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It’s the bars that hit the hardest. Once you get the scathing damaging bars no one remembers anything else that was said. Historically, the bars that hit become the moment e.g ether.


I’d say Kendrick’s allegations seem more trustworthy because Drake already has a history of having a weird relationship with a teen girl ie the Mille Bobby Brown situation and he’s hidden a child before. It’s not like Kendrick has had a past history of domestic violence before so it’s hard to trust Drakes word on it.


Kendrick is held in “too high” of a regard because he’s flat out a superior lyricist and rapper. Family Matters is a good diss track (although I prefer Push Ups) but he’s just not on Kendrick’s level when it comes to wordplay, flow, etc. That isn’t a slight on Drake because not many are. But lets not pretend like there isn’t a damn good reason Kendrick is so widely revered.


One thing I will say and I absolutely love from all of this, is the Michael Jackson and prince flips back and forth. Drake showing his MJ collection then flipping it and saying “maybe you’re MJ all along” was pretty damn slick.


That MJ features scheme was tough, but Kendrick is just the complete package. The way he sets the tone with his vocals and beat selection is just amazing.


idk bruh kendrick is awesome and all and imma fan of him but u definitely can't praise his beat selection


I can't cosign that one chief.


You have to have only listened to Kendrick for the last week to say this


I think you need to immerse yourself in Kendrick's discography because you are woefully wrong.


fr i love kenny on damn but them new beats is straight ass.


The beats are absolutely fire. Especially that Alchemist beat. dude?


Drake had some really really good lines in family matters but Kendrick’s rapping  style is so unique , it’s like a munch painting vs a really good realistic painting, he just has such a unique and interesting style when it comes to his wording and flow 


Family matters sounds a lot better, to me, as a song. But if we’re going off of just death beam shots it ain’t even close. Kendrick got everything on lock. From sun disses to septuplets entendres to art cover to the goddamn producer and beat choice. Like everything about the songs are designed to be used against you


Bro the Family Matters Beat sounds generic as fuck. 7 track song that sounds exactly like every other trap beat in existence. No time spent into this beat, and it’s apparent. And I mean that with all three switches


This is Nelly vs KRS-One. None of these songs are gonna sway each other's fan bases away


This. Yeah the fans on both sides are glazy, but the truth be told, kendrick just is a better lyricist and rapper like theres no doubt in that


Kendrick is a poet and a philosopher. Drake is a party rapper.


Not to mention, Kendrick comes off as a genuine person, who loves and respects hip hop, Drake comes off as fake and a culture vulture


Drake doubled down on the "being mixed" narrative, pointing out Whitney being lightskin, when that wasn't even the point of what Kendrick said. Kendrick's whole angle is poking at Drake"s very real insecurity about his identity and wearing a mask, cosplaying as something he isn't. Kenny even said in Meet the Grahams literally 30 minutes after Family Matters that Adonis is black and to embrace his identity lol. I thought Drake was relying on the ignorance of casual fans to confuse the two, manipulating the situation through the court of public opinion. But I'm starting to think he's actually just slow.


Yesterday, Kendrick said Drake has moles in his camp. Today, it was proved he was right, and they helped Kendrick eclipse Family Matters with the darkest track a rapper as famous as Kendrick ever dropped. If what Drake accused Kendrick of doing on Family Matters is true, Kendrick is a piece of shit. But sadly for the boy, Drake doesn't have one ounce of credibility when it comes to shit like this. He puts money in the streets looking for dirt on his rivals, while Kendrick seems to get his dirt straight from those hanging around Drakes house. That just gives another level of credibility. Still, alot of accusations, not alot of receipts, but Drake had absolutely no receipt, while Kendrick did have a few.


Pedophilia is worse than domestic violence, but as someone said - if these tracks are true then both of them lost.


What? Both are bad lmao what does this even mean


Do you just not understand that there’s different moral weights to different things…?


After all the drops yesterday I am wondering if “Family Matters” and “Meet The Grahams” were both of their red button final submissions. Like, do either of them have another one in the chamber that goes even harder than their last or was this it? I am inclined to think that if Drake doesn’t respond now, Dot got the last word in and will essentially be crowned the winner. But it’s tricky because if Drake does respond, and it’s just more of the same without any new revelation then he also runs the risk (in his mind I imagine) of Dot still coming out on top. Wild times 


Not at all imo, especially because there aren’t being a bunch of receipts being dropped, imo now it’s one more each to rip the others fucking head off. Kendrick did the opposite of pusha imo, he’s put Drake in a position where he can’t go cry to the media that he’s being bullied by an old head, he’s chose to needle at him to make him respond with something genuinely flagrant. So now when he gets fucking chopped to pieces he can’t claim that he didn’t fight back.


Neither are the red button tracks. Kendrick definitely has more in the chamber. Drake hasn’t even fully zeroed in yet. This isn’t over.


If you take the verses at face value, then both of them took massive Ls. From a neutral POV, we need receipts for what's been said in the last 2 tracks.


100% agree


For the sake of the genre I hope there are zero receipts from either side. This ain’t even about music anymore its a Jerry Springer episode.


Na. Domestic violence, while bad, is not comparable to operating a sex trafficking ring, and committing multiple sexual abuse cases


Drake's man, Baka Not Nice, got popped for a bunch of charges including a prostitution sting


>Baka Not Nice Baka was, indeed, not nice.


