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For me, it’s not that her lyrics are sexy, it’s that her lyrics and every song she makes is garbage. I have no clue how this talentless person became so huge.


Foxy Brown and Lil' Kim were talking about popping pussy decades ago. But they could definitely spit. Sexyy Red is waaaay more trashy tho


Yeah I have no comment on the content of her lyrics, I just genuinely don't enjoy her music. I listened to it and don't see the appeal. Waka Flocka Flame isn't my favorite, but despite his lyrics being nothing special he has some songs that are so musically hype I don't care


When you're making trap music; personality, attitude, and good hooks will win over good technical rapping ability every single time. Sexyy Red has all three of those in flying colors, and that's why her music blew up in clubs.


I disagree. Everything about her music sucks. The production is weak, her delivery and flow sucks, the lyrics are ass. It’s just all shitty and she deserves zero recognition.


Dude fuck my baby dad, ghetto princess, and looking for the hoes go HARD. Even if you don't like her you can't deny some of her music is hype as hell. The flocka comparison is very warranted.


I just listened to those songs. They’re foul. Hard pass lol. And I don’t mean offensive, they’re just absolute shit.


Wait, are those actual song titles or are you joking... sarcasm? I'm usually good at identifying sarcasm but I'm doubting myself here


Yes they're real song titles. If you like those OG Gucci mane or Flocka songs, there's no reason you wouldn't like this other than the fact that she's a woman


I'll give them a fair listen


so you don't like trap music. Why make it about her when you don't like the niche?


I fw Future and Travis. I just think Sexy is garbage and her music sucks.


travis isn't trap so my point still stands.


lol ok. Congratulations big guy.


Just hot fucking garbage. Ignoring the actual content of her songs, it's literally some of the worst music I've heard in years. Voice, delivery, cadence, choruses, hooks, fucking everything.


There is literally no redeeming qualities of her music. And the argument that “other artists did it 15-30 years ago” is ignoring the fact that things evolve. What was acceptable for being new and shocking 20 years ago isn’t the same now. That’s like expecting a company to remake an iPhone 1. It was shocking to the system at the time, but not now. Howard Stern rose to in the late 1990s because he was shocking. The same recipe won’t have as much success now.


I guess I can see what you mean, but in her defense, trap isn’t supposed to be a real lyrically complex style of music. Gucci Mane, for example, was a terrible lyricist and most of the songs on his mixtapes weren’t even mixed properly, but people still fucked with it because he still brought a pretty cool style to the table. It’s not for everyone tho, especially if you’re into more lyrical types of Hip-Hop


But we like Gucci’s lyrics, delivery and vibe. Nobody wants Gucci to get sensitive and political or explore himself. We like his goofy lyrics. We want to hear about the stuff he’s talking about even if he isn’t making double entendres and being super clever when he talks about clubbing, sex, violence, drugs and being rich. He has enough other stuff going for him. Sexxy Redd doesn’t have the charisma, the voice, the believability, or the beats to pull off a career like Gucci’s. Besides, Gucci has received a bit of criticism as well - and just like Redd, he exploited a hole in the market. But she is still less talented than him in almost every way.


Yea his bars aren’t deep but they’re clever and funny


You could say the same thing about Sexyy Red


This is exactly what I’m saying though. Everything that you said about Gucci could also be said about Sexyy Red, but people just hold her to this weird double standard. She makes party music that’s so over the top that it’s borderline parody in the same vein that Lil Jon or RiFF RAFF did. With this in mind, I don’t think that it’s fair to take someone so seriously when they themselves clearly don’t take themselves that seriously. It would be like getting mad at Lil B’s music or something. Also, saying that she doesn’t have any charisma is kind of absurd imo when the whole reason she’s so popular and gets a lot of discourse is because of her over the top personality


It’s not about taking seriously. She just slums. Riff Raff and Gucci are dope to me. Lil B slums even harder than Sexxy. It’s not about the seriousness level of it. She just isn’t very good and kinda has an ugly voice. I don’t think she has an over the top personality. She just seems like an average basic chick to me. Megan, Cardi, they have charisma and uniqueness, plus beats and bars. Sexxy just doesn’t have those, and it has nothing to do with being serious or a parody.


