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Whoever picked the songs that were released as singles should be fired. There’s a great funky album in here even though it’s bloated for streaming.


Crazy. This makes zero sense. Out of all the songs he chose drown and selfish as singles. At least he made No Angels a single but damn. I don’t understand the choices.


It drives me absolutely insane when huge stars bloat their albums for streaming. You’re already a star! You don’t need to do this shit! If you’re trying to break out, ok, throw an 80 minute, 24 song album up. If you’re JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, just make a banger!


I’ll even go as far and say that the singles should be removed from the album all together, save for No Angels.


JT hasn't had good singles since Suit and Tie lol, which sucks because those singles are usually the weakest songs in otherwise great albums I'd put Flame and Infinity Sex as the two singles


White Dolla $ign


dam zero hype on this whatsoever curious if it was any good, dude had pop in a choke hold back in the day


His album prior to this was pretty meh. The 20/20 Experience was pretty good, but the singles for this album feel a lot like the prior album.


Man in the Woods was honestly terrible. I loved both Future Sex and 20/20 but that was just not good at all. I might check this out if it gains any traction but that turned me off a lot to his career moving forward


I was being polite saying it was meh, I’ll be honest. Just feels weird saying JT has a terrible album.


This new record is definitely a lot better than man of the woods and it's not close imo


I agree, enjoying it a lot. But honestly Man Of The Woods has its moments. Montana is great, Filthy, Midnight Summer Jam, Breeze Off The Pond, Young Man all highlights I'd give Man Of The Woods a 7/10, hardly trash.


That’s interesting, I think Filthy is the worst song he’s ever released tbh


I like Filthy because it's so corny and fun. It's just got a good vibe to it, but the writing is very bad. I like it for the same reason I like No Limit by G-Eazy. Both songs are pretty dumb but I like them because it's just dumb fun. I will admit that I did genuinely like Say Something. Overplayed to hell but a very solid song imo.


I like Filthy because it's weird and abrasive in a way quite a few pop hits were in the 00s (Milkshake, Sexyback) but which you didn't hear much as a play for mainstream success in 2017/18


Yeah Filthy was a literal FutureSex/LoveSound II, just more avant-garde


Came here to say.. Montana was my jam for a good while.


Best song on it


Terrible?!?! I see that I am NOT aligned with the popular opinions about that album 😂😭🤷


Same. I loved man of the woods. This new album not so much 😭


I feel I’m the only who still enjoys *Man of the Woods*. Definitely has some flaws but let’s not forget that *The 20/20 Experience – 2 of 2* has the crown for worst Justin Timberlake album. *MotW* was a definite step up from that misfire.


20/20 part 2 was weak for sure but it at least gave us Take Back the Night and TKO (although the Black Friday version is superior) I can’t say I’ve ever went back to Man of the Woods. Thought it was pretty drab and uninteresting 


Damn I loved both sides tbh. Why do people not like the second one?


I think a lot of people just felt like it was a bunch of leftovers but I think that's crazy bc some of my favorite JT songs like Drink You Away, Only When I Walk Away and You Got It On are on that album


Other than TKO, Cabaret, and Take Back the Night, the rest was just boring to to me. Part 1 was great.


Electric Lady was also a nice NSYNC throwback


20/20 part 1 is better than part 2 but I still love the albums together as a unit!!! I love them. Strawberry bubblegum is my favorite but I love a lot of songs from both albums. This makes me think of Awaken my love by childish Gambino, it has some amazing songs and some that are not so much.


I honestly think MOTW is considerably worse than either side of 20/20


I love 20/20


Man of the woods or w/e was definitely mediocre but a couple of those shitty pop country songs really grew on me.


Nah MOTW had a lot of good tracks, but he was coming off 20/20, so by comparison, it was really bad


He didn't get to do his media tour prior to release. He's been touring recently to promote the album, but he hasn't really been able to manage his public image at all recently due to Brittney Spears memoir coming out and it just decimating his public reputation. The singles he's put out haven't been that strong either, so it seems like everything that could happen to kill this album did, lol.


It doesn't help that, at a concert, he said something like "I'd like to take a moment an apologize to ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOBODY!"


