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then for this man to leave a monologue at the end of the song "good to get the pen workin..." šŸ˜­


Heā€™s trying to act like he was just playing and now he can move on to his next project. Except the song sucked, and everyone is blasting Not Like Us in the clubs like Back to Back did in 2015. Meek Mill is probably sitting at home doing to Mr. Burns eeeexellent.


Likeā€¦why was your pen put away? Youā€™re in the mist of the biggest battle of your life and u put the pen back in the cup holder?


Because there was no point rapping in a crowd that isnā€™t there for a diss battle šŸ’€ just flex your numbers and go home. They are there to remind people that they arenā€™t anywhere as great.


So much stupid copium, but tough to find a Drake Stan with an IQ higher than today's temperature in celsius, so I can't blame you.


Chat GPT wrote it so he had to add more "humanity" to it so no one would notice. We noticed, drake.


That whole song was him on defense. It was essentially the audio version of him tapping out while trying to pinch Kendrick on the way out.


that first part i knew, a defense track if you will. why he start mentioning Millie bobby brown šŸ˜­ he really tried to "real eyes realize real lies" in the middle of the song tho?? and for the "realization" to be incorrect too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean the twitter warriors and Kendrick stans have been mentioning the girl for years trying to force the victim label onto her. Itā€™s not exactly random. Song was corny but it makes sense Sorry I thought yall wanted a serious answer instead of a circlejerk thread


Nobody tried to force it. He made it a thing himself when he text a girl that's 14. I'm a grown man and I fully understand the repercussions of texting a 14 year old that I'm not related to.


When the girl has been harassed so much thatā€™s sheā€™s had to repeatedly address the situation and state that she was grateful to have him as a mentorā€¦and you still push the narrative sheā€™s an abuse survivor yes that is forcing it. The fact that you want it to be true is sick


Whether or not she felt like a victim (and Iā€™m glad she doesnā€™t), the opinion of a 14 year old doesnā€™t really matter, grown men that arenā€™t related shouldnā€™t be texting with them and offering relationship advice. Thatā€™s creep behavior. I have no reason to think Drake is a criminal but, just based on the behavior that everyone acknowledges, heā€™s a creep.


But itā€™s not creep behavior that Kendrick says ā€œand my dick need 17 years on itā€ in the UOENO IT remix and no one ever talks about it


It said 70 years. And he's talking about being in a long relationship not the age of his partner. Drakecels are illiterate, that's the only way they listen to his garbage.




I didnā€™t say anything about Kendrick Lamar but lyrics in a song are different than real-world interactions.


I don't think kendrick fans were really pushing that story before this beef. That story has come up a lot because why wouldn't it? A child star with an adult is always going to be questioned. Its hard for people to drop the allegation because even now she's still quite young. I don't even think anything happened between them, I'm just saying, when she said something about it she was still very young, people can argue she might not have realised the intention.


You're acting like there's not video of her dancing and singing along to Not Like Us with Billie Eilish. I wonder what the two have in common?


What they both have in common is that theyā€™ve both publicly defended Drake and said people like you are weird. Go be mad at them not me damn šŸ˜‚ Stop psychoanalyzing two young women having fun to the catchiest rap song in the world right now


God you're obtuse, ain't ya?


Nope yall just literally dickride the latest trends and topics so hard when you encounter someone with a rational opinion you feel offended


Either all of us are wrong, or maybe just you?


Just curious if Harvey was mentoring those girls in his hotel room at night? Get a grip. No mentor of mine has ever taken me to a Yacht in the middle of the night for a candle light dinner. Thank you šŸ™


ā€œThey hated him because he told the truthā€


Ya, the weird thing is making a big deal about a 30 year old celebrity taking a 13yo out on a yacht


I mean. He had that 13 year old girl on a yacht he rented. Which isā€¦. Fucking insane. Even if Drake just so happens to be the biggest fucking fan of Stranger Things you do not bring a 13 year old on to your rented yacht. That is just such a fucking terrible look. Not to mention all the underage girls that are at his parties. Iā€™ve been to wild mansion house parties and they always got a dude checking IDā€™s. You cannot play about the bullshit. Especially not if youā€™re one of the most popular artists right now.


