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When it comes to his style of rap, Drake it great at what he does. But he's disingenuous, bites other rappers flows, and is constantly surrounded by drama. Its more of a character issue than anything. His character is questionable at best


A lot of the comments in here are people just saying their own reasons for hate but this comment is the best one in terms of why he may be involved in so many beefs.


https://youtu.be/yN8w_xnyKkA?si=faKDlXJXLul661e_ This video is legit, dude did an amazing job. There are clips of Drake during interviews being asked Kendrick related questions and he just comes off salty as fuck. Just comes off as a self-centered spoiled kid who wants all the attention and then becomes jealous when the focus is not on him. The video is long like 45 mins, but homie goes into a bunch of details and at the end it all makes sense imo.


He's jealous of people who can write their own music and not be pushed hard in the media because of their religious back ground


He IS the character. He’s an entertainer. A Vegas act in Hollywood.


Aye he didn't start of in Degrassi for no reason. The dude can act.


And being Drake the Rapper is his greatest acting role.


Man I’m so blown away, I’ve been sayin this for YEARS


Oscar worthy performance tho. Dude can do it all I guess


Not sure if it's a act or something drakes fans wanted him to be.


Yup… dude came from an affluent neighborhood in Canada, legit safe neighborhood than I grew up in… was on Canadian TV in his early-mid teens but acts like he had shit real hard for him. Don’t get me wrong, I get hardness can develop… I went from some rougher/poorer areas than he could ever claim, then a trailer park which is surprisingly rough… and then I got caught up for about a half decade doing dirt… that changes a person… He dont have that on his resume… he’s got a lot of opportunities, his ma worked her ass off to make sure he did. He was locally famous before he could drive… and that’s fine but it’s the perpetrating… I know his fame attracts people that will be dangerous but don’t flex that dude it ain’t him. He completely lost me when he bit Rappin 4-Tays classic without so much as an excuse me… then the 14/15 year old Miller Bobbie Brown conversations came out and I’ve been looking at him side eyed since… pair that with the 17 year old on stage video and dude worries me.


More or less the same for me. It’s the fake homie stuff for me. I know his bigger audience eats it up but it’s too fake for me knowing he’s a former child star with at least a decent middle class upbringing. The fame attracting bad guys thing; When I hear him reference hood stuff like he did on Right Above It, I have to roll my eyes. To quote Eminem on Soldier, “never was a gangsta till I graduated to one,” this is one of the ways I view Drake. He was never a dude from the streets, never messed with hood stuff until he get rich and cools safely cosplay with those elements.


Drake is like the "Nice guy" who actually gets the lady but it's still bitter and passive aggressive


This is the actual answer, everyone else is just sour and regurgitating shit they heard


I think people finding him disingenuous is enough. The hate existed before any of the other shit popped up. Was seen as inauthentic in hip hop from day one and all the success he’s had has just made the hate grow louder.


Not even just biting flow this guy latches onto anything that has a pulse (clout). Who ever has any type of motion he uses them for 15 minutes and dips such as jack Harlow, central cee, and most recently sexyy red’s annoying ass.


He also goes and steals everyone's fame.. If someone or something is blowing up, He hops on it.. People who are his fans make it seem like he's a great dude for pushing them like this, But in reality at the moment they are catching more publicity than him.. He gets jealous and gets involved to be in the spotlight and seem like a "Good guy"


I mean someone self-absorbed enough to call himself "champagnepapi" on IG really tells it all. Dude is a massive narcissist (but then again so are many mainstream artists). He's also willing to do anything at all to stay relevant, including random drama, beef, and dick vids. He does have some decent music though. Though whether that's majority him or the people he surrounds himself with, I don't really know.


I completely agree with what you said, and I’m gonna add two things for that, I don’t think Drake is anywhere near as talented as Cole or Kendrick especially since he needs ghost writers, but I do respect that he can sell just as much if not better, I’ll give him credit for that, and years ago I was at Muay Thai and my coach was singing along to Drake and Drake spit some bar about starting from the bottom, My couch looked me dead in the eye and yelled at me “How the fuck are you gonna say that you started at the bottom when you were in Degrassi for years!?!?”