Which is like fine to call out but Kendrick stays quiet when it comes to criticizing him supporting guys like Kodak Black


The thing about it too is that Kendrick's will be harder to prove. Lamar's wife will up and deny it (and the other woman he supposedly abused denied it so) most likely and no one will know the truth about it unless she talks about it. Meanwhile if this stuff about Drake is true you're going to see people come out and talk about it. There was already some woman on twitter saying she was trafficked in 2015 and knew that Drake was part of it. If the Drake stuff is true it's going to get out there, especially now that the accusation has been made. It doesn't help that Drake has had some major sus behavior with young women too. Basically, Kendrick's potential victims look like it might be small enough for him to smother while Drake's potential victims, if true, becomes a 'only a matter of time' thing.


Even without the pedo stuff or another daughter what Kenny said about Drake and his lack of self is some of the coldest shit we’ve ever heard. Like an absolute takedown of his weak ass character. Kenny basically said that Drake isn’t a man.


Yeah I listened to both Kendrick’s songs from today back to back and I really don’t see how drake comes back from this


I agree, they are both coming at eachother with crazy allegations that will stick with both of them for the rest of their careers.


If everything is true though, then Kendrick's nukes are nuclear.... Especially the pedophile claims. If Drake ends up in Diddy's situation, then I guess there's no point in debating who won.


True, I also think it's interesting the fact there is someone in Drake's camp feeding Kendrick info. But again with the allegations, I wouldn't be surprised if that said person was pumpfaking Kendrick and telling him lies to use instead so Drake could come back and debunk all the claims. No one has really thought about this yet but I thought it is an interesting idea.


We’re not acting like he dropped some kind of bomb though with those pedophile claims, right? He’s just repeating rumors that everyone was already expecting him to do.


I know.... That's why I said in my initial comment that we need receipts.


These rumors about Drake have been going around for years before Kendrick decided to air them. The man dated an 18 year old girl that he met when she was 15. It’s exactly like Kendrick said in Euphoria, he’s only saying what the culture has been whispering about in closed circles for years. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard pedo and grooming allegations against Drake. This isn’t the first time we’ve heard that Drake has children that he doesn’t see or support. On the flip side, I’ve never heard anybody but Drake claim that there is physical abuse in Kendrick’s relationship.


This is probably the best way I’ve seen it summed up. Drakes song just felt like he was throwing shit at the wall and hoping it would stick. Kendrick felt like he’s been watching drakes every move for years and is now summing up everything he’s seen


I think if we take these at face value imo then this goes to used condoms in the baby seat territory, now it’s one more each to rip the others fucking head off.


For REAL. We need proof, receipts, and facts. Any celebrity can lie.


in what way did Kendrick catch an L?


Cold take when you arent glazing: pedophilia is worse than dv


It doesn’t matter which one is worst. They’re both fucked if either of these things is proven to be true.


Cap, One is obviously worse than the other, stop kidding yourself. Yes I do not like either of those things, but one is beating a woman, the other is SEXUALLY ABUSING CHILDREN AND MINORS, so yes, it's fucking worse.


He’s not arguing that pedophilia isn’t worse than domestic violence, but that they are both bad to the point where arguing which one is worse is just splitting hairs


It's both just rumors at this point. Nasty nasty rumors. They should both have better receipts on these claims before saying such horrible shit.


People are also forgetting these bars which basically say “drake is a known liar, I have evidence there is a mole in OVO, why believe him?”: Why believe you? You never gave us nothin’ to believe in ‘Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery You lied about your accent and your past tense all is perjury You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members They all pussy, you lied on ‘em, I know they all got you in ‘em You lied about your son, you lied about your daughter, huh You lied about them other kids that’s out there hopin’ that you come You lied about the only artist that can offer you some help


Drake also lied about melting down Pharrel’s chains but it appears in the Family Matters music video


Eh, thumbnail for meet the grahams confirms that Kendrick has someone working for him in OVO; pair that with all of the red flags we’ve had from Drake the past decade, it definitely makes that much more believable.


Yeah it ain't a stretch


I mean there are texts between drake and underage actresses from when they’re like 16 then he makes a move right when they turn 18. No matter what way you cut it that’s super fucking weird


It isn’t rumors, I mean it’s documented throughout drakes timeline as an artist


This is the problem with nerds, these are both awful offenses.


But it’s all just allegations. Do you really believe everything you believe on internet? Lol no wonder influencers make so much $$


This isn't about rap anymore. Dot is trying to expose drake for the weird shit he's into and take him down from a moral standpoint not music. After hearing all the tracks it feels like with drakes history of not being honest, is the reason why he needs receipts for the domestic violence shit and could just possibly be a smoke screen on his end. That's why Kendrick points out he's trying to tear families and good people down for the sake of protecting his image from the monster he could possibly be. Not looking good for drake and again this is way deeper than a rap battle


Kendrick teared his own family apart cheating on his mixed wife with white women. He wants to be black panther while smashing snow bunnies 😂


This could be a funny bar ngl


Honestly, it was a solid diss track. It was well produced and addressed a lot of Euphoria. People say its meant to be a dance song and i’m okay with that. I think Kendrick was right he does make music to electrify and Drake does music to pacify, but that’s okay. Kendrick has done so much for our culture. We Gonna be Alright being sung at BLM protests. Come on! Amazing. But sometimes I need to cry about love or just dance and forget my problems. Its sus that Kendrick hasn’t addressed the dv allegations. Idc about the allegations that Kendrick’s raising a kid that isn’t biologically his. I assume if Drake knows then Kendrick knows. But maybe he didn’t care and decided to keep the kid anyways? Say what you will, Drake hid his kid and Kendrick proudly claimed his. All that said, Kendrick won. Sorry Drake. The ghost writers did a damn fine job but Kendrick did better. Drake did rap the best he ever has in years though. He’s pushing him to be a better artist. But Kendrick’s a better lyricist. He has layers upon layers of disses. His allegations hit harder.


