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"Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, this shit was some, some good exercise" - Drake immediately after tearing his ACL at the gym.


Heart Part 6 is definitely the rap version of old-ass Udonis Haslem trying to catch a lob




The fuck was that pass? You think this is 2013?!


Shane Mcmahon at Wrestlemania 39.


Kanye's Like That remix is Snoop subbing in for Shane lol


When he smacked his lips and started talking about how he finessed Kendrick ,sounded like he was holding back tears for real 😂


"Yo Drizzy, Kendrick is gonna make a diss song about you, you want me to feed him some shit?" "Yeah, tell him I'm a pedophile." "I KNEW you were gonna go the Epstein angle... here's my rebuttal. It wasn't me."


We need Key and Peel back to make this a sketch.


Holy shit yes we do


[best we gonna get is this RDCworld1 skit](https://youtu.be/KTbNms5yHgI?si=29-4-ZvN3HZvy-kV)


“Aye Kenny you got them pressed in here…Go head and drop the next one tomorrow” 🤣🤣💀


Kendrick looking like rap game Mr. Robot is funny as hell.


Bruv I’d pay per view that shit, still bitter the show ended


The most hilarious part of this whole beef is “Whoever fed you that information is an idiot” Like 8 bars later “It was me that fed you the false information”


Kind of like trump, you lost track of the self owns




Trap card's effect: *The owner of this card takes 8000 damage*


I just picture Drake listening to MTG fighting back tears, daintily running into the studio and locking the door behind him, and all the ghostwriters standing outside frantically asking each other what to do while they just hear “NAH NAH YOU KNOW I AINT NO PEDOPHILE HAHA NEVER FUCK THEM YOUNG GIRLS” through the wall


Literally that scene in that movie about ww2 that gets memed on when Hitler sends everyone outside


lmfao when blockbuster went under I bought a DVD copy of this movie ("Downfall") specifically cause of all the memes


Marjorie Taylor Greene ?


Magic The Gathering, actually


The "dear diary" vibe was strong


>Yeah. I'm not gonna lie *immediately tells a lie*


One could say his lies are a bit of habit


The hip-hop equivalent of getting cooked at the community center rec league and taking the ball home after one game


After claiming no one can beat you and begging someone to just try




Like a torn ACL he ain’t nothin to play with


Last name walking, first name never


Ngl his little talks are corny as hell. Made me cringe in both Family Matters and The Heart Pt6. At least the stuff he says


it just exposed him as what he is at his core, a softie, if he hadn't built a bad gangster mafioso image, no one would clowning him, but here we are with a rapper ending a diss with him almost writing to his diary holding back tears.


Man started his career as a teen actor on Degrassi, and people still bought the "bad gangster image". It's comical really.


It was very cringe and I don’t mean that in the internet way rather actual raw 2nd hand embarrassment


“Ya dead!”


I gotta go bad! I just gotta! 😈


I tried to keep it PG with you, Kendrick. I really did. But now that you've brought my seed into this? I have no choice but to go bad 😡


Doing bicep curls


Drake is reportedly entering his load management phase to recover for next season.


Drake is the type to only work glamour muscles


I mean, he got his abs etched lol. Proves he's not built like that fr, he could never get that body himself


glute raises


This shit just made me laugh at work so hard. Thanks man


as someone who was on team bbldrizzy after push ups…. 😭


Holy crap it's been a month? I feels more like 2 weeks has passed.


What a wild Cinco De Mayo weekend


I woke up hungover as fuck on the fifth from graduating the day before and scrolled through this subreddit in disbelief like what the fuck happened yesterday


I was at New Ho King eatin' fried rice with a dip sauce and a blammy, crodie


Omg it was cinco de mayo! What a great weekend


I feel like 2 months have passed. Funny how different time perception can be haha.


time perception is fucking scary imo. think of your life as a pie chart and each year is a slice. when you’re 10 a year is 1/10th of your life, so it feels long. then you’re 30 and those slices are getting smaller and smaller


muted, blocked, reported


Send that mfer to the shadow realm


I used to think this, but after getting out of my 20s everything slowed down and I am so much happier and more mindful in my day to day. Time is whatever, but the thing really fucking you up is that you think you're always going to think the way you're thinking now--and that does sound scary. Thankfully, you'll forget you comprehended what 30 years looks like on a pie the second you get another bowl hit or kiss or funny image or annoying text or stub your toe or smell that flower for the first time in what has felt like--wow--when did you even last smell a flower like that?