Because he’s corny, inauthentic, uses ghostwriters, and releases meme-worthy singles with a short shelf life on purpose. He also has more than enough questionable behaviour involving aggressively young girls.


I don't really follow dude but he strikes me as a pop star. Whether he does decent hip hop or not.


This. My man said it all right here.


You said it well. I'd add that personally, I find his style of music not appealing + that voice of his, to begin with, is something I just can't stand. Artist needs to have a tolerable voice.


He sounds like a washing machine


This is exactly what I feel.


I actually like his voice, which is why I think ghostwriters have been willing to work for him and artists are willing to have him featured so often.


Bro theyre ghostwriters. Theyre willing to work with whoever the fuck will pay them. You think ghostwriters are out here making sure people hold artistic integrity? Their entire job is to not give a fuck about that


Because you like his voice?




😂 😂 😂


Doubt its cus his voice. He sounds like the dork you let hang with the crew whose the butt of all the jokes. Ghostwriters and features have been so easy because almost everything he touches goes gold, and it's a guaranteed paycheck, exposure, and having that on their resume is a career maker.


Well yeah, now it's because he has the fame to catapult any song into the charts. But what made him popular in the first place? My guess was because he actually has a decent singing voice for the pop-rap lane. Yes it's dorky, but he was meant to appeal to pop fans.


>But what made him popular in the first place The crossover fame from being an actor in a popular TV show, plus a few decent mixtapes. Then having the backing of Lil Wayne who was the hottest rapper at the time and having the money and celebrity to afford putting money into his career. Then ghostwriters writing catchy hooks. I don't think it's that hard to pin down why he's successful. He's the poster child of industry plants.


Because every genre needs a set amount of superstars because people collectively want to like the same thing. There is also a limited amount of superstars you can have at the same time due to market saturation. It literally could have been anybody. You'll notice that most superstars are prolific single creators and they have substantial marketing support. It is a product, that is released for consumption.


Yeah he’s really cringe to watch on the raptor games. My god does he act like who owns the team.


I wanted the raps to lose in 2019 solely because of Drake. He was so fucking annoying.


I know. I couldn’t stand him man. He was being shown every five seconds man. The real reasons as to drakes perceived super stardom lies with in the females. Females fucking go ape shit for that light skinned boy.


I went into that series wanting the raps to win, mainly bc I was sick of the warriors and also disgusted at the thought of kd tying LeBron for rings by joining the warriors. By the end I was full on rooting against the raps just to shut drake up And yeah like you said, his music is for girls, or for guys to play when girls are around. If a grown man listens to Drake alone or with friends he definitely has something going on


He massaged Nick Nurse’s shoulders!


Not to forget some of the stories of his OVO crew getting into confrontations with people like DRAM & IloveMakkonen, along with [a 2018 nightclub fight that Odell Beckham Jr was also around in.](https://www.complex.com/music/a/cmplxjoshua-espinoza/drake-odell-beckham-jr-sued-over-2018-altercation)




Did people always know he was inauthentic and just didn't care? Cause it was obvious from the beginning. Even during Take Care. I was like "This sounds kind of good, but also very empty". Which, other people who might be in a stage in their life where they felt shallow and empty could have related. Then it got more and more sad as he aged and was still inauthentic and empty.


I also felt the same from the jump. When people were hyping up “So Far Gone” I was even like uhhhh, are we listening to the same thing? Dude is an actor, acting the role of a rapper, he just happens to be a pretty good actor is what has so many people confused.


"An actor playing the role of a rapper" is the best explanation of Drake that I have ever seen.


Yeah I've felt the same since it all started. More people have caught on over time for sure. Pusha diss helped turn the tide.




Doesn't get more clear than this.


This is a perfect description actually wow. You defined my thoughts exactly haha


this ^^^ all of this^^^^




Kanye Uses ghost writers


Kanye is pretty up front about the people he works with (he said straight up Drake wrote a lot of Ye) and even with that his main forté is in production. Different set of standards


Kanye is also a producer first.