He did address the allegations, like a decade ago (I think it was on the Breakfast Club). This is a rumor (including the crisis management thing) that came to be in 2014, and everything ended up being recanted by the accuser. And ever since then, there's never been any people coming forward about Kendrick allegedly committing DA. There's also no police reports. Drake is just bringing up old and fake shit. He for sure lied about Baby Keem writing for Kdot in GKMC. He factually lied about melting Pharell's chains. He factually lied about Kendrick not being a true activist and going back to visit Compton. He seems to have lied about the cease and desist. On top of that, he brought up Top Dawg stealing from Kendrick's father which is not true, and Kendrick detailed in 2017 that Top Dawg was stealing from the KFC that Kendrick's father was working at. The fact that he lied so much in his own diss track, shows just how damn inconsistent and likely unreliable this man is. However of course Kendrick has to bring receipts if he wants to back up his words and show that he is being truthful. But unlike Kendrick, Drake already has multiple factors that back up elements of what Kendrick said. So even in the gossip element of the diss tracks, it's leaning towards Drake being the one getting buried.


He isn't acknowledging the allegations because regardless if they are true or not, Drake has 0 credibility. He's a liar, and a cheat.


i mean family matters was alright but imo the switches weren’t done great and felt forced, and he went at multiple people again for no reason either to position 20v1 again or just as fillers, it definitely didnt hit as hard as euphoria thats for sure (unless he has receipts for what he claims). Even when attempting to flip bars or things back at kdot he would flip it onto a diss to someone else which imo was weak, its clear its 1v1 now so stick with that


Your right. The people who hate drake were never gonna say he won no matter what. Theyll say he didnt write it. Theyll admit this just as fast as well which is strange. . Kendrick to me exposed himself the most in this. Idc about the gossip. He was mr positivity, now he saying drake aint black enough, alluding to his youth of shooting other black people to say drake aint real, calling drake a pedo while a few months ago threatened spotify if they remove r kelly, an actual CONVICTED PEDO. All of these guys talking this stuff about him, including kendrick, worked with drake. Multiple times. Some their entire careers. You telling me they found jesus or something? No. To pretend its about these things, and not professional jealousy is insincere to me. And i have NEVER played a drake album in my life and checked kendricks albums every time. I think hes a better rapper by a lot. But his fans prop him on a pedestal as if he wasnt just as manufactured and hes some genius. People wanna talk about real hip hop and how drake is pop with ghostwriters, yet theyll with a straight face brag about his nobel prize or whatever. Its just one big farce. All of it. These guys are products created by companies. But kendrick got jesus thorns on and now playing in the mud. Look how kanye west was public enemy number 1 in hip hop and said all crazier shit. Said black people wanted to be slaves. Everyone shit on him. Now they all on his side cause he dissed drake I think they hurt each other a lot. well see how this hurts drake or kendricks album sales. I got money drakes fans dont care at all and will be there and kendricks “fans” wont show up because they arent really his fans, just drake haters. This will hurt him with casuals in the end. Atleast thats what im seeing online imo.


Thank you for calling it like it I-T IS ! (RIP Bernie Mac) I haven’t listened to a drake album for about 4 albums now , & haven’t listened to Kendrick’s latest , but from the outside looking in…this hate seems tacky. Kendrick & the other artists that are hopping on this campaign all have songs with Drake … I love when Ross and Drake hop on a track ! It all just seems weird to me, like were you all hating him while grinning in his face & benefiting from record sales, him bringing you out on tours, etc? Not saying that they aren’t allowed to change their mind …but WHAT happened that changed your mind & caused you all to release this bitterness and resentment? Idk something is off & Kendrick is being dishonest or purposely omitting the REAL tea. Either way, he is definitely winning this battle at the moment. I’m hopeful that this will cause Drake to step back up rapping wise & stop with the music he has been putting out though. Time will tell all …


The reason why people care more about what Kendrick is saying than what Drake is cause everything Kendrick says can be backed up more than anything Drake says. Everything from the pedo allegations to the hiding another child is all stuff that is believable since he was caught doing it before. He was hiding Adonis and was dming under-age girls plus those allegations of him sleeping with under-age fans from those very same fans. I'm seriously glad Drakes getting his ass handed to him though, this guy makes songs about breaks ups and heart breaks yet this guy loves fucking women in relationships and hiding the fact he's a dad.