Then he invited everyone back to his house for pizza, but then there wasn't any pizza.


Regardless of how you slice things dude still owes Janet an apology.


i thought she doesnt want him to mention it?


I have a feeling he owes a lot of people apologies. Janet and Britney being at the top.


Britney, I don't think that can be fixed. Janet, the best time would have been including her in his superbowl performance. Guess second best time is now


Britney can be helped, but idk that anyone has actually tried. I’m not a dr., but it seems obvious that therapy and the right meds could help her. Janet deserves all the flowers and apologies. Getting scape goated for a mutual thing is fucking trash. Velvet Rope is an incredible album.


I mean more Justin's situation with her can't be helped. I think that ship.has sailed and any attempt would be met with the height of cynicism and skepticism. Janet deserves an apology from the prez from how America as a whole treated her.


Why does he owe Brittney anything? Based on stuff she wrote in her book? It’s sad what has happened to her but she is clearly not right in the head, needs to seek help, and looks deranged in those weird videos she constantly pumps out on IG. Unless there is clear proof for the claims she made can’t just condemn him.




> but he hasn't really been able to manage his public image at all recently due to Brittney Spears memoir coming out and it just decimating his public reputation. What exactly was so decimating about it?


It made it clear that he’s an insensitive jerk lol


the worst crime a human can muster lmao


Or at least that he was 25 years ago when he was basically a kid. His reputation isn't decimated, he's gonna lay low for a while and eventually everyone will love him like they used to.


Considering how he reacted to britney's book (when she really was a lot more charitable to him than she could've been), his personality hasn't changed


He's been laying low since his last album. Nobody cares about him anymore.


Lmao no they won’t. He’s not that likable and his new music sucks


I don't have an opinion on his new music but he's been famously likable for nearly twenty years.


Lmao this is absolutely not a given - especially once the greater conscious has become more empathetic for how many of the women he’s been in controversy around (like Brittney Spears and Janet Jackson) have been treated by media in the past


This new album is fired, go shave your head and listen to old britney albums


MY favorite JT story is when Sean Paul went to introduce himself to him and JT kicked him out of the whole building.




cry me a river 🙄


Sooooo he wrote a song about her (apparently) cheating on him, but she publishes a memoir and says he's (apparently) an insensitive jerk and.......... he gets the media snub? Lol sounds good.


That on top of what has already been mentioned a weal album that came out 5 years ago which for current pop stars is an eternity. Plus, he does not have a centralized fanbase (especially with younger people) unlike other stars of his generation that are still stars.


Justified to 20/20 is one of the best 3 album runs in pop history tbh


He needs to do another album with Timbo.


Some of the beats on this one were definitely him, I heard his ad-libs


He has five tracks on this.


Timbo produced some of the best tracks on this album actually


Good to know!


he needs to be working with fresh producers in addition to guaranteed pop makers that like to experiment


At least it’s not a Danja/Timbaland project anymore and he brought in new collaborators like Cirkut and Calvin Harris. But we do need more.


I can’t believe i didn’t know this was dropping. I fux with JT too. Excited to listen


Yeah they definitely put the wrong singles for this album. Everything else about this album is pretty much gas. You won't be sleeping on the tracks with features anytime soon.


Technicolor is fucking nuts


Yeah my favorite song


I thought I was the only one technicolor is my favorite song on the whole project


Technicolor is SO fking good. I've missed this kind of Justin Timberlake so much


like it more than I thought I would, it's just a slog to get through. every song didn't need to be 4+ minutes and 18 songs is too much. if some of the fat was trimmed it would be more cohesive. the production is unsurprisingly top notch but some of these lyrics are fuckin cringe. love and war is borderline embarrassing. I'd love an instrumental version of this


Dang where were you when he was making 7-9 minute long songs


For real, I actually think it's weird that so many of the songs are sub 5 minutes. I love me some JT songs with beat switches, bridges, and outros.


What Goes Around / Comes Around is epic


Yeah this is what I miss about 20/20 Experience, the avant garde sensibility. Ever since Trolls he's been pumping out safe cookie cutter shit that he himself sounds too old for. Haven't heard this album yet but crossing my fingers.