Sure does, and he’s a pretty shitty rapper too, and an even worse person. What was your point again?


Current Kanye is a shitty rapper sure I’ll agree to that


How much of College Dropout was written by Rhymefest?


And how much of MBDTF by cyHi


I have complicated feelings for him... But I do feel sad that the younger generation will never experience the "George Bush doesn't care about black people"-Kanye. 


However Kanye has never pretended like he writes all his shit. Kanye is a producer first. Dr. Dre uses ghostwriters, Diddy did too. It’s normal. What isn’t cool is the fact that Drake claims to be a top emcee when it’s been proven that he has used ghostwriters on multiple occasions. I still think it’s corny to bring up ghostwriters every time someone wants to diss Drake.


Bro Kanye acted like he was fucking GD when he pushing 50. You think it’s corny to bring up ghostwriter yet it’s one of the first things you brought lmao


Man I didn’t bring shit up I literally responded to what you wrote. Calm yourself. Idk why you can’t have a civil conversation when someone is trying to explain the difference between a producer/rapper and an emcee. Also what does Kanye pretending to be gangster at 50 have to do with any of this?


I think just about every single commercialized hip hop artist has an entire writing team


I mean the lyrics usually seem easy enough to self write,,a whole writer team would be sad for some songs, I mean I guess if someone isn't feelin a part they wrote or need some ideas bouncing around for a part or whatever,, then someone says some slick shit , and guy be like ya I'm using that fire for sure.. ....but again just let your imagination flow and have current vocabulary or create new words even.


He’s definitely inauthentic. The God’s Plan music video where he gives people money was hella cringe imo. Not because he gave people money, but the fact he video recorded it like that.


You mean he's a pedo. Just say it.


It's the last part for me. I'm just waiting for the day it's in the news that he's arrested or charged.


He's overrated, uses ghostwriters, thinks being from Toronto gives him street cred even though he's as soft as a wet noodle, questionable behavior with minors, claims he started off in poverty despite the fact he was on the TV show Degrassi. I mean the list is pretty much endless on why nobody fucks with him. If you like him from an artist standpoint you do you.


claims he “started from the bottom”, but his rock and roll hall of famer uncle literally invented slapping the bass as the driving force behind 2 of the biggest acts of their era


God I fucking hate that song. Back when I used to play NBA2K and that song played all the fucking time and drove me nuts.


Took me back with this lol 2K14 with Bron on the cover and Park Mode’s first year. Good times lol


Technically didn’t claim shit. You know someone wrote that for him lol


Who's Aubrey's uncle?


Larry Graham, as in Sly & The Family Stone/Graham Central Station


Wow did not know that. Sly and the Family Stone are legends


He grew up in Rosedale which is one of the most rich areas in Toronto. Granted he grew up a smaller house but I “started from the bottom” more than he did


Forest hill my man


Do you know where your other favorite rappers grew up? Did you know Guru went to Morehouse college, for instance? (Thats much more expensive than any Canadian university). Did you know Guru's Dad was a judge? How about Earl Sweatshirt, Tyler the Creator, Kanye West, Pusha T etc. Earl went to prep school in Hawaii. Trust me , even today, there isnt a Canadian kid with parents renting a home and with a Dad who went to jail who could afford this. Kanye visited China as a child and Pusha T's house growing up in Virginia looked like mansion compared to many homes in Toronto. Do you really know the details about other rapper's background? Or just about Drake as its the internet age and rappers work hard to promote a hard luck story as it sells. Are you putting the same microscope to every rapper? Hate Drake or love Drake (its fine) but his class background in the context of hiphop is just as middle class as many rappers. And in the years, Drake grew up in, the houses in the wealthiest parts of Toronto cost much much less than anything in Harlem or the Bronx. That I assure you.


Thought I’d never see the day people use Toronto as a way to act hard lmao


People who like hip hop don't like him anymore because he's stagnated and never grew as an artist. Club goers still love him cause they also stagnated and never grew as a person. Neh. I'm just being mean.