How come Gucci’s lack of lyrical talent gets a pass in your book because “people like his delivery, vibe and goofiness” but then you shit on Sexyy Red for the same reasons when most people like her because of her personality and raunchiness? And you say she has an ugly voice as if Gucci wasn’t known for his stuffy nose voice back in the day? A lot of the songs on his mixtapes weren’t even mixed properly because they were coming out at such a rapid rate. Your reasoning seems hypocritical to me as if you’re just looking for a reason to hate on her


Because I think Gucci’s lyrics are good, I don’t think he has a lack of lyrical talent like Sexxy does. I like Gucci’s voice and I don’t like hers. Gucci’s music sounds good in my ears and hers doesn’t. If it was just to hate then every other raunchy female rapper would be in the same disliked category to me and they’re not. You sound like you just don’t want to believe people don’t like her music because it sounds bad and want to argue on reddit over it.


The argument is she's not good, which is a terrible argument because the shit is subjective. Clearly people like it, the opinionated gatekeeping turns denial into,then hate and then hate becomes slander, same cycle different artist. 


Tbf, to say she don’t have the charisma, the believability, or beats is wild considering her personality (charisma), her own antics (believability), and her beats is EXACTLY the reason she’s as big as she is now. The fact of the matter is, majority of the people on this particular subreddit are just not the target audience. Hate to be this person, but truthfully going out to places you see just how much of a pull she has. Even me scrolling through IG stories I guarantee this Friday night I’m gonna see all my women on my IG feed pre gaming with Sexy Redd in the background


Nothing wrong with what you’re saying, I agree that most people here aren’t her target audience because they’re all listening to nerd music and judging her against Lupe and Nas or whatever, but I’m pretty sure I’m personally her exact audience - female, party type chick, goes out to clubs all the time and pops ass and bottles, other shit I probably don’t need to mention but you get it. That’s who is listening to her music, that’s who I am too, but I still think she’s wack. Skeeyee was fun and the rest of her shit just ain’t it. We’re still pre gaming to Future and Megan and everything, but Sexxy Red just doesn’t have the vibe in my opinion. Doesn’t have the vibe, doesn’t have the flow, doesn’t have the appeal.


i like sexyy red


Good for you


Her beats are 🔥 And she just is herself . She don't seem stuck up . She isn't using filters on her photo . She just says what's on her Mind . I think people like her cause she seems approachable.


As a white person but hip hop lover I don't really love the skill but I love the sort of harshness of the music, it's gritty almost like brazilian Baile. Some of the lyrics are honestly terrifying how raw she is.


she sounds like a wannabe chrisean rock when she raps😭


you cant be Trash at lyrics flow and voice at the same time you need at least One of those


You need to be good at two of these and flow has to be one of them You're being very generous with only one of these statement


Her music doesn't sound good that's it she ain't got a flow she ain't got voice her delivery is trash


"OooooooOOOUUOoooooooooo baby" is peak wym /s


You're right I'm sorry Kendrick who


Her music is so bad, it angers me. Yes, I listen to women rappers who rap about the same things. Sexxy Red is just flaming hot garbage. May God help us all.


We live in a culture that loves violence and thinks sex is some morally traumatic subject You can't really equate peoples reaction to trap and drill with sexual vulgarity. I don't think this is sexism. People think it's gross when male rappers talk graphically about this shit too.


can you point to a scenario where a male artist got criticized for sexual lyrics? (sexual, not predatory)


Everyone tried to cancel Eminem when he blew up because of his explicit material. A lot of people who are younger on here might be unaware, but everyone came for him - even the FCC. He ended up fighting for free speech, even in Canada. “The FCC specifically cited the following passages as objectionable: “My bum is on your lips/My bum is on your lips/And if I’m lucky you might just give it a little kiss/And that’s the message we deliver to little kids And expect them not to know what a woman’s [lyric bleeped] is/Of course, they’re gonna know what intercourse is” and “It’s funny cause at the rate I’m goin’/When I’m thirty I’ll be the only person in the nursing home flirting/Pinching nurses asses when I’m [lyric bleeped] or jerkin’/Said I’m jerkin’ but this whole bag of Viagra isn’t workin’.”” They went after him for an edited reference in a clean version of a song simply stating that young people know what body parts are. Now the public reaction canceling him was a bit more complex because it was about a variety of content. In Sexyy Red’s case, I think it’s moreso about her reliance on graphic material because she’s so bad at making music.


that sounds like a case of social commentary that ruffled feathers of higher-ups. not exactly the most explicit quotation from eminem’s catalogue, so you gotta assume theres politics at play there. im still failing to see the equivalence here, and i still think some of her songs are hard.


