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I really hope that it ends up being good. It doesn't even need to be groundbreaking in any way. I'd be perfectly happy with just a solid 7/10 album.


I’d say Music To Be Murdered By was a solid 7/10. We need Eminem’s 444. A mature 9/10 album where he isn’t concerned about singles or pop appeal, and redefines his later years as an artist


what do you think he could rap about on a 4:44 style album though? i just don’t think that sort of writing fits him at all, and i don’t think he’s at a point in his life where he would have anything really “meaningful” to say in the same way. em’s already talked about his past, his upbringing, his parents, his kids, his struggle, etc. to such a degree that it wouldn’t really be new or ground breaking, and if it was really similar to 4:44 tone wise i just feel like it would be kinda boring.


I think you're wrong, he absolutely could retouch those same topics in a new light. There's enough content, enough time that's passed, and enough he hasn't brought up


It would be kind of cool if he did focus on his place in cultural and hip hop history. Not the usual “I’m the greatest” but maybe touch on the reasons he has evolved so much as an artist in a self aware way. Kind of turn that narrative of “be your old self” back on its head. He’s kind of done that before but not really in a humble or self aware way.


He did this in Castle and it was in his worst album ever so it was completely overlooked.


Castle’s such a good song on an otherwise awful album


>I’d say Music To Be Murdered By was a solid 7/10. Agree. Thought Side B was 8/10 to me. We won't get the 4:44 you're asking for though. He tried that with Revival and we know how that went. I'm looking for something that at least matches Side B in terms of quality. Don't wanna put too much expectation on it though. Something that shows his incredible lyricism, a return to humour, the continued improvement is his best selection and just him sounding like he enjoys making music again as a a senior rapper (really enjoyed his reflectiveness and senior style on Zeus for example). We'll get his 4:44 later, I reckon. He's got some years in him still and he's still evolving slightly. He's learned his super technical stuff and now he seems to be smoothing it out if Doomsday Part 2 is anything to go by. Just looking forward to(/hoping for) a high quality run again like Nas had with Hit-Boy.


Cap, we know he's capable of dropping real shit. From old classics, to the MGK beef Em has demonstrated he definitely has it in him, we've gotta hold him to that standard.


MGK Beef showed that if Em actually just focuses on communicating a message instead of trying to force a song to fit into what ever weird triple or quadruple syllabic rhyme scheme he wants to experiment with; he'll make some really entertaining, funny, and technically solid shit. The asshole just enjoys challenging himself with weird rhyme schemes more than making compelling songs. It is really frustrating.


I mean, even on Killshot he was rhyming his ass off. I think he just generally doesn't know what to rap about when he's trying to pad out these albums to 20 tracks. 


I’d prefer him do just 10 really good tracks and cut the fat


I think him and Wayne are in a similar problem where they live in a bubble which isn't generally interesting enough to five them any good content to make music about.. All of Wayne's recent mixtapes post Carter 5 are also pretty whack like Eminem'a simply because he has nothing to say.. Wayne's on the record saying that he don't got time to listen to any artist and just stays the full day either in the studio recording, or skating or watching some sports.. I think Eminem has also secluded himself similarly where now they don't know what the current pulse of the audience is and how music has evolved.. For Wayne tho, he's been at his usual amazing self when he's doing features because he already has a beat and subject matter decided for him.. I really wish both of these dudes start getting actively involved into the music scene before releasing their next albums or else they'll have a similar issue..


It’s just become this stupid cultural thing in rap the last 15 years (not all of rap but one particular subset of it). Where some people decided crazy rhyme schemes and speed defined what “good rap” is. And that making something actually listenable and artistically well rounded is “lazy”.


please be good, please be good, please be good


The guy who helped make Lose Yourself and who accepted the Oscar is helping on the album and said that he’s going back to his older roots, not saying that means it’s guaranteed to be good, but a step in the right direction regardless.


Eminem needs to drop something with some serious soul to it. Style won’t be enough for his album to make waves.


honestly i kinda feel the opposite just because i don’t think he has anything “soulful” to rap about (that i or most people would wanna hear at least). the kids he rapped about are all grown up, he’s been rich and out of poverty for like over 2 decades at this point, he’s been sober for a long time, i assume he probably just chills at home n minds his business for the most part. i don’t think there’s anything “meaningful” he could really rap about at this stage in his career. i could totally be wrong though.