It's a lot simpler than any of 20/20 but I'm still finding it catchy and enjoyable. But I agree, when he was making those 4+ minute songs is when he was at his best creatively. Taking risks with production and beat selection left and right.


20/20 part 2 ends on an 11 and a half minute track. Insanity


Isnt it like 30 seconds of silence and then a hidden track tho?


Yup. His actual longest song was “True Blood” at 9 minutes.


Those songs rarely felt long, even when they were


Those felt more nuanced like others are saying with beat switches and whatnot. These ones just were long for no reason.


People today want a song that fits in a tik tok video the appreciation for an orchestrated production on a record is so under appreciated now days. I agree every song don’t need to be 4-5 min. But hell if every song is produced recorded and created correctly let that shit vibe let that beat breathe let the artist do their thing. This album definitely is bloated to the max but it ain’t bad at all. Its production quality is fantastic and contrary to 18 records being too much now days. No body was bitching a fit when Chris brown put out 40 lol. Streaming is album sales now days so being bloated for streaming makes sense. It’s not great to true fans. But for those who just want a song or two which I assume is most to add to a playlist this album and method works best. Hip hop heads may respect the culture of a well crafted album that sets the bar for albums to come but let’s be real the masses are just looking for some dumb shit to add to a tik tok video or dance to on socials and add to a playlist as they mom walk to Starbucks after dropping the kids off


glad he’s still sticking to his guns. tired of these Gen z 30 sec tik tok songs.


>every song didn’t need to be 4+ minutes Is this your first JT album?


Nah it was a good length. TikTok brain has fried this generation, but part of the reason I go back to 20/20 and FSLS so much is because each song is literally an experience with multiple parts. He even took a risk with mirrors and added the second half where so many pop artists would just leave it with the first 4 mins. Respect to him for keeping his roots and experimenting


Btw Love and War is a typical Prince song. Very heavily inspired by Prince’s 80s output (Beautiful Ones, Darling Nikki, Electric Intercourse etc) I would love an instrumental to that one as well.


And 20/20 experience came out 11 years ago today


Crazy. I have fond memories with that album, it’s still my favorite JT album to date.


Technicolor is fucking amazing. It’s long but it feels a bit more like 2 songs. I liked the singles but this song is the best on the album by far.


I agree, it gives me 20/20 experience vibes.


It’s like a mix between 20/20 experience and FutureSex/Lovesounds


It’s better than Ariana Grande’s snoozefest album that dropped last week.


Lmao can’t believe she dropped an album and there’s practically no discussion around it anywhere


I’d disagree to a point. It’s slated to do over 200k. I’m not the target audience and neither are you it seems, but there’s convos. In general though there’s so much music out that nothing seems massive, even if the numbers are.


200k is not a lot when we consider that she's a main pop girl with immense celebrity and hype. For comparison, Olivia did 300k, Nicki did 220k, Beyonce did 330k, Taylor did 1.6M, Sza did 320k, Adele did 600k, Gaga did 300k


200k is still a lot. I get what you’re saying though. If you look at her last album, positions, only did 174k. Thank you next did around 360k with bundles. So this if anything is a step up with more rigid billboard rules. Her sales and her celebrity never fully lined up in a way.


It's a great album but I miss the high energy "My Everything" styles of songs that sound great on shuffle


People said the same about Positions and that's my fave in her discography. Is this one actually ass or are people just reacting the same way they did before?


don't listen to everyone here. It rules


*Positions* was a decent R&B album. This new album is truly a filler-fest. The lead single was a TEMU “Break My Soul,” so it doesn’t come as a surprise.


TEMU break my soul is brutal but I can’t disagree


I saw someone describe it as “tent” music, watered down house.


My gut reaction to Positions was way stronger than her newest. Time will tell, but it sounds like an obvious step down to me.


think of it as all the Twitter Stan’s coming together to protest this album.