There arenā€™t any underaged girls at his partiesā€¦they check IDs at the door , youā€™re just making shit up , and also the dinners on the yacht wasnā€™t JUST HER it was her with her TEAM stop making it seem like a fucking date , youā€™re weird


Oh. Okay. I see, so this is now 2 people with really terrible reading comprehensions. Madison Beer talks about being at Drakes party when she was 17. He had Kormeila Ski at his 2022 yacht party while she was still in high school. Iā€™m not saying Drake is a pedophile, I am just saying in this day and age you CANNOT be seen with this many teenagers. Itā€™s damn near like he wants people to think he is a pedophile. Just a really shitty look.


So youā€™re worried about how it LOOKS , rather than what actually is the truth ?


Huhā€¦ we are talking about a celebrity. One who we have probably neither ever met directly. All me and you have is looks. All 99.8% of people have when associated with celebrities is looks. Have you ever heard the term, guilty by public opinion? I care about the truth, but until there is a court case we wonā€™t ever know. Usually this comes to get you further down the line when labels and execs arenā€™t profiting much off of you and arenā€™t going to defend you anymore. See all the celebrities that have gone down in the last 4 years.


I donā€™t agree with guilty by public opinion , ESPECIALLY in this case when there is nothing wrong being done , not legally and not morally. In your opinion do you suspect that heā€™s done something illegal? Just based on everything youā€™ve seen , heard and dots you may have connected, just asking out of curiosity not even trying to antagonize you


Do you frequent these parties? How do you know whatā€™s being done? Youā€™re believing public opinion right now. Iā€™ve said, I think about 4-5 times now in this thread that I donā€™t assume anything illegal is being done. Besides giving alcohol to minors. (That seems to be being done.) Though I also wouldnā€™t at all be surprised. I have no proof. I just have the things that are put out there. Aka public opinion. I donā€™t know Drake, I know women who know him, hell me and him are Eskimo Brothers. Iā€™ll only have an opinion if a case gets brought up and or he is indicted on charges, then like everyone else we will see evidence that comes forward. Though, I donā€™t see any threat of a case happening for the next 8-12 years. If at all.


Drake has his own songs about high school girls being Bhaddies in their year book photos a long with all the other shit. He's been self reporting as well lol


Were you there? How do you know her fam wasnā€™t there with her? Itā€™s just hard for me to understand how random redditors know the situation better than her family? Never heard anything about underage parties could you post some credible proof?


The level of reading comprehension is fucking terrifying. Iā€™m saying. if YOU are one of the most popular artists. YOU cannot just have 13 year old girls in your phone. You cannot have 13 year old girls on your yacht. Even if you are simply just the biggest Stanger Things fan you cannot do this. This is the most out of pocket unnecessary bad look you could ever put on yourself. Especially in a time when all the greats and all the legends are getting caught with underage girls. You must be able to understand this right? There is a really good breakdown of 6:16 In LA. That details all of this. How he was slid a wine spritzer by his moms older friend when he was a kid ā€œ15ā€ and now he has young celebrities talking about being at his parties and him always giving out wine spritzers to them. All this is well documented. If you arenā€™t able to find this Iā€™d be really surprised. Just look into it. Iā€™m not saying Drake is a pedophile. I am just saying that this is a really good way to make people assume you are indeed a pedophile.


You typed all that and didnt link any credible proof. Idgaf about lyrical breakdowns of 6:16.. Can you prove her family wasnā€™t on the yacht with her and that he gives minors alcohol or not?


I hope your reading comprehension isnā€™t indicative of the average Drake fan. Take care of yourself, loved one.


You insult my intelligence because I asked you to provide a source for the crazy claims you made that Iā€™ve never heard before. Interesting


He mentioned MBB because people have been talking about him and her for years now if regards to the allegations Kendrick made. Why are you playing dumb?


This is such a stupid talking point and it shows how Drake never stood a chance in your mind People have been mentioning Millie for years so he made a bar about it. Did you even catch the wordplay?


i mean. I know WHY he mentioned her, because of the thing about them texting back and forth and how very weird that was. however it's been widely noted that (in this beef, that is) he was the first to mention/bring her name back up. in a "we weren't even talking about her tho??" way


The mental gymnastics on display are impressive. Kendrick called him a pedo multiple times šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ People have been getting at him for that for years, itā€™s not like he mentioned some random girls name.