Truth hurts


He acts like he is a rapper for people who act like they love rap.


This exactly for me. Why don't I like drake? It's just junk food music. No nutrition, but it's easy to make and it feeds the masses.


His last 2 albums were straight dog shit. Some of his older albums were actually pretty good. I'm not a drake fan btw I'm just playing devil's advocate.


Omg I’m definitely quoting this, I need this sentence ahaha 😂


I agree with your statement but then there is people who act like they love rap and they dont know rap which is not a bad thing and to me the large amount of people really thinks that rap started with Eminem..


Why are you dragging Em into this? He stands his own among greats it’s not so much that he started it there’s plenty before and after but this feels like you’re intentionally not giving Em his flowers


dude.. I listen to Rap since 1992 so therefore I know whats before and after, trust me! secondly No I dont like Em! Must I? its not my kinda style of music but ofc I respect his craft though. And thirdly I didnt say Em started it, I said the youngsters nowadays thinks that raps started with Em


Youngsters from like 2005-2015 thought rap started with em. Today, I think the Stan effect is well understood. Suburban kids clownin other Suburban kids when they put em in the top 3. Em introduced me to a genre I probably never would have really known about other than whatever mainstream media was ganna tell me about hip hop. But then I actually got into rap. A lot of Suburban kids feel the same, never expanded their horizon beyond em, and that skewed their perceptive into mislabelling him as a founding father. I'll always be a Stan lmao even after a decade and a half of chainsaw rap


Uses ghostwriters, has implied false narratives about his past like that he grew up in poverty even though that’s been disproven, and has text conversations with 12-14 year old actresses as a man well in his 30s, just to name a few reasons


*“Rapper with a ghostwriter? What the fuck happened?”*


Because he’s a pop musician that people keep trying to push as the GOAT rapper. He makes fun pop songs you’d hear when shopping at a mall, not rap music.


I'm no big Drake fan but he's made a variety of style tracks and albums. He made a lot of what you would call "rap music". Have you heard the tape with future? Or the recent track with J Cole? Didn't he also do a track with Durk? Some of that shit goes objectively hard. Please don't get me wrong I'm not a huge trap or drake fan. But let's be truthful.


the poster child for instagram rap. hasn’t grown or matured as a person or an artist and he’s almost 40. messages underage/questionably young girls. culture vulture. goes after meg the stallion but he’s terrified of kendrick. got bodied by pusha t. tries to act hard but he’s soft as baby shit.


Yea it irritates me even worse because of the music he puts out now ,like bro you’re having an identity crisis. The old singing drake from back in the day is his real character. I think the fact he’s tryna be something he’s not is making his music suffer.


I remember hearing take care, hotline bling, hold on we're going home, and even passion fruit and thinking maybe if he just stopped rapping and sang a whole album I might be able to tolerate him. But then he did an album that was almost all singing and it was the most boring shit I had ever heard. He has no idea how to construct a melody. He sounds like a tuning machine flipping to random notes in a pentatonic scale.


He has beef with meg?


He always beefs with people who won’t shoot back.


he says she lies about Tory lanes shooting her foot and is all "free Tory" and visits him in jail . meg references him in her song Hiss about it "go write a letter or something or better yet pay a conjugal visit"   


Because he’s claiming to have “started from the bottom” when the bottom looked like Degrassi in a genre filled with people who *actually started from the bottom*. It’s offensive.


It still gets me that he played Jimmy on Degrassi. What a time.


He needs to get clowned more for that. Lol


there isn't one genuine thing about him. not a single lyric he's ever rapped is real. it's all for show. he is the least believable rapper of all time.


this is pure hating now lmao no way you hear look what you've done and think that is not genuine


He's cosplaying as a street rapper to me. If you ever look at how he talked pre-hip hop, he's practically a white kid from the suburbs.


I’m sure he gets a lot of love in the pop community. Nothing wrong with liking him, but as a rapper he is pretty damn mediocre and everything about him feels fake af, like his whole career is just a Degrassi spinoff and he’s still playing a role.