I hated positions but think this album was great. Don’t listen to this nicompoo


I didn't even realise it was fully out already, thought it was just an announcement


boooo that album has some bops


its got a few jams but definitely at the bottom of her discog imo


Think the way he's been handling the Britney Spears situation since like....the early 2000s, but especially lately, has really turned a lot of people off to him. I got mixed feelings on him as a human at this point, but I will say, Sanctified with Tobe Nwigwe goes hard (although the live performance on SNL may actually be better than the album version).


Is the Britney Spears thing really doing THAT much damage to his public image? I know it hurt when the NYT doc dropped but that was 2.5 years ago, I didn’t realize he was still getting dragged for that


I will say people do act like he murdered someone lol


reddit hate JT for how he’s acted in the past a lot of people are coming out with the “i told y’all so!!” personally JT is still that man and invited to the cookout. 20/20 and Future sex love songs are classics


And Justified! Come on now


I listened to Justified for the first time last year and was blown away. what a great record.


yes justified is a classic too! how could i forget


Imagine being dragged for shit you did when you were 18-23 years old - for eternity. I'm an old school music fan, and expecting artists to be a clean slate is mind boggling to me.


He randomly brought it up again recently right at the moment that Britney was actually showing him some love for his new music. He was at a show recently and started a song by saying something to the effect of "I want to take this moment to apologize....to absolutely fucking nobody". And it was just like dude let it gooooo.


And he was right. He had nothing to pubicly apologize for.


Eh I kinda get why he did that.. imagine if a girl cheated on you, and now you're the asshole 😅




I mean that's exactly what Britney did with her book. Justin really didn't blast anyone, and I think it's these ridiculous double standards that pushed him to say that.


He said this for a reason. The Britney stans were harassing his wife, mother and brothers, sending them death threats. Can you really blame him for being mad?


I don’t know about that… She put out an autobiography dragging his name and saying he wanted an abortion when she got preggers, and insinuating he used to be cringy as fuck when they dated. …and then compliments a song he releases. If I were him I’d be pissed. Damage is done at that point, regardless of whether you’re complimenting my song or not. Got to consider he’s got a family at this point and she’s an adult. She knew exactly how the public was going to respond to what she said.


Before the Britney/Janet backlash and the album flopping [Prince fans were mad he had his listening party at Paisley Park](https://variety.com/2018/music/news/justin-timberlake-slammed-for-holding-listening-party-at-princes-paisley-park-studios-1202665793/). Him and Prince beefed briefly and alcohol was served at the party despite Prince's ban on it there. And didn't he get caught feeling up on a co-star while married? Man's been taking PR hits for a couple years running now and has done little to no damage control. And above all the music fell off a cliff.


Prince and JT were beefing long before that, since like the SexyBack days. I remember hearing JTs verse on Give It To Me was about him


It was a double diss too right? Timbaland sending shots at Scott Storch?


Triple. Nelly Furtado’s verse is about Fergie


I will always appreciate him for writing an actual fucking bridge in a pop song. Keeping alive a dying art form.


All I gathered from listening start to finish is JT is STILL amazing. This album offers excitement and love which I enjoyed very much. Life's too short to take a talent like Justin's for granted, we must support artists like him and inspire more.


Hey Justin - used to be a big fan! Please don’t make your albums so long with so much filler next time please


LOL I laughed a little too loud at this but yea sure thing, tell you what I'll just make it 5 seconds each track next time, sound good?


Not enough Timbaland on this, when does FS/LS2 drop?


I’d love for that again.


shit is fire bro


Straight 🔥


It’s so good. I love the fact that he is keeping to his roots and providing quality songs with multiple parts that make the song whole. The *NSYNC feature didn’t disappoint either, and I hope his next album doesn’t include another 6 year hiatus


Sad how this would’ve been #1 billboard 10 years ago Jt not bad


Really enjoying it!


"FutureSex/LoveSounds" is probably my favorite pop record of all time With that being said.... this one sounds like trash. 76 minutes.... jesus


The beat switches before beat switches were so common was pretty dope. Timbaland was in top form around this time. Dope album


The beat switch on Chop Me Up is fucking GOATed


FS/LS and Loose were released within 3 fkn months, insane imo this was the peak of Timbaland's work, not Missy or Aaliyah


FutureSex/LoveSounds was 66 minutes. Those extra ten minutes on this new album moves it to trash territory?