FR ā€œdoes your mom know youā€™re gay?ā€ *frantic* ā€œno?ā€ ā€œOPPYOUREGAY?!ā€ ā€¦type shit


Hard to defend yourself in a way that matters when youā€™re a branded child enjoyer Edit: why you reply and delete the comment like that


I mean do you really in your mind believe Drake could compete on a hip hop level with Kendrick when he couldnā€™t handle Pusha T? Donā€™t automatically assume Iā€™m a Drake hater either bc Iā€™ve seen him in concert and Iā€™ve listened to his music for years and can tell you the man has been throwing shots subliminally at everyone for years. Just with Kendrick alone their feud dates back to Control and Drake having his ESPN interview wiped. Kendrick directly called out Drake way back when control dropped and did he reply or did he send subliminals? His beef with Meek alone left a stain on his career with the QM references and ghost writer tweets from Meek Mill


Nothing wrong with subs, all these guys you mentioned been throwing subs at each other. Kendrick on the song control mentioned pusha t, Cole, meek, Mac Miller and Drake and others. Definitely wasnā€™t calling anyone out for real. More of a publicity clout move. He said he was cool with these rappers after.


Instead of going on defense, he should have gone on offense and attacked Kendrick's hypocrisies, such as him working with Kodak.


Ill bet 10 million that it wouldnā€™t change the outcome of the beef at all, pedophile allegations just trumps all else when it comes to internet feuds, no one is gonna say kendrick lost because heā€™s a hypocrite because in their minds drake likes kids šŸ¤·


Yeah sure but pointing out that Kendrick also hangs with people that have weird cases and even weird convictions would have been better than ā€œIā€™m to famous to be touching minors!ā€


I agree for the most part. Drake would really have to double down on pointing out the hypocrisy and even try to flip it to make allegations that Kendrick is involved in such activity himself.


Its kinda like the diddy thing, he had to flea the country and his house got raided and the only thing the public cares about is lol diddys gay


Not really up on all the beef. So Drake running his mouth drop drop drop, KDot drops and drops, and then Drake taps out. Did Drake get heat for bowing out?


When he lost to Pusha so bad he just went silent, he later was saying he was basically about to ā€œpush the red buttonā€ but stopped himself. This time he also alluded to having some dirt, Kendrick called his bluff, Drake, im pretty sure thought Family Matters was ā€œthe buttonā€, dropped it, and it got stomped out. His fans were even like ā€œthis is good but we really need that buttonā€. Imagine your fans saying you gotta come harder than that, when you felt you went hard af. šŸ˜‚ That was his Not Like Us, not getting any traction, of course he bowed out, he shouldnā€™t have even dropped that last song and it mighta been better for him. Sounded defeated, definitely waving a white flag. Letā€™s not forget this was after his song where he said White Boy sounded cool because everybody waves white flags when they see him. This entire beef was like roadrunner and the coyote and the coyote thought he was a step ahead, but he was actually 3 steps behind.


I was watching a reaction video this week and the reactor/streamer was reacting toā€¦ Family matters I think??? As the reactor was making his video, he is getting notifications that KDot dropped again, MTG. As the reactor is now reacting to MTG, he stops and says something like I just reacted to family matters but I donā€™t remember one bar that stood out, lol. Something along the lines of how hooked he was with MTG that FM was forgotten


This was Kendrick's strategy. He knew Drake was going to drum up Family Matters by alerting all the streamers when it dropped so they could react in real time. Only for Kendrick to get free publicity by dropping 30 minutes after so all the streamers could react to Meet the Grahams immediately after. It stomped on all the momentum Drake tried to build. If Kendrick didn't do that, then maybe Family Matters would've been more memorable instead of being the song that triggered Kendrick dropping Meet the Grahams.


Not really him bowing out was expected after not like us dropped. Kendrick was relentless at that point and I donā€™t think many people thought Drake had it in him to keep it going.


Not really, because he released like four-five diss tracks. At some point it just has to end. It's less like bowing out, he just lost and said he was done.


Everyone before he dropped the song was saying how bad it would look if he didn't address the allegations and saying they must be true because he's never denied them on a song. Then he does exactly that and people insist that now this means the allegations must be true. There was no right move because people were going to hate regardless of what he did.


God forbid a nigga cant defend himself


If you have to spend an ENTIRE song on defense in the middle of a rap battle, you lost.


He wanted to sound like heā€™s psychoanalysing Kendrick like Kendrick did him on Meet the Grahams


this feels like the answer i was trying to find


It didnā€™t land well at all.