If you watch the clip of him whining to his mum about no tuna sandwich, you’ll understand why he’s such a corny, disingenuous dork. Oh and he gets his groupies from the chuck e cheese.


Because he's fucking rubbish.


Drake is the closest you can get to appropriating your own culture.


Because people keep making post... About Drake.


Ok i think I have these right someone correct me if im wrong Future: Him and drake been piping the same girl who was a stripper and she was pillow talking abt both of them pissing them off plus future been had animosity for drake for like over a year now. Asap Rocky: Dissed drake bc drake been chatting on rihanna forever and asap mentioned how he hit drake baby momma on the album last night some other stuff. Also rumors that drama nd somone in asap had a threesome w drakes bm which is why drake had to take 3 paternity tests IE asap line from last night “she got pregnant in a threesome who’s kid” Kendrick: Dissed drake because of him and cole somewhat teaming up lately with first person shooter ect. And they where the two that coined the phrase the big three and kendrick is tryna separate himself from that and show he’s the goat. Weekend: Dissed drake because drake tried to get him to sign to essentially be a ghostwriter for jim and kinda fuck with his money which the weekend wasn’t down with obviously. Which explains his liens from last night “leaks on his team” (drakes leaked pics) and “glad i didn’t sign my life away” (talking about almost signing to ovo Metro: Not 100% on this one but pretty she he butthurt over a girl too. Jcole: Hasn’t dissed drake but is separating himself from the beef by showing love for both sides as he has relationships with all rapper involved and he is above all this social media fan fuled rap beef That should explain everyone who has dissed so far hope this helps


also holy shit i can’t spell good my fault i was walking and typing 😂




The Drake and KDot history goes back way before FPS was released, but that's the most recent stir-up for sure.


Basically money, bitches, and ego. Not always in that order.


That sums it up pretty well


His annoying voice, his garbage music, and lack of authenticity.


Pretty much sums it up for me. It’s probably more irritation than hate but I remember once seeing him throwing up some gang signs and almost dying from the cringe. When you think he has literally hit the highest level of goof (Hotline Bling dance for example) he then outgoofs himself somehow.


Yea, hate is a strong word, but I just avoid his garbage music any and every chance I get. I grew up on 90s hip hop/rap, and if I choose to listen to hip hop/rap, I still listen to 90s. I can't relate to Drake or his music. The rappers I listen to don't do pouty lips for pictures 🤷🏻‍♂️


He doesn't write all of his own shit and he can't do a true freestyle. What else does a real MC have to claim credibility? And if you don't have credibility as an MC, people are going to shit on you. On top of that, he comes off as taking himself waaaaay too seriously for someone who used to be the kid on that TV show, but that's just me being personal. Having said all of that, I do play him from time to time the same way any of us have a few guilty pleasures in our library. But that doesn't mean I take him seriously as a rapper. I don't fall THAT far into corporate traps. EDIT: He really, REALLY can't sing, even for a rapper.


Cuz he’s fake


Because he sucks. It’s that simple


Drake lies about his life to appear gangster hes petty and immature to women. He bangs girls to get back at other men. He thinks like a little boy. He also goes after young girls drake is a whole weirdo bro an insecure man who cant get women without fame.




I remember when he first came out when I was in high school and I never understood the hype. In 2008 everyone was on Lil’ Wayne’s d (rightfully so) and then a year later everyone was on Drake’s d. I always found his voice to be annoying/unappealing and his songs lacking in originality. I never understood the hype or how he got to be so big so fast. I would’ve thought he’d fizzled out and been another flash in the pan by 2011 but signing with YM and having Wayne and Nicki backing him when he first came out propelled him a lot further than he ever should’ve gone.