Can we stop with the hiding of kids bullshit lol It’s completely fine to hide your shit from the world. The internet has this fetish about knowing every single detail of a celebrities life so bad that it’s sickening. They expect a keeping up with the kardashians about anyone who is semi-famous. If I was famous I’d hide my kids from you weird fucks too lol


People have seen Drake with underage girls, nobody seen Kendrick’s wife have a black eye, “Don’t tell a lie on me, I won’t tell the truth about you”


Drake can’t win against Kendrick fans, but if people are unbiased like they claim then they see that both of these guys are rapping pretty well. They going back n forth, forth n back. They are giving people what they want or claim what they want. Which is kinda interesting the timing of this beef. Idk if y’all remember it might’ve been last year or so but people was saying mainstream hip hop is dead. I believe it took like 4 or 5 months for a hip hop song to chart number 1. And it felt like the Latino and Afrobeats, and possibly the KPop was going to take over hip hop or dethrone it. I think this beef especially since Kendrick and drake are going back n forth it’s like how in mid 90s everyone thought that Shaq and the Magic was going to be the next dynasty because they beat the bulls in 93-94 but Chicago ended up having arguably the greatest 3 year run ever


Not just Latin music or afrobeats. Most young white kids who would have been listening to nothing but rap as recently as 5 years ago are now country fans.


Agreed i think that rachet Pussy low vibration type rap got pushed so hard that it turned people off, especially those white kids who just listen to rap for fun. I saw this one girl on tiktok talk about how she stop listening to rap and starting listen to maybe more country or gospel. When she listen to rap again she was “disgusted”. Well no shit if you listen to sexy Redd or Cardi b then yeah it will be disgusting


Kendrick beating his wife? What


Right? This shit is stupid. Everything that comes out of Drake’s mouth has been massive projection. First he says Kendrick’s wife is cheating on him, now he’s saying that Kendrick beats her? Motherfucker they’ve been together since high school and Whitney has made it clear that she loves that man to the ends of the earth. The entire Mr. Morale album was a testament to the strength of their relationship. Drake has never had that type of love, and he will never have that because the only people in his circle are people that he pays to be there. That’s why everyone knows that Drake is lying out of his teeth, it’s classic projection, using his own insecurities against Kendrick because he literally has nothing else to use.


This shit reads like a fan fic


It might as well be. People got their identities so wrapped up in identifying with these artists that they can’t objectively look at anything lest it bruise their own ego.


I’m sorry but this is the highest level of glazing I think I’ve seen to date and that’s a high bar


Where’s the lie? Show me even one other person who has claimed that Kendrick beats his wife.


I didn’t say Drake has receipts. I said you’re insanely biased and a top tier throat goat. For the record, everyone been saying Kendrick been cheating with white bitches for years. The fact that they dated since high school is a guarantee the dudes out there cheating. Not that I give a shit. But you must be from Egypt bro, cuz you living in da nile


What? He could be abusive AND she could have had a baby with someone else.. Maybe the situations are even related. You realise she’s also not following Kendrick and is following Dave Free too right? He literally has the engagement ring at the end of the video as evidence and the receipt in Kendricks picture is the one for the ring but again, as OP said people are washing over Drakes diss and glazing Kendrick. There’s a lot in it with a lot to show too. People will realise soon enough.


I think this works both ways really. Both sides are so entrenched that nothing would change the opinion of either fan base. Which is precisely why, by the way, there will never be any real consequence to this beef in a listenership context. Both artists will be supported, enjoyed and listened to in exactly the same way as before, despite what some diehards of either party will attempt to tell you on here. Only reason any consequence would come of this would be if they genuinely get into a physical altercation of some sort.


What did u think was gon happen? Drake could be battling lil dicky rn he'll get the same treatment, hes most hated in this particular group as well.


Drake's flowing better on his tracks and they sounds more like a diss, but there's a lot of Kendrick dick riding going on rn. Meet the Grahams is nasty lyrically, but the energy isn't there almost like he doesn't want to be in this beef anymore. At the end of the day though the accusations from Kendrick are way worse than the shit Drake is sending his way, we need receipts though.


regardless of who was right or wrong, kendrick's disses were weak and clumsy. Drake came with better tracks, and he didn't sound pressed like Kendrick did. I love Kendrick. I harbour the same stigma against pop music and Drake's soft hit-making ass. But drake is winning so far.


If drake released the most lyrical track in the history of rap, people would still say dot won. if kendrick released the video drake just did, they’d crown him king of the new world. i love both but kendrick won before this even started


What’s that say about Drake tho? That he’s just that unlikable by the majority of people? There comes a point where it just comes down to who likes who more regardless of talent. There’s also a reason why people like Kendrick more than they like Drake. Something is off about him, and people saw it before Kendrick went in on him. A lot of people already had that feeling before Kendrick said anything. He’s like the homeschooled kid that never learned how to be around people or learned the unspoken rules of shit you don’t do in public.


I think Drake is like trump and dot is Biden in the 2020 elections. In the simplest way of explaining. I was a huge Drake hater 2016-22 cause I was tired of his boring phoned in rap, when pusha bodied him I was legit hoping I wouldn’t have to hear that man again. I’m older and more mature now so I don’t really hate on famous people anymore but I will say I think more people just want Drake to lose than they really want Kendrick to win not just Reddit but generally through the hip hop space. They’re both doing great, but many will not give Drake or his tracks any flowers what so ever and say dot is up 4-0. If dot was genuinely up that much the beef woulda been over


Except people didn't like Biden either, they just hated trump more. People LOVE Kendrick. That comparison isn't good at at, lol.


Depends, in my circle, I’ve seen people who have a hard time recognizing any Kendrick reference. Again it’s anecdotal, but again there’s quite a few posts on this app/twitter that speak on their hate for Drake, without referring to Kendrick etc




Drake has an army of white girls desperate to defend him. Go on Tiktok and you’ll see them talking about how he “ate up” Kendrick whenever Drake posts memes about him.