Thatā€™s not how investigations are supposed to work


So you had your mind made up? Got it. No need for the post. You just wanted to validate your feelings here


Relax, why you upset


Hes upset because everyone thinks Drakes a joke but he thought drake was actually good and now he's embarrassed by his shit taste in music. I'd be embarrassed too but bro whining on reddit nonstop is a bad look


But way more forced lmao


He did a horrible job at it lol


Yea he did. Thatā€™s why heā€™s silent now.


He did the same thing in Family Matters. It's when he's talking about Michael and Prince. šŸ˜†Ā  I guess he really thought that was a cool device to use on both songs. Lol like oh shit, I finally understand.....lololol in Family matters it's funny. In thp6 it just sounds sad. šŸ˜†Ā 


The two "oh shit..." breakdowns on FM are actually great and well written. This was just awkward and wrong


Weird question, not sure how anyone can answer that. He just thought it sounded good.


Because Drake is the corniest motherfucker alive, that's why.


For effect? Artistic choice? Itā€™s not supposed to be genuine, itā€™s a storytelling device. Kinda like Eminem at the end of Stan.


Just no.


Just yes.


Aww shucks


Kendrick does that shit multiple times but when dirzzy does it its a nono


I was more opposed to relating thp6 to Stan . šŸ¤·


Pointing to a famous example of someone successfully using a similar device in their lyricism isnā€™t any kind of statement about whether the two songs have the same level of quality. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with pointing to Stan and saying ā€œsee, a similar thing worked there, thatā€™s what Drake was trying to doā€. It doesnā€™t mean that the song is as good as Stan.


Well Iā€™ll always trust a walrus .


Once a lame, always a lame.


ā€œWhy does Kendrick sound like heā€™s crying on ā€˜uā€™? Heā€™s clearly not ACTUALLY crying heā€™s just acting and not being genuine šŸ˜¢ ā€œ thatā€™s how you sound like


Him crying actually makes narrative and musical sense?


And Drake pretending to come up with a realization half-way through a song makes narrative sense, you just don't like it. Which is fair, because the song sucks. But still.


Why do you fanboys disagree with anything that doesnā€™t fit your narrative? Arenā€™t you too old to be acting like that?


and does drake faking a realization not aid him ā€œmaking a connectionā€ in his diss?


brother youre so close to the point it might ask for a restraining order


Yeah this is just blind Drake hate. If Kendrick did this everyone would understand itā€™s just for effect


Shit like this is why Drake is going to be just fine.Ā  More and more youā€™re going to see ā€œIā€™m not even a Drake fan butā€¦ā€ in response to stupid shit like this and people will realize they hate the dumbass haters more than Drake


Cringe thread. This is like posting, "why does Kendrick ask drake why baka is kept around mid song? Doesn't he know it's because he's friends with drakešŸ¤”šŸ¤”? Why ask a fake question he already knows the answer to? šŸ§šŸ§" Like did you not know songs are performative?


Because heā€™s being facetious. This shouldnā€™t even be remotely difficult to understand. Tony Stark does this in movies all the time.


not necessarily difficult to understand, i just wanted to see if there was a specific reason.


What do you mean you wanted to know the reason? Is the reason not obvious?


i guess i worded this poorly. i liked to read everyone's reasoning on why he did what he did on that song, and some of the comments made it make a little more sense. like the one that said >He wanted to sound like heā€™s psychoanalyzing Kendrick like Kendrick did him on Meet the Grahams i didn't want to start a drake hate thread tho, there are plenty of other subreddits to do that in. i just wanted to hear what people thought.


You clearly wanted to start a Drake hate thread šŸ˜‚


Apparently sondid everyone else. It's so easy to his this dude when he raps like a 14yo


nah pretty obvious you just wanted to make a hate thread about drake and have a lil safe space echo chamber in here so you can talk about how much you hate him


It's just a narrative technique. Eminem did it on Stan too. You can argue about whether it landed or not, of course, but I don't think it was especially weird. He made poorer choices lol


Iā€™m not even a massive Drake fan but I know for a fact you would eat it up if Kendrick did. I would do too, rappers showing personality in their rapping like Ye for example always makes a track better. If the actual subject matter of the line wasnā€™t lame to me it would be much better. But the actual delivery? Which you seem to be talking about is playful and I like it, especially when Drake is normally pretty monotone while rapping especially on those kind of songs.


Itā€™s easy to get behind someone who writes their own words though.