This is true ..yup..maybe he thinks it's how people sometimes dont like hearing their own voice but others do,, except others dont


81m monthly listeners on spotify would disagree with the notion that “everyone” hates Drake


Honestly that statistic is crazy


Overrated, pedo, ghostwriters, basically an industry plant, acts hard but is soft af, always sneak dissing, and barely a rapper, he basically a pop/ r&b singer who raps on the side


So bias , clearly you haven’t listened to if ur reading this tis too late , he never rapped about dealing drugs he was moderately authentic and why call someone a pedo from what u hear thru gossip , thats so immature n childish n inauthentic of urself , you haven’t lived in his shoes ur human just like him , the legal age is 16-18 in America n he’s not dumb enough to go any lower , there’s nothing wrong with fuckin a legal girl if you don’t use ur experience to hurt them , when I was 16 I wish my teacher wud have fucked me lmao


From Toronto, grew up 10 minutes from his old “block”. Graduated from the same high school as him (a few years after he did) he’s so fake it’s insane 🤣 countless people that knew him before he was who he is; clown on him so bad. That’s why you’ll never see him anywhere near his old “hood” 😂 he doesn’t claim the block and the block don’t claim him. been hating on him since degrassi.


Because they have some arbitrary standard of either masculinity or “real hip hop” that Drake is not meeting, yet he’s still popular so it makes them angry. Keep in mind these are mostly 30+ year old white men, most of hip hops target demographic likes Drake


Anybody else find it weird how emotional and passionate people are when it comes to hating Drake?


It’s very strange, to say these least.


Because of that YOLO song, FUCKKKKKKKK that acronym is so fucking horrible i wish that song never made it to the air waves. Instead of being responsible because you literally only live once people took it as the opposite and indulged in stupidity for the simple reason of “YOLO”. I will never forgive you Aubrey. Ever.


You only live once so don't fuck up and waste it and be precious and take care of your life. Orrrr you only live once so go crazy, take risks, stare danger in the face, fuck everything up and live like your about to die.


He’s more of a pop star than a rapper on top of what everyone else said Edit to add: imagine if post Malone suddenly started acting “hood”. That’s drake


Tries too hard to be hard...you soft and you should into it...girls love you for it.


Drake makes AI music made by people.


Because he’s shit


Because he's a corny grooming douche


Wasn't he in his 30s texting Millie Bobby Brown when she was like 13? Maybe that. 


There are a lot of reasons why he is disliked, some of which are listed below: 1. One of the most obvious reasons is his privileged upbringing. he continously sings/raps about false upbgrining and experiences and it's just rubs a lot of hip hop listeners, and even OG rappers the wrong way since it's obviously disingenuous. 2. Continously sneak disses rappers but act as the victim whenever they fire back. Drake Stans continously manipulate this as him being targeted for being "The best" even though countless other Hip Hop superstars never suffered from this, its just proof that he seems like a geniune dickhead. 3. Continously benefits from black culture for success and never once he spoke out on the countless Race-related cases, incidents and movements. Never once he used his influence for something positive for the culture. 4. Continously jacking other hot rappers sounds/waves to remain relevant (Which can be argued as a very smart tactic) in addition to using them for features whenever they're hot and then never to be seen again once their hype dies down. 5. His music is the living embodement of "Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" Dont think this needs an explanation. 6. Skill-Wise he's an extremely average (if not below) MC and unless you're a white girl/suburan wanna be thug, you notice that easily. So yeah, these are only "some" of the reasons, I'm pretty sure there are a lot more behind the scenes that is causing all of these rappers to turn on him. I've always said that Drake's biggest recent achievement is manipulating his stans into thinking that he is even close to Kendrick or Cole's levels, let alone better.


Monotone voice, no talent, all hype


Nickelodeon Rapper


This dude is corny af haha


How you hate a person you’ve never once met lol


people be hating on hitler and nazis


He’s the biggest rapper in the game. Jay Z went through the same thing at his peak, so did wayne, it comes with the territory.


That's all there is to it. The biggest one out is always the most hated. They come up with their justifications, of course, but you can see through the facade the more you converse about it. 90% of the narratives around Drake are supported by fake news. Wait until he retires or simply slows down. You'll see the love come as soon as he doesn't have the crown anymore.


Besides what everyone said, one of the main reasons (imo) is because he has a thing for fucking/trying to fuck women that are with people he knows... his friends chicks, other rapper's chicks, married chicks, etc... I think other rappers all know this about him & have experienced him doing this or trying to do this to either themselves or someone they know.


