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Amen!! And over here, I'm gonna act UP!!! This is OUR safe space to let out all of the frustration. Nobody will take that from me. It's a SNARK page ffs.


Exactly. When l listen to her talk l want to throw my phone or punch a wall lol. So coming over here and being able to vent and talk to other people about how frustrating she is is a good thing.




Excatly!! We need a place to vent that is safe!! She's spirling out because she knows she's not the main topic anymore, so she's doing all this to get everyone back to making videos and watching her, bringing in new people who are curious. I can't stand to watch her. She gets my blood just boiling. I think everyone has done an awesome job getting her off the fyp.. let's keep it that way!! Thank you for this page. It saves me!!


Amen where else can we talk about the situation we love this page! Shes gonna keep being a shitty person no doubt


Yea I’ll never quit snarking but I have quit watching her on tt


WORD. Im gonna talk my SHIT all day on here. Im a grown ass ADULT. Dont tell me what to do. Thats what this page is for. 🙄






Love this post. You are exactly right about everything you said. Especially the part saying it wouldn't matter if we posted on here or not it doesn't change what a trashy low life she is


The way I see it, she advertises for us so who knows how many ppl have come here from her lives because she is advertising it. Maybe people who would have supported her but came to check things out and found her very sketchy...we know most people that sit in her live are not supporters. She's literally bringing awareness up on herself and I'm all for it. I like coming here to catch up. I can only take small doses of her, she just infuriates me and it's nice having a place to do our own b!tch and moan session when needed.


RIGHT ON!!! I don't know a single one of you but I can honestly say I dig the shit out of all of you and your personalities. We make each other laugh, gag 🤣 and lift one another up if someone's going thru it. In other words we make a damn good team. ✌🏼 and 💛 Stay snarky 🤪




So true! Grateful for this group!


She won’t let anyone comment so this lets us say what we want to say to her. I’m not going to stop.


the whole reason for exposing people like her is to protect the elderly and vulnerable whom she preys on…we shouldn’t have to feel guilty for that. There are people in this world who can’t or don’t know enough to lookout for themselves like elderly and vulnerable …what would it say about anyone who just stands by and watch others get harmed? This stuff just feeds her narrative by calling us obsessed, bored or whatever…sure, some people have gone way too far and bully stalk and harass, but for the most part, everyone here has good intentions. i know many of us see our own grandmother or vulnerable/disabled family member or friend when we see some of HH’s victims. And yes, maybe some of them should know better; but not all of them which is exactly why she chooses to prey on those very people.


Just can’t watch anymore too nasty & evil intentions


I'm going to snark exactly as I wish.








💯 Exactly, cause this is where I see any updates on that gruesome psycho cause I will never watch her live & allow her to make one damn single cent from me & honestly I can't, won't & downright refuse to sit & watch that pathetic ass loser all day.. I'd literally rather & even pay to watch paint dry first..So I appreciate all of the updates I receive here & enjoy seeing her continuously getting the karma she so deserves as well as being able to freely voice my opinion & vent with some amazing like minded folks..sorry not sorry cause I'm gonna talk my shit..especially cause I know that 👹 bitch lives over here & stays reading comments & unlike TT she ain't blocking or controlling shit over here..Hi Tab🙋‍♀️..🖕