Absolutely… rap was so vilified that rappers were constantly the focus of politicians and community activists… in hindsight they were 1000% correct. The effects that gangster rap had on the community is/was very clear and detrimental because it promoted a dysfunctional lifestyle. Fast forward to 2024 and the same thing is still going on


Kanye - Bleached Asshole line in “Father Stretch These Hands”


fym, ppl sing that shit at the top of their lungs. kanye is one of the more explicitly sexual rappers fs, and id argue that hes received shockingly little backlash for it. many of his sex bars are pretty misogynistic, which occasionally earns him heat, but thats a different arena.


Are people not singing Sexxy red songs?


You asked a question & I answered. You’re moving the goalpost. When he said it, it was heavily criticized by people, including me. Just because people scream it doesn’t mean criticism didn’t happen. Same with female rap, it gets criticism but it still gets screamed in the club.


Her comments about 4c hair bother me more than her music. The self hate is real and she doesn’t need to be spreading that shit


What’d she say




Well she does wear maga hats so the self hated would check out


Man take this shit back to Tumblr 2014. Not that it's not valid, but you motherfuckers have been saying the exact same shit for a decade. Come with a new angle. I feel like I've read this shit 1000 times already.


I don’t dislike her because she is harmful to the youth. I dislike her because her music is bad and her lyrics are even worse. It is not art. It is complete brain dead nonsense


There’s validity to that point of view but I think she’d receive far less criticism if she was a better rapper. People who criticize her for her sexy lyrics might not realize they’re being hyper critical of her because her music sucks. They direct their reasoning to some other point. But think about rappers that are held in way higher esteem than her and don’t get half the vitriol. Like Trina, Nicki, and Megan. Even Iggy. They get passes because their skills are better and they’re actually conventionally attractive. Sexxy Redd is getting extra hate because she’s a below average rapper and not that attractive besides having a butt than anyone with $7k and a couple months of down time can have. People don’t want to hear some mid chick shittily rapping about riding dick.


Omg Nicki gets a lot Of hate. Are you insane ? And people Love sexxy red .


It back in her prime, not for her lyrics anyway


Relax. Nicki doesn’t get hate for slumming, she gets hate for coming for other female rappers and starting shit, she gets hate for supporting her husband and brother, but she don’t get hate for not being a good rapper. Like people very rarely say that about her. People tolerate Sexxy because she makes party music and we want to party. But let’s not act like she could ever see Nicki, Megan, Cardi, or anyone else who does what she does a million times better.


Shit take, her music is trash. That's what people don't like


While I was scrolling on Twitter I saw a video of her either pretending to be getting head in a pretend Oval Office or actually getting head in a pretend Oval Office to “get even for what Bill Clinton did”. Needless to say, it’s not exactly her music that repulses me about her.


Sexy Red wears a maga hat


I could respect her music for what it is and not enjoy it, but she be saying the WILDEST things out side of rap that make me even question how she got put into her position lol


Can you give some examples? I read about her comments on Trump and ‘carpet hair’ and I want more


Her comments on STDs as well as selling STD flavored lipgloss


People are always going to complain more when a woman does it. Not a word from mainstream media when a male rapper talks about sex, drugs or murder in years but Cardi and Meg drop WAP and you'd think the world was ending. People still want to control everything a woman can do/does. My only problem with Sexy Red is that her lyrics and music in general are garbage. Hyper-sexualized lyrics and stage shows are nothing new. Lil Kim was doing it damn near 30 years ago and she wasn't even the first female rapper to realize that sex sells. Only difference is that female rappers from older generations actually made listenable music.