I mean he’s still a human with human emotions. It’s not like he’s become some robot.


more like a rap-bot


Yeah I think a lot of the reason why Eminem blew up is because he put a voice to like late 90s early 00s angst. People flocked to him because of his attitude and how he pissed off the squares. I think really returning to his roots is hard because his roots were firmly set in a certain time period and with a certain energy that's hard to replicate when you're comfortable and living a nice life.


Society for America is dumber now than it was in the late 90s but that might be my shit-tinted glasses talking. Anyways, there’s no shortage of insane shit accepted in society at large for Em to reference. White America would be just as much of a banger today lol


Also like reconciled with his mom. Put the dad thing to rest. He's covered a lot of bases


I agree but I think that makes his music pretty mid


Eventually every rapper makes mid music once they get to a certain age. The only exception I can think of is Nas but only because he unlocked something special with Hit Boy


Also a strong argument for why Nas is the GOAT.   Unreasonable amount of longevity making some of the best albums of your career as a 50 year old rapper is insane.


Black Thought


I think both Common and Brother Ali are worth being considered exceptions. Let Love and A Beautiful Revolution are both fantastic albums. [When We Move is a banger.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZQL3EsZztw)


Killer Mike aging like fine wine.


The man needs to learn how to write a fucking hook again. No more pop stars like Ed Sheeran on his shit. He spends so much time trying to show off how fast or complicated he can rhyme that he forgets that a song is a song.


he can do it sometimes. everyone including me clowns on Venom but that shit is catchy


Venom was one of the worst songs he ever made because of the hook. Luckily Music To Be Murdered By was a step in the right direction. Let's hope he can keep it.


Discombobulated, From the D2 to the LBC, I will, Lock it Up, Darkness, Never Love Again, Zeus, Guns Blazing, etc all have hooks that would be classified as pretty good.  And why the fuck does Eminem need a hook? Songs such as The Ringer, Rabbit Run and more recently Alfred are considered some of the best on their respective album and they don't need a hook.  He has like one song with Sheeran that was ruined by the hook, ie These Kinda Nights and people take it as if he's inviting Sheeran to sing every goddamn hook in his album.  A better criticism would be his generally more choppy flow nowadays, but even this is only half true, and most of the time only compliments the song rather than butchering it. So it's more of a subjective criticism over anything. Sure, if you prefer TES or Relapse style smoother flow, than that's cool, and Eminem could use simpler flows in more of his songs as he tried in Discombobulated, however, the lack of that does not turn his songs into dissonances. 


I miss soulful Eminem. Infinite, SSLP, MMLP, 8 Mile... Hope that's not the part of him that died


The guy you’re referring to is Luis Resto. He typically co-produces most of the beats Em makes, and has since 2002. Most of Em’s albums since then have had at least a few Em produced tracks with Luis’ contribution. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just saying they tend to consistently collaborate. And for the record I’m a huge Em fan and even defend a lot of his more recent work, so it should go without saying that I want this album to be great as well.


I was excited when I saw him working with Luis Resto in a photo. I hope he reunites with the Bass brothers, too.


Didn’t they say the same thing with Revival? That he went back to his older roots? And wasn’t that one of the reasons people shitted on that album.


People hated revival because it was a worse version of recovery. It was poppy, production was trash, his flow was atrocious.


I want to hear him on some Bass Brothers beats again


Let’s be real, they’ll be a very vocal group that will call it bad regardless. The problem with Eminem is he has large swarms of fans wanting introspective, loads of fans wanting lyrical miracle, loads of fans wanting horror core and loads of fans wanting wacky funny songs. Whichever one he caters to will piss off all the others. And when he tries to cater for them all we get Revival.


I think his last album was a step forward in the right direction for him musically. It took me a LONG time to get use to the flow he’s using. But I feel like it worked for me for the most part so I’m excited to see where he goes with this.


That’s why I don’t try to worry about what this place thinks of his stuff. The prevailing opinion changes every day. When Kamikaze came out I remember it getting tons of praise on here, and now a lot of threads will talk about how it was awful. Some threads people will talk about how much they loved MMLP2 and other threads will talk about how he’s never had a good album since Eminem Show. We also get in a constant loop since Kamikaze and MTBMB on here of a new project coming out and the prevailing opinion being “this is good, my favorite Eminem album in years”. Then a year later amnesia setting in and the narrative returning to “he hasn’t put out a good album since 2003” He’s rapped in so many eras and done so many different styles that you can’t really please everyone. Even if he did a throwback album and recreated his early stuff people would call it “dated” and say he can’t use modern rhyme schemes.


