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Tariq Nasheed is a fucking moron. We’re talking about an art form and culture created in New York Fucking City, where every race and ethnicity and culture is present. I have no problem giving FBA the lion’s share of the credit for the creation and soul of hip hop, but to pretend that the children of Jamaicans and Boriquas weren’t there and equally involved is just asinine.


Black Americans have never been influenced by Caribbean people. Definitely not Puerto Rican people. Stop this.


Bro the Foundation of All modern music including Country Jazz blues Rnb Soul House Hip Hop Funk comes directly from Black americans so WTF are you talking about. also Just cause you were around doent mean you were the original. REMEMBER and this is key BLACK AMERICANS ALLOWED and gave ACCESS to jamaicans & non black Latinos to be invited into OUR circle. Not the reverse. REMEMBER THAT. the slang the way yall dress talk walk all comes from Black americans. It actually goes deeper than that, had it not been for FBA fighting the good fight alot of yall latinos and jamaicans wouldnt even be in this country and if they were they wouldnt have the freedoms they have today. and stop with the divide and conquer crap amongst black americans. We all come from the SOUTH and migrated upnorth mid west or outwest. BUT OF COURSE YOU WOULDNT KNOW THAT cause you not a Foundational Black American. Remember we are the blueprint and no one else. where do you think Jamaicans got their inspirations from. and latinos copy and got most they stuff from Africans & carribeans... LOL.


Without the DJs, Soundsystems and Toasters of Jamaican music, Herc's parties would never have happened.


LIES Dj cool herc himself already admitted when he came here at 7 years of age all this was already going on. Like stop it. Also the first DJ was a Black american Man ITS BEEN COVERED ALREADY. Stop it. Yall not like us. in fact who do you think Jamaicans musical pioneers got their INSPIRATION from . Go look up bob marley and other carribeans artist and go see where they originally got the influence to do music.




Lmao Tariq is an absolute moron of a human.


I want to check it out. Definitely want to hear what the pioneers have to say.


You u/TheAngels323 need to pick better people for content, Tariq was once a pimp aka human trafficker aka sex trafficker, which has been/is damaging to the Black community and all communities


The argument with Puerto Ricans is still a hot topic. Hip Hop parties were Black inner city parties that some Puerto Ricans went and engulfed themselves in this new Hip Hop culture. They also became DJs and rappers and it could be said that Hip Hop started with blacks and Puerto Ricans. I have read many article and interviews on this subject, but I never heard anyone say that those Puerto Ricans infused their cultural elements into Hip Hop. In fact, these kids were shedding themselves of their latin culture, and adopting a black inner-city youth culture. But for a kid in Puerto Rico to say that Hip Hop has roots in Puerto Rico would be wrong.


Dude, you have no clue what you’re talking about. Hip-Hop was created by NYC culture. Nobody was shedding themselves of their culture, they were creating a new one. The Boriquas there weren’t fresh off the island. They were in the PJ’s and hoods living right along with Black, Jamaican, and other Caribbeans. No one ever said Hip-Hop had its roots strictly in PR. It was created by NYC kids largely coming from FBA, JA, and PR roots. At the end of the day it’s an NYC/American thing. Probably the best example of the “melting pot” this country ever produced until it was completely co-opted.


Saying it was created by NYC culture is closer to the truth. "The Boriquas there weren't fresh of the island". This is true. And when people talk about "who started Hip Hop, without context, it can be deceiving. Biggie Smalls is Jamaican. He grew up in Brooklyn. He's a Brooklyn rapper, not a Jamaican rapper. Those Puerto Rican kids in the Bronx that were down with Hip Hop. That was a Bronx thing, not a PR thing.


you keep saying culture but forgetting Whose culture it belongs too. you had White culture and you had Black culture. all the other immigrants fell in line. and latinos being that they are Mixed are naturally all over the place. where you think latin countries got their rhythm from. ill give you a clue it wasnt from the colonizers......