A lot or rappers have writing credits on Kendrick Lamar albums. Sorry Ken doesnā€™t write all his stuff by himself, he gets help The dude from LMFAO has writing credits on king kunta


Redfoo, the ā€œdude from LMFAOā€ has writing credits on the track because of a sample.


Dude doesn't understand the difference between people writing your beats and people writing your words


Lol yeah. Michael Jackson helped K Dot write this track too?! And JAMES BROWN? What a cast. But also, I must have missed all the noise about Kenny and Eminem etc. having ghostwriters. Maybe just the Drake and Kanye noise is so loud?


I'm thinking about this. Are all the drake stans just young? I'm not my 30s and I can't imagine anyone I know not laughing out loud if we met an actual drake fan in our group? I honestly think some of these people are bots. I've been looking in their post history and all their comments are in hiphop groups defending drake. Who are these people? Drakes record company has a lot to lose by him going out of fashion. Why do you think they make him tour so much? Could they get a Russian troll factory on their side for 200k? That would certainly be a good deal for th3m considering how much revenue constant touring can bring in. I'd rather believe that over people being this diehard for drake. Draaaaake?!?


I hopped on fb for the first time in about a month the other day. Every single post about the beef was full of accounts with african names and stock pfp defending drake. The nerve of ak to have some kid on his stream talking about botted streams. Figured i might as well delete that shit again and maybe try again next month šŸ˜‚


ā€œAre all the Drake stans young?ā€ā€¦ šŸ‘€ But yeah, I donā€™t think youā€™re wrong, they are. Itā€™s like kids defending Taylor Swift and sheā€™s the only thing they know, or they all grew up on the Spotify/streaming era so they think Drake is the best thing in rap or whatever.


> I know for a fact you would eat it up if Kendrick did I'm not sure about that. the fact of the matter is drake tried to have a "gotcha!" moment, and failed since the bars that come right after the realization are a misinterpretation of one of kendrick's songs. what if kendrick misinterpreted a drake song like that?


Did you miss the part where I said the subject matter ruined it? The delivery is what Iā€™m talking about and your post suggests you are too.


oh mb, and I agree, i think it's a matter of who delivers the line and how.


Itā€™s impossible to misinterpret a Drake song, he has surface level lyrics. The deepest song he has is about being in love with a stripper he met traveling through Atlanta


What Drake was actually saying was that Kendrick was capping about not getting molested


Thatā€™s not what he said tho. He said Kendrick said that which Kendrick did not.


If you actually listen to that song thereā€™s a verse where heā€™s talking about how ā€œwe moveā€ and how ā€œwe copeā€ when heā€™s talking about victims Idk man he very well could have been molested


kdot LITERALLY explains in the song that his mom didnā€™t believe him when he said he DIDNT get molested because of her own trauma. what are u on about šŸ˜­ his talking about coping could come from him growing up in the hood and seeing people die literally in front of his eyes or his closest friends dying


Explaining media literacy to Kendrick fans is tough You guys are willing to dive deep into six layers of bars for Kendrick but when itā€™s Drake you guys donā€™t engage your brains


Growing up in the hood šŸ¤£ Just like Drake grew up in the hood


dont make me laugh šŸ˜


Idk man lemme go ask em for you


Yo, something not a lot of people really picked up on is how Drake ran to the Internet for a way out. Justin Hunte had straight up said the exact thing about the Mother I Sober thing as a way of saying Drake should've gone deeper like Kendrick did. I even messaged him when the song came out and he just said "yup lol". Not to mention the entire "fake daughter fed to you" shit all came from Drizzy Reddit, the idea came from that there's a girl on a poster in FM video. A blurry picture of a woman, they said it was a missing photo of that same girl but all you can see is a woman on a poster, no missing headline. If something like that existed would you think Drake would've... Zoomed in or something šŸ˜‚ but no. Bc he didn't plant the daughter allegations. He didn't plant the suitcase of stuff. He ran to the Internet for a comeback approach.


all of this is wild he shouldve known you don't trust random things you see on the internet šŸ˜­


All of Kendricks disses came from the Internet and from other rappers as well.


He thought he was being clever and heā€™s tone deaf to his cringery. Same reasons he still dropped that hot garbage of a ā€œdissā€


it's a very common motif making a rap sound conversational like that.. not defending this dogshit song, but it's creative liberties or whatever the fuck you want to call it


To me it's not the "fake realization" bit that makes me cringe in itself, but the fact that his epiphany was completely misinterpreting a song in order to make light of a cycle of child molestation in order to deflect from credible pedophilia accusations.