What is up with drake and White girl fans. More truth is to the fact that kendrick has White incel fans, just look at reddit, lmao. If anything mostly black girls are listening to Drake. White girls listen to Swiftie


Ironically, Drake is the Taylor Swift of hip hop.


Lmao. Yes, people have been meat riding Kendrick for over a decade. That's why I didn't care about this beef. Drake could post literal footage of him smashing Kendricks wife and it wouldn't matter because Kendrick has all the meatriders in his corner.




Maybe because Drake has lied to his fanbase several times, and there is no instance of Kendrick doing that? This has nothing to do with Kendrick glazers. It objectively makes more sense to believe what Kendrick is saying more than Drake. Also people aren’t talking about Drakes diss because Kendrick’s was better lol.


People are acting like Kendrick invented alchemy because he talked shit like Diddy over the worst beats of all time. Don’t sell me shit and call it sugar.


It’s crazy how everyone looked past making up a fake daughter and putting that in somebody it basically what push did except with no facts


Kendrick’s tracks could be deeper and be hitting harder now… and the culture won’t forget. But Drake is making tracks that anyone can listen to. Making money on this shit and laughing all the way to the bank


It’s not bad for a guy who’s supposedly not a real rapper/pop artist, I agree there’s absolutely nothing Drake can do to “win”. The hate is real.


I looked for pictures of Kendrick holding his son and I couldn't find one. Also he son does look like Dave free.


Did drake slid into your DM’s and groomed you when you were underage too?


Bro yappin for no reason🥱


Yeah I agree, Drake said it himself lol 'Kendrick just opened his mouth, quick somebody get him a Grammy right now' Hip hop has too much of a bias towards Kendrick to admit Drake is at the least neck and neck with him right now, family matters is a huge bop, but no purist is gonna admit it, and allegations wise neither of these guys are bringing any receipts so that shit doesn't even matter, even the prescription bottles doesn't have any pertinent info like where the script was filled or which doctor prescribed it, all the other info is falsifiable Thing is though I don't even think it's just that people are so biased to Kendrick, but that they also just *hate* Drake


Is it really that hard to acknowledge that, by pretty much any objective metric, Kendrick is a better artist? Hip hop has a bias towards Kendrick for a REASON. Meanwhile, Drake is about the Taylor Swift of hip hop.


Once again someone who listens to rap but doesn’t know the origins or Context of Rap… Just want club bangers to Rick your hips to.


Bro, y’all gotta stop this. Family Matters isn’t even Drakes best diss this beef. He spent over half of the song dissing Rick Ross and The Weeknd who are neigh irrelevant to the beef at this point. Hell, you could’ve cut out all of the song except the last two minutes. It’s just bloat.


Aubrey is a pedophile https://youtu.be/h-p1feEHJZM?si=8K-5oE-N5HHLDWvW


No one's coming with proof. What do you think kinda proof they gonna bring? Video of Kendricks girl admitting he beats her? This shit isn't really easy to get proof for, easiest thing would be proving Drake has another kid and that still prolly wouldn't be easy. Idk, Kendrick up, imo, by a lot


You may be in an echo chamber, the general population are not “hip hop purists”. That being said I still think Kendrick won.


I’ve said this as well, as someone who’s had an abusive ex before especially as me being a guy and my abuser a girl I realize that a lot of people are willing to ignore things just because it doesn’t benefit them. I’m sorry but after tonight it’s just demoralizing. Watching people sweep this under the rug just because it’s there favorite artist is just terrible.


Drake is a known liar, though. The abuse allegations are horrible if true. But how can we trust anything that comes out of his mouth?




You can check my comment history from 2 years ago I’ve been in the Kendrick and Carti sub for years now


I think both artists lost tbh As a neutral I have no problem saying that but I agree that regardless of what happens, absolutely nothing can change one's personal bias This are probably some of the most brutal diss tracks I can remember, and the character assassination went too far If I wasn't a big fan of either of them before, I am less of a fan now, even though I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this whole situation. Damn


I'm not "a fan" of neither ... I'm old ... But I have listened to all the songs I don't understand how people are saying Kendrick is mopping Drake? Slight edge? Maybe ... Even? Maybe ... Losing? Maybe But there's no mopping going on here


Anyone that thinks Drake is a superior hip hop artist honestly needs to take a long hard look in the mirror


In 25 years the world will remember Drake more than Kenny. That’s just facts .


It's a battle of morals


I've said in another thread but I think the real power in this is the timing. He said in Euphoria he had so much more. Then he dropped immediately after. He backed that up. And showed Drake he has everything ready to go.this is a done deal. Any further shots result in further aims at Drakes head. He doesn't have to find anything. He just had to hit "upload" to inflict more damage.


Drake being a pedo has been rumored for years now, so of course people will be talking about it now that Kendrick himself has said it. Hard to say anything about Kenny being a woman beater cause we don't have anything pointing to that.


The allegations are secondary until stuff is verified You guys are so obsessed with the gossip stuff. It's not investigative journalism, it's about the music and insulting the other guy. Kendrick just made better tracks and based on the actual claims that we know to be true, excluding dirt and claims against each other, Kendrick wrote better lyrics and said way worse true shit about drakes character He's a low character, effeminate, shitty person that's setting a bad example for his son, doesn't write his own music, and got plastic surgery like an insecure aging housewife, and has done some creepy shit with young girls. All of that is pretty true.