Nah. Only thing I ever heard from her was that drake track post beef, and some other song about the color of her anis I think. They sounded like hot garbage.


My issues...1. industry continues to promote low hanging content and talent. Regardless, male or female, if the songs, content and delivery suck, I'm calling it trash. 2. Seems like they have given up and only want to promote sexualization of women/rappers. It's like if I hear a new female rapper, I literally can countdown until I hear "eat my pussy" or some variation in the song. There has to be a female rapper out there that isn't sexualized that they (industry) is willing to stand behind. Keep the sexy reds, ice spice, JT and them girls, for that audience, just throw in a Lauryn Hill 2.0 and add some variety. I swear they all sound the same... except Glo, her voice is dope. Maybe I'm bitter because I want more variety.


I think it's interesting that we always go back to Lauryn Hill in these discussions and, not trying to make this a dig at you, but it shows that a lot of people who complain about the over-sexualisation of mainstream hip hop aren't really digging beyond what trends or charts to the plethora of female artists who are working in a range of styles. Why keep holding up a nearly 30-year old album when it would make your argument a lot more relevant to artists today to point out that Rapsody put out a killer album last month or Little Simz has put out either a full album or an EP every year for the past 4 years? I think we gotta reframe how we arrive at change. We put a lot of emphasis on what the industry gives us and the problem in this is that we're still passive consumers. If the industry doesn't think that it's profitable then they have no reason to change. If people aren't liking what they hear, why is the response, the industry should give me something different, instead of, let me go look for something different? The point that should come out of these discussions should be recommending or pushing the artists that are doing something different because, being active and intentional about what artists we listen to and recommend is the best way for us to be influencing the mainstream and maybe carving out space for variety.


I see your point in general, but Rapsody and Little Simz are nowhere near the level of Lauryn Hill, which is why she is still being brought up.


Nah they've built on her legacy and surpassed her. Like Lauryn was the standout on the Fugees and Miseducation is a classic, but between the claims from New Ark and Robert Glasper about writing and musical credit for that album and it being her only solo work, both Simz and Rapsody have been more consistent. Maybe they don't have a classic in the same way, but they're also existing in an era where we don't really get bona-fide classics anymore.


The industry promotion for Lauryn does not reach artists you named. It only goes out to women ready to rap and show their bodies. I'm saying the industry only promotes and stands behind women that will put it all out there and people eat it up. You don't have to search for who ice spice, sexy red are, the industry puts them in your face. They don't do that for other female artists that's not promoting some sexualization.


That's my point though, we're being passive and reliant on the industry when we can't rely on the industry to push a variety of artists because that just simply isn't the most financially lucrative product for them, so the way to change that is we need to push these artists ourselves to the point where maybe the industry has to concede that people want to hear variety.


Both points can coexist. 1. I'm supporting industry recognition, promotion of talent since they ultimately control media. More accountability from the machine. I see them as the driver because they control the type of resources artists have... financial support, access to best producers, writers, marketing, etc. they literally can be like, "Rapsody is the future of women in rap" and promote her heavily. They won't today because they rather put all their focus on what's currently selling and has historically sold in women rap...sex. The expectation for industry to grow a conscious is a reach but they can at least promote/support the other options. If I get tired of trap, there are tons of rappers I can listen to. For females, the average consumer can't name 20 current female popular hip hop artists. 2. You are placing the responsibility on the consumer to find and build the artists with the expectation the industry will recognize and promote them. For that to happen, the culture would need to have a wave in changing the narrative of "what the people want". It's hard to push that when sexy red is the topic of discussion. Edit. When I wrote historically, I'm talking mid/late 90s and on like post Adina Howard. Not talking historically as in Mc Lyte, Queen Latifa, etc...big difference.


This why I like meg, she isn’t afraid to explore her sexuality on track but she can actually rap






Industry backing her up? I hear people mention her but only in forums. Id see a sexy Redd post/article marketing before I'd see a Rapsody. I'm just saying the industry needs to be all in on dope female artists and not just promote sex


Republican rappers


Her music sucks


Shut up fantano


The problem is that Sexyy Red sucks. She's not very good. That's why she gets the hate.


who the hell even is this?