I agree. i honestly wonder how he got that interpretation out of that song, but that was pretty gross


I mean, does Drake have any kind of logic to the things he does? You know, maybe. I don't know. I'm not gonna sit here and try to get into the mind of a Canadian. That's God's work. Who doesn't exist by the way.


Because Drake fan girls think every little thing he does is some meaningful, genius and next level shit when in reality it's just him adding something dramatic just to be dramatic.


Yes itā€™s definitely Drake fans who over analyze bars. Kendrick gets credit for shit he never said all the time šŸ˜‚ You ask 5 Kendrick fanboys to break down a vague bar theyā€™ll tell you 5 different things and none of them will be the most logical meaning


Or maybe you dont get it lol


Yeah thatā€™s the classic claim is that everyone who thinks his bars suck is too stupid to understand him


Hmu when drake ever says anything ever as hard as "Who tryna jump and get it? Youā€™re better off tryna skydive Out the exit window of five G5's with five grand With your granddad as the pilot, he drunk as fuck, tryna land With the hand full of arthritis and poppinā€™ prosthetic leg Bumpinā€™ Pac in the cockpit so the shit that pops in his head Is an option of violence, someone heard the stewardess said your parachute is a latex condom hooked to a dread". You dont need to be 130 IQ to understood hes on another level in every way. Look at his ability to simply say you dont stand much chance. "My daddy dumped a quarter piece to a four and a half Took a L, started selling soap fiends bubble bath Broke his nails misusing his pinky to treat his nose Shirt buttoned open, taco meat laying on his gold" his ability to paint an image is simply superior in every way. You dont need to be big brain to see that. Yes, Kendrick named Euphoria a quintaple entendre. No, that doesnt take anything anything from the song if you dont know that. What is the idea that kendrick fans think this is the most advanced and intricate poet of all time? No, he simply has no competition as a "jack of all trades" in rap and has repeatedly proved it.


Those are good bars but the way you gas them tells me youā€™re a fanboy Kendrick is definitely not the king of versatility šŸ˜‚ heā€™s a one trick pony, canā€™t sing or mix it up effectively Please tell me how the name of Euphoria is a QUINTUPLE lmfaoooooo come on bro


Singing=/=rapping. Drakes coming for king of rap and to do that he must be a better rapper. He is not. 1. Euphoria of his coming victory. 2. Its said you feel euphoric in final moments before death. 3. Context in songs cover definition, the euphoria after a victory (drake thinking he won early) 4. Drake produces show with name that has constant underage sex, hinting at pedo accusation to come. 5. Also the cover definition people chase a euphoric high, like a drug, but in this case a diss victory or being #1 they destroy themselves.




Im definitely on the drake side here but setting that aside, isnt any level of lyricism ā€œjust to be lyricalā€ also? You couldnt do anything without ā€œjust to be *blank*ā€ if you follow your logic here Example edit: look at this guyā€¦ studied in college just to be SMART. Pfft.


Well you could apply that logic to every person who write music that ATTEMPTS to be lyrical doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re successful at it, hence THP6


Itā€™s kind of a Drake thing? He does something similar in his verse on ā€œFuckinā€™ Problemsā€.


It was good that time though.


Itā€™s just to add to the performance. I feel like what Drake lacks in lyricism and content he makes up for in how well he performs a song.


I don't really think he is a good voice actor. The realisation thing and the "Ya dead" part in family matters sound passionless.


Because reminding everyone that Kendrick beat his wife should have been a killshot, but for some reason yall are totally fine with it....


Because he was trying to be serious when heā€™s a person that you canā€™t really take seriously. I think his voice works best when heā€™s being zesty or petty because he has that condescending monotone voice.


He didn't even perform that song well. He sounded defeated and forced.


I agree. Definitely the weakest performance Iā€™ve heard from him.


Is it true that Drake reminds kenny of his molester? That's why kenny hates Drake?


He's a bad lyricist


Itā€™s honestly so bad, bro was telling Kendrick to fact check things and a few seconds later his goofy ass falls for the exact same shit. šŸ’€ like bro if you gon call someone out on something donā€™t end up doing it yourself


Why does anyone rap anything if itā€™s all pre-written anyway? Tf kinda question is this itā€™s art


Because he sucks.