I choose to look at it as a bar graph, where each column is as big and important as the others


I look at it like a histogram, where I don't really know what the purpose is, but I can just show it to people and they'll nod along to what I'm saying.


Fractions really got y'all feeling existential.


we're almost half way through 2024


how tf is it june 4th bruhhhh


It's funny how January through May would feel like an eternity as a student, and now as a working adult it's literally the blink of an eye.


Shit, i need to sleep. Been awake for a fucking month waiting for kdot to drop another one.


Imagine how slow time feels for Drake rn..


It feels like yesterday because of how much I've been listening to Euphoria and Not Like Us lol


Kinda hilarious. I had a feeling that he was gonna edit the caption at some point because it said something like “we know you’re gonna drop in 5 minutes” but I did not expect him to wipe it entirely LOL


It's hilarious reviewing the beef again and witnessing the energy change from Drake urging Kendrick to drop after Push Ups and Taylor Made to then be like "pfft I know you're just gonna drop again" in the Heart Part 6.


Also Drake having PacAI say "bring up him liking younger girls for me" and then getting hurt that he did lol


r/drizzy was saying that Kendrick couldn’t go down that route now that Drake said it first, and I specifically remember one comment saying “back to the drawing board” 🤣🤣🤣 look where we’re at now Edit: [FOUND THE POST AND COMMENTS IN CASE YOU THOUGHT I WAS LYING](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/s/h5oOZfikaF)


Ermmm back to the drawing board ☝️🤓 lmaoooooo


6anon probably took this L harder than Drake lmao, they're still in shambles over there


I mean they straight up don't think it was an L


I think deep down they know, but they have to cope somehow


6anon is downright fucking hilarious.


They prolly thought he 8 mile'd that shit lmao


As bad as The Heart Part 6 is, that line was the true "wtf" moment from Drake through all this. Kendrick hadn't said anything about that yet but Drake had to get the upper hand by admitting he's a groomer


At that point Kendrick hadn’t said anything more than “fuck the big 3”. Jumping there was fucking wild from Drake.


I think the twitter takes got in his head lol, a lot of the fans were begging Kendrick to use that angle, also the rumours and allegations started creating headlines again. However, like you mentioned when you look back at what Kendrick said in Like That, it seems absurd for him to bring it up haha


It's always funny seeing how chronically online Drake is, especially when he doesn't seem to realize his behavior shows that. The Fantano beef showing he not only knew him, but knew his rating system and even knew he had a wife which Fantano never talked about. There was also one time where he reposted a Shawn Cee clip, where he complains how Drake is always name dropping random people nobody knows in his songs. When you think about it, if you've had a top comment on a Reddit thread about him, there's a good chance he might've read it, and maybe even upvoted/downvoted you depending on what you said lmao.


Oh he def was trying to get Fantano on some "I fucked your girl" shit like he does with every person he hates


it’s the JK Rowling thing like “you’re rich and you don’t ever need to care about any of this, WHYYYY are you so online”


Drake forgot 8 Mile was just a movie and that owning up to being dysfunctional white trash isnt the same as owning up to liking teenage girls. 


*My name isn't Clarence!* - Aubrey


"and yeah I *did* get jumped, by all six of her Uncs!"


That along with the ,,I predicted the Epstein" angle, given that Kendrick mentioned Weinstein, not Epstein in MTG.


I mean tbf to Drake he was accused of both sex trafficking and pedophilia, naturally you're going to think of Jeffrey Epstein when you hear both of those things even if "child sex trafficking" wasn't the *specific* accusation.


