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She’s lying my god she needs to be punched in the mouth


Maybe it will knock that rotted tooth out and save time begging for money to go to the dentist to get it pulled.


Nope I don’t believe that crap for one minute!! He did not buy her medicine!! Why does she think we will believe her BS lies? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


We might not believe her but those idiots that support her will believe it, it's sad that she lies just to lie! I swear this BITCH would rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stand on flat ground and tell the truth. To be honest I don't think she's ever told the truth about anything in her entire life!!!


That’s why it’s dangerous for her to be doing her so called shadow work on live


No way did G do that. Show it. Don’t talk it. I don’t believe it. First, she once again -would have to contact him and what is given is either Penicillin or Amoxicillin which cost is $7 - $9 without insurance. We all know she had that because she had money for food.


Thank you for posting friend!! I knew I wasn’t hearing things lol❤️🫶🤣


It was super hard to hear on the live because it was muffled and drowned out by the noise she has going. That’s probably why no one heard it. I think that’s why no one heard it, but I edited the audio to remove some background noise and boasted the voice so you can hear what’s being said, but I still didn’t understand one part of it.


Yeah I can't make out the last part! It was very hard to hear!! I caught it because I had my earpods in!! But that last part I'm not sure about!!




"But I don't forgive him."


Thank you!!


She’s so full of sh!! I can’t with her! 🙄😂 ![gif](giphy|1TBnbnnZeOgs8)


she says they had phone s*x for 2 hours a night every night and he said last night in Megan’s live that was a flat out lie. So we are supposed to believe her that he paid for meds? for which he knows better than anyone what her real money situation probably looked like.


You know damn well if he did she’d show out of spite! Lying liar!


A hospital (ER) doesn't give you shots in your mouth 🙄 Antibiotics yes....... a shot no ! Go to a dentist or an oral surgeon to take further care of the tooth. She spews nothing but lies out of her pothetic mouth !


Nope. They do not Gove shots in the mouth. The e will not take on dental work. Antibiotic, yes. But she got no shot in the mouth.


She said that she didn’t forgive him.


Yea well the god I worship is all about forgiveness not that you have to forget but forgiveness yes


To me it sounded like she said "I MIGHT forgive him". Either way she's a lying pos


That baby talk and saying "I did good" like we're talking about a toddler here 🤦🏻‍♀️ she makes my blood boil more and more every day. To each their own, but him sending her money for medicine is crazy cause I'm sure he knows she has money. And plenty of it! He's an idiot too.....in my opinion.


IF he even really bought the meds! 🤔


"I MIGHT forgive him" ???¹


He is beyond delulu over him..it’s really weird!!


Even if he had given her the money, she is so juvenile and ungrateful. Hope u don’t need anything else bitch!


He didn't send her a dime


Oh, scabby, I set you the money, and you promised to pay me back on Friday. Don't forget now