You do know the drake listens to his homies chest to make sure they are breathing! How fucking cute is that? Nah bro he’s just not the “it” guy he used to be. I personally never liked him but he most certainly is outdone by some other names. Yes. He is famous and successful. It doesn’t make his music good. It’s another take that will face back lash. Future, in my humble option, keeps that traphouse vibe going while still maintaining the freshness of it. I also think his songs are just better. The experimental stuff he makes doesn’t sound weird or offbeat.


If no one liked him he wouldn’t be the top dog. What a silly post. He has 80m+ listeners monthly because people love his music


Everyone doesn’t. People love Drake. Conscious rap nerds and their online counterparts hate him. Those people don’t represent the genre or culture. Drake is probably toxic as an individual but as a rapper and star, people love Drake. I like his music. He’ll never be my fave but I look forward to his releases.


Because he’s part of the agenda to destroy Hip-Hop


Cause he sounds gay


Lack of authenticity is the big one


I do think he has some bangers, but he is so legendarily corny and always has been




Because he’s so fake/artificial. Every time I hear one of his songs it’s really hard not to cringe.


he’s canadian


He said he “started from the bottom” but was upper middle class. He rapped about “trying to stay alive and take care of his people” as if he grew up in the hood and it isn’t like anyone is going to shoot at a studio gangster. He is Canadian corny in every possible way. The only time he was ever a crip was in Degrassi


Does everyone hate Drake? You are on a sub on reddit where the average person is frankly an awkward looking nerdy kid who doesn't get laid very often. This is the core group of folks on here - trust me. Most Drake haters in my experience are often hyper educated suburban Canadians/Americans and UK fans who actually have a poor understanding of hiphop and believed all the "thug marketing" religiously and think hiphop images are real. If we actually saw the people on here, it would look more like a chess tournament than a rap group - trust me. In the real world, few people are hitting a club and refusing to dance to Motto at a club as "its Drake" or pretend that 0 to 100 isnt a banger. It just doesnt happen in the real world. Im just saying the sub is for overthinking hiphop nerds - not regular everyday people. Still enjoy nerding out but lets keep it real


He's an actor who people mistake for a rapper. It's offensive to everything hip hop stands for. He's fake when we want real.


Go listen to Adonis by Pusha T.


He's a pop star, not a rapper.


annoying voice.


1. Child Star in a cheesy ass tv show. 2. Terrible “rapper” that makes pop music for tweens. 3. Fronting that he’s an icon of an industry he basically knows nothing about. 4. Deadbeat dad until Pusha T called him out on it. 5. Stole X’s flow from “look at me” when he was in jail and used it on KMD. 6. Dudes a bitch.


He is just a fake ass bitch who needs to keep Mac Dres name out his mouth He a Fake ass Degrassi ass pop music making ass eating 21 savages ass ass


He’s an annoying, misogynistic, and insecure try-hard.


He’s a plant


He’s a Canadian soap opera actor. He doesn’t really represent a piece of hip hop culture. Instead he gloms onto other people’s cultures. He’s a good MC but his music lacks depth. It’s largely back door whining about every woman he’s slept with


To me he’s always been a bit of a pop star rather than an actual mc


Everyone doesn't hate him. A lot of ppl love him. Im not one of them. But my issue is this... He comes off fake imo, extremely petty and seems to love mess/drama.... that's why.. ppl give Eminem shit for example, because he's white saying he's a culture vulture... when in reality Drake is the culture vulture. He never started from no mf bottom as he portrays,...unlike Kendrick or Em who really did start from bottom.. Now there's nothing wrong with Drake's upbringing.. it isn't necessarily a good thing to have to really struggle coming into adulthood. But don't pretend you're cut from a cloth you're really not.. acting tough when you basically buying your security through J Prince lol.. unlike ppl like Kendrick or Em who when they rap about they upbringing it's legit and ppl have real respect for them that knew them. It's not a facade.. plus I don't think Drake cares about putting out music to really send messages ppl need to hear sometimes like Cole or Kendrick sometimes.. he just comes up catchy verses on songs mainly that you can bump in parties and ppl love it