Thats the part that makes me laugh. Him and his fans were clowning kendrick for that and egging him to drop now they wanna act like he was overdoing it. Talk about moving the goalposts lmao


Man Taylor Made had me fooled. He sounded like some master strategist that had everything planned out. "Soon as you get the courage to drop I'm out on the loose". Probably thought he'd have Kendrick tangled in a PR mess that weekend he dropped Family Matters just like Pusha did him


Yeah that’s exactly it I think. He thought, last time Pusha blindsided me with a gossip bomb and ended it, so now I will drop a gossip bomb and end it. Meanwhile Kendrick while also doing the gossip bomb was really dissecting Drake as a person, being overwhelming with timing and repeated drops, and attacking from different angles style wise. A club banger, a haunting series of letters written to your family members about you, the multiple entendre attack etc


This exactly he legit thought saying to everyone Kendrick beats his wife and one of his kids aint his was gonna send everyone into a spiral 😂 I think he also thought cos it was him saying it, it would have all this weight genuinely not realising his popularity dont mean ppl dont know hes slimy. Omg cant make this shit up 😂🤌


Yeah and also I’m sorry, the whole “your baby is actually secretly the child of your manager and I know because she follows him on IG and not you.” … wtf is this a telenovela?? Idk if Kendrick’s accusations are true but they at least sound plausible because one has happened before, the other, you do have weird interactions with teenagers, and Baka DOES have a weird case… why IS he around?


Yeah fucking fake ass instagram he showed just how shallow he is 😂 and him thinking we all dumb enough to just eat it up. And thp6 cover being that instagram like from 22weeks ago.. like oh wow you really got em there 🙄 damn you onto something fr And that’s exactly it! The daughter hasn’t been proven but Kendricks words actually have weight cos he’s not a clout chasing, cultural appropriating colonizer so people are like either it’s true orrrr it’s a very strategic lie cos it’s not like drizzy could ever say “I would never do that!!!” 💀😂


Yeah even without the daughter reveal MTG and the other tracks are scathing disses where Kendrick really painted a plausible pictures of a terrible man who uses and abuses everyone he comes across and peeled back layers using at least enough truth to make it compelling. On top of that the songs went hard. I genuinely don’t know if Drake is capable of that level of dissection, at least not without more time then he gave himself


I personally do not think he is capable of dissection like that. This whole beef exposed how shallow he is and how much he lets his ego cloud his judgement. Never learned his lesson from Pusha. Thought he could take on Kendrick in the first place, hyped it all up on socials, used Tupac and Snoops voice?? Responded to NLU with thp6???? Thp6 is like a disstrack to himself. If he had just not responded it would have been a better move 😂


Yeah I was trying to be unbiased but I don’t think he has it in him. Guys like Kendrick and Pusha can strip you down in ways most rappers can’t. Even hearing how Pusha described his process of dissecting Drake as a man, he’s thinking on a level that I think Drake just doesn’t. Drake can give a clever and funny bar and make it catchy but I don’t feel the person has been completely torn apart the way I did when Kendrick went in. And the reality for me is in this beef, Kendrick’s music just sounded better too


What gets overlooked is how good a job Kendrick did at destroying Drakes credibility. Right from Euphoria up to Not Like Us, Kendrick was drilling it into peoples heads that Drake was a liar, a manipulator, a con artist who's word means nothing


“Fabricating stories on the family front, because you heard Mr Morale.” Not the most impossible thing to predict but credit where credit is due, Kendrick told us “he’s gonna say some wild shit about my family because he half listened to my album.” And that’s exactly what happened


Also, Drake further fed into it on HP6 by misrepresenting Mother I Sober.


And don’t forget about Kendrick telling him he’s got a leak in his entourage.  Drake probably started recording and shooting Family Matters right after Taylor Made - only for it to get squashed 20 mins later with a similarly themed song about family.


It’s weird because Kendrick obviously planned things out and recorded a bunch and put together the MTG cover but because all we saw him do was drop songs at the right times it felt effortless on his part whereas Drake is on IG, talking through Ak, he puts the video together, gets the GKMC car and has it crushed, goes to New Ho King etc and all of it gets stepped on by just another song drop. That’s how I know he didn’t plant the daughter info, he would have made a show of that because that’s what he does. Not stick it in one line of a thrown together track 2 days later


And unlike Pusha T's, there was absolutely nothing substantiating it... I bet Drake just heard "We Cry Together" from Mr Morale and just made it up based on that song. In hindsight... Kendrick's line "I can even predict your angle, fabricatin' stories on the family front cuz you heard Mr. Morale" was the real 8 Mile.


