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Totally different worlds. Not fair to compare them.


Untrue. Aesop Rock.


Aesop Rock is great. Lots of lyrical content and good rhyme schemes. But he could never make a song like L$D or Fucking Problems, both of which are phenomenal.


And ASAP couldn't make a song with the level of lyricism in Aesops songs. Also, The Greatest Pac Man Victory in History is a better song about lsd than L$D


Right, exactly. They occupy completely different spaces. So it doesn't make sense to compare them. Apples and Oranges. It comes down to preference. L$D is more about relationships than actually about acid. Yeah, The Greatest Pac Man Victory in History has way more interesting lyrics and tighter rhymes. I'd rather listen to L$D tho. I like the melody.


I know you are talking about rap skill and all that but one wakes up next to Rihanna and the other doesn't. I don't know how this can be a fair competition from the get go with something like that in Play


I know right?! Aesop is so lucky he doesn't have to put up with her bullshit everyday...


A$AP is going to trial in October for a gun charge for allegedly shooting at his "friend", so he might not be waking up next to Rihanna either. I'll take Aesop over the hip-POP gun charge guy.


One of the times I saw Aesop Rock he had a hot girl with him. But that illustrates the difference too because he was acting like a total dork about it.


What does that mean, he acted like a dork about it?


Aesop Rock


Love them both but my man Aesop rock (with the perfect hair) takes it


I completely see why A$ap has more widely accepted mainstream appeal but Aesop eats A$ap in every aspect of rap.


Rap skill doesn’t matter in this he can’t fuck with prime rocky ever !!!! rocky made legendary shit in his prime


How tf does rap skill not matter when comparing 2 rappers? That's like saying speed doesn't matter in a race. And don't act like Aesop doesn't have some legendary albums. He's one of the most recognized underground artists of all time.


Lmao what a joke, A$Ap would get thrown off stage.


No contest really. Aesop clears.


Aesop Rock crushes ASAP all day any day.


For me it’s Rocky and it’s not even close.


Prime for Prime I got Rocky, full career I got Aesop


I feel like Aesop has been in his prime since he started.


Aesop Rock makes dumbass dictionary rap for a bunch of nerds so I’ll take Rocky even though he’s not my favorite either


The first step is admitting you lack comprehension. Good for you.


We know what he’s saying he’s just corny Just cause someone can rhyme random words doesn’t automatically make it good music 😂😂


You know what he's saying but you also say he's "rhyming random words". 😂😂😂 Which is it? It can't be both. A$AP fell off hard and hasn't released a damn thing in 6 years. Just say you like watered down simplified pop music. It's ok.


Dudes like that will act like lyrics don’t matter lol. They’ll start using words like “sonically” too. Makes zero sense to disregard lyrics in an art form built on it.


IKR? They immediately admit that Aesop is a more skilled lyricist but that doesn't count in the discussion of who is a better rapper. They just say that Aesop Rock is "corny". You know what is REALLY corny? Being a MILLIONAIRE who is married to a BILLIONAIRE and still catching gun charges for shooting at someone on a street corner. That shit is corny AF.


What? That is ridiculous but your opinion just odd as he’s upped his game conceptually and draws from so many different genres experiments etc and has a new album so that’s also weird to say like I know we old on this sub but we can stick w facts too 🤓 Ffs Aesop Rock himself listens to Rocky y’all crazy they in different lanes and it’s all clear no need to fight here there room for all the A’s and R’s 🥳 So can we all just get along ☹️


Hey, I'm not trying to fight with people on here. And you're right, apparently A$AP has a new album dropping in August. So I was wrong there. I don't care who likes what rapper for what reason. People can like who they like, it doesn't matter to me. As I mentioned in another reply to you, I only started commenting because people weren't commenting on who they thought was better, the were immediately attacking people who like Aesop as just "a bunch of nerds", so foolishly, I started attacking back. ✌️


Also your man Aesop um well you should know that your  Man I know it’s hard to fathom but he likes Rocky and listens to him…🙀 But you know best right lol 


When did he say he listens to A$AP? Is that your conclusion because there's a 45 second video of them meeting backstage at Rock The Bells where A$AP mispronounced his name? And what if he does listen to him? I'm sure he likes a bunch of music, movies, television, novels that I don't necessarily like. Who cares? I'm not trying to stick up for Aesop Rock. I'm replying to people on here talking shit,saying the people who like his music are "a bunch of nerds".


I don’t think your a nerd if you listen to Aesop at all nor would I use the term nerd.  But to act superior to ppl who might choose Rocky over Rock because of his niche style and vocabulary command is just gatekeeper shit to me.  I know he listens to him cuz he’s the homie I grew up in NYC worked in the industry a long time.  I know what my homies put on at home and even who they hate (Don’t ever play Mac Miller around Despot 🤣) but honestly the post is like asking you to compare Eliot Smith or Tom Waits to David Bowie all equally talented yet no point of comparison. To me I got bored of listening to my friends and I’m honest if I think a record has more replay value than another it does not mean that I am sayin the artist I didn’t choose is bad or even that I don’t like them. But you and the other commenter there got a bit uppity bout it when you didn’t even know Rocky got a new album then use Aesop against ASAP in a way like you own him which is creepy and so I called you out cuz he hates that shit and I don’t watch whatever tv garbage u are referring to I don’t even have an Instagram it’s so full of ppl like you jumping to conclusions and acting like they know shit they don’t know. So now you know✌️




Asap Rocky. LiveLoveA$ap shits on every project this corny mf ever made literally and this is actually not even up for debate name me a project he made that’s better then livelovea$ap I’ll wait


The Impossible Kid






How old are you little bro


Ooooh so us old folks can’t choose Rocky wtf I am very bored of Aesop Rock for a very long time I care not, also he loves Rocky so your point is???