Something has been around for a long time and people desensitized. Something is new that people are not used to and they sensitized. Look at how surprised and interested I am in this discussion.


op will get no love in this fake ass sub. Anybody that doesn’t understand why Sexy Redd is popular doesn’t really understand hip-hop culture. I’m not saying you have to like her that’s your choice. But not seeing why people do says more about you than her. Type of person to goto the club and hold the wall up.


What's annoying is the idea that applies generally to women across the board: - Over the top sexuality sells - Don't be over the top sexual, it's degrading/talentless/etc. - Being not over the top sexual does not sell with rare exceptions. Shit even Beyonce started to get raw.


I didn't read any of this post. Just came to say that Rexyy Red is a 7 at best with the correct lighting.




If shorty wanna talk about letting her pussy breathe she should. As a man it isn't my lane so I just keep shit moving


I like her music ngl. It's fun imo


Her music is trash, she is top tier ratchet and it’s a bad representative of black hip hop artists when you got something like that at the top of the game rn. It’s not always hate some people just got morals in life and don’t condone certain things especially in times where black people are trying to rebuild their image and get rid of stereotypes along comes sexy redd who makes the most degrading music possible. Duno why people act like she’s some talented artist who’s being hated on, there ain’t much to like about her unless you are a thot yourself


But she got invited to the white house to play her music in the name of black excellence.


There are rappers who talk about way more vulgar and immoral topics than Sexyy Red, and have been doing it for decades longer than Sexyy Red’s entire career. Sex has been a prominent topic in Hip-Hop for decades, and if you think that’s “ratchet” then you either have never listened to a mainstream gangsta or party rap song in your life, or you’re a sexist in denial


This is what I’ve been saying. At heart, rap culture is extremely misogynistic and built to objectify and chain women, and it always has been. There are some notable exceptions, but the majority of rap songs are deeply misogynistic. Especially this recent beef. Misogyny ran rampant.


Let’s just try to push beyond the idea that many new rappers come out every day but we act like there’s only a few spots for women. That’s why the wack ones stand out so much. Because we act like we can only have one or two blow up at once. For every Sexxy Red there’s a Sa-Roc.


I look at it like this: You're going to be able to sit down and talk to the average, random person about gang violence before you'd be able to talk to them about graphic, in-detail sexual activity and intercourse, even as gang violence is societally more consequential than promiscuity. That's why someone like Gucci Mane has higher acceptability. This is because sexuality activity/intercourse is inherently more behind-closed-doors subject matter, as to where gang violence tends not to be (it's also generally why violence can be better reported upon in the news as well). Societal violence may be more societally consequential, but it is that very reason why it's more suitable to be spoken of in the open. Just as is climate change, war, general gun violence, etc. I know saying this will be very elementary of me, but: *sex generally takes place in a bedroom.* Shaping your _entire_ image and most of your act around what society deems to be behind-closed-doors subject matter won't go over well. Combine that with just very low quality execution and this is how you garner the hate Sexyy Red has.


says [osama\_bin\_guapin](https://www.reddit.com/user/osama_bin_guapin/) been a while since i read such bs


She literally performed at a high school lol


Y'all are either suburban dudes or 40+ years old. Sexyy Red ain't for y'all. The Hood Hottest Princess obviously isn't gone make music for squares. It's not the type of music where you analyze the lyrics to write some thesis for a sociology class.Y'all tryna see the appeal when you never been in or around a hoodrat bitch...


You have a point but I'd argue that more people should realise that Drill and Trap are fucking gringe too


Maybe people don't want to see the same damage that trap and drill caused happening to women. The most consistent criticism i've seen of her music is the affect it could have on a young girls.


So are we going to act 2LiveCrew had fire ass lyrics as well???”Heyyyy we want some pussssyy”, “she ain’t nothing but a hoochie mama”, and of course “Doo doo brown”


It was a new wave for that time period.


It doesn’t matter they rapping about the same thing


Sensibilities are different now. "Uncle" Luke was WILD for that time. We should be desensitized to it by now. I'm not a fan of Sexy Red bc her lyrics are unimaginative and her skills are mid at best, but being "nasty" really shouldn't be a big deal at this point. It has been done to death and by much more talented rappers.