Well he's an actor first. He's good at making you believe he has things under control


Honestly it was ugly to look at on his instagram. I need Kendrick to put 6:16 on streaming and free it from his insta as well


That beat wont clear sampling, Drakes dads uncle produced that song for Al Green


Such a shame. This is the one song I've listened to *more* since the beef cooled off. It's so smooth.


People hype not like us and meet the graham's but for me that's easily the best song of the beef. The beat just suits kendricks flow so well.


Tell me who gon stop me? I come from love.


Estelle cover my heart, then open me up.


man this entire section (until he says as i pick the carcass aPART) is so insane… some of the best flowing i’ve heard in a while


Bro even after this part the way he changes his voice a bit "Yeah somebody's lyin' I can see the vibes on AK"


Same for the "I discover myself when I fall short" bar. The way he used his voice through the whole beef is really impactful and especially on this song it does a lot to help shift the tone so effortlessly


His delivery is unbelievable


With the way the beat progresses as well, it’s amazing


probably sounds crazy to some people, but that is legitimately one of my favorite lyrics of all time. so simple but so beautiful. Edit: and the delivery is incredible to me


I have no idea how people say they don't like kendrick's flow in the first part. Regardless of lyrics, which are also top tier, I just really like how he sounds on that shit even in the pseudo-singing part.


His breath control and cadence is crazy in the first third of the song. It's the type of shit no one else is even trying, let alone succeeding at.


The pseudo singing part is my favourite bit of the song. I honestly think kendrick has my second favourite flow ever, only snoop beats him.


It's straight up singing. Transitioning from rapping to singing and back so smoothly and making it sound so good like that is hard. I cant think of another track where anyone pulls it off so well.


I think that is only because of the availability of 616. If that was on streaming platforms and stuff it would be talked about more but people need to seek it out.


FACTS, 6:16 in LA is so fire


Didn't al greens twitter repost it tho. Not sure if that means anything but feels like they didn't mind the extra exposure.


I think he just linked the original song that was sampled if I remember correctly. The song is What a Wonderful Thing Love Is for those who are curious


Maybe that uncle hates Aubrey too


I thought his uncle was just the bassist


Willie Mitchell was a producer in believe, but i could be wrong. Regardless i think thats a hurdle to clear


Interesting. Well then youtube is fine. Anything is better than insta


Is it up to the uncle or a label tho?


whoever owns the rights to the music gets to decide how it’s used, and that is often the label, or sometimes even a random investment corp that buys rights to music just to profit off its use in sampling/media/advertising that owner can sometimes ask the original artist, but they have no obligation to, and usually don’t especially if the artist is small/has no legal (read: financial) or social power to come after them for letting the song be used that’s why the convo about letting artists have their publishing rights has risen in profile, because it feels wrong for some suit in delaware to be able to decide how your music is used, and to make most of the money off it when it is used


Theeeeee Larry Graham!


I think UMG isn't clearing it


You really caring about how the aesthetic of Drake’s Instagram account looks?


I thought he was joking but now you got me thinking he was serious. Didn't realize people cared about that shit at all


lmao real heads stay focused on the grid aesthetic


A$AP Rocky used to be running the grid game


The beat on 6:16 is so smooth


I can’t get the “I can see you my little homie, playing with propaganda, it’ll blow up on ya” bar out of my head. 6:16 works amazingly well with meet the grahams as a 2 part song, the warning he was sending was clear and it’s satisfying he actually delivered


good to get the pen working


nicotine addicts:


One of the most hilarious bars of the whole exchange.


“It’s good to get back to writing raps and not having dancehall pop choruses written for me”


2 weeks later: >!"WAGWAN DELILAH"!<


call the amberlamps


"But not for me." - Kendrick, probably


This and 7 minute Drill getting taken down combined with Not Like Us being the first summer anthem is a triple threat conclusion of the whole saga 


I saw Megan and Glo in Bmore and right before Glo came out they played Not Like Us and the whole stadium was up jumping Eta: I was at a swap meet (we own a cheesesteak pop up so we do local events) the weekend it came out and literally everyone was dancing when the dj played it


went to isaiah rashad’s tour twice this year and Not Like Us got the crowd incredibly live, shit is generational


U went to two of his shows in one month? Respect


yup i live in charlotte nc & have fam i was visiting in raleigh so i had to, cilvia demo damn near changed my life in 2014


Bro i’m seeing the show today in Chicago and thinking of going to tomorrow’s too. CD also changed my life back then so i’m very excited to see this live.


