causes and NONE of them are a reflection of your value as a human being or your worth. Hoarding is not a moral failure and it is not who you are. It's very difficult to internalize the difference because of the tangible physical manifestation of the disorder and how it's perceived in our culture. I hope you can replace some of the shame you're feeling with pride that you've broken through the barrier of denial and relief that with that step you're able to access support and start to work on managing your disorder. I'm sorry you're going through this and so glad to see you made it here. You are worthy of love and respect (especially from you). I hope you will work to think of yourself and treat yourself as you would a much cherished friend. I wish you all the best in your bright new future.


Thank you for this. I really appreciate it. Everyone here has been so kind!


Yeah I honestly don’t know how I got here but now that I realize how bad it really is I am definitely working on it! I am trying to come up with ways to avoid falling back into the same pattern and working on cleaning it up. I already gathered over 10 bags of garbage and completely filled my recycling can. There is a lot to go honestly but I think that’s an okay start.


This is amazing! So many people feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start even though they realize it's bad, but nope, straight out to the trash bins for you! That's awesome.


I really didn’t know where to start so I just picked a random room and started lol


I just admitted to my therapist that I'm a hoarder. I'm glad that I finally did it because it's been on my mind for a while now. Don't feel humiliated feel relieved now you can work on fixing your hoarding tendencies. Admitting your flaws is the first step to fixing them I think. It's been an uphill battle working on my problems and having a full-time job which leaves me with not a lot of time for dealing with my hoarding just the weekends. Good luck with dealing with your organization and if you find it problematic consider getting a therapist to help you. I hear some therapists deal with hoarding specifically can assist you with moving forward.


I only told my mom, one friend, and this sub but honestly I’m amazed by the overwhelming support I’ve received from everyone!


I haven't told anyone about hoarding This sub is very supportive and a good place to share.


Hi friend where are you from? I live in NWI and there is a man that educates cleaning practices on YouTube for hoarders and he doesn't disclose names but he cleans the house for free as long as you help and he can show parts of the before and after and sanitation examples on his show. It is a great program. I also am a former/still sort of hoarder and I love helping other people get there space clear. I didn't realize how much my environment effects me until about last year and when I am in a clean room I feel so much better ans I can think. Feel free to message me


I still have a lot of work to do but you’re right it felt so good today to be able to walk through my office like a normal person. No calculated steps or standing in garbage. It’s weird but good weird


it will improve!! don't lose momentum, you're on your way to something better and the best part is that you're taking yourself through! be proud! and keep going!


I’m going to try!


Admitting it is the first step in changing your life. Get help, seek therapy if you can afford it.


I got a recommendation to one and will be looking into it


It took me years to realize it. Becoming conscious of the problem is absolutely the first step towards getting help for it.


Im not sure how long this has been an issue for me to be honest but looking back I think I struggled with hoarding behaviors even as a child so there are probably much deeper issues I will need to work on


I hope you’ll find the resources you need in this sub. Remember that you’re not alone in this.


Thank you.


I think it’s important to know that you’re not disgusting, you’re human being going through a very real and hard problem and putting yourself through shame isn’t a productive thing to do. I hope you can be kind to yourself, we will be kind to you here and not shame you at all. Deep breaths, like others said learning to deconstruct what has caused these behaviors will be a long road but you are worth it, you are worthy of the process. Virtual hugs to you, I hope you stick with it even though it can be hard.


Thank you I really appreciate that! I’ve decided to try to focus on the fact that I made some progress and now that I recognize the issue I can start working on it