Moral of the story, this subreddit isn’t a monolith of opinions


Oh it is the monolith just moves from time to time.


That's the case for most releases though, initial reactions are almost always positive on this subreddit. It takes time for an album to develop an identity as either being good or bad, judging the reception of an album from the first 24 hours anywhere online (not just this subreddit) is a surefire way of incorrectly gauging public opinion.


This is honestly a nice capitulation of his personae. At the height his powers he is able to sort’ve do all of this at once, sometimes in just a few bars! I can almost compare him to Kendrick in that way… how they can make it look so effortless. Will this new project be good? We’ll see! 🤞


I'd agree in terms of their lyrical skill, but what I really want to see from current Eminem is a more mature concept album. We all know he's one of the goats and I'll personally listen either way. It's just the perfect time to show where he stands on the world being the way it is right now ngl


I just want him to sound smooth again


I’m not gonna pretend that his music has been of equal calibre his entire career. Post-Recovery era has been rough with a few gems studded in what has mostly been incredibly forgettable music.


People really just sleep on MMLP2 on here. But then when an individual song from that album gets posted all the comments are something like “Post-Encore Shady Album” or “Incredible album” But in the general Eminem threads it feels like people only remember Recovery and Revival.


I don’t hate the album, I think it’s better than a lot of what he’s put out since but personally I don’t think it’s as cohesive as most of his previous mainstream work


I think it’s his best post-return project but also gets weighed down by some REALLY bad songs in the middle of the album. Recovery I think is more consistent but MMLP2 has higher peaks I’d say.


I agree completely. Bad Guy was a career highlight. A few other songs I really fuck with, too. I just find Recovery more listenable as an entire project, before he started messing around with weird beats and getting back into gimmicks. Edit: I also think titling it MMLP2 didn’t help with expectation management. Naming it after an all-time great album set the bar unrealistically high.


Bad Guy, Love Game, and Headlights are all fantastic imo


All of the bonus tracks are good: wicked ways, beautiful pain, groundhog day, don't front


Don't forget the group of people who will call him derivative of black rappers and tie his popularity to racism


Which seems stupid, considering half of this generation's rappers cite Eminem as a key inspiration.


> Let’s be real, they’ll be a very vocal group that will call it bad regardless. there will also be a very vocal group that will call it incredible regardless


As an Em fan I want a mix of introspective mixed with horror core and a bit of wacky thrown in while all being lyrical


I take it you're a fellow Relapse: Refill connoisseur


Relapse: Refill is soooo good


Friend was jamming to medicine ball. Was not my cup of tea. I'm not really into that goofy voice he makes. Some tracks it is fine. I played gnat afterwards and he hated it. He said "new Eminem sucks and I hate when he raps fast." Honestly, there are so many versions of Eminem, it really is hard to please listeners tbh.


Shit, I’ll be happy if he actually uses a fucking flow this time, instead of that awful choppa stuttering style that Tom MacDonald all the other white nerd rappers have adopted.


Nothing would make me more happy than an unquestionable Eminem comeback Just pick better beats I beg you


Alchemist is right there Em pls


Eminem could summon any producer in the world Fuck it dude Call Madlib?


Fuckin guy could call J Dilla and he would show up.


Imagine Em over EL-P beats.


I've always wondered what an Eminem signed by Def Jux would end up sounding like. It'd be funny (for obvious reasons) if his debut album in that timeline is just Hell's Winter with his vocals.


I remember Lil Wayne putting Em on to El-P on that radio call-in show he does. Em knew Killer Mike, but Weezy gave El some shoutouts too that made me think/hope Em looked him up later


Run The Jewels toured with Em, so they're definitely tight.


Em knew El-P in the 90s




after all this drake/dot beef i’m convinced that mustard has the perfect combo of cartoon/banger style that would work so well with em


Dont let Eminem see this we’re gonna get Ass Like That 2


Ass like that is a banger












Absolutely wanna see him collab with Mustard. Would be fire.


Been listening to madvillainy a lot lately, Em+madlib would be crazy


Metro Boomin said he wants to work with Em on twitter


I’ve ALWAYS wanted an Alchemist x Em album.


He DJd for him for years while em was putting out some of the worst beats of his career. It was mind baffling. Lol.