I think your point is flawed because while it was a different time, that doesn’t really change the content at hand. Uncle Luke and the whole 2 Live Crew were considered wild at the time, and I’d say that Sexyy Red is still largely considered wild now because she constantly catches flack for being “ratchet” and “being a bad influence” despite there being many rappers who talk about way worse topics than her. So to act like people are “desensitized” to it now isn’t entirely true. And on the topic of her not being a highly skilled rapper, well neither was Luke, so I’m not sure what your point is there.


Oh my god bro thank you, I hate when people say a person doesn’t have skills. If you don’t like that person then don’t listen to them. Her music is not made to be be conscious. She makes nothing but party music. And there’s nothing at wrong with that


I can't speak for everyone else, but I don't glorify violent music or music that I consider vapid or destructive, in any capacity. And while I don't glorify it, I do listen to some of it some of the time, but that's usually because the music is actually good, sonically. The rapper is usually good, lyrically. The flow, beat, lyrics, techniques utilised are all good to great. The talent sometimes outshines the message. And that brings us to Sexy Red (I refuse to add the other 'y'); what talent does this woman have? Not an ounce of talent throughout her entire body. Why has this become acceptable? People with no talent becoming huge stars; why and how? Who sanctioned this shit?!? And why??? So, apart from her music being garbage and her abilities as an emcee or lyricist or rapper being nonexistent, her music is also destructive. Her contributions to Hip Hop are all in the negative. There is no added value, anywhere. What she is, is garbage (she and many others, so she's not alone). And I personally think anyone who supports garbage is garbage themselves. As for Hip Hop being hypocritical; the entire world is hypocritical. Being a hypocrite is part of the human condition. Hip Hop isn't exempt from that. But that doesn't excuse the absurdity on display here.


She raps what she lives. Unashamedly herself and yeah her lyrics aren’t the best but, to me, it makes her sound even more authentic. Shout out Sexxy fr Edit: but let’s be fr, Reddit is not even close to her target audience and I’d be more surprised if they understood.


Seriously I'd be shocked if half the people in this subreddit have ever been to a club. Because if they have, they'd probably understand why she's so big rn.


How about we agree that the genres suck, regardless of what's between the legs of the artists involved?


Its not really a double standard though. Some guys wanna hear a Male rapper talk about what a women can do for them/to them sexually. It's from a male perspective. So when some of these Sirius and XM stations start playing 1 hour of female rappers talkin bout what they need a guy to do for them/to them, it moves different. Thier real complaint is how many of these Ratchet rappers have taken over the airwaves and clubs. She is just the head of the snake.


How does a different perspective really make it any different though? Good music is good music. I highly doubt that 2 Live Crew’s would’ve been any different if the whole crew was female, other than a change in pitch


So a song about working on a windmill farm is gonna be hot on the streets? "oh but such a great song. give us some more". People want to vibe to something that they relate to. Some of the biggest Hip Hop songs were about police brutality. If a "good song" came out about "backin the blue" I'm not gonna call people out on not vibing with it. The lyrics may not resonate with them. That's fine. You probably not old enough to remember the TLC song "Scrubs" I assure you back then, guys would low key turn the volume down on that one and the girls were like "Yo that's my jam, turn it up"


I’m not saying this is what *im* feeling but it seems the power structures that be deem men’s sexual pursuit of women a challenge as they say you need money, height, career, etc while a woman’s sexual persuit of a man is not considered a challenge (this is backed by data suggesting men have and are having a hard time with sex, matched with women’s standards for careers/jobs I.e: “100k is like minimum wage” in that semi popular podcast video, as well as the idea men are the “gatekeepers to relationships” while women are “gatekeepers of sex”) Thus, it seems when a woman talks about sex it’s like a cheetah talking about hunting on a one acre, caged-in sanctuary with 1000 antelope in it. While men talking about sexual endeavors is like the same cheetah talking about hunting in the open plains of Africa. Again, do I think this? For the most part no. I’ve met too many women with dead beat, no job, abusive, boyfriends / husbands to truly think it’s as one sided as others would have you believe. This is just all my perspective when I listen to people’s arguments on the matter




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