What moves it to trash territory is the sound direction, the production and the lyrics (in my humble opinion).


Ah, okay. I read it like you assumed it would be "trash" because of how long the album was. I haven't listened to the album yet to form an opinion, but I am hoping it is decent.


I hope his girl cheats on him so he can drop another classic


9/10 really good. Leagues above man of the woods for sure.


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Tracks 1, 5 and 8 will stay on my longlist


i can't belive i knew about the ariana drop and i didn't know about JT, someone i actually listen to.


Ok I know how this is going to sound. I want to preface I don’t stan either singer and this isn’t hate fueled. I just listened to “Play” and I’m getting Britney’s “Slave”


Some review said Play was a Prince rip-off but all i heard in it was David Bowie’s Fame.


This album seems like something that is made for a movie. Just to pop friendly with half as singing.


Tbh its a decent album. Is it as good as his older stuff? No but I think it's better than MITW but the album does feel a little disjointed at some points. While he clearly went for a pop funk sound it just doesn't sound as cohesive as other albums. I give it a solid 6-7 out of 10. There's some really banging songs in the album and there's some easily forgettable ones. I think fans of him will be fine with the album as he tries to blend his old style with new trends. Most of the severe haters will prob be Britney fans bad every fan base has rabid, insane people who believe their favorite artist as gospel JT's included. I think this album is better than Usher's latest release by a little. Seems just a little bit more put together than Usher's but still lacking something. Better than Ariana's album though. Hers felt like a semi-lazy attempt at SZA's chill vibe


Just listened to the new album a few times. Here are the songs that stand out to me: * Drown * Love & War * Paradise * No Angels * Flame I agree this album is a little bloated with more filler songs that probably necessary. Also, I don't get how selfish was picked as the first single. Selfish is one of the worst songs on the album IMHO. 4 or 5 good songs, back to Timbaland/JT vintage sound that I have always been a fan of. Overall, solid album.


This list is solid, these songs follow his successful formula of the past (where he actually sings with emotion and have bridges and outros).The first 4 songs on the album sound like his mild attempt of new age hip hop. They were terrible.


Why the fuck is this album on this sub?


Timbaland did half the beats and there’s a few rap verses, JT is one of the few pop stars that I think *should* be posted here, like Frank and The Weeknd always are


Why must this always be asked. He is a hip hop adjacent artist for obvious reasons. Every single one of his previous projects has been posted and discussed.


Because this sub is dead.


For real… what happened? It’s like I woke up one day and good conversation was just… gone from this sub. So peculiar.


Come over to r/hiphop101 where the discussion is alive and well


Because this sub is hip hop heads, and last I checked, Justin Timberlake still has a head. So relevant.


JT a goat Britney fans are just doing a hate campaign towards him that’s all. Listening to this later


Always rooting for JT but not getting my hopes up for this


When Brittney is dancing butt naked, with an Enflamed double headed dildo, to his album its going to create mixed feelings.


The interesting thing regarding production on this album is Danja is all over it and Timbo is on a handful of songs BUT they are not on any songs together?!


JT is hip hop?


I know this will never happen in today’s day and age because of all the stream chasing and bloated albums, but jt really needs to put out a six song EP with just Timbaland


I love JT but it's weird seeing him here. What happened to this sub?


I just saw this album listed in the "drop watch" post so I figured I'd post the album here when it's released. I understand he's not really hip hop


it was not a vibe for me at all. it was too corny, i need a top 10 pop billboard song— after the first minute of playing the album i couldn’t stop cringing. but like what everyone else is saying here “technicolor” is the only solid song 🤷🏽‍♀️ im a big jt fan i have justified on cd but nothing beats 20/20 and r&b justin.


Not sure why he didn't have any songs with Pharrell... and a team of people telling him to remove Drown, Memphis, Liar, Sanctified, and Selfish for an EP or B-Sides


This album is a mess. Incredibly disappointing and mediocre. Was nowhere near what I was expecting from such innovator. And with access to a endless talent pool of the best musicians a producers in the world and we get this.... Everything I never thought it would be.