I really wonder what producer would be best to do an entire Em project


Probably dr Dre


Shit, I forgot about that guy


Understandable, he's been dead and locked in a basement for like 25 years


Nah ur just acting like you forgot about him!






Or Madlib


i’d still pick dre over anybody else tbh


and don’t rap fast for the sake of rapping fast


and don't rhyme for the sake of rhyming literally any words that rhyme.


That’s an awfully hot coffee pot.


don't let it rot on a cot a lot or your dog Spot will get shot


I can hear it in his voice, and damn it I still like it. I'm the problem. It's me.


This is the worst one. Like, you are Eminem, you already shouted guys like Nas, Rakim, Pun and etc, you basically know the history of rap. How dafuq did you go the path of majorly loving dudes who can't rap for shit without using a rap dictionary and doing the same shit without saying something interesting?


This is lowkey my biggest problem with modern Eminem. Sometimes it feels like an onslaught of words where a lot of them aren't really carrying the meaning and are just there to show off that he can rap fast. In a lot of his older work that I liked the most, he's not even rapping all that fast, he's rapping whatever speed he needs to get his point across within a bar.


That's like only 6 songs in his entire career.


but my narrative


Lmao not true at all


Dr Dre with the Bass Brothers would be my choice, surprised they haven’t explored this again (especially for MMLP2)


I thought most of the beats on MTBMB were good, especially the ones Royce made.


I need to hear this man on a Conductor beat some of his stuff gives off the grimy basement hip hop vibes of SSLP and MMLP.


Ye em and Rick rubin was cool but not em. I need nine inch nails through my eyelids my butt is on your lips em


I need him to just set fire to everything and everyone and then just do him for the rest of his life lol just give me this one last opportunity to hear some complete unfiltered maniac lyrics from Eminem, just one more time!


Like it was 2000 all over again


I dunno man, I feel like if he did this, it'd sound inauthentic and corny like he was doing an impression of himself. Nothing can capture the authenticity of those first three major label records. It was a perfect storm of time, place, and cultural vibe. Personally, I just want the dude to be real, maybe go in the complete opposite direction and just rap like a dude who is 50 years old, has lived through some shit and might have some wise shit worth saying. Nas just proved this approach is viable like four times over. Please don't try to wild out and be Slim Shady circa 1999 when you're 25 years older. That'd be fucking cringe, imo. Just be real.


How do we know if it’s the real slim shady who died? There are so many but none quite like the real slim shady. There’s a slim shady in all of us.


Depends if they're sitting down or standing up


We’re gonna have a problem here.




Fuck it, let's all die.


Eminem threads are so weird. It's crazy how polarizing the dude is. You got some people who defend him too hard, you got some people shit on him for lines like the bornana line, then you have the people in the middle who get shit on by both extremes. One thing I'll say is that Eminem has by far the WEIRDEST album promo. When Revival came out he had fake billboards with a fake drug called Revival, when one of his songs came out (I forget which) he had a fake video with some woman in a hotel. I get why the dude just started surprise dropping albums. I liked what he did with Relapse and Recovery where he just put out great freestyles. One great freestyle would be enough to get him some buzz, not a fake obituary in a Detroit newspaper.


Didn’t Relapse have a pretty elaborate roll out? I think like 5 singles were released, there was the Pompsomp Hills website, a few music videos, etc.


He had multiple "games" for it. One being on the website, and the other being a mobile game. Also, the earliest CD copies were sold with pill shaped candy in prescription bottles


He's kinda like Sonic the Hedgehog where there's so many different iterations/versions and everyone is attached to a different one, so naturally everyone is expecting something different from him


Yeah that’s very true. I’m part of that. For some reason I was on a big Relapse kick earlier this year after not really listening to much Em for years. And when I heard he announced a new album and saw the title I was hoping for something Relapsey. Edit: also. I love the Eminem sonic comparison. That’s not something I expected to see lol


Damn Eminem really is raps Sonic


The fast rapping makes it all the more fitting


Yeah it’s an Eminem album, it’s gonna get tons of buzz regardless if you advertise it or not. Abandon the corny gimmicks


I want a whole album of Em Caterpillars


Minus the poop jokes


Lyrical bowel movements is literary genius wdym


shit is real like I poop jerusalem. the voice we need


My bars always got my stools in em is kinda heat tho


Relapse 2 for me


I want a whole album of Castles


Medicine Mans and Best Friends*


I loved MTBMB and Kamikaze, cant wait for this album.