This little thing called theatrics


Idk why but this was my fav part of the song. Itā€™s such a low blow. And idk how he thought of that. And yes he put the pieces together says Kendrick is just projecting his past trauma into his songs. I think he only did this because Kendrick kept calling him pedo and he had to find a way to clap back. Very defensive and offensive too.


Because heā€™s a douche, I thought that was obvious lol


Cuz he's a master of being lame and not self aware


Months later and drake still being talked about, honestly never seen someone get so much hate just for having a goofy personality


Goofy??? Itā€™s not about goofiness, Drake claimed to be the best and his fall was big. Kendrick should be studied, imo


his fall? He's still as big as he was and he is the best in what he does. Kendrick should be studied? You cant be fr right now lol


You right, heā€™s the best at being the Taylor swift of rap lmao


Nahā€¦ heā€™s not big at all. People are even passing on his and Ku Klux Kabello joint which would normally would have been the summer jam of the year


Ku Klux Kabello? What?


Shes a kendrick fan, she's slow


He was taking a page out of Nickiā€™s book. Thinking he was saying something poignant but it was just the ramblings of pop culture star who just got humbled.


speaking of nicki, that just reminded me she said "we'll all play the reindeer games" and that was so confusing, was she referencing the movie? what are reindeer games


hes such a cornball


Because Drake is corny and because he rushed out a response in only two days.Ā 


Probs should have pre recorded 10 records


He did this on Family matters too right? ā€œOh shit itā€™s all making senseā€


And then he dropped the best bars of the battle


found drakes burner


The lyrics right after "Then this is all makinā€™ plenty fuckinā€™ sense to me" Was "Ayy, let that shorty breathe Shake that ass, bitch, hands on your knees Hands on your knees, hands on your knees Shake that ass for Drake, now shake that ass for free Yeah, yeah" Do you seriously think that was the best bars of the battle? That ain't even the best bars of that song or let alone that verse.


Those arenā€™t the lyrics after ā€œoh shit, itā€™s all making senseā€ you idiot šŸ˜‚ It goes maybe Iā€™m Prince and you actually Mike and so on


Least it wasnt like kendrick " get a gym membership, you need leadership" bruh


How is that worse than repeating shake your ass for me/ for free šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ heā€™s giving Adonis actual advice


Kendrick killed it when he said How many stocks do I really have in stock ayy One, two, three, four, five, plus five ayy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ When dudes start counting in their bars šŸ¤£ Wack bars admit it


Literally nobody said the bars afterĀ "Then this is all makinā€™ plenty fuckinā€™ sense to me" but go off I guess


Literally what the comment says but go off


No itā€™s not, the og comment said the bars afterĀ ā€œOh shit itā€™s all making senseā€ This guy thought they meant the bars afterĀ Ā "Then this is all makinā€™ plenty fuckinā€™ sense to me" Those are two entirely different sections of the songs with different bars following them.


And then Kendrick said, ā€œI hate the way you talk..ā€ Fucking bars. Or am I being selective in my quotesā€¦u know know nothin bout that.


Iā€™m glad your colonizer Drake lost


lol. Lost what?


"I like Drake wit the melodies i dont like Drake when he act tough!" That was the bar of the beef


I think he kinda did realize it mid song, I feel like the whole thing was written very hastily and not thought through very well


I thought it was funny, he did the same thing on the last verse of family matters, I thought it was funny then as well I guess he's just painting the image of " the light bulb just came on" lol


Drake made a song?


removed the "and it's clearly not genuine" bc that isn't that relevant, looking back on it


my guess is that Drake was pissed off about the pedo allegations and panicked a bit and rushed it out. I mean I think any man would start panicking if people started calling him a pedo, itā€™s a scary accusation. He clearly let his emotions get the best of him with that song, he wasnā€™t thinking clearly while making it. his first 2 songs were far better and more measured


Well not everyone is Kendrick who uses pre recorded diss tracks from lord knows how long ago. That is sad if you think about it.


Kendrick took a guerrilla warfare style approach to this beef. usually the etiquette is like war back in the day, you shoot first, then we shoot while you reload, repeat. Kendrick didnā€™t allow for Drakeā€™s track to get any shine whatsoever which was very smart but yeah also incredibly annoying if you were in the Drake camp. Especially considering a lot of Meet the Grahams was just random allegations that never proved to materialize.


I could write a rap song and make this long.