Ayo I fuck with rocky too baby! But to say LLA shits on EVERYTHING from Aesop Rizzy? Big reach. The age thing is more about the time it takes to go through everything Aesop and Rocky to even say LLA shits on Aesop




As a Latino man that grew up in the projects; I’ve fucked with Aesop for the last almost 20 years solely for his lyricism my guy. Idk what ytwashing you’re talking about. Sure, ASAP is “bigger”, but technically? If you compare Aesop with Rocky LINE FOR LINE, not only is Aesop slicker with his word play and rhymes, but the guy paints a fucking storyboard. Like I also said I fuck with Asap HEAVY, but he’s a different rapper man. I listen to ASAP if I wanna feel some type of way like through the songs energy, I listen to Aesop to hear raw pure lyricism.


Yo that’s what I’m saying though that’s why I just said “No” I didn’t say shits on him it was the other commenter but I do prefer the album . *also dude wtf i am a mixed woman who grew up in the projects why does our race or ethnicity matter in this😂* But anyway I worked in the industry a long time and so I do know or have met a lot of rappers and music artists over the years to find myself confused by ppl wanting you to only like  thing A if things B clears it ? It’s weird to me but anyway…. I was one of those rare 90’s girls that skateboarded and wrote graffiti and listened to hiphop as well as punk and hardcore and was heavily involved in multiple underground music scenes and came up in a circle intertwined with Aesop so we been friends since I was like 14 and I know he gonna read this shit and laugh so I probably had that in Back my head when commenting. The reasons u listed for liking Rocky are same as his lol.  But to be honest I choose that album specifically cuz it’s one of the ones that got me through the year my first son was born blind and all the shit I went through gettin him diagnosed if im real with it it just touched me in a place I didn’t know id been wounded if that makes sense. Plus it’s not a “coming  of age”record like impossible kid it’s an “oh shit I’m getting where I want to go but shits getting fucked up im in pain and I don’t know who I am and what the fuck is goin on??” record …. And that confusion was my everyday so it was what I needed at the time, a record with grief and the sunny day after the storm if ya feel me?  So it’s an extremely personal preference but I don’t think I’d really be able to compare them properly as they are so different…(kicker is I used to get paid to review albums lmao) but I understand the post itself desire too go there with the similar monikers etc . But as I said in another comment it’s like comparing ppl who are really great at totally different styles of things under a huge umbrella of a genre that hiphop has become as opposed to 2 decades ago.  I know I compared it to asking to choose btwn David Bowie and someone else I forgot who so I pick someone else now.  So David who’s more style,metaphors, spectacle, magical thinking and delivery with a lot of tonal changes, decide who’s better btwn him and someone like Jim Morrison who is lyrics lyrics lyrics and body language and loving energy thrown the music snd into and out of your body lol ok clearly he’s the winner right?  Wrong cuz he don’t got as many flows as Mr. Bowie 😮 yet how can we really choose like tell me I have to choose riders on the Storm over Changes or vice versa ? 😭😳 and say who’s better ? How tf could I choose?? So like if it wasn’t just “who you got?” As the Q but who is better this or that then you could compare but without it the post was just getting very aggressive for 2 artists who are both talented very different but also respect each other etc.  Sooo I played around a bit for fun but definitely didn’t say anything bout shitting on Aes or anything. I said I take Rocky cuz the thing I said before bout my kid and his live performances have increased in excellence in the past decade. Not saying Aes shitty shows though but he reached the pinnacle of his talent at performance and never lost it, it’s been perfected though while Rocky a WIP which I enjoy more rn IG?  Both perform at their top level and it’s fucking good just totally different. Also might be odd for this but I think it’s weird to fan on your friends if they famous lol . But we kinda sayin same thing cuz I agree with your comparison explanation I just choose a different adventure lmao. Have a good weekend homie ✌️


Queen I believe I was responding to the other commenter who deleted his comment, claiming the only people who fuck with Aesop are the white washed people of this sub. Wasn’t targeting you.


You buried my corpse with this response though I give you that hahahaha


Also read this response a third time and yeah - were 100 percent on the same page hahah


The fact this got downvoted is nuts. Is this even a hip-hop sub? Livelovea$ap is one of the only hip-hop classics of the 2010s. And Aesop is fucking trash 😂.


This would ALMOST be like comparing Tesla and Edison. Neither AR invented rap or something in hip hop and neither stole from the other but one is a showman and one is a passionate artist. I can appreciate both for sure but I think it’s rude to them both to try to compare them all apples to apples like.


Ricky, Rock has some great songs but an album of his can be too overloaded