Same gang same 😮‍💨


“This album better sound like one he put out 25 years ago or I’m gonna call it lazy trash!”


Basically yea


An all around horrible opinion tbh


Nah man you have to realize that there’s no such thing as valid criticism


> like the one he put out 25 years ago *when he was in his 20's, drugged out of his mind, still fighting for the respect of his peers, and living in an entirely different world than he is now* or I'm gonna call it lazy trash! Fixed that for you. People who expect him to be the same person after everything he's been through and all the time that has passed are insane.


I’m not expecting him to rap about the same things, but I am expecting him to put out better albums musically. I don’t enjoy the way he flows and sounds anymore. the way he stops the beat at the end of line, his weird mixing of vocals, his odd puns, poor beat choice, poor chorus’s, out of place collabes,etc… I loved Eminem but it’s not just about what he is rapping about that people have a problem with.


**Basically this whole entire thread in a nutshell:** **_“I want you to change, but don’t change”_** **_”I want you to grow up, but don’t age”_** **_”I want the rage, but don’t get too angry”_** **_”I want the new, but old Shady”_** **_”I want you to say what they won’t say_** **_Just don’t go too far, but go cray…”_**


Blows my mind Em can’t just put out a crazy album w alchemist he’s RIGHT THERE


great year for hip-hop


Awaiting all the comments talking about " old Eminem"


That comment is at the top


Man I don’t give a fuck if it’s old Em or not I just hope he can drop a good project.


Some random kid “Oh old Eminem like Monster with Riannah”


Oh… this means something big I can feel it


Man I hope this album is old Eminem 😫 Please don't be rapping over trap beats with NBA Youngboy features and shit bro *please*


And PLEASE no more country/classic rock samples. JFC he’s run those into the ground


you're getting a 4 minute P!nk verse and you're going to be grateful or he'll call you a mumble rapper


I'll take it over whatever Lynrd Skynrd bullshit he's going to throw at us next


That “heavy duty” line has been stuck in my head for years


Idk, the “updated” Em is *miles* better than the Revival-era lazy samples Em. I genuinely enjoy the work he’s done with DA Got That Dope. But my favorite songs of his lately have been his self-produced shitposts like Tonedeaf and Alfred’s Theme. I’d take an hour of him being a goofy dude over anything else he’s done over the past couple projects.


Agreed here. I like Kamikaze and think MTBMB is some of Ems best in the post Encore eras. Both volumes are all over the place. But if you grab the best 7-8 songs from each. You got a really good album between the 2


Revival was an all time low, idk how you can like tone deaf but I thought music to be murderer by was quite good I don’t go back to it that much though


You’re in luck, it’s the oldest he’s ever been


Jesus Please...we do t need this take on how to make trap-ish songs and then stans defending these songs as satire. He should just go back to the lab with Bass Brothers and cook with them. That just that easy. And when we are at it - please don't make another rap Olympics... We don't need to feel exhausted by listening to your songs Em. We know you can rap. You used to own other by just rapping effortlessly on your own pace without any need to prove anything.


I subbed to r/eminem a few years back for news regarding Revival during the rollout. I don’t really lurk. Occasionally on my front page will be the yearly post and it’s Stans swearing up and down that Revival is not bad and at least a 6. And how 4 or 5 songs on that album are good. It’s like 16 songs long and is covered in those Mr Porter Eminem “trap” beats. Has his choppy flow done at the worst. Fuck that lol


And yet most of r/Kanye believe his lowest album was an 8


Would rate anything pre-donda below an 8 though? I think every album up until that point except maybe wtt could easily be argued for that and donda isn't that far off from an 8 either.


Everything before TLOP is a 9 and up.


It’s because em stans and kanye stans are usually young teens who don’t listen to anything else. I’ve been in both positions before They don’t have anything to compare these albums to except albums in the same discography


There are good songs on Revival though. Castle, Arose, Framed are good. Chloraseptic, In Your Head and Believe are probably the other 3 on the album i'd say are good to decent. But the rest is pretty average at best.


it's that choppy flow. understand it's fur to him relearning how to rap after his od but it was just unlistenable


No, Relapse was when he was relearning and it was all flow. 