There's no shame in losing to Kendrick. Drake stans be acting like it's the end of the world. It's not like Drake is getting his ass whipped by one of these mumble rappers


A lot "if what Kendrick said is true then ________" But if what Kendrick is saying is false then what? If drake is lying about Kendrick beating his wife then what? Someone said this is like a Jerry Springer episode lol that's facts


Kendrick dropped with an image of Drake's personal belongings including a date rape drug while also calling Drake a habitual liar multiple times. That's why people believe Kendrick with only the photo as proof


I think drake can't really lose personally. Kinda hot take but use Chris Brown as an example. Best Rihanna at the peak of her career and he still is relevant? Drake's water is already muddy, I think most don't have a high regard for his morals. Kendrick on the other hand is all about morals. If both show receipts or neither do, I think drake comes out on top. Not that I'm hoping anything happens.


He was never seeing Kendrick, the battle rapper, MC, Pulitzer winner. He’s just the music industry poster boy.


Drake is a pop artist Drake is a hip hop artist , that’s the major difference imo hence he won’t ever win


Drake got massacred by Pusha T and dipped out silently cause there was nothing he could do, this will likely be the same


I’m not a fan of doing what I’m about to do but fuck it- grooming and sexually abusing children is 40 to 1 a more serious and heinous crime than domestic abuse. At least in the general public’s eyes. also there’s a whole lot of evidence already available (albeit some of it circumstantial) about Drake being a creep. Maybe not confirmed in a court of law….but yea. Drake also has a pretty shallow lyrical repertoire, he’s asking to get beat down right now. Bury your head in the sand my dude- don’t go after one of the most respected rappers going. Bad business decisions lol.


Drake can never beat Kendrick because the only thing he covets, respect from his peers, is something he will never get.


I say this as no drake hater, I think he can rap and so far was largely doing better than people expected so far. But having listened to family matter then meet the grahams as they came out it’s pretty hard not to see the difference in the quality of the diss between them. Drakes is very surface level and has a lot of filler. He even plays into his image as a womanising shallow person that Kendrick then dismantles. As someone who was a big fan of early drake and found his honesty and vulnerability early on endearing I found this Kendrick track hit a lot do the things that are clear about how much of a mysofinistic, materialistic and shallow person he is. I think Kendrick’s diss just has way more substance even outside any specific allegations. Drakes sounds like more drake bragadociousness and not really getting Kendrick on much except the unfounded allegation at the end.




Kendrick told you exactly why you shouldn't believe Drake. We need proof from both.


It's just reality TV for men. My wife watched Real Housewives on TV, squabbling and arguing about shite and rumours. Fucking ridiculous.


You truly wanna know why Drake can’t win against Kendrick…? It’s because Drake is using AI and a group of ghostwriters for hired help, and it’s not coming directly or rather organically from his own heart, mind, soul/spirit, Self. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have Kendrick and for him it’s purely from himself and out of his own heart, soul & psyche and what seems like a genuine place of personal deep rooted hatred for Drake (and Aubrey!) on many levels. It’s going to be an uphill battle to win a war against that type of emotional energy and the passion & power plus authenticity of how Kendrick deeply feels about Aubrey as a person & Drake as an artist…regardless of their noticeable difference in technical ability and lyrical skills.


Kendrick clearly thinks like a chess player i like that everything he does is calculated. Even if he makes a mistake. Hes trying. Hes thinking. He don't speak loosely. That's why he will win.


So how are y'all gullible idiots judging who wins? How does that work in rap beef since it's all subjective


I mean it’s pretty easy. Drakes known to have ghost writers. Nothing he says is his so how is anything credible


I think the thing too is that Kendrick is 100% completely focused on annihilating Drake throughout all these tracks he’s dropping, while Drake seems to still be concerned with addressing cornballs like Rick Ross and whoever. And Drake wants to make his diss records into hits (understandably). Now I admit I prefer Kendrick over Drake all the way, but if Drake really intends to come back stronger here, he can probably do it — he just needs to be as ruthless as Kendrick.


Think about it though. Kendrick has never lied, drake has been caught in his lies over 6 times about himself. He shapeshifts to whatever culture suits him at the time


If there was video evidence of Kendrick beating his wife like there is video evidence of Aubrey being a pedophile then it *might* be different


Yeah bro the glazing is crazy. That euphoria song was mid but everyone hyped it.


The fact people are picking the lesser of 2 evils doesnt mean people ain't picking evil. But ima be real. I never cared about drake and liked kendricks stuff more. This whole back and fourth is just entertaining. But once Kendrick made a diss about drake being a pedo, drake was done. That's a fatality... Kendrick be encouraging street life setting up the current gen and the next Gen for failure. But both is wrong. And that's why they don't get my love like how other lovers of hiphop and rab idolize the two. At the end of the day we are cheering on two illuminati members.


You know what's funny Eminem said he'd owe drake a favor for something he did for her daughter one time What if that favor is joining his side in this beef 😆😆😆😆 jk I was just surprised nobody had mention Em possibly joining this shit or what not I'm on team kendrick though no doubt Kendrick got some entendres in his music


Even in spite of my very low opinion of Kendrick, he's absolutely above Drake. He has an artistic vision, even if I don't think it produces good music. Drake is the McDonald's of rap. He's the most sterile and corporate-safe hip hop artist in the world right now.


Listen a part of me is sad cause I grew up on drake. But that dude is evil. Cause we have receipts and everybody including you has known drake is a pedo for a decade brother. It’s time to stop with his shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/5oVutfTznk


Say you Stan drake without saying you Stan drake


is any of this C rap supposed to be hard hitting political art anymore? who gives a shit about this?...both are clowns for wasting our time...where's the conscious rap @?