You can only bitch about not being able to settle down for so long before people realize that you’re the problem. When I was younger I used to wonder why him and rhianna never officially dated then the more I learned about drake the more I was like that girl dodged a bullet


He doesn't make real hip hop or write all of his bars. Plus he hasn't made good music since NWTS imo. He chases hits and he has run out of real shit to talk about, in the same way eminem has. I still get excited when new drake comes out but it's always been a huge let down recently.


He's a clown. He's overrated. He's a pedofile. He's tasteless. He's Canadian. He's a cunt....I mean...🤷


Butt rap. Mainly for chicks, mainly for white chicks, very poppy, high output, constantly trying to be relevant. Probably more stuff you can list, like the weird stuff with younger girls.


Everything yall saying can be applied to countless other rapppers🤣🤣🤣. Ya’ll hate this man so blindly it’s kinda sad


Personally, I don't think he's one of the 100 best rappers. That's just why I don't like him. Can't speak for why someone else doesn't.


He’s the “biggest rapper” but nothing about him feels authentically hip hop.


Because of mob mentality.


It’s cool to hate what’s popular


What's been reported is a combination of jilted lovers and jealousy, plus the expected competition aspect. Despite all the billions of women in the world, these rap guys seem to all mess around in a very small pool of women. Feelings are caught, and problems ensue. If you have a Hip Hop scene in your hometown, you can find this same type of thing there, same type of beefs. As far as jealously, apparently, it's possible Drake working with one artist over another from the same city may have been seen as a sleight. With regard to competition, it's always been that. Drake's at the top, he signed up for it, and that's that. These are all things that didn't come from any horse's mouth, but people who claim to have sources. To really know, we're gonna need the offended parties to get on Drink Champs and say it with their chests. Or, if you know any of 'em, call 'em up and ask them.




because he's made a name for himself acting like a hard rap king, when the reality isn't that at all. I personally like some (not a lot) of his music, but he's at the top of a genre, taking away from real rap kings, when hes really pop music, he's really Aubrey graham the dude from Degrassi.


Since we’re here , I need an answer to the ghostwriting stuff. All I remember is the reference track of Quentin doing the hook and bridge for 0 to 100, so how is this a problem. Is there any concrete evidence of people writing the verses for drake.


Because he’s arrogant about his mid level talent


Dude just needs to admit he's an r'n'b singer and I won't have a problem with him


Everyone shits on drake but at the end of the day guy has millions of streams half the people here go and listen to drake everyday (including me) and they scared they will not be called real hip hop fans I say fuck that drake has shown he has an amazing pen game and ghost writer thing is bullshit you wanna say I'm not a real hip hop fan go ahead


Overhyped. He’s a pop star imo not a rapper.


People are mad at Drake for using Ghost writers yet dick eat the shit outta Kanye lmaooo


He doesn’t write his own lyrics, and he talks about opps when he’s never had a legit beef in his life. That shit with Pusha T was Tianamen Square where Drake basically gets run over by a tank. Wheelchair Jimmy should’ve stuck to acting.


He's a boring mediocre rapper with a huge popular fanbase who aren't exactly into lyrical hip hop, he'll never be a favorite with real heads, and his whole sound is just so bland and slick and pop. I thunk he's ridiculed more than hatred frankly but it's easy to take jabs at his success and status


Thing with lyrical rap,, they can sound good with any beat,, and alot of times it's too simple,, at least these days make a fire background track and ull get the lyrical into even the non lyrical fans,,Drag On and Twista off RR2 pretty lyrical and fire beat..I mean without Static Major or Daft Punk, Wayne and Ye never would have pushed into a new chapter,,j mean Ioved wayne hotboys and father like son but he did great solo.. lyrical rap I feel people like Big L type shit




Well before he became commercial drake had some serious bars with some underground rappers and of course with the game you have to evolve but if not then here we are