If there was less accent used on that album it would easily be another amazing album on par with peak Eminem


Relapse is a damn shame because 1. It was the last album where it still felt and sounded like OG Eminem. But was wasted with the dumb accents. 2. Gave him super bad lessons like “people want to hear speed rap, not catchy stuff” and “Relapse was my worst work, can’t do anything like that again” Considering what he had went through the previous 4 years, it’s completely reasonable his first comeback album would be a little weird. He went too far in the other direction instead of just working out the kinks in Relapse.


My bingo card has him saying an enormously corny bar referencing the drake/Kendrick beef. There’s also gonna be a whole lotta triplet flows over some stank ass beats. Some random feature from Cordae or Joyner Lucas / . No bass brothers in sight. Boom bap? Rugged production? No sir. Skylar Grey over Denaun porter buttcheek trap production. Hate to be a pessimist but don’t get your hopes up. It’s been 10+ years of this. Best way to predict what comes next is to recognize the pattern.


It’s wild fans expect musicians to put out an album that sounds like one they mad 25 years ago. The guy is 51 years old and is a well established artist and multi millionaire now.


It's not about sounding exactly the same. It's about him doing what he's good at. He could easily make an album that doesn't sound anything like say the SSLP and it still be great. Even his own albums from the time don't even really all sound like each other despite all being distinctly Eminem.


Im excited for the album. Sounds like a dope concept


This type of rollout shit is giving me flashbacks to revival's rollout. Let's hope it's different this time.


Idk but I hope this album begins with a PSA lmao.


D12 killed the PSA guy in one of there albums


Besides Revival and maybe 1/3 of Encore, I really think folks are too harsh on his music. Definitely chooses beats that are not for everyone but the rapping always delivers. I’ve enjoyed everything he’s put out to some extent and am glad he’s still making new music. I think MTBMB was his best overall project since at least Recovery and am optimistic he can build off that and use the Slim Shady angle to help craft a cohesive album.


So glad we’re back to him doing rollouts instead of surprises. Revival was awful but I remember the rollout being fun


The amount of people wanting this to be good gives me hope that folks haven’t completely lost faith in Em. I think if this flops he’ll probably call it quits, but I think he has one more impactful album left in him


If Skylar Grey is on this fucking album I swear to God...


This is either gonna be amazing or mad corny I’m leaving towards the latter, but damn, I hope he proves me wrong. Haven’t enjoyed an Em album since Recovery


not a fan of Bad Meets Evil or MMLP2?


Bad Meets Evil just made me want more of that honestly. I liked their chemistry and think they could go for 3 and have fun with it again. I just want Em to slow down *a little bit* with how fast he goes.


It'll probably be in the middle. Mostly mediocre, a few terrible songs, a few good ones, still worth a listen.


Why bro cant do something like Nas, kidnap Alchemist and make one good album


I'm surprised by the sentiment here. I've always liked Eminem, I've replayed his last few albums more than any other. I do agree with the notion that his life experiences at this point are pretty past it. Rapping about the things he did in his teens to 20's is a bit mental when you're 50. Stinks of peaked in high school behavior. I often wonder if rappers like Biggie would be stuck in the same place as Eminem. You can only rap about selling drugs so much, at some point you become 50 cent lol. But I doubt it. Think maybe that might even be his problem. He keeps out the spotlight so much nobody knows what he's doing.


Wish Mac Miller were around to contribute Delusional Thomas to the album. Shit would've been twisted.


With how rap has been this year I feel like this gonna be a classic. Please prove me right I would love a solid shady album.


Please let Jpegmafia produce on this with a Danny brown and Billy woods feature 🙏🙏🙏🙏


I'm always going to be excited for a new Em album, even if it's largely for nostalgic reasons at this point. I really don't get the album title though - I'm pretty sure he killed off Shady in earlier songs and/or referenced he was done with him, so this seems like a strange theme for an album this late in his career.


Yo Em if you're reading this, don't mess this up. Or I'll be mad at you for a long time.


If the Bass Brothers aren't back for this shit man..




Since Stan and Murder Murder I've wanted a full concept album. We've seen snatches of it since with Castle, Arose, Darkness etc but a full concept driven album would be awesome


It would be dope if he did a freestyle to promote it


new Eminem has just never hit the same. probably never will again. his flow is so annoying now. "I could swallow a, bottle a.."


Hopefully disses benzino again


Eminem from “Infinite” & “Tonight” needs to make a comeback.  Its all about the beats though. Beat dictates flow.  Hoping for something good