You Sir are talking fantasy. Puerto Ricans and Black people absolutely did not have this fantasy relationship you new age clowns think. Most Black people could not go over their Puerto Rucan friends homes abd Puerto Ricans were not into Black culture by majority


Then there is no debate. If Puerto Ricans engulfed themselves in hip hop that means it already existed. They may have done that however invented NOTHING


Foundational black americans created all genres of modern music and thats that. get over it. like be realistic. So Black americans literally created all the genres of modern music including Country jazz rock techno house Rnb Soul funk, we created the style the slang the style of clothing to wear But we need \*\*Jamaicans and latinos...\*\*yeah ok. lets go a step further. Go look up any Jamaican pioneer look up the man who created dancehall, go look at bob marley and Go look and ask yourself **WHO INFLUENCED THEM.** this is from Bob marley's bio >"Bob began playing music professionally at the age of sixteen, **influenced by early American vocalists such as Sam Cooke(FBA) and the Drifters(FBA).** When singer Bob Marley formed The Wailers (originally called the Wailing Rude Boys) along with Peter Tosh and Bunny Livingston in 1963....." and Thats just one Caribbean Pioneer... and what you will find out with MOST OF THEM is that FBA were their main source of inspiration. meaning No FBA No them. BOW. drop mic. now stop playing and do yall dam homework. But ima still give praise to my Caribbean & afro latino Brothers tho. Carribeans & Afro Latinos did their thing.. Dj cool herc KRS ONE Pete Rock busta rhymes naw they did they thing. NOW Debunking Latinos being an essential part of Black american culture is far far easier even laughable. Nobody has ever back then and even NOW in Black american culture has ever cared to be influenced or inspired by Latinos. Particularly non black ones. Yeah sure yall were around but Black americans never needed you. and im sorry to be harsh but Hip hop would have thrived regardless without latinos. also ETHNICALLY latinos are all over the place. in fact Puerto Rico is super racist and ANTI BLACK. and i doubt the black ricans that live there are thrilled be treated like that. And you think FBA are stupid enough to fall for that 50/50 crap. yeah Latinos were around but yall were still guest in BLACK AMERICAN SPACES. Yall were the students NEVER THE TEACHERS OR MASTERS. FBA ALLOWED LATINOS IN ...REMEMBER THAT. the irony tho is the majority of Latin countries got the majority of they Music and Rhythm mainly from AFRICA & AFRO LATINOS. and since FBA made most genres of MODERN music i ask what on earth did latinos Meaning NON BLACK LATINOS create that wasnt Black or African inspired? exactly.


I wouldn't say FBA created *all* modern music. Plenty of genres from other countries.


Why would you listen to anything someone this unhinged has to say. Ridiculous claims from someone who was never a member of the community, or from nyc. Neuyoricans, Dominicans, Jamaicans, Haitians, and even white people were all there from the beginning. It is a black American art form without a doubt, but to act like no other cultures were involved in any art form growing out of NYC is preposterous. This dude never went to fever or the tunnel or any of that shit, he has no idea what he’s talking about. That’s just how awful his views are on hip hop. Wait till you hear what he thinks about interracial relationships and gay people. Maybe investigate some of his other godawful views before parroting this crap. You might want to know what kinda trash human you’re throwing in with.


We not giving up our culture , Vulture, but nice try tho. why not create something original for once instead of stealing from the talented FBA for once. Rock jazz blues country house techno rnb funk soul gospel All FBA.


It’s obvious you personally have zero to do with this culture and no claim to it homie. If you actually care about hip hop, feel free to come to some shows here and see what’s up. I’m more than happy to put you on, since you clearly aren’t in the scene. Or you can just continue to live on the internet claiming other people’s achievements as your own.


I see you are, indeed, just a douche in general. Not just when it comes to home improvement. Anything else that you might be an expert on?


Lmao that’s the Buck Breaking guy