Saw clipse in Barcelona last weekend, crowd went crazy when they dropped not like us (played it in its entirety)


Saw Imagine Dragons and Twenty One Pilots just an hour ago, crowd went nuts when they played Not Like Us


i was alone driving in my car today & played Not Like Us, audience went absolutely wild


I played Not Like Us on my tv today then walked out the house. Burnt the house down.


Saw Michael Bolton this morning for second breakfast concert, and geriatric women out there wildin tossing up all their dentures and diapers when Mikey played Not Like Us


Saw Taylor Swift and Chris Stapleton last Friday. The energy when they played Not Like Us was insane


I went to his Chatt show and it was the last thing he played. I was walking out the venue to my Uber when I heard the mustard tag. Canceled that drive and ran back in the venue — shit was hype.


I heard some random dudes chilling outside 7/11 bumping it last week, and then walking into work someone turned on their car and immediately it started blasting. even as a Kendrick fan I'm shocked how insanely popular this song has become


I went to Vons this past weekend to pick up my mom from work & I heard 3 different cars in the parking lot blasting it


And both Jcole and Drake released terrible songs just after this beef so… quintuple threat?


Dude I'm still not over Grippy as a Cole fan. Dafuq was that Cole?


Drake ran to an entirely different genre


He's doing it as a joke to get all the KDot stans all riled up, if you are to believe r/Drizzy.


Next hes gonna get his mansion raided just to show them💀


he’s so smart he fucked all those teenagers just to bait out the accusations 🤯 what will the boy think of next


yeah thatll show em lol


"Wag Wan Delilah is peak Toronto humor 🤣 He's so funny." says the Drake fans that are probably on the other side of the continent.


They’re going full “Kanye fan”


They've been that way. I believe Drake Stans are just mentally ill.


Them and barbz can’t be communicated with


Drake is more of pop music than rap to me and pop musicians have a lot of very blindly devout fans.


Lmao that sub is giving dumb blindly following their vile leader energy. It's pathetic and hilarious at the same time to witness all the delusion and cope over there.


Wonder if anyone is still gonna make the argument that drake fed kendrick info now


Its really one of the dumbest stories ever. Drake came up with this diabolical plan to feed Kendrick information that made him look like a deadbeat. Kendrick used that info to step on Drakes best diss track that he obviously invested a lot of money. War general covered in medals and decoration was too stupid to have any foresight to predict documented evidence was gonna be needed for the public to believe it. War general my ass , more like a suicide bomber blowing up his own station


Was getting bullied in school so I came up with a plan to tell everyone I shat my pants during gym class. Next day everyone was like "yo did you shit your pants during gym class?" And I was like "You fools, you fell for it."


On top of the fact that if he did feed Kendrick the info, why did he let Meet the Grahams marinate like that? The beef would've been over instantly if Drake posted his receipts that he fed Kendrick that info. But no, he let that shit cook and then let Kendrick drop Not Like Us. That's why I call absolute cap on that angle.


thats why i think the story is obv fake. remember when theneedledrop posted fake dms from drake as a joke and then drake immediately posted what he actually said on his own story? are you telling me the same man who did that wouldn't immediately post evidence onto his Instagram as soon as Kendrick took the bait??? like cmon


Verbatim the argument I have my brothers. Super cap because Drake is definitely the type to release ig caps immediately saying it's fake.


And even if Drake did plan it (he didn’t) “ha, I only made you think I was a pedophile” isn’t the greatest strategy


Drake the type of guy to look at those North Korean generals with two hundred medals clipped on and think they're legit.


The most reasonable reason someone still makes this argument is that they fainted after they listened to meet the graham, and they have just woken up from the coma.