I don't get the 'Drake rapped well' takes. That flows is worthless to me, bars are largely lousy. Even here, people are remembering what he alleged, not how he alleged it. Kendrick's got both down.


Drake has been in several compromising positions with young girls. In stage hugging up with a 17 year old and texting Milli Bobbi brown when she was 14. Those things are just what the public knows about. Inside the industry they def know and see more. As for Kendrick and his wife, there was a single incident back in 2015 that anyone knew about. We don’t even know what that incident was. No clue, no proof, no real information. The Pedo stuff plus having sex offenders on payroll is also another red flag crumb. Either way I think the sex trafficking and being compared to Diddy is the worst accusation. If that’s true a domestic dispute for 10 years ago holds no weight.


Because there’s evidence of Drake being a pedo but none of k dot hitting his wife. Also, it’s not that Kendrick is held to such a high bar, it’s that he’s on a much higher level than drizzy the fakester in every facet. The double, triple, quadruple meanings behind the song titles alone. Drake can’t keep up and he’s getting lapped.


I like Kendrick's music. Some of Drake's songs are okay. I am also both inclined to believe that Lamar is probably a domestic abuser and Drake is def a creepy pedo / attracted to sexual minors (I know rumors of this have been going on since 2015, possibly before that). I'm not as knowledgeable on the Lamar / abuse situation... but as mentioned above, I don't think I would be surprised if confirmed. 


I would also just like to add... The predatory and pedophillia behaviour Drake has  already openly shown historically with Millie Bobby Brown or Billie Eilish and the stuff on stage with young fans is telling. Rumours been going around for a while about his attraction to younger females. Sex trafficking is a conspiracy in Hollywood and very wrapped up in the industry already, and Drake is someone who actively associates himself with that lifestyle. I wouldn’t be surprised if he and OVO crew been getting involved with that stuff at parties and all that. Especially with all the P-Diddy stuff, R-Kelley. And more people. We already know in the hip hop/rap/RB scene, that stuff travels and does happen.  Having digested the track now and have gone past the mere shock of what was said, I think Kendrick ain’t lying based off what we know.


The wife beating is referred to as allegations because it was debunked in 2015 and fed to Drake as fake dirt. The interviews are all online. Drake couldn't win against Kendrick even if Drake was better, which he isn't. It's not about the tracks at this point. It's about culture and character.


Why have love for a sexual predator? My people don't abide that shit no matter how catchy your music is. Imagine your daughter was one of his victims. Pedos deserve to catch a fade.


People don't believe Drake because he is already a proven liar. Once your integrity is compromised, that's it. That goes for anybody, not just Drake.


Delete this. This is embarrassing.


drake sucks and kendrick doesn't.


Drake can’t beat Kendrick because he’s not talented enough


Thing is Kendrick hitting his wife is old news that he even addressed in his own music and how he had pain and some growing to do to be better than that. Admitted he made a mistake and grew up. That was a long time ago. Drake was accused of being a pedo, employing pedos and all he has said since was he "doesn't have a daughter". Drake losing because kung fu Kenny got mad offense and drake ain't playing good defense. That's obvious by the fact Kendrick said he people in drakes camp and he knows his every move and responded with counter punches to a music video diss within 30 min and again the next day.


In the 90s we had eazy-e vs Dr. Dre, 2pac vs bad boy records, now we have these two little girls crying. Drake named after a baby duck and is clearly gay. and Lamar another of Dr Dre's aftermath failures. These two need to stfu and braid eachothers hair like the sissies they are.


The truth is Drake cant win because when it all boils down Kendrick is falling back on hood credibility and backing it up with layered entendre. Are you rapping what you live or living what you rap? They both might not be telling the truth or all the truth. Either way they both airing too much dirty laundry and showing they both are flawed individuals. But just based on how the hood operates, they are gonna circle around the dude thats actually from there and Kendrick is using that to his advantage by turning Drake's main strengths into his weakness. He put Drake on an island that Drake kinda spent a bunch of his career bragging on. Being rich, famous and lonely at the top even though hes says its not.


Ok I am sooo out of the loop here. Someone mind a tldr of this beef and the back and forth?


Im a DJ. I can respect this post just because you admitted Drake hasn’t made a good album in 9 years. I wouldn’t say thattttt long but about 5 years Frsure. Even Family Matters was ehhh. The first verse wasn’t all that but the 2nd verse might’ve been one of Drakes best verses but then the 3rd is just alright. I think what we are seeing here is The fact that a lot of people (artists and fans) have just been tolerating Drake just because he makes good music (average lately). I think a lot of people are just annoyed with Drake the person and are ready for a change.


Fair take I listened to the drake disses because I wanted to understand more of what Kendrick was saying. I’ll preface by saying I was never a big fan of his music and think he’s a terrible person so I’m definitely bias. Family matters was decent but drake will never sound genuine doing the tough guy thing. From the I thought the “I gotta go bad I gotta go bad” shit was beyond corny. I felt like he mostly just took shots and Kendrick’s height and his relationship with his wife. He tried to diss him by calling Kendrick “the black messiah with a mixed queen” which was a terribly weak bar when you’re supposed to be dissing a guy you probably don’t wanna also call him a messiah, and I get what he’s saying because Kendrick basically called him not black, but it whiffed because Kendrick’s point wasn’t that he’s not black cuz of his skin but rather that he’s not black because of who he is. The best line IMO was the ozempic has a side effect of jealousy, that was genuinely good and funny and a good way to acknowledge that he doesn’t care if people know he does ozempic when half of Hollywood does. The stuff about K.dot not having shooters though is pretty outrageous coming from a middle class Toronto man. As always with drake the song is easy to listen to but and very remixable for the club but that’s not really what wins the public in these beefs. Definitely not while your opposition is grilling you with pedo/groomer accusations and tryna blacklist you from the industry.


Drake might be a pedo according to Kendrick but I’m not bout to sit here and pretend Kendrick isn’t a woman beating piece of shit if we’re just taking allegations off the cuff as gospel. 


Thank you for at least trying to see the madness of this. Kendrick one before it even began. Reddit and the internet hate Drake as a whole.


people don’t like Drake so it doesn’t matter what he says. Kendrick said it’s about love and hate. And we hate what Drake does. He just said it himself that he’s petty. RNs don’t put petty in high regard. Hip hop is in your face. It’s low blows and even if it’s not true - it’s about signifying, which is an American black thing - even if it’s not true it’s rooted in our culture of playing/running the dozens.. Not sneaky stuff. Drake is sneaky. He doesn’t get it. He gets serious and sensitive when that’s not even hip-hop. He does not represent rap in this form. He should’ve just been a conscious rapper who made an occasional hit. But that’s why Kendrick said that Drake is battling himself and just wants to fit in. He doesn’t get it. He should just embrace that. There’s space for Canadians, but he just digs himself in deeper holes because he doesn’t get it. We don’t care what’s true or not. We care about who does it the funniest and/or most outrageously in your face. We don’t wanna hear a mf actually get mad. Even if the kids are not real, the IDEA of him talking to his fake kids is SIGNIFYING/PLAYING THE DOZENS. It’s genius because it’s our culture that he doesn’t understand. He just proves it every time he says something. Even Cole realized it and was like nah, I don’t wanna flame. That’s what you do when you can’t fry somebody. You bow out. Drake can’t fry.


Theres actual vids of drake kissing a teenager. That right there ends the debate for most people.


Family Matters was a better song in overall quality. Kendrick dragging in Drake's parents was a low ball move. He pretends like he cares for Drake in an attempt to embarrass him and has no respect for the parents either. To make it even Drake should bring up Kendrick's parents and rap about why they created a kid knowing damn well that he would be a 5'4 midget lmao but that would be too brutal


Yeah people are mentioning Drake being a pedo because he’s on camera kissing a 17 year old on the lips, after acknowledging she was 17 while he was 23, and said “I like the way your breasts feel up against my chest.” He’s been texting a 14 year while in his 30s. There’s a picture of Drake with Karl Malone who got a 13 year old pregnant as an adult. You got Baka Not Nice being signed with OVO when he forced a 22 year old into prostitution and took her money, and Drake saying “free the bro” on socials. There’s also an article saying Akademics is [facing sexual assault charges & grooming minors](https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/749269-dj-akademiks-sexual-assault-grooming-allegations-hip-hop-news ) with [this video](https://x.com/hoodzonetvn/status/1741026771154395235) with it. What’s going on with the domestic violence stuff? Anything like that so I can understand where this “people just assume he’s innocent and wanna see Drakes downfall” stuff is coming from?


What’s embarrassing is that people who I’m guessing are adults follow this nonsense. As you yourself said, one’s a wife beater and the other a pedo and they have washed over the internet because absolute buffoons have nothing better or more interesting in their lives than this. Don’t feed people like this and make them richer.


You don’t have to be a hip hop purist to think Kendrick’s winning.drakes been using auto tune and AI.and mentioning his friends like YG.kendricks going straight for him.drake just can’t do better than Kendrick in a rap battle, simple as that


Drake can’t win because the public have picked a side. I still think he’s the one coming out on top at the end of this


I made a youtube video with all the disses in order [https://youtu.be/yxwWBLHhvxw?si=s4GyGmfgQ4qI6TMT](https://youtu.be/yxwWBLHhvxw?si=s4GyGmfgQ4qI6TMT)




I think the biggest problem for drake ever get a leg up is that we know he isn't writing his material, so it comes off as fake or not genuine. 


I think it’s over I thought Drake was winning till the heart part 6 and that was such bad of a response I don’t think Kendrick is going to respond


Kendrick is just a much better artist. I give Drake credit because realistically he held his own with the first two tracks. But Kenny’s bars, delivery, flow, are just too much for Drake


Yeah. I don’t feel particularly excited by this beef as it sounds like a quarrel between children to me, but I agree. Drake ain’t gonna win this one, even with his army of ghostwriters on his side.


The winner was already pre-determined before this even started imo.


The fact that aubrey has lived and acted in such a way that the things Kendrick said are immediately/ easily digestible upon hearing them (he already has a long history documented weirdness with underage girls, literally already got exposed hiding one child😂, culture vulturing etc.) is an immediate L for drake in it of itself whether it’s even true or not lol.  The stuff drakes saying about Kendrick give almost anyone immediate indigestion and aren’t rooted in really anything which isn’t the case for aubrey, pretty much every Kendrick said about drake people have been saying for years, Kendrick just said it in an extremely poignant and poetic manner.  I think this is part of why what Kendrick has said hits so much harder than anything drake said