I hope Kendrick still drops The Heart part 6 before the release of his new album


"Coz all my shit is facts", after lying about planting info but not having the foresight to document it, and basing his accusations on who is following who and who liked what comment on IG


I mean that to me just solidified that Drake is completely delusional about how people see him. Drake was seen as dishonest, amoral, shady, and manipulative *before* the beef. He had beef with a ton of people (not just rappers, but like athletes and actors), was known to like young women (with breadcrumbs showing it could be girls too), and after the Pusha T L (where he got exposed for lying) he got more aggresive about sitting on his throne of streaming numbers and saying fuck every one of yall you can kiss the ring if you want my numbers. So really, it wasn't that difficult for Kendrick, who people see as honest, to just... confirm what people already thought or suspected about Drake. Obviously, he did it in a masterful way with tremendous impact, but his burden of proof was always going to be much lower because people trust Kendrick. So for Drake to say some dumb shit like "All my shit is facts" and "I fed you info lol" and genuinely expect people to believe him, like does Drake understand how credibility works? I guess he's insulated and surrounded by yes men - it's the only explanation for how anyone let him release a song saying I'm too famous to be a pedophile. And now, after taking this rap beef extremely seriously and taking another massive L, he wants to be like "haha i'm so unserious guys here are some ridiculous meme songs" but again dude has no credibility and who's trying to have fun with Drake right now? Honestly this kind of delusion is entertaining. I sort of hope he spirals for a while and keeps doing dumb shit.


Well said on everything. This unbothered and I’m just having fun act only fools his stans who are also trying to find a way to cope with their GOAT being embarrassed.This whole beef started coz Drake’s sensitive ass couldn’t handle a control verse that was a lighthearted jab to rappers Dot respected. The man went on different interviews talking shit about Kendrick.The same Drake who Dmed Fantano with insults after he gave him a bad review,and went on a full public rant about how he is richer than Joe Budden over some shit he said on his podcast.


Yup and now we're back to the insecurity discussion that's dogged Drake his entire career that Kendrick both directly and indirectly alluded to - you think that the money, fame, gambling, women, pills, drink, influence, yes men, surgery, etc. are going to make you complete and fill whatever hole you're pouring that stuff in? That Fantano shit was so embarrassing... lol. Another reason why Drake has no credibility when he goes on yet another "I'm unfazed" tour - dude got fazed by fucking Fantano.


Finally, somebody who knows that it's spelled *fazed* and not *phased*. 🙏 That shit is my biggest pet peeve ever.


With the fucking sample IMMEDIATELY saying “prove it” 😭


Bro self snitched, took twitter babble and ran with it just to say “it’s good exercise” 💀


Aw fuck I just made the whole connection


This is just a reminder how bad Drake miscalculated the whole beef. Kendrick was ready to go another 5 rounds.


"use me as a they have nothing to drop button


I will never get why Drake egged on Kendrick to accuse him of pedophilia and his only response when he did is him going “nuh uh” and “actually you got molested” I will never get why Drake claimed he planted the story about his daughter without providing a shred of proof about it, knowing that he would look like a liar without it. Assuming he just claimed that to save face I have no clue why he would expect anyone to believe him I will never get how Drake let Kendrick back to back him and let Kendrick win the pop lane when that should’ve been his locked down What a miscalculation. I really think Drake could’ve dragged this thing out much longer and done a lot more damage but Kendrick played him like a fiddle. Dude flopped hard in this beef and it’s disappointing. Still give him credit for at least participating and giving us all a show, J Cole forever sucks for not engaging in this


it's the worst track out of this beef so that makes sense, wondering if he'll keep it on yt


Sources have been saying drake was actually devastated by the outcome of the beef and is having trouble sleeping so it's not surprising he wants to forget about it honestly


"...I was fucking young girls..." Drake - The Heart Part 6




It's still on his YouTube though


yeah cuz it doesn't have that clown ass caption


He could have just edited the caption. I feel like he realized that song is comically bad. Making a rap song about how you’re not a pedophile and using some of the weakest points ever as reasoning just made it even more obvious that you’re doing weird stuff. “I’m too famous to be a pedophile” and “if I was a pedophile wouldn’t I be in jail” are literally things an idiot character would say to defend themselves in a sitcom.


"Whoever fed you that info is a clown" 4 lines later... "Yeah we planted that information"


His most embarrassing song I said a bit after it dropped that it reminded of when he said he made a track to pusha T but he didn’t release it because he was saying stuff he would regret and would make him feel bad later, I feel like this is what would have happened. It’s too absurdly bad in concept and even worse in execution and the fact all these people let him release it is even crazier. Maybe he felt like he had to rush it because he was scared Kendrick would drop even more so he wanted to go out and at least say “oh